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Dissolving the Illusion

by Almine
Things arent what they seem. Creation is merely a reflection of a portion of the Creator. This means we are living in a mirror image; a reflection of that which is real. That is why, throughout history, the sages have declared that life is an illusion. Are we stuck within the illusions? No. The illusions crack and eventually dissolve as we raise our consciousness and begin to live in unconditional love. We are bridges to the presence of the Divine and it happens via our cells. At a physical level, our consciousness rises to the highest degree possible when our cells become filled with light. If we live our life through unconditional love, it causes the nucleus to expand and fill the whole cell. Some scriptures refer to this as becoming spiritualized. This is ascension, resulting from a quickening of our overall vibration rate, and we more fully contain the Spirit of God. Our awareness is measured by how many levels of information we can access at once; and information is light. Therefore, as we embrace the dark aspects of ourselves and gain the lessons that came disguised as challenges, we increase our awareness and there is more light. As our awareness increases, so does that of Creator because the reflection works in both directionsas above, so belowand vice versa. Imagine your life as a spiderweb. When in balance, we function from a state of unconditional love and this allows us to stand in the center of our spiderweb. The center is the point of power and from there we can expand the threads of our spiderweb to the outer-most edge of creation and all will reside within usplanets, suns, the human race and all lifeforms. At that point, we have aligned our spiderweb with the universal spiderweb and all becomes subject unto us. We are then able to consciously travel among the dimensions, taking our physical body with us, as we choose. We can also move our consciousness into any form and freely travel throughout the cosmos. Many people experience this to some extent in the dreamstate, but it only allows us to travel within the lower astral realms. As ascended beings, we can travel throughout the 6th dimension. We may choose what we wish to experience and retain memory as we change dimensions and forms. When we become filled with light, our Godmind comes forth and we effortlessly know all things. Decisions wont originate from the surface mind because all answers will come from a place of inner stillness. As our voices become awakened, we can ask that the storm be stilled and it will be so. We can say, Be thou healed, and it will happen. We will multiply the loaves and fishes. We will be able to master the atomic elements of our bodies, hence, there will be no reason for illness or aging. Signs of physical decay such as wrinkles are the results of year-after-year of limiting attitudes and storing fear inside the body. The passage of time should have nothing to do with decay. Aging and decay are due to being a prisoner to the law of gravity. Cultivating the ascension attitudes lifts us above the law of gravity. Then our skin and muscles will reverse the aging process, even if aging has become visible. Living the Ascension Attitudes is one way to raise consciousness and bring forth Godmind.

Three Ascension Attitudes

The three Ascension Attitudes of love, praise and gratitude are the right-brained approach to spiritualizing the cells. If we continually live in the pure vibration of any one of these attitudes for a few months, it changes us from mortal to immortal. We become an ascended master in the flesh. This occurs because love, praise and gratitude are attitudes that indicate we have chosen life. These attitudes signal the pituitary gland to order the thymus to excrete the life hormone so our cells are continually renewed.

1. PraisePraise is living in complete devotion and surrendering to the stillness within. It is seeing only the perfection within all things. One outward expression of this is constantly singing to God. Another approach may be to use prayer. 1

While in praise, we are able to see behind appearances. It has no regard for fear or external circumstances. When Jesus Christ walked on the water, he didnt see the storm; he only saw the perfection. Peter was briefly able to walk on the water, then he focused on the stormthe illusionand sank. Praise has everything to do with awareness. If we start to become aware, we will find reasons to praise the Creator. Even when we experience a rough day and the pot has boiled over on the stove. The kids are screaming. Our husband hasn't come home and we suspect he is having an affair. The bills are late, again. Stop and take a deep breath and return to the present moment and realize we are not our experienceswe are a spiritual being having a human experience. Look closely at your environment: it may be spring and the blossoms are in full bloom; a playful squirrel may be staring at you from the tree outside the window; feel the presence of meteorites as they are shooting through space every second of every day. Focus on the positive things so that awareness can feed our appreciation. When we live in constant praise light shines through the skin. We no longer walk in darkness for a soft glow literally lights our steps. This inner radiance becomes visible to others and it can be disconcerting to those we associate with, similar to the people being afraid when Moses came forth from Mt. Sinai bathed in the Christ light. Some people use praise like a drug. They avoid their responsibilities in order to immerse themselves totally in praise and worship. It is a high and they may be using it to escape reality. If that is the case, it has become a dysfunctional addiction. Continual praise is only healthy when the individual is balanced and incorporates it into the order of his or her daily life.

2. GratitudeTo feel grateful for all things, we need to know that everything is in divine ordereven the seemingly negative occurrences. This occurs when we understand that resistance is necessary for growth. Before we can be grateful for all things, we need to see them as gifts, knowing it is an honor to undergo these challenges because it contributes to the overall pool of the Creators experiences. The One, expressing as the many, designed our experiences to probe specific aspects of the mystery of beingness. As we live in gratitude for the challenges, probing the insights they hold, the nature of our challenges change. They become pertinent to fulfilling our destinies: that portion of the mystery we contracted with Creator to fulfill. Problems no longer feel as though we are beating our head against a wall. We start to walk in grace.

3. LoveLove can only exist when no fear is present. Fear is the desire to retreat and it blocks us from aligning ourselves with the intent of the universe, which is inclusive in natureincluding all things within its unconditional love. Love doesnt become a reality until we align ourselves with this intent. When we do, love vibrates through the bodys cells. Praise and gratitude banish fear, therefore love follows these attitudes. However, faith in the perfection of the Creators grand design and surrender to the Divines will are the components of devotion. Such devotion also melts fear and brings forth love. It is necessary for fear to be removed since it is the opposite of lovethey cannot exist simultaneously. Fear resists life; love embraces it. ~~~~ We cultivate the three Ascension Attitudes through focus. Start by thinking the most beautiful thoughts possible and focusing on what we have, rather than what we dont. Even if we can find only one thing to be grateful for and focus on it, our perception expands. This enables us to see further and further behind the appearances and the illusions will melt away. We will find ourselves living in that which is realunconditional love. -Copyright Spiritual Journeys LLC, 2004

Dizolvarea iluziei
de Almine
Lucrurile nu sunt ceea ce par a fi. Creaia este doar o reflectare a unui aspect al Creatorului. Aceasta nseamn c trim ntr-o imagine n oglind; o reflectare a ceea ce este real. Iat de ce, de-a lungul istoriei, nelepii au afirmat c viaa este o iluzie. Suntem noi blocai n iluzii? Nu. Iluziile plesc i n final se dizolv pe msur ce contiina noastr se nal i ncepem s trim n iubire necondiionat. Suntem puni ctre prezena Divinului i aceasta se materializeaz prin celulele noastre. La nivel fizic, contiina noastr se nal pn la cel mai nalt nivel posibil atunci cnd celulele noastre sunt pline de lumin. Dac ne trim viaa prin iubire necondiionat, aceasta face ca nucleul s se extind i s umple ntreaga celul. Unele scripturi numesc acest lucru a deveni spiritualizat. Aceasta este nlarea care rezult dintr-o cretere a frecvenei noastre de vibraie i astfel devenim mai plini de Duh Sfnt. Contiena noastr este msurat prin numrul de niveluri informaionale pe care le putem accesa simultan; iar informaia este lumin. De aceea, pe msur ce mbrim aspectele noastre ntunecate i ne nsuim leciile care vin deghizate n provocri, gradul nostru de contien crete, iar lumina devine din ce n ce mai puternic. Pe msur ce contiena noastr se extinde

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