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Assignment scenario 4 March 2013 Last updated at 13:35 Scottish business failure hits lowest level for nearly six years

The number of Scottish businesses going bust has fallen to its lowest rate since June 2007. The number of Scottish businesses going bust last month has halved compared with the same time last year, according to credit rating agency Experian. The firm said insolvencies were now at their lowest level since June 2007, with just 41 companies in Scotland failing in January. That compares with 82 insolvencies north of the border in January 2012. It means the proportion of Scottish businesses going under now stands at 0.03%, declining from 0.07% 12 months ago. Experian said the percentage of insolvencies in Scotland was the lowest failure rate of any UK region and continued the steady downward trend the country experienced throughout 2012. 'Marked decline' The most dramatic fall in failures was seen in medium-sized firms, according to the agency. Max Firth, managing director of Experian Business Information Services, UK and Ireland said: "Although January is typically a slow month for business insolvencies, the figures for January 2013 do show a marked decline in the insolvency rate, which in fact has hit its lowest level for over five years. "This follows a relatively stable 2012, which itself was an improvement on the previous year." He added: "High profile insolvencies so far this year show that it is still a challenging climate and businesses across all sectors and sizes need to adapt to changes in their trading environment."


Read the above case and complete the following tasks. Assessment methods, criteria and formats to be used are indicated in the appendix. Task 1 LO1 Formulate a research specification for the above scenario. investigating further and what will be your main research question? 1.2. What factors will you be considering while selecting this project? 1.3. What will be the key references that you will be considering in this project? 1.4. Produce your project specification to carry out the research for the case. 1.5. Develop an appropriate and realistic plan and describe procedures e.g. activities, time and etc. Task 2 LO 2 Implementation of your research project according to your proposal that you developed in Task 1 2.2 What resources did you use to answer your main research question or hypothesis? 2.2 Which research method(s) did you use? What source of information you contacted or consulted (tools you used to gather the information etc.) according to your specification and procedures that you proposed in Task 1? 2.3 How did you record, manage and process the information and collated them to your research question? Task 3 LO3 Evaluate the research outcomes 3.1 What research evaluation technique/s did you use? (e.g. quantitative or qualitative) Why? 3.2 What results did you find? Interpret and analyse them. 3.3 What recommendations did you make for each of your findings in 3.2 and what justification did you give for further research, if any? Task 4 LO4 Present the research outcomes 4.1 Prepare an executive summary of your research for final submission. 4.2 Prepare a presentation note and PPT to present in the class. 1.1. What problem did you identify in the above case that you are interested in


Merit Criteria
Grade Descriptors Merit M1 Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions. M2 Select / design and apply appropriate methods / techniques. M3 Present and communicate appropriate findings. Indicative Characteristics

Effective judgements have been made An effective approach to study and research has been applied

Relevant theories and techniques have been applied A range of sources of information have been used Appropriate learning methods/techniques have been applied

The communication is appropriate for familiar and unfamiliar audiences and appropriate media have been used.

Distinction Criteria
Grade Descriptors Distinction D1 Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions D2 Take responsibility for managing and organising activities D3 Demonstrate convergent / lateral / creative thinking Indicative Characteristics Self-criticism of approach has taken place Realistic improvements have been proposed against defined characteristics for success Activities have been managed The importance of interdependences has been recognised and achieved. Ideas have been generated and decisions made Self-evaluation has taken place Innovation and creative thought have been applied Receptiveness to new ideas is evident

Achievement of a pass grade A pass grade is achieved by meeting all the requirements defined in the assessment criteria to pass each unit. 4|Page

Achievement of a Merit grade All the pass assessment criteria and merit grade descriptors need to be met within a unit to achieve a merit grade. Achievement of a Distinction grade All the pass assessment criteria merit and distinction grade descriptors must be met within a unit to achieve a distinction grade.


STATEMENT ON DISHONEST MEANS FOR ASSESSMENT BRIEFS Your attention is drawn to the College Regulations for Assessment, Dishonest Means in Assessment includes plagiarism, syndication or collusion, re-presentation, fabrication, impersonation, procedural dishonesty, cheating in closed assessment. Penalties are severe. Careful referencing of sources is vital when making use of the work of others. You are expected to employ the referencing conventions recommended in the Field/Course. These conventions apply to information taken from internet sources, as well as books, journals and lectures. These are some of the points you should check before submitting your work: Are all direct quotations, from both primary and secondary sources, suitably acknowledged (placed in quotation marks or indented)? Have you provided full details of the source of the quotation, according to the referencing convention used in the Field/Course? Have you acknowledged the source of ideas not your own, even if you are not quoting directly from the source? Have you avoided close paraphrase from sources? (Check that you are not presenting other peoples words or phrasing as if they are your own.) If you have worked closely with others in preparing for this assessment, is the material you are presenting sufficiently your own?

If you are unsure of the way to reference properly, seek advice from a member of staff before you submit the assignment. In submitting your work for assessment you are making a statement that it is your own work, it has not been submitted for any other assessment, and it does not infringe the ethical principles set out in the Colleges Handbook for Research Ethics.

Extension and Late Submission

If an extension is necessary for a valid reason, requests can me made using a course work extension request form available from the college. Please note that the lecturers do not have the authority to extend the coursework deadlines therefore do not ask them to award a coursework extension. The completed form must be accompanied by evidence such as a medical certificate in the event of you being sick.


ASSESSMENT DECISION (Cover Page) Programme Unit Number and Title Unit Level Module Tutor Email : : : : BTEC Higher National Diploma (HND) Business Management Unit 8 Research Project 5 Chandika Bhatta


Learners Name: ____________________

Learner ID:___________________

Assessment Criteria
elaborate and record possible research project outline AC1.1 specifications




describe various factors which you need to consider in AC1.2 research project selection

provide a critical review of key references AC1.3

generate a research project specification AC1.4

explain an appropriate plan and procedures for the agreed AC1.5 research specification relate resources efficiently to the research question or AC2.1 hypothesis

commence the proposed AC2.2 research investigation in 7|Page

accordance with the agreed specification and procedures record and collate relevant AC2.3 data where appropriate justify the use of research evaluation technique/s (chosen AC3.1 by you)


interpret and analyse the results in terms of the original research specification


give recommendations and justification regarding areas of further research

present the outcomes of the research in an appropriate AC4.1 format which helps an audience understand the result of your research.


Information / Feedback on assessment and grading criteria

Grading Criteria (Merit -M; Distinction -D)

Achieved Evidence


Identify and apply strategies to M1 find appropriate solutions Select/design and apply appropriate M2 methods/techniques Present and communicate M3 appropriate findings Demonstrate clear understanding of the subject backed by calculations, M4 justifications and evidence Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions Take responsibility for managing and organising activities Demonstrate convergent/lateral/creative thinking Comprehensive accounts of questions supported by evidence and references





Assessors General Comments:

Assessors Signature: Print Name: Learners Comments:



Feedback of this coursework will normally be given to studentsDate: four week after the submission of an assignment. Print Name: Feedback of this coursework will normally be given to students four week after the submission of an assignment.

Student Receipt
Unit: 8 Officers Name: Module: Research Project Officers Signature: Date Submitted:

Appendix Assessment modality and record format for Task 1 Students will be assessed in two ways: a. Class participation, discussion and presentation [in groups and individuals] b. Research proposal of 1000 words [10% tolerance]: written and presentation a. Class participation, discussion and presentation [in groups and individuals] Group work: discussion and presentation to identify problems and issues from range of corners related to the case Individual work: Select one problem/issue that each student wishes to investigate further with their own justification. Gradually, lead students to construct proposal- main research question, key references, research methods and plan and other considerations. ARF 1 will be used for grading and recording

Assessment for Learning *50%+ Assessment Record Format *ARF+ 1 Your name Names of group members *if the task is set for group+ Assessment criteria Attributes to be assessed Self Content knowledge Appearance/approach Class participation and presentation 10 | P a g e Communicative skills *5+ *5+ *5+ Peer Tutors name Unit Title Unit objective(s) Task

Assessors grading Tutor Agreed


Organisation of presentation *5+ Quality of materials *5+

5X6 = 30

Time management Total


Group work 5X6 = 30

Content knowledge


Group dynamics & behaviour *5+ Each members contribution *5+ Turn taking Issues discussed Conclusion *5+ *5+ *5+

Others 5X2 = 10

Regularity: arrived on time and remained full hours *5+ Classroom discipline *5+

Note: There will be at least three of such evidences together with final assignment. This will carry 40%. Assessment modality and record format for Task 2 Students will be assessed in two ways: a. Class participation, discussion and presentation of the resources they consulted and related to the RQ/hypothesis [in groups and individuals] b. Presentation: oral and in written [1000 words- 10% tolerance] a. Class participation, discussion and presentation [in groups and individuals] Group work: read, discuss and present range of resources and methods for investigation Individual work: decide the research methods with justification and present according to their RQ Submit the final outcomes in writing for grading and feedback

Assessment modality and record format for Task 3 Students will be assessed in two ways: a. Class participation, discussion and presentation of the resources they consulted and related to the RQ/hypothesis [in groups and individuals] b. Presentation: oral and in written [1500 words- 10% tolerance] a. Class participation, discussion and presentation [in pairs and individuals] Pair work: share and discuss research evaluation techniques that the

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member in pair has chosen and each encouraged to justify with relevant literature. Once discussed briefly in pairs, one member will have to present the work of other member for consolidation and check each others understanding. Submit the final outcomes in writing for grading and feedback

Assessment modality and record format for Task 4 Students will be assessed in two ways: a. Oral presentation [precisely 10 mins] b. Research index file c. Report a. Oral presentation [precisely 10 mins] Approach/confidence/personality Materials: presentation note, PPT and others

b. Research index file: complete collection from the beginning of the class c. Report: final report- executive summary, with emphasis on research findings and recommendations [500 words- 10% tolerance] Note: students need to carefully compile their drafts and final docs in their Research Project folder which they have to submit on the final day of submission.

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