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Royal College of Music


SOP Reference: RCM-GEN-STR-001 Version Number: V1.2 Author: NICHOLAS WATKINS Approver: ICT STEERING GROUP Description: Technical Requirements:

Effective date: Last Review date: Position: Position:

01/08/2007 19/11/2008 Head of ICT Services N/A

This document lays out the high-level strategic road-map for ICT services at the Royal College of Music. Any computer capable of reading a PDF document. Link to Adobe Acrobat Reader download:

Version History: V 1.0 V 1.1 V 1.2

Initial Issue by NW (10/08/2007) Revised by NW (1/11/2007) Updated by NW (19/11/2008)

Supporting Policies ..........................................................................................................................................................................2 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................................3 ICT Mission Statement...................................................................................................................................................................3 ICT Charter...........................................................................................................................................................................................3 ICT Governance.................................................................................................................................................................................3 Year 1 Stabilisation ......................................................................................................................................................................4 Vision..................................................................................................................................................................................................4 Management Implementation.............................................................................................................................................4 Delivery Methodology ..............................................................................................................................................................5 Business As Usual Stabilisation........................................................................................................................................5 Audit Remediation ................................................................................................................................................................6 Years 2 to 4 Transformation...................................................................................................................................................7 Vision..................................................................................................................................................................................................7 Management Implementation.............................................................................................................................................7 Delivery Methodology ..............................................................................................................................................................8 Training considerations.......................................................................................................................................................8 Selective Sourcing...................................................................................................................................................................9 Technology Based Solutions.............................................................................................................................................9 The RCM e-learning portal................................................................................................................................................9 Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)......................................................................................................................... 10 Years 5 to 10 Optimisation .................................................................................................................................................. 11 Vision............................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Management Implementation.......................................................................................................................................... 11 Delivery Methodology ........................................................................................................................................................... 12 Optimisation.......................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Innovation............................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Appendix 1: Departmental Operating Plan 2007-2008............................................................................................. 13 Appendix 2: ICT Steering Group Terms of Reference ................................................................................................ 13 Appendix 2: ICT Steering Group Terms of Reference ................................................................................................ 14 Appendix 3: 2006 ICT Audit Recommendations.......................................................................................................... 15 Supporting Policies Consolidated RCM ICT Policies document, including: ICT Security Policy ICT Password Policy ICT Acceptable Use Policy ICT Laptop/Wireless/Network access policy ICT Remote Access and VPN Policy ICT Auditing and Monitoring Policy ICT Data Management Policy ICT Accessibility Policy ICT Environmental Policy

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Introduction This ICT Strategy is designed to enable the delivery of effective ICT Services to the Royal College of Music. The overriding aim of this strategy is to support the provision of an inspirational learning experience for students and to allow the Colleges ICT function to support effectively the teaching and administrative functions of the College. This strategy takes into account: the current ICT operation and capabilities, 2007 audit findings/recommendations and future strategic plans for the College. This strategy focuses on 3 phases of transition, taking into account the nebulous state of Technology further than 5-10 years ahead. These 3 phases enable ICT to state clearly the environment and mode of operation within these specific timeframes: Year 1 Years 2 - 4 Years 5 - 10 Stabilisation Transformation Optimisation

The strategy will form the basis of all ICT activity, and will fall under an annual review/refresh cycle in order to remain current and suitably aligned to the Colleges own strategy and direction as this develops. ICT Mission Statement Statement To enable the Royal College of Music to provide an inspirational l earning e xperience for students and to provide staff staff with access to a managed technology enterprise, enterprise , allowing the effective teaching and administrative operation of the College. ICT Charter Charter To enable technological development and change at the Royal College of Music. To provide an excellent and inclusive service to every user, responding to, meeting and exceeding agreed service levels. To understand that ICT is not a lingua-franca understood by everybody, but to offer an informative service to users in a language they readily understand. To provide services that are needed in a way that captures and demonstrates the best in industry standard practices and methodologies.

ICT Governance The ongoing Governance of this Strategy and the operation of ICT will be under the auspices of the ITSG Steering Group (See Appendix 2). Termly meetings will be held where accountability and progress will be monitored against the Departmental Operating Plan. This Strategy will clearly define the split of Accountability and Responsibility both within the College and across all 3rd Parties. Accountability indicates where ultimately ownership is seen to sit, and also in corporate terms where formal liability resides; this will be either Director of Communications or the ICT Strategy Group itself. Responsibility indicates where action is undertaken to deliver the work or delegated authority has been given on behalf of the College; this will either be Head of ICT, 3rd Parties or the ICT Team itself.

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Year 1 Stabilisation Vision ICT becomes a service led delivery unit which understands the business environment it operates within and aligns its activity with the needs of the staff and student bodies. Targeted smart investment in Technology, People and Process mitigates all areas of high risk. Strategic collaborative partnerships have been built leveraging specialist knowledge and provision to the benefit of the College. Management Implementation RCM ICT is accountable and responsible for the following areas within the College: End-user computing, to include: desktop, laptop, standard Microsoft Applications Back-office ICT Infrastructure, to include: server, network, ICT environmental and support systems Business Applications, to include: critical and key applications, including (but not limited to): o Library Systems o Distinction (Registry) o Mondas (Finance and Payroll) o Raisers Edge (Fund Raising) o Patronage (Box Office) Databases, to include all critical and key databases, including (but not limited to): o HR Databases o Payroll Databases o Visiting Professors Databases o Junior Department Databases o Research and Collections Databases Web based solutions, including (but not limited to): o Publicly accessible web servers o Intranet web servers o CPS, CPH and other sub-section web sites. Other Student ICT Services: o Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). o ICT Accessibility software o Student computing provision Other Staff ICT Services: o Remote access/work from home ICT Training o ICT responsible for co-ordinating technical training. Business Continuity and ICT Disaster Recovery o ICT is responsible for ensuring disaster survivability and supporting the Colleges Business Continuity Plan. Data storage and archiving ICT Security Management ICT Supplier Management

Within these areas RCM ICT Management will ensure all reactive activity is managed and responsive as agreed in current Service Level Agreements. RCM ICT management will also undertake targeted actions to ensure stabilisation of Business As Usual (BAU) delivery and to address all recommendations within the recent (2006) Audit Report (See Appendix 3).

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RCM ICT will also support the College Business Strategy as it develops and manage the ICT impact / initiatives as a result. Delivery Methodology To best align our delivery capability to that required, the ICT team organisation will be reviewed, re-organised, and a growth in resources to meet current and future ICT needs is inevitable. The Directorate will recruit for the senior management role of Head of ICT, in recognition of the increased demands and expectations of strategic ICT management going forward. Additionally, to best enable the alignment of business and academic driven technology initiatives (such as the Virtual Learning Environment), the post of Learning and Business Application Manager will also be created. Business As Usual Stabilisation ICT will undertake activities to stabilise the current operation and delivery of services. It is recognised that investment needs to be targeted and increased to: mitigate current exposure, set the foundations for future growth and forecast the future needs of the College. Completion of these activities will also remediate certain audit recommendations. 1. Staff Review A detailed review of current staff skills and capability, which will include competency modelling, job and role descriptions, performance appraisals and personal training & development plans. ICT Risk Assessment A detailed Risk Assessment from an ICT viewpoint. Enterprise Architecture and Disaster Recovery Review A high level review of the current ICT Infrastructure and DR / Backup provision with the objective of helping inform the Risk Assessment and target immediate investment in the technological elements of this strategy. ITIL Service Management Implementation A tailored take-on of all relevant aspects of ITIL based Service Management best practice guidelines. This will also include Service Level Agreement work. Business Relationship Management Implementation of ongoing reporting and review meetings with key stakeholders within the College. This is essential to enable ICT to align and structure all subsequent initiatives and actions to better address and complement the needs of the College. This will also include Service Level Agreement work. Supplier Relationship Management Complete review of all current suppliers involved in the provision of ICT services within the College, to include: relationship, financial, contract, and service levels. This will also include the identification of key suppliers for collaborative relationships going forward. This will also include Service Level Agreement work. Documentation Complete overhaul of current levels of documentation within the department to ensure all aspects of delivery are fully documented and securely stored. Business Application Management Review of all Business Applications, including a categorisation of criticality to the business, with the objective of taking on supplier management for all critical and key applications

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used by the College in execution of its business. This will also include Service Level Agreement work. 9. Cost Modelling A detailed and structured breakdown of the Cost Model for the delivery of ICT Services.

Audit Remediation In addition to the above Business As Usual Stabilisation activities, the 2006 Audit Findings also require action to address the following additional areas of remediation: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Refresh of all Strategy and Policy documents A detailed review of all current ICT strategy and policy documents, re-structure and refresh as required. ICT Business Planning Production of a detailed business plan for the implementation of this ICT Strategy. Management Practices A detailed review and enhancement of all management practices within RCM ICT. Risk Management Implementation of an ICT led Risk Management process which aligns and complements the existing risk management process within the College. Business Continuity and ICT Disaster Recovery Implementation of suitable and cost efficient technology solutions to mitigate the impact of ICT based disasters on the College and also to provide ICT support to the Business Continuity plans of the College.

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Years Year s 2 to 4 Transformation

Vision ICT becomes a centralised and fully managed provider of services which are aligned to identified business needs. ICT is focussed on core College business areas of activity and leveraging partnerships in the delivery of non-core areas. A complementary range of new ICT services and solutions are being implemented to streamline the academic processes of the College. The e-learning environment becomes a lively, stimulating and engaging platform for learning and teaching. ICT services offer the possibility of further widening the Colleges participation with distance learning programmes. Initiatives such as RCM Listen Again are increasing the Colleges global reach. The integration of e-learning systems with the Colleges administrative systems is in progress. ICT is now a leading enabler of business change within the College, with a keen understanding of how current and upcoming technology can be embedded and utilised in the business of Music education. A committee with responsibility for projects (including ICT projects) provides organisational governance and institutional buy-in before projects are approved, ensuring all approved projects have the support of relevant parties within the College and can be clearly seen to meet the Colleges business needs. Conversely, this mechanism allows for the consideration of a projects technological needs, when projects from other academic disciplines in the College are implemented. Management Implementation ICT is accountable and responsible for the following areas within the College: End-user computing, to include desktop, laptop, standard Microsoft Applications Back-office, to include: server, network, telecoms, ICT environmental and support systems Business Applications, to include critical and key applications, including (but not limited to): o Library Systems o Distinction (Registry) o Mondas (Finance and Payroll) o Raisers Edge (Fund Raising) o Patronage (Box Office) All College Databases, to include all critical and key databases, including (but not limited to): o HR Databases o Payroll Databases o Visiting Professors Databases o Junior Department Databases o Research and Collections Databases Web based solutions, including (but not limited to): o RCM e-learning portal/Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) o All publicly accessible web servers o All intranet web servers o CPS, CPH and other sub-section web sites. o Streaming and other media servers. Other technology based provisions, including (but not limited to): o SMS and text message communications services o Mobile computing initiatives
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o Multi-media classroom facilities o Cameras, media, and cataloguing services. o Projection systems o Security Access and CCTV Systems Other Student ICT Services: o ICT Accessibility software o Student computing provision Other Staff ICT Services: o Remote access/work from home facilities ICT Training o ICT responsible for co-ordinating and offering relevant technical training. Business Continuity and ICT Disaster Recovery o ICT is responsible for ensuring disaster survivability and supporting the Colleges Business Continuity Plan. ICT Security Management ICT Supplier Management

Within these areas ICT Management will ensure all reactive activity undertaken by RCM ICT or by partners is managed and responsive as agreed in current Service Level Agreements. RCM IT management will also undertake targeted actions to ensure: the selective and economically valid sourcing of non-core ICT delivery activity, appropriate take-on of a growing portfolio of applications for the provision of technology based academic initiatives.

Delivery Methodology To best align delivery capability to that of the required levels held within this strategy, the provision of ICT services and the delivery organisation behind it will be reviewed regularly, with the objective of selectively sourcing the best partnership arrangements for certain non-core activities. Training considerations To ensure maximum take-up of new ICT services sufficient appropriate and targeted training will be provided to RCM teaching staff and students.

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Selective Sourcing ICT will undertake activities to selectively source provision for non-core ICT activities, ensuring effective and efficient delivery of ICT services, whilst retaining the more bespoke and College oriented core elements. 1. Review of Service Provision A detailed review of all the services and activities currently within ICT area of responsibility, looking at key elements which deliver significant benefit to the College and those areas which are not seen as core to the internal ICT department. This will also include a revised detailed Cost Model for comparative purposes. Request for Information Formal production of Requirements Specification and notification to possible Partners. This will include a review of the responses and short-listing for ITT. Invitation to Tender Formal ITT process Partner Selection Review, selection, contract negotiation and agreement. Service Transition Hand-over and transition of services to RCM ICT or selected partner Governance Implementation of Governance and Supplier Management processes and relationship to ensure continued delivery of services as per contract.

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Technology Based Solutions ICT will undertake expansion of its area of control to encompass provision and support of solutions that are primarily technology based, ensuring convergence and effective management of all aspects of technology. This will on a case by case basis and be iterative in nature, but generic activities will be executed to ensure readiness and capability. 1. Staff Review and Re-organisation A second detailed review of current staff skills and capability, which will include Competency modelling, role descriptions, performance appraisals and training & development plans. Research and Development Continuous investigation and assessment of Technology based solutions which may benefit the College or enhance the provision of ICT. Project based methodologies Development of well structured and managed project based methodologies for the ongoing implementation of technology based solutions/initiatives.

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The RCM ee-learning portal The RCM e-learning portal will be the user friendly gateway to the RCMs e-learning resources for staff and students. The e-learning portal will offer access to RCM educational and academic related services. For example services such as: on-line registration/enrolment electronic submission of assignments (for students) electronic entry of assignment marks (for staff) e-portfolios RCM Listen Again and multi-media services Access to the RCM library catalogues
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Access to research collections and materials Access to pre-sessional materials Access to on-line room booking systems Student/staff group (class or instrument) forums On-line payment of tuition fees, library fines etc.

These will all be accessed via the RCM e-learning portal. The e-learning portal allows the College to fully embrace the opportunities presented by Distance Learning and meets the current student demand for educational services to be available remotely (and electronically). An important technical driver of this strategy will be the further integration of Agresso Distinction with the RCM e-learning portal and other RCM IT services. Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). ICT will support, lead, and consult on initiatives aligned towards the Colleges aspirations for Virtual Learning. Many aspects of the Colleges future drive towards greater integration and streamlining in Learning and Teaching will be enabled by the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). A VLE is a fully customisable, web-based environment on which course information, lecture notes, exercises, media clips can be presented to students electronically. The extent of this resource is limited only by imagination and the resources available to create study materials. The establishment of a suitable VLE platform is a necessary objective of this 2 to 4 year strategic period. ICT will drive and support this process in conjunction with the Colleges academic staff.

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Years Year s 5 to 10 Optimisation

Vision RCM ICT becomes a highly optimised unit delivering services and solutions in a rapid and adaptive way which satisfies the changing demands and needs of the College. The technology enterprise remains robust and stable and always remaining current and abreast of the latest developments. ICT now has a proven track record and accepted project management method for taking research findings and incorporating them into new services for the Colleges academic business. Management Implementation ICT is accountable for the following areas within the College: End-user computing, to include desktop, laptop, standard Microsoft Applications Back-office, to include: server, network, telecoms, ICT environmental and support systems Business Applications, to include: critical and key applications, including (but not limited to): o Distinction (Registry) o Mondas (Finance and Payroll) o Raisers Edge (Fund Raising) o Patronage (Box Office) All College Databases, to include all critical and key databases, including (but not limited to): o HR Databases o Payroll Databases o Library Systems o Visiting Professors Databases o Junior Department Databases o Research and Collections Databases Web based solutions, including (but not limited to): o RCM e-learning portal/Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) o All publicly accessible web servers o All intranet web servers o CPS, CPH and other sub-section web sites. o Streaming and other media servers. Other technology based provisions, including (but not limited to): o SMS and text message communications services o Mobile computing initiatives o Multi-media classroom facilities o Cameras, media, and cataloguing services. o Projection systems o Security Access and CCTV Systems Other Student ICT Services: o ICT Accessibility software o Student computing provision Other Staff ICT Services: o Remote access/work from home facilities ICT Training o ICT responsible for co-ordinating and offering relevant technical training. Business Continuity and ICT Disaster Recovery o ICT is responsible for ensuring disaster survivability and supporting the Colleges Business Continuity Plan. ICT Security
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ICT Supplier Management

ICT is responsible for the following areas within the College: Business Applications All College Databases Web based solutions Other technology based provisions Other Student ICT Services Other Staff ICT Services ICT Training Business Continuity and ICT Disaster Recovery ICT Security ICT Supplier Management

Within these areas RCM ICT Management will ensure all reactive activity is responsive and managed as agreed in current Service Level Agreements. RCM ICT Management will also undertake targeted actions to ensure continued optimisation of service and implementation of innovative initiatives and solutions to meet academic and educational needs, in a collaborative and adaptable way which responds to business needs. Delivery Methodology To best remain aligned to the required demands and needs of the College, ICT will implement ways of working, practices and processes which support a collaborative and adaptable approach. Collaboration on projects is achieved through the projects committee which ensures that any expenditure or project resource is properly governed and fulfils a clearly articulated College business requirement. Optimisation 1. 2. 3. Integration of ICT into all business planning activities Ensuring Technology considerations are applied to all planning activities of the College from the early stages of development. Enhanced Governance Transforming the Governance from a reactive model focussed on transformational elements to a pro-active model focussed on ongoing tactical efficiencies Streamlined delivery Streamlining end-to-end delivery encompassing the whole supply chain, instilling flexibility and adaptability within the spirit of all modes of operation

Innovation 1. 2. Service Take-On processes Building technological infrastructure and processes which easily allows for service based changes to be accommodated. Research and Development A collaborative expansion of the ICT R&D function to more closely align and take-on initiatives from the Colleges own Research Faculty.

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Appendix 1: Departmental Operating Plan 20072007-2008 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
May Jun Jul Aug

Refresh of all Strategy and Policy documents IT Dept Reorganisation and Recruitment Server Refresh and Rationalisation Desktop Refresh Machine Room Stabilisation Data Backup and Replication ITIL Service Management Implementation Business Business Relationship Management Supplier Relationship Management Documentation Business Application Support Cost Modelling Management Practices Risk Management Business Continuity and IT Disaster Recovery

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Appendix 2: ICT Steering Steering Group Terms of Reference Reference The ICT Steering Group (ITSG) are in place to undertake the whole Governance of the ICT provision within the College. Ensuring that all ICT related activity is focussed and delivered as per Business Case justifications and proscribed business benefits. The ITSG are accountable for ensuring ICT underpins and supports any Business Strategy implemented by the College. To fulfil its remit the ITSG will: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Formulate and implement an ICT strategic plan for the Royal College of Music in accordance with its corporate plan. Ensure a co-ordinated, coherent and sustainable approach to the development, deployment and support of ICT services to underpin the Colleges teaching, learning, research and administration systems. To make recommendations regarding priorities and resource requirements to ensure the College is best placed to take advantage of innovations and best practice in ICT service delivery. To report progress at agreed regular intervals to the Directorate and RCM Council To receive regular feedback and consider proposals from the IT User Group and other relevant groups within the College To establish working groups as necessary to carry out its responsibilities, and to monitor their work To enable appropriate communication and consultation within the wider community as appropriate To facilitate and co-ordinate remediation activity highlighted as required from External Auditors.

Membership Head of ICT Services (Chair) Dean and Director of Studies Director of Communications Director of Finance Fi nance & Estates Head of Undergraduate Programmes Head of Graduate School Head of Music Technology Head of CPS Head of CPH Chief Librarian Librar ian Registry Manager Student IT Support Facilitator

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Appendix 3: 2006 ICT Audit Recommendations

Area of responsibility Business as Usual Stabilisation

Audit Remediation

Audit Item R8, R26 R1, R12 R16, R17, R2, R3, R4, R5 R2, R3, R4, R5 R2, R3, R4, R5 R1 R2 R3, R4, R5 R6, R7, R19, R20, R25, R27 R8, R26 R9 R10, R11, R22 R12, R13 R14, R15, R16, R21 R16, R17 R23 R24

IT Transformation

Item Staff Review IT Risk Assessment Enterprise Architecture Review & DR Business Relationship stakeholder meetings Supplier Sourcing Business Application Support Information Management Strategy & Policy IT Strategy IT Stabilisation Plan Management Practices IT Dept. Re-organisation Collaboration BAU Documentation Risk Management ITSG Terms of Reference BCP / IT Disaster Recovery Service Level Agreements IT Service Charter Printing Service Cataloguing Service VLE Web Services Distance Learning / Remote Access Student Computing Initiative

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