2013 - Story Elements Assessment (Legend of Sleepy Hollow)

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Miguel Such Vocational High School Story Elements Assessment Name


the Sleepy Hollow boys

To answer the questions, read "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" by Washington Irving. Circle the correct answer. Question #1: At what point in the story does Washington Irving first describe the setting of "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow"? A. the middle B. the end C. the beginning Question #2: Where is Sleepy Hollow? A. in the mountains B. on an island C. in a valley Question #3: What is the mood in the first paragraph? A. wild B. peaceful C. scary Question #4: To what mood does the author change in the second paragraph? A. relieved B. joyous C. mysterious Question #5: Which words create the mood in the second paragraph? A. peculiar, haunted, superstition B. stars, meteors, twilight C. character, descendants, lads Question #6: Who is the "dominant spirit" in Sleepy Hollow? A. the headless horseman B. the Dutch settlers

Question #7: What is the ghost looking for? A. his friend B. his head C. the church Question #8: What is Ichabod Crane's job? A. teacher B. cook C. priest Question #9: Which word best describes Ichabod's physical characteristics? A. awkward B. handsome C. short Question #10: Why does the author say Ichabod looks like a scarecrow? A. He is skinny, and his clothes are baggy. B. He is not real. C. He is made of straw. Question #11: Which characteristic does NOT describe Ichabod? A. skinny B. helpful C. cruel Question #12: How is Katrina Van Tassel described? A. quiet and lonely B. married with many chidren C. beautiful and admired Question #13: What will Katrina inherit? A. a factory B. an old cottage C. a large amount of land

Story Elements Assessment Name

Circle the correct answer. Question #14: What is Ichabod Crane's goal? A. to become a farmer B. to win Katrina's affection C. to be the best teacher Question #15: When is Ichabod's opposition introduced? A. after his goal B. before his goal C. in the beginning Question #16: How is Brom Bones described? A. strong and respected, but a little feared B. loved and admired, but a little shy C. careful and loving, but a little rude Question #17: What does Brom Bones want that Ichabod also wants? A. a teaching job B. Katrina C. land Question #18: Why does the author say that a stouter man than Ichabod would have "shrunk from the competition, and a wiser man would have despaired?" A. Ichabod is weak and not very wise. B. Ichabod is courageous and daring. C. Ichabod is strong and careful. Question #19: What did Bones begin to do to Ichabod? A. torment him B. give him advice C. help him Question #20: What does Ichabod get dressed up for? A. to go to church B. to go to school C. to go to Katrina's father's house Question #21: Why is Ichabod's horse called Gunpowder? A. He was fast a long time ago. B. He has one eye. C. He is the fastest horse in Sleepy Hollow. Question #22: What is the mood as Ichabod makes his way to the Van Tassel house? A. hopeful and pleasant B. dark and lonely C. cold and dreary Question #23: What is discussed at Van Tassel's party? A. the Headless Horseman B. Ichabod's marriage to Katrina C. Katrina's marriage to Bones Question #24: When does the action move toward the climax? A. Katrina tells Ichabod she loves him. B. Katrina rejects Ichabod. C. Katrina rejects Bones. Question #25: What is the climax? A. Ichabod encounters the Headless Horseman. B. Bones confronts the Headless Horseman. C. Bones saves Ichabod from the Headless Horseman.

Story Elements Assessment Answer Key 1. C -the beginning 2. C -in a valley 3. B -peaceful 4. C -mysterious 5. A -peculiar, haunted, superstition 6. A -the headless horseman 7. B -his head 8. A -teacher 9. A -awkward 10. A -He is skinny, and his clothes are baggy. 11. C -cruel 12. C -beautiful and admired 13. C -a large amount of land 14. B -to win Katrina's affection 15. A -after his goal 16. A -strong and respected, but a little feared 17. B -Katrina 18. A -Ichabod is weak and not very wise. 19. A -torment him 20. C -to go to Katrina's father's house 21. A -He was fast a long time ago. 22. A -hopeful and pleasant 23. A -the Headless Horseman 24. B -Katrina rejects Ichabod. 25. A -Ichabod encounters the Headless Horseman.

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