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Micro-patterns to image analysis and processing

M. Sc. Antonio Ramrez Ramrez PH_D. student 1st Semester

PH_D. Ricardo Barrn Fernndez



Background Troublesome Proposal Justify Objectives State of the art Contributions Strategy Work Planning

The Pattern word, derives of french term patron that means role model.

A pattern, is an entity that can be given a name and is reppreseted by a measurement properties set, (Watanabe

micro-patterns are small patterns for scale or multilevel analysis, which to analyze the relationship between individuals and the environment in which they operate.

This methodology can separate the role of each of the components of a complex interactive structure, in order to improve the knowledge of the situation of each of them. Micro-patterns modeling can be used to describe the spatial context of an image, as are the ends, edges, lines, lights, corners and all that is typically obtained with conventional patterns. By using the micro-patterns can be analyzed more complex elements or require more meticulous. However, the observation of larger-scale regional characteristics involves a more robust.

Although pattern recognition (PR) is an employee since the early sixties, is still one of the main tools in artificial intelligence.

Handling, recording and use of information obtained from micropatterns is becoming a necessary aid in several areas, and in the field of nanotechnology.
A micropatrn is a small unit of information that by itself or together with other similar ones can be used to analyze and where appropriate to describe the characteristics of an object.

The PR has been used in various studies as well in treatment and classification of images [San10] [Qio05] and all kinds of signals, which have led to the identification of faces, fingerprints, voice and even human tissue [She99] . Science still faces some threshold of accuracy that could be overcome with the micro-scale analysis.

Analyze the possibility of extending the techniques and methods that today benefit from pattern recognition, cause significant advances in image analysis.

This project seeks to analyze, improve and innovate applications of artificial intelligence (AI) requiring the use of micropatterns for development, such as computer vision. It will focus on the strategies to identify and recognize micropatterns in the treatment and image analysis. These serve to solve some of the problems currently are open in the area IA.

The PR is a widely used tool in some AI applications such as face recognition.

The analysis, study and application of the micropatterns will mean major changes and increase computational efficiency.
When performing the processes of IA in a narrower spectrum, might be more accurate and thus provide better results.

example: The basic processes of searching a solution space using AI, will benefit by developing a more thorough search.

Another example is the location of smaller features on the faces of people or the identification of specific elements in the aerial images.

Propound and develop a methodology to analyze and solve computactonals troubles, making detection and using the envolves micro-patterns.


Perform programming and testing of different algorithms known to apply to the treatment of micropatterns.


Propose strategies to help improve and streamline some of the applications of AI, using micropatterns, such as searching and sorting or computer vision.


Xie Zhihua Liu Guodong

Ttulo del Artculo Weighted Local Binary Pattern Infrared Face Recognition

Mtodo-rea de aplicacin Face recognition based on Webers law

FECHA 2011

Sanqiang Zhao, Yongsheng Gao and Baochang Zhang Sheng-De Wang and Chih-Jen Lee Sunghun Kim, Kai Pan & E. James Whitehead, Jr.

Performance Evaluation of Micro Pattern Micro Pattern Representation on Gabor Features for Representation on four Face Recognition forms of Gabor features Fingerprint Recognition Using Directional Micro Pattern Histograms and LVQ Networks Micro Pattern Evolution Fingerprint enhancement and binarization Micro Pattern Extraction on Java Code




Qiong Yang, Dian Gong and Xiaoou Tang.

Xiaorong Xiong, Kenvin Wang and Karl F. Bohringev

Modeling Micro-patterns for Feature Extraction

From micro-patterns to nano-structures by controllable colloidal aggregation at air-water interface.

Feature Extraction from Micro-structure Modeling

An approach to construct nano-structures by Colloidal Aggregation.




Classification of textures
Face Detection Local Binary Pattern Expression Analysis

Face Recognition
Sobel operator

Representation of micropatterns

Local Derivative pattern

Magnitudes Gabor Features real part imaginary part Magnitude phase


Formalize the term micropatrn, from a computational point of view. Develop a methodology that allows us to determine the shape and size suitable for the use of micro-patterns involved, depending on the application or area of study to investigate. To demonstrate the usefulness of the methodology developed by applying the proposed algorithms to the technique of local binary pattern.



Digital topology.
Graph theory approach, however remains the problem of determining the most reasonable adjacency relationship in Zn. The methodology to address the problem is related to finite topological spaces.

Points of interest.
Using techniques such as Moravec operator, points of interest are available that do not necessarily have to do with edge detection.

Wavelet over finite fields.

Locally finite spaces are theoretically consistent, comply with the classical topology can be represented in a computer. These serve to overcome the traditional gap between Euclidean space and discreet.


The modeling of extraction of traits micropatterns can improve the performance of the tasks of identification and recognition.


Semestre 1 Semestre 2 Semestre 3 Semestre 4 Semestre 5 Semestre 6

Curso Opcional I Seminario I Revisin Edo. Del Arte Reportar Artculo Curso Opcional II Seminario II Codificacin y Pruebas Reportar Artculo Curso Opcional III Seminario III Experimentacin Reportar Artculo Curso Opcional IV Examen Predoctoral Reporte/Publicacin Trabajo de Tesis Pruebas de Optimizacin Reporte/Publicacin Examen de Grado

Curso completo



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