Form 5 Nutrition

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Chapter 2 1. There are 7 main classes of food, namely : 2.

A balanced diet is food that contains all the classes of food in the right ratio and quality to maintain good health. 3. Calorific value is __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 4. It is measured in ______________(cal) or __________(J) by using Bomb Calorimeter. Type of food Margerine Butter Groundnuts Chocolate milk Cake Sugar (white) Cornflakes Rice White Bread Chicken Potato (boiled) Milk Cabbage (steamed) Calories (kJ) 32.2 31.2 24.5 24.2 18.0 16.5 15.3 15.0 10.6 7.7 6.6 3.3 2.7 0.34

Meal TIme Breakfast 100g of cornflakes 100g of eggs 200g of milk Lunch 250g of rice 200g of chicken 200g of cabbage Tea time 50g of cakes 150g of nuts 10g of sugar Dinner 200g of rice 200g of chicken 50g of eggs 50g of potatoes


Total Calories (kJ)


Factors Affecting the Calories Requirement 1. Age 2. Gender 3. Occupation/Physical Activities 4. Body Size 5. Climate 6. Body Health HEALTH PROBLEMS AND EATING HABITS 1. Malnutrition = is diet which contains insufficient of nutrients. Deficiency in Protein DIsease Symptoms Retarded Growth, swollen tummy, loss of appetite, diarrhoea Pale because of lack of haemoglobin the blood Fatigue, irritability, loss of appetite, sleep disturbances, abdominal discomfort, a burning sensation in the feet that is particularly severe at night, and pain, weakness and wasting of muscles in the leg Swelling of the thyroid gland Thin, too weak to do work Soft bones and teeth, teeth decay easily, head becomes bigger and chest shrink Bleeding of gums Bruises like a chain form around the neck Night vision is very weak

Iron Vitamin B

Iodine Carbohydrate Vitamin D, Calcium

Vitamin C Vitamin B Vitamin A 2. Bad eating habits will lead to -

3. Obesity = extra calories which form fats because of overeating Obesity Diseases High blood pressure Diabetes Mellitus Gout Cholesterol Excessive intake of

FOOD Carbohydrates a. Starch b. Glucose c. Cellulose/fibre Protein (Amino acids) Fats

DEFICIENCY Underweight/marasmus Coma Constipation Kwashiorkor Underweight, vitamins such as A, D, E, K cannot be dissolved FUNCTION Maintains healthy skin and eyesight Needed in cellular respiration, maintains a healthy nervous system Wounds heal faster, healthy skin and gums, prevent spreading of diseases Help clotting of blood, help body to absorb calcium, can be formed by our skin when expose to ultraviolet(UV) light Maintain the reproductive system Clotting of blood FUNCTION Formation of bones, teeth and clotting of blood Formations of bones and teeth Build up plasma To prevent goiter Build haemoglobin in red blood cells


Change into urea by liver



E K MINERALS Calcium Phosphorus Sodium Iodine Iron


NUTRIENTS REQUIREMENTS OF PLANTS Nutrients needed by plants 1. Macronutrients and micronutrients MACRONUTRIENTS Are nutrients needed in large quantities for growth FUNCTION EFFECT OF DEFICIENCY








MICRONUTRIENTS Are nutrients needed in small quantities FUNCTION







THE NITROGEN CYCLE AND ITS IMPORTANCE 1. Nitrogen is important for synthesis of protein. 2. Though nitrogen stands about 78% in our atmosphere but they could not be used by plants and animals directly. 3. Plants get nitrogen from the soil in the form of nitrate ions. 4. Nitrogen is recycled in nature through the nitrogen cycle.

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