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Prayer September 11, 2013 Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Collinsville, Illinois Evening Prayer LSB 243 Office Hymn

Scripture Readings Jeremiah 29.4-7 Seek the Welfare of the City Romans 13.1-8 Be Subject to Governing Authorities 1 Timothy 2.1-4 Prayers for Kings and Authorities 1 Peter 2.13-17 Honor the Emperor Message No king rules without the permission of God. Jesus said so much to Pontius Pilate when He was being condemned for the sins of the world: You would have no authority over me at all unless it had been given you from above (John 19.11). This is one of the main reasons by God calls us to be subject to governing authorities and to honor the emperor. So then what does it mean to be subject to and to honor?

It means first that we are to pray for them. They have a difficult job and though they are far from perfect we thank God for every little bit of order, justice and peace that they bring to our society. No matter how bad things are in our nation or in the world right now, we should always remember that they could be much worse, if for example, the Devil were running things himself. There is no bottom to the depths of evil. Second, it means we are called to good citizenship. The true faith always causes some who reject it to fulminate in rage. But the works of love and the good deeds that help our neighbor are hard to argue against. Christians should not be afraid to voice their concerns in a country that allows the freedom of speech. But that speech should be wise and respectful. Thirdly, to be subject to kings and to honor emperors means that we must at times accept suffering without complaint when we are called to obey God rather than man (Acts 5.29). This is what Daniel did when he refused to stop worshiping the LORD despite that thirty-day decree of the king. Lord, we thank You for the leaders you have given us and for the peace and order they have accomplished. Use them for Your greater purpose of bringing salvation into this world. Help us to pray for them, respect them, speak to them, and fulfill our vocations as citizens and neighbors. We especially pray for our country as it remembers the devastating attack of the Islamists twelve years ago. Help those who still suffer. Grant us protection from evil. Continue to provide the living conditions that are best for the proclamation and reception of the Gospel of Jesus. We pray for people of all nations that they might become citizens of Your kingdom of grace and glory. Amen. Closing Hymn The Day Thou Gavest LSB 886

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