Frank Millers Stil

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Millers Stil:
27 January 1957, Olney, Maryland, USA

Often features characters with a physical or mental affliction. Both Miho and Kevin from Sin City are mute, whilst Marv's mother, Matt Murdock/Daredevil, Stick and Manute are all blind. Both Sin City's Hartigan and Batman in Dark Knight Returns suffer heart problems. Often features characters who are 'killed', disfigured or mortally wounded, only to be surgically rebuilt stronger and deadlier than before, eg. Robocop, Dwight, Batman.(

His heroes are often extremely moral individuals surviving in a cruel environment Unique artwork style which heavily focuses on facial tics Noir style heavily inspired by Will Eisner Comics often represent His conservative Political views Writes, draws, and inks all of his Sin City comics. Has told in several interviews that he got the inspiration for the "noir and gritty experience" of all his comics (especially Sin City) from noir writers Mickey Spillane, Raymond Chandler and Dashiell Hammett. The pacing was very influenced by the Lone Wolf & Cub manga by Goseki Kojima & Kazuo Koike.

Moved to New York in 1976, when he was 19. Within a week of his arrival he had found work as a comic book artist. Has said that "The Romantic Manifesto" by Ayn Rand, a book of collective essays about art and romanticism, helped him to determine how he'd go about creating his heroics. Created the comic book character "Elektra" who has gone on to appear in the movies Daredevil (2003) and Elektra (2005), played by Jennifer Garner. Irish-American. Personal Quotes I figured Daredevil must be Catholic because only a Catholic could be both an attorney and a vigilante. You can't have virtue without sin. What I'm after is having my characters' virtues defined by how they operate in a very sinful environment. That's how you test people. I was always into noir. When I lived in Vermont I was drawing stuff that looked like an amateur doing 'Sin City'. When I first got to New York I was swiftly informed that they only did guys in tights. I realized that I was about to turn 30, and Batman was permanently 29. And I was going to be damned if I was older than Batman. [about his inspirations] I'm a comic book artist. So I think too myself, what do I like to draw? I like to draw hot chicks, fast cars and cool guys in trench coat. So that's what I write about. [on Batman Begins (2005)] "I totally thought they did a damned good job. It was the first "Batman' movie I've genuinely liked. I sat there, I watched it, and I came out of there going, 'Well done, man.' Sure, they used my stuff - they used everybody's stuff, but they used my stuff a lot - but they did it well, and that's all I care about. It was Batman. What I mean by that is, I thought the character was true. You understand, when I work on a character, I have a very, very hard time seeing anybody else's

interpretation. I get very possessive. But when I went out to see this thing, I said, 'This is a pretty cool Batman.' I wasn't sitting there going, 'This is a merchandising tool.' I felt like it really had heart and substance, and Christian Bale with no doubt performed the best Batman I have ever seen".

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