Village View Spring Summer 2009 Emailable

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News From Camphill Village • Copake, New York Spring/Summer 2009

Camphill Pioneers
CANA Bestows Lifetime Achievement
Awards on Our Founding Villagers
On March 20, 2009, at the Green Café. Then, at a very
Camphill Association of North meaningful awards ceremony
America meeting in Camphill in Fountain Hall, they were
Copake, the Association took an individually presented with a
unusual step in presenting the framed award and a red rose.
Camphill Lifetime Achievement As we congratulate our Honorees
Award to more than the pioneers and their families, we Listed by the year of their arrival in the Village
traditional single recipient. extend our deepest gratitude for
1961: Karen Wallstein
This time, it honored the many the contribution each individual
1962: Charles Gutman, Rochelle Sternthal,
pioneers whose work began and has made to Camphill Village,
Robert Margolis
supported Camphill Village, the which has made this vital
first Camphill center in North community what it is today. 1963: Robert Friedman, Anne Gordon,
Daniel Morse, George Pearson
America, in its first five years. You deserve this special honor!
Recipients were celebrated 1964: Sheila Adelman, Ilene Oloff,
Elizabeth Stevens, William Rosecan,
with a dinner in the Village
Christopher Lydon, Miriam Raymond,
George Schwerling
1965: Victoria Randall
1966: Alan Rosenzweig, Suzette Verkozen,
Lorraine Roman, Suzanne Floch,
Frances Manley, Elias Rive, Scotia
Reid, Steven Hackley
Co-workers: Helen Zipperlen, Asger
and Mary Elmquist, Hartmut and
Gerda von Jeetze, Natalie Brewer
and Aase Righter

Top Right: Karen Wallstein;

Right: Gerda and Hartmut
von Jeetze; Above: Daniel
Morse, Asger Elmquist,
Elias Rive, Mary Elmquist.
We Thank You! (4/1/08-3/31/09)
A.J. Arpey • Lynn Abbott • Mr. and Mrs. Mark
Abramowitz • Ruth Abramowitz • Mr. and Mrs.
Get Your Motor Running!
Leonard Abramson • Mary Ackley • Mr. and
Mrs. David Adler • Alpern Family Foundation, In the Name of Alton Marshall, New Van Drives Physically -
Inc. • Alpern-Rosenthal Foundation Fund in
honor of Christopher Duffy • Dr. Heidelise Als Challenged Villagers to Greater Experiences
and Dr. Frank Duffy • Anita Altman • Carolynn
Anklam • Anonymous • Josh Aronson and Last fall, the May and Samuel Rudin Family
Maria Bachmann • Arthur Loeb Foundation •
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Asch in honor of Suzanne Foundation and Jack Rudin gave $40,000
Taube • Lynn Asch • Mr. and Mrs. William
Asmundson • Anthony Avatari • Nelson Avila to Camphill Village in memory of Alton
and Madalyn Klein • Dorothy Avis • B.W. Marshall for a wheelchair-accessible van.
Sprinkler Co., Inc. • Mr. and Mrs. Tito Balducci
• Mr. and Mrs. Brian Baldwin • Dr. John Balint • The Village had long sought funds for this
Mr. and Mrs. John Ballinger in honor of Scott
Ballinger • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Banino • Bank van, knowing it would provide benefits well
of America Matching Gifts • Mario Ciullo Trust, beyond transport. Now, our wheelchair-
Bank of America • The Bank of Greene County
Charitable Foundation • Ellen Banner • Wendy bound villagers can join outings in the
Banner and Geoffrey Wiener • Nancy Barber
and Bill Stone • Mr. and Mrs. David Barford • surrounding community and participate
Gwyneth Barger • Sir John and Lady Baring Bt fully in enriching activities and events.
• Mr. and Mrs. John Barnes in honor of Nathan
Collins • Mr. and Mrs. John Barnes • Mr. and We thank the Foundation and Mr. Rudin
Mrs. Bradford Barr • Mr. and Mrs. Timothy
Barrett • Aina Barten • Phebe Barth • Mary for this generous gift to the Village. That
Bartos • Arlene Basner • Carol Bass and Gloria it was given in Alton’s name is especially
Palevsky • Mr. and Mrs. Richard Batsavage in
honor of Amanda Balducci • Jean Beaven • meaningful to us.
Amy Belkora • Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bendahan
• Edward Benkert • Ginger E. Benlifer, Ph.D. in
honor of Emma and Gabriel Kates-Shaw • Mrs.
John Bennett • Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Benton in
honor of Laurie Benton • Mr. and Mrs. Michael Development Update
Benton in celebration of Norene Benton’s
birthday • Norene Benton in honor of Laurie Working Hard for Camphill’s Future
Benton • Mr. and Mrs. Peter Benton in
celebration of Norene Benton’s birthday • Maria • In FY 2008-9, we received over $1,802,000 of our $1,840,000 goal – no small
Berger • Stephen Berkenfeld • Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Berlin in honor of Roger Begelman • Mr. feat in these times. All who have supported our work in this past year have our
and Mrs. Joel Berman in honor of Tammy heartfelt appreciation.
Berman • Berry & Co. Public Relations • Mr.
and Mrs. Benjamin Berry • Gary Biale • Lynda
Billheimer • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bily • Mr. and • The philanthropic audit (one-third supported by the Dyson Foundation) strongly
Mrs. Harry Bingham • Katherine Bini • suggested we hire a full-time development director, which we are now seeking.
Biodynamic Farming Association • Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Birnbaum • Mr. and Mrs. Al Bittner
Acting Director John Baring will continue to be a liaison between Development
• Mr. and Mrs. Edward Blaine • John Blanchfield and the Village.
• Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Blank • Carol Anne
Blinkas • Herta Bloch • Irene Blomberg • Louise • Preparation for the 9th Triennial Concert to benefit the North American Camphill
Boardman • Nicole Bogin • Mr. and Mrs. David communities is underway for October 6th at NYC’s Rose Hall at Jazz at Lincoln
Bolevice • Mark Bonin • S. Bonsall • John
Boone and Christopher Lockwood • Barbara Center. Camphill Village is partnering with other Camphill communities to invite
Booth and Jim Cummings • Mr. and Mrs. sponsors for this gala event (
Gerald Bothwell • Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Bould
• Adrian Bowden • Mr. and Mrs. Alan Bowers •
Holly Brashares • Joya Braun in honor of Oliver • As our villagers age, we need to interest a new generation of young people – like
Dawdy • Edna Breecker • Natalie Brewer • villagers’ siblings and their friends – in the life of the Village. If you’d like to spon-
Liese Bronfenbrenner • Nancy Bronson in
honor of James Hoover • Brown Printing
sor an event to let your friends, family and colleagues know about us, please let
Company • Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Brown • Mr. us know and we will gladly help!
and Mrs. Jeffrey Brown • Megan Brown •
Elfreda Brownstein • Judith Buechner • Mr. and
Mrs. John Buehler in honor of Christopher
Duffy • Bulova Gale Foundation in honor of
Kerry Solomon • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burkam
• James Bussel • Mr. and Mrs. Steven Byerly in

honor of Ellen Hunt • Larry Campbell • Mary
Editor Suzanne Bressler
Campbell • Camphill Special School-Beaver Designer Paul Hamann
Run • Gabrielle Canino and John Marion • Mr.
and Mrs. Conrad Caplan • Lucia Capodilupo • Photographs contributed by villagers and co-workers.
Mary Capoferri • Judith Caputo • Mr. and Mrs.
Thank you to all our supporters! We are
Andrew Carey in honor of Ernesto Martinez • Camphill Village depends on charitable contributions of all sizes grateful beyond mere words for your kind-
Anna Carey in honor of Brooke Hogan • Carmen from donors every year. Entitlements for people with disabilities
Barbato, Inc. • Giora Carmi • Charles Carry • and other government funds meet just over half of our operating
ness and generosity, and we hope you will
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cartin • The Cascades •
Menoukha Case • Mr. and Mrs. Michael Casey
costs. We appreciate your interest and support. see the results of your help on the pages
• Mr. and Mrs. James Cashen • Christina The Village View is printed on 100% recycled paper and is a pub- that follow. The Village View has a new format
Castegren • Norma Castle • The Ceres Trust •
lication of the Development Department of Camphill Village now – a direct reflection of our need to cut
Sonni Chamberland • James Chambers • Mr.
and Mrs. Burley Channer • Lynn Charlton • USA, Inc., 84 Camphill Road, Copake, NY 12516.
Chavurat Tikvah Tzedakah Committee •
costs. We hope this format will make it even | 518.329.4851
Kathryn Chebatoris • Christiana Brothers easier for you to stay in the loop.
Excavating and Earth Moving • Janet Christrup
• Chubb & Son • Church of Christ • Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Cimino in celebration of Norene
Benton’s birthday, in honor of Laurie Benton •
Mr. and Mrs. John Clarkson • Marion Clement
• Shirley Clement in honor of Daniel Clement •
Clifford Paper Inc. in honor of Brooke Hogan •
Camphillers Speak!
Marianne Cochrane • COFH, Inc. • David
Cohen • Sara Cohen and James Kessler • Dr.
Seymour Cohen in honor of Priscilla Manney •
The Presidential Inauguration
Arlene Cohn in celebration of Joel Berman’s
birthday • Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Collins in honor On January 20th, as in many places around the nation,
of Katie Schreckinger • Mr. and Mrs. John Camphill Village came together to celebrate the presidential
Conlon • Charlotte E. Connell • Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred Conti • Conway Hardwood Products,
inauguration and watched the festivities and speeches on
LLC • Amy Cooper • Copake Lumber & Supply a big screen in Fountain Hall. It was a moving experience
Inc. • Mr. and Mrs. Marc Costantino • Jeanetta
L. Costanzo • Dave Couch • The Country
to watch history-in-the-making together — and one not soon
Home Service Co. • Countrytown Marble & Tile forgotten. We asked individual villagers what they thought
• Claire Cox • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Croen • Mr. of the inauguration and of President Obama, and here’s
and Mrs. Malcolm Cronlund • Sally Cross • C.
Crout • David Cutler • Mr. and Mrs. Carl what they had to say (clockwise, top to bottom):
Dahlgren • Elizabeth Daniels in honor of Andrea
Baring • Doris Darin-Battistella • Sylvia Davatz
• Marie Davide • Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Davis • Kelly McCaughan “I liked the inauguration, but thought it
Jerome Day • Carla and Kerst de Jong • Nicole was quite long. So far, I think Obama is fair.”
de Jurenev • Dorothy DeCarlo • Mr. and Mrs.
Robert DeCormier in honor of Nicholas Dobbs
• Mr. and Mrs. Terrance DeGeyter • Mr. and Vera Blanchfield “It’s kind of annoying because I voted for
Mrs. Thomas Denyer • Mr. and Mrs. Benito
Devivo • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dewart in honor
someone else and now I have to hear about him most of the
of Elizabeth Dewart • Mr. and Mrs. Michel time.”
Eckersley • Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dewey • Eric
Deyo • Daryl Dichek in celebration of the
marriage of Dominic Wolff and Lauren Bratburd Katie Schreckinger “We have never seen the inauguration
• Alan Dindes • Gregory Diskant and Sandra before. This was my first experience watching it. He is a cool
Baron • Deborah Dobbs in celebration of Nico
Dobbs’ birthday • Mr. and Mrs. John Dobbs • guy and a good guy.”
Mr. and Mrs. Michel Dobbs in honor of Nicholas
Dobbs • Marianne Dolan • Ruth Dolgow • Mr.
and Mrs. Brendan Donoghue • Bradley Dorfman
Beth Stevens “I think it’s very alright that Obama is from
• Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dorsey in honor of Linda Chicago and so am I.”
Jespersen • Lucy Doswell • Doug Schmolze
Painting • Maureen Doyle • Hanna Dreifuss •
James Drozd • Gerard Duffy • Sandragail Dunn Christopher Duffy “It was special to see the first black
• Dyson Foundation • Estate of Jean Eastman president being sworn in and see Bush give his regards to
• Joan Easton in honor of Susan Tofel • Dwight
Ebaugh • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eberli • Ecology Obama as he was leaving. It was also nice to know that
Action • Choral Eddie • David Efland in honor there’s a First Grandmother living in the White House, for the
of Suzanne Floch • Karen Egan • Susan Eggers
• Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ehrlich • Edith Eisler •
first time in history.”
James Elder and Ayesh Mall in honor of Ellen
Hunt • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elinson • Mark Vicky Fliesler said she liked it.
Ellenbogen • Edward Ellien • Roger Elliott in
honor of Joseph Martello • Samantha Embrey
• Mr. and Mrs. Richard Emrich in honor of John
Hunter Avis • Mr. and Mrs. David Englander in
honor of Bob Norris and Ilene Margolin • Mr.
and Mrs. Jeff Epstein in honor of Sheila
Adelman • Dr. Renee C. Epstein • Patricia
Erickson • Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Erman in honor
of Harry and Irene Reis • ESAC Appraisers-
Consultants • Patricia Esposita • Hans-Peter
Esterl in honor of John Carlson • Dr. and Mrs.
Norman Ettenger • Heike Eubanks • Jane
Evans in honor of Sean Strickler • Mary Evans
• Mr. and Mrs. Owen Fairbank • Jacquelyn Falk
• Douglas Feick • Mr. and Mrs. John Feighery •
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Feldman in celebration of
Joel Berman’s birthday • Diane Feldman •
Sheldon Feldman, M.D. • Audrey Feller • Mr.
and Mrs. Bruce Felton • Diana Fern • Zach
Feuer • Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fierro in honor of
Marian Scharr, Mary L. Stewart’s birthday •
Brian Fillebrown • Tobias Fimpel • Fingar
Insurance • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fink • William
Come On Over!
Fischler in honor of Madeleine Israel • Michael
Fisher and Pamela White • Mr. and Mrs.
Russet and Brookledge Houses Near Completion with Summer Move-In Goal
Douglas Flack • Carol Fletcher in celebration of
Julie and Dick Williams’ anniversary and If you’ve been to Russet and Brookledge will live in greater comfort and space,
Richard Willliams’ birthday • Judith Fletcher
Trust • Anita Fleury • Mr. and Mrs. Alan Fliesler
houses in the past, you won’t believe with updated amenities. Brookledge is
• Arlene Fliesler in honor of Victoria Fliesler • your eyes when you next return! closer to completion than Russet, but it
Nancy Fliesler in honor of Victoria Fliesler •
Jerry Flint and Kate McLeod • Mr. and Mrs. While work is still in progress at both is exciting to see both houses take their
James Flocchini • Jenny Floch-Efland • Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Flood • Rita Folger in honor
structures, each house has already new forms. Work is scheduled to be
of Richard Folger • Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ford • been expanded significantly. completed in July, somewhat dependent
Mr. and Mrs. Dall Forsythe in honor of the Perry
Family • Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler • Gisela Upon completion, each will open upon the weather this spring.
Franceschelli • Scott Francisco • Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Frank • Erwin Frankel • Louise Frazier
its doors to families and villagers who
and Wolfgang Rohrs • Karen Freed • Freedom
Chiropractic • Tali Fridman • Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce Friedman in honor of Katie Schreckinger
• Ira Friedman in honor of Ian Solomon • Kathy
Friedman • Mr. and Mrs. Richard Friedman •
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Friedman • Mr. and Mrs. Camphill Village USA
James Friend in honor of Ellen Hunt • Susana
Frisch • Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Frishkoff • Alison
Frost • Dr. Branko Furst • Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Gale • Mr. and Mrs. John Gampert in honor of
Annual Meeting
Madeleine Israel • Eva Gardner • Tim Garrad •
D. G. Garrett • Michael Gauntt • Helen
Meets for the first time before the Village
Gediman, Ph.D. • Dr. and Mrs. Neil Gelerter •
Joan Gellert in honor of Emma Nolan, Joan
Burkhard • Genesee Community Farm • Ellyn
On March 28th, CVUSA’s Annual
Gerry • Susan Gersten in honor of Madeleine Meeting met for the first time before
Israel • Ellen Gesmer and Alan Hyde • Ghent co-workers and villagers. Attendees
Wood Products, Inc. • Kevin Gibbons in honor
of Will McDonald, Katie Gibbons • Donald also heard from Dr. Alan Miller, our
Gibson • John Gidwitz • Mr. and Mrs. Richard longtime friend and former board
Gilbert in honor of Victoria Fliesler • Carol
Gilbert-Sacks • Mr. and Mrs. George Gilliam • president, and – of fortunate coin-
David Gilmore • Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gioia • cidence for Camphill — one of the
Michael Gladstone • Marilyn Glenn • Marion
Goddard in honor of Madge Parcher • Martin
founding commissioners of the New
Goldberg • David Goldblatt and Minna Schrag York State Office of Mental Retarda-
• Lucy Goldhaber • Lillian Goldman • Mr. and tion and Developmental Disabilities.
Mrs. Michael Goldman in honor of Katie
Schreckinger • June Goldner • Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Miller has been a tremendous
Richard Goldsmith • Danielle Goldsmith in resource for us over many years. The
honor of Patricia Rudges • Mr. and Mrs. David
Goldsmith • Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Goldsmith • following highlights of his words shed
Allan Goldstein • Michaele Goodman • light and warmth, the lingering embers
GoodSearch • Joseph Gosler and Sheila
Wolper • Andrew Grabel and Sarah Dien •
of which reinforce our mission:
Patricia Grasmann • Lynn Gray in honor of
Danny Miller • Dr. and Mrs. Steven Green • To know Camphill, you must go there. I did. directions. The most striking of these in recent
Greenberg and Greenberg • Mr. and Mrs. I found it beautiful, cared for with affection years have been the Hudson Houses and
Stanley Greenberg • Rodney Greenblat and
Deena Lebow • Mr. and Mrs. Norman Greenfeld and intelligence. This is a board unlike any our efforts to apply Camphill principles to
in honor of Susan Freedman • Helen Griffin in
honor of Sheryl Williams • Eleanor Grill in other on which I have served or about which creating living arrangements for all people as
honor of Ellen Hunt • Mr. and Mrs. John I have heard. It has those qualities I have they age, avoiding the isolation and inactivity
Grimwade • Barbara Grinnell • Joan Grissing •
Louisa Grosjean in honor of Allyson Vazac • found in the Village itself…there is a sense which have characterized such efforts in the
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gross • Gloria Gruder in
honor of Lee Klein • Lynn Guterman • Mr. and of common purpose in the board which is past. Ten years ago, it was Kaspar and Ita
Mrs. Robert Guthrie • Trust under the will of unlike any I have ever experienced. Wegman [the care houses]. Today it is the
Rosellen O. Hackley • Patricia Hagan in honor
of Nicholas Dobbs • Joan Hainey • John In my 25 years, there has been a Elder Care Initiative. Whenever I come to
Halsey • Wanda Hamming in honor of John
Hunter Avis • Leonard Hanitchak • Emily gradual turnover of members. Somehow Camphill — to a meeting or just to be here —
Harrison • Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hart • Nancy F. we always seem to have among us a variety I leave renewed and embraced…. It is one of
Hartje • Mr. and Mrs. Gunther Hauk • David
Hauptman • Kristin Hawkins • Kristin Hayden- of backgrounds and temperaments. Each the most engaging, affectionate associations
West and Rodney West • Heartbeet Lifesharing
• Marian Heller in honor of Lesly Livengood • has had a devotion to Camphill which can in my life — with a remarkable group of
Rev. and Mrs. Ernest Helmke • Mr. and Mrs. even be called passionate. Our discussions people who share a powerful, irresistible
Paul Helmreich in honor of Sonni Chamberland
• Linda Hemingway • Mr. and Mrs. James can be heated, but are remarkably free of respect and appreciation for every individual,
Henderson • Virginia Henneberry • Robert
Herman • Mr. and Mrs. William Herman • anger. There is constant interaction among aversion to violence, a sense of beauty and
Marion Hesse • Luitgard Hetlyn • Eric Heyer perspectives and talents. A collective wisdom humor. And all on a wonderfully human scale,
and Diana Steele • Thomas Hicks • Polly
Hieser • Carol Higgins in honor of Karen Jane has often emerged and led us into new with all of its endearing imperfections.
Hayden • Bill Hill • Julie Hill • Mr. and Mrs.
Pavel Hillel • Hillsdale Supermarket • Mr. and
Mrs. William Hinkle in honor of Ellen Hunt • Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Hinshaw in honor of Ellen
Hunt • Mr. and Mrs. David Hirsch • Mr. and
Mrs. John Hirsch in honor of Susan Hirsch •
Stanley Hirsch • Rosalind Hoeg • Michael
Hogan • Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hohlt in honor
of Karen Wallstein • Mr. and Mrs. Jaime
Holcombe • Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hollenbeck in
honor of Ellen Hunt • Katrina Holley • David
Hollweger • Kimberly Hone • Jim Hoon • John
Hoover in honor of James Hoover • Benice
Horowitz • Frances Horowitz in honor of Eric
Williams • Hudson Elks Lodge 787 • Hudson
Food Purveyors, Inc. • Hudson River Bank &
Trust Co. Foundation • Lawrence and Madelon Top: Dorothy “Tot”
Hunt • Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hunt in honor of
Ellen Hunt • Martha Hunt • Mr. and Mrs.
Avis, John Baring,
Richard Hunt in honor of Jason Kingsley • Mr. Camilla Feer, Kam
and Mrs. Warren Hunt • Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Bellamy, Richard
Imboden • Dr. Philip Incao • Dr. and Mrs. David Neal; Right: Listen-
Inwood in honor of Jonathan Inwood •
Madeleine Israel in celebration of Penny and ing to Dr. Miller.
John Baring’s marriage • J.P. Morgan Chase
Foundation Matching Gift Program • Neil
Jacobowitz and Carolyn Weber • Rani Jacobs
• Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jacoby • David Jaye • Baring’s marriage • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller • Helen in honor of Michael Strochak • Amy Scott • Dr. John Seiferth
Mr. and Mrs. George Jespersen • Joel Morrow Landscaping Miller in honor of Danny Miller • Nicole Miller • Mr. and Mrs. • Barbara Self • Dr. Lawrence Shaderowfsky and Ms. Susan
• John A. Alvarez & Sons, Inc. • Sara Joselson in honor of Matthew Miller in honor of Alan Miller • Carrie Mitchell • Mr. Solomon • Sanjit Shah • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shapiro •
Michael Strochak • Joseph Freedman Co., Inc. • Mr. and and Mrs. James Mitchell • Thomas Mitchell • Mr. and Mrs. Barbara Shaum • Leigh M. Shavelson • George Sheanshang
Mrs. Peter Joyce • Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jung • Susana William Mogulescu • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Molesworth in • Carroll Sheppard in honor of Brooke Hogan • Mr. and Mrs.
Juni • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kahan • Margaret Kahn • Mr. and honor of Nicholas Dobbs • Lisa Molinaro • Dave Momenee Jay Sherlach • Jennifer Sherman • Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Mrs. Jonathan Kamen • Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Kanner • Mr. • Monarch School • Dean Monske • Max and Gabriele Shimel • Lara Shockey • Paul Shumsker • Shickman Family
and Mrs. Irwin Kaplan • Mr. and Mrs. Jon Kaplan • Catherine Montgomery • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore • Jessie Morgan Foundation • Stefanie Siegel • Deborah Siegel • Mr. and
Karanas in honor of Maria Logan • Hannah Kates • Mr. and in honor of Danny Miller • Mr. and Mrs. Saul Moroff • Mrs. Ben Silberstein in honor of Ilene Oloff • Clark Simms •
Mrs. Tilo Kaufmann • Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Kaufmann • Michael Morrisey • Mr. and Mrs. Seth Morrison • Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Simon • Mr. and Mrs. Gregor Simon-
Keil Equipment Company, Inc. • Denise Kelly • John Kelly • Mrs. David Morrow in honor of The Steffey Family • D. MacDonald • Harriet Simpkins • Singerman & Post • Mr.
Roberta Keppel • Mr. and Mrs. David Kettler in honor of Morse Trust • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morse • Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. John Sipila • Dr. and Mrs. Peter Skaller • Mr. and
Nicholas Dobbs • KeyBank of New York • Beverly Kinne in David Mortman in honor of Gail Mortman • Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. Jozef Smeele • Elizabeth Smith and Jean Churchill •
honor of the Camphill Village Medical Office • Franziska Joseph Moses • Adele Moskovitz • Mr. and Mrs. John Katherine Smith • Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith • Otis Smith •
Klebe in honor of the Loefkens • Mr. and Mrs. Wolfgang Moyne in honor of Elizabeth Stevens • Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Snelson • Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Klebe • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Klein • Jack Klein • Phyllis Ravindra Nagarkar • National Union Bank of Kinderhook • Sobelman in celebration of Joel Berman’s birthday • Laura
Klein • Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Kline • Leslie Kline • Mr. and Andree Naylor • Richard Neal • Mr. and Mrs. John Neukom Sodders • Mr. and Mrs. Ian Solomon in honor of Kerry
Mrs. William Kline • Kathryn Knackstedt • Konijn Family • Ann Newell • Scott Newman • Aine Ni-Cheallaigh and Solomon • Judith Solomon • Lonnie Solomon and Al
Trust • Rabbi Emily Korzenik • Murray Koss in honor of Nora Olsen • Mr. and Mrs. William Nicolls • Gaby Nitkin • Bernstein • Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal LLP • Suzanne
Nicholas Dobbs • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Norris and Ilene Margolin • Sorel • Anitra Sorensen • Irene Soubry • Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Kostman in honor of Estate of Audrey H. Nutting • Mr. Stanley Speier • Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sperry • Jill Spielberg
Victoria Fliesler • Lynn Kramer and and Mrs. William Nydorf in honor of • Theresa Spinei in honor of Ellen Hunt • Ellen L. Sporn,
Hal Brodie • Mr. and Mrs. Milton Robert Zaken • Shannon Oatey • ED.D. in honor of Victoria Fliesler • Mr. and Mrs. John
Kramer • Hanna Kress • Mildred Kathleen O’Connell • William Stamatov • Olga Staneslow • Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stark in
Krueger • Mr. and Mrs. Charles O’Donnell, DMD PC • Laura honor of Victoria Fliesler • Margo Stark • Damon Steed •
Kuss • Joseph P. Lalka, M.D. • O’Dunne • Mr. and Mrs. Igor Elizabeth Steffey and Nathaniel Vinton • Mr. and Mrs. Nick
Kevin Landers • Alicia Landman- Olevsky • Sheila Olive • Nathaniel Steffey • Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Stein • Dr. and Mrs. Richard
Reiner • Cordelia Lane • Cari Lang Oppenheimer • Dorothy Orahood • Stern • Myra Stern • Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sternlight • Mr. and
• Wiepske Larsen in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Orens in honor Mrs. John Stevens in honor of Elizabeth Stevens • Stewart’s
Susan Olsen • Mr. and Mrs. David of the Manley Family • Gregory Shops • Katherine Storms • Keith Stott • Ursula Strauss •
Laskin • Frances Lathrop-Drew • Orlick • Dr. and Mrs. John Ostrander Joan Strochak • Eric Swanson and Carol Bekar • Mr. and
Karen Lau • Lenore Laupheimer • • Lauren Ostrow • Glenn Owens • Mrs. Don Sweet in honor of Judy Sweet • Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Laurie • Kathleen Carl Wolff Mr. and Mrs. Allen Palanker in Swift • The Swiss Hutte • Barbara Syer • T Shields
Lazare • Sharon Lazerson • honor of Lois Avrin • Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter & Builder, Inc. • John P. Takacs, OD and Joan M.
Lebanon Valley Garden Club • Dorothy LeBar • Sara Lee • Matthew Palazzolo • Marie Palladino • Mr. and Mrs. Peter Takacs, OD • Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Tannenwald; holiday
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lefkarites • Vita Leicht • Peter Parcher in honor of Madge Parcher • Nicole Paris in honor greetings to Barbara and Paul Madsen • Rae Tattenbaum •
Lent in honor of Thomas Lent • Dr. Martha Lepow • Mr. and of David Smith • Mr. and Mrs. David Park • Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jahan Tavangar • Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Tepfer •
Mrs. Hyman Lerner • Ursula Lerse • Gail Lescher • David Jack Pascarosa • Stephen Passage • Eugene Patrick • Pat Angelo Terzano • Mr. and Mrs. John Thackray • Robert
Lesenger • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leven • Carol Lever • Mr. Patterson • Regina Pearlmutter in honor of Susan Hirsch • Thoden • Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Thomas • Mr. and Mrs. H. G.
and Mrs. David Lever in honor of Robert Margolis • Dr. and Mr. and Mrs. F. Joseph Pearson in honor of George Pearson Thomas • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thomas • Lynn Thor and
Mrs. Stewart Levine • Judith Levine • Ruth Levine • The • Shelly Perlmutter in honor of Danny Miller, Karen Jane Stuart McCarty • Tides Foundation • Time & Space Ltd. •
Mortimer Levitt Foundation, Inc. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hayden • Mr. and Mrs. Edward Peterson • Carl Petkovich • Michael Tobin • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tofel in honor of
Levitt • Leon Levy Foundation • Rhoda Lew • Jane Lewis • Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program • Philadelphia Camilla Feer • Mr. and Mrs. Randy Tompkins • Dona Totten
Mr. and Mrs. Neville Lewis in celebration of Joel Berman’s Community Farm • Philadelphia Insurance Company • • Nancy Trott • Ben Turner • Ruth Turner • Linda A. Ugelow
birthday • King Shu Li • Henric Lidberg • Mr. and Mrs. John Philippe Diamond Corporation • Philmont Family Dentistry • United Way of Columbia Greene Counties • United Way of
Liebmann in honor of Karen Wallstein • Lifeline Produce • PLC • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Phinney • Phoenix Marketing Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley • United Way of
Rachel W. Lindsay • Eliane Lingwood • Mr. and Mrs. International • Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pienta in honor of Ellen Metropolitan Dallas, Inc. • Valley Oil Co., Inc. • Stephen Van
Lawrence Lipson • Lisa Stebbins Trust • Mr. and Mrs. Hunt • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pino in celebration of Joel Coutren • Mr. and Mrs. Adriaan Van Heiningen • Katrinka
Andrew Liss in honor of Tammy Berman • Jeffrey Livingston Berman’s birthday • Luciana Pirani in honor of Martha Hunt Vanderbie • VAR-REZ Associates • Varriale Brothers
and Robbin Blaine in honor of Teddy Livingston • Fabian • Mr. and Mrs. John Piwowarski • Martha Platt • Kathleen Construction Co., Inc. • John Varvatos • Evelyn Vazac •
Lochner • Amy Lockwood • Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Loefken Plunkett-Black • Mr. and Mrs. John Pope • David Poppe • Verkozen Family Trust • Dr. Donald W. Vogel • Mr. and Mrs.
in honor of Anja Loefken • Jakob Loewenberg • Estate of J. Miriam Poser • Dr. and Mrs. Robert Potrzeba • Noah William Vogt • Dorothea von Kroemer • Mr. and Mrs. Dieter
Murray Logan • Mary Power Logan • Dr. and Mrs. Clinton Powlen • Patrick J. Prendergast, P.E. • Dr. Steven Price and von Lehsten in honor of Robin Haynes • Vortex Physical
Longenecker • Mr. and Mrs. Richard Longenecker • Dr. and Dr. Priscilla Kerbin-Price • Mr. and Mrs. William Priest in Therapy, PC • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wadsworth in honor of
Mrs. Jerome Lowenstein • Suzanne Lubell • Helen Ludmerer honor of Ellen Hunt • Andy Przybylowicz • Ted Pugh • Ihor David Wadsworth • Avonelle Walker • Maria Walker • Mr.
in honor of Michael Strochak • Nancy Ludmerer in honor of Radysh and Marisha Plotnik • Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Raffaelli and Mrs. Douglas Wallace • Janet Wallstein • Joan Wallstein
Michael Strochak • Marilyn Lummel • Dr. and Mrs. Robert • Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Raney • Mr. and Mrs. William in honor of Karen Wallstein • Irving Wasley • Rose Weber
Lupi • Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Lutnick • Martin J. Lyden, Ph.D. Rasbeck • Ruth Raymond • Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rehm • Ilana and Henry Sbrocco • Mr. and Mrs. William Webster • Mr.
• Melissa Lyons • Angela Lyras • Timothy Lytton and Rachel Reich, Ph.D. • Veronica Reif • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gorman and Mrs. Robert Weiner • Dr. Richard B. Weininger and Dr.
Anisfeld • Alice Macintosh in honor of Will McDonald • Reilly • Dorothy Reinhard • Lester Resman • Florence Gretchen Stearns • Wendy Weinstein • Dr. and Mrs. Michael
Maggie Mahle • The Ralph G. and Wilma J. Maibaum Richards • Carmen Richkin • Becky Ricker • Mr. and Mrs. Weinstock • Mr. and Mrs. Josh Weisberg • Helga Weisburger
Foundation • Stefan Maier and Nicole Perron • Marcia Roger Rindge • Mr. and Mrs. John Rive • Anne Rivinus in in honor of Linda Gradman • Mr. and Mrs. Martin Weiss in
Maiorella in honor of Richard Hauptman • Mr. and Mrs. honor of Christopher Duffy • Judy Robbins • Susanne celebration of Joel Berman’s birthday • Shirley Weiss in
Keith Malas • Omeed Malik • Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Mandel Roberts • Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Robinson • Rodgers Book honor of Eric Williams • Gilda Weissberger • Mr. and Mrs.
• Mr. and Mrs. Billy Mangum • Mr. and Mrs. Edward Manley Barn • Roe Jan Auto Center • Lea Rolfsen and Michael Brian Welham • Carole White • Joel Whitebook and
• Mr. and Mrs. John Manley • Lillian Manney • Estate of Ms. McKenna • Dr. James Roman in honor of Lorraine Roman • Katherine Ross • Mr. and Mrs. James Whiteman • Mr. and
Mae Manney • Noah Marcus • Jo Marie • Barbara Marino Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rosecan • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rosenstein Mrs. Milton Widelitz in honor of Joan Strochak • Sherry
• Mr. and Mrs. Barry Mark • Mr. and Mrs. David Markowitz • Margaret Rosenthaler • Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rosenzweig Wildfeuer • Tania Wilk-Weiss • Mr. David Williams and Dr.
• Marguerite Marra • Sarah Marshall • Anne Martin in honor • Ms. Karen Roth and Dr. Jesse Jampol • Edward Rothstein Jennifer I. Weiser in honor of Julianne Williams on Mother’s
of Elizabeth Stevens • Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Martin in honor of • Arthur Rubenstein • Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Rudges • Mr. Day, in honor of Richard Williams on Father’s Day, Sheryl
Anne Martin • Barbara Martin • The Marx-Better Foundation, and Mrs. David Ruskin • William Russell • Patricia Ryan • Williams and in celebration of Julie and Dick Williams’
Inc. • Teresa Mastropierro • Mr. and Mrs. Ken Matesz • Mr. Kyoko Saegusa • Polly Saltet • Lila Salvatore and Gerald anniversary • Lisa Williams • Marilee Williams • Mr. and
and Mrs. Lawrence Mathews • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mays in Markowitz • Roger Samet • Florence Samskin in honor of Mrs. Richard Williams in celebration of Rick and Terri
honor of William Rosecan • Dan McBride • Julie McCallan Robert Margolis • Anne Samson • Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Williams’ anniversary • Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Williams, Jr.
• Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McCallister in honor of Ellen Hunt • Santoliquido • Saperstein Enterprises, Inc. • Patricia Saul • in honor of Richard Williams on Father’s Day, in celebration
Mr. and Mrs. Jim McCaughan • Mr. and Mrs. William Carl Schachter • Erica Schaeffer • Mr. and Mrs. Andrew of Julianne Williams’ birthday, and in celebration of Julie
McCaughan • Rima McCoy • Claudia McCue • Susan Schaffran • James Schamus and Nancy Kricorian • Mr. and and Dick Williams’ anniversary; holiday greetings to Julianne
McDermott • Alan McDonald • Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mrs. Ralph Scharr in honor of Marian Scharr • Jacqueline and Dick Williams in celebration of Richard Williams’
McDonald in honor of Will McDonald • Mr. and Mrs. Brian Schatz • Dr. Bernice Schaul in honor of Joan Wallstein • birthday • Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Wilson • Don Wise • Mr. and
McDonald in honor of Will McDonald • Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Jan Scheefer • Alisa Schenker in memory of Ellen Rafel • Mrs. Stanley Wojcik • Robert Wolf and Andree Bourgon •
McGill in celebration of Penny and John Baring’s marriage Trudi Schlosberg in celebration of Joel Berman’s birthday • Mr. and Mrs. Roger Wolf • Brian Wolff • Dominic Wolff • Mr.
• Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGovern • Mr. and Mrs. William R.P. Schmidt and Son LLC • Heather Schneider • Mr. and and Mrs. William Wood in memory of Elizabeth Miller and
McGuinness • Elaine McKay • Brenda McKinley • Gretchen Mrs. Peter Schoenfield • Jim Scholz • Russell Schreiber • Charles Miller • Angela Wormser and James Muraski in
Meisinger • Elizabeth Mettler • Mr. and Mrs. Mark Metzger Mr. and Mrs. David Schultz • Mr. and Mrs. Theodore honor of Elissa Wormser • Grace Worth • Sharon Wyrrick •
• Metzger-Price Fund, Inc. • Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Meyers Schwab in honor of the Mortman Family • Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mr. and Mrs. Mark Yohalem in honor of Christine and Alan
• Mr. and Mrs. Victor Meyers • Michigan Elks Association • Schwab • David Schwartz & Ronald Sanchez • Gerald Fliesler • Elizabeth Young • Julia Yuo • Mr. and Mrs. Milton
Microsoft Matching Gift Program • Bruce F. Middendorf, Schwartz • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schwartz • Mr. and Mrs. Zalk in honor of Ruth Oloff • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zaltas in
M.D. • Ms. Ruth Milberg-Kaye • Mr. and Mrs. William Miles Howard Schwartz in honor of Lila and Walter Croen • Mr. honor of Mel and Ian Solomon • Susanne Zipperlen •
• Dr. and Mrs. Alan Miller in celebration of Penny and John and Mrs. Max Schwartz • Noah Schwarz • Sunny Schwartz ZymoGenetics
New & Renewed Life
Since the last Village View, new life has graced
the Village ­— Jamison (shown with mother
Rosie and Louis Reich) was born to Rosie and
Lee Edwards in Orchard; newborn lambs, piglets
and calves arrived; and the Healing Plant
Garden blooms again.
B Docktor

These fresh faces and bright blossoms of nature

inspire hope and remind us of renewed opportu-
nity to make a difference in the world around us.

Spring at Camphill Village

This curly willow branch, adorned with decorated
Easter eggs, ushers in spring at the Tamarack House
table. Camphill Village households traditionally
hang elaborate natural branches supporting artfully
designed eggs over their dining tables for Easter.

The branches remain in colorful celebration of

the season, which inspires a creative and uplifting
atmosphere at meals during a particularly beautiful
time in the Village.

Thank You for Honoring Their Memory (4/1/08-3/31/09)

Elizabeth Ambrosi in memory of Charles Miller • Mr. and and Mrs. Edward DeCourcy in memory of James Sperling • LeBar • Betty Guiney and Mary Guiney in memory of Charles
Mrs. Richard Andrias in memory of Ellen Rafel • Mary Artese Timothy DeSchriver in memory of Ellen Rafel • Rise Dimson Miller • Ruth Gutmann in memory of Miriam Gutmann • Mr.
in memory of Al Vazac and Andrew Vazac • Donald Auerbach in memory of Gwen and Joseph Adelman • Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Anson Hall in memory of Charles Miller • Dorothy
in memory of Ethelyn and Philip Auerbach • Mr. and Mrs. Alan Dindas in memory of Ellen Rafel • Deborah Donaldson Haller in memory of Carlo Pietzner • Doris Hayes in memory
Lawrence Avrin in memory of Rose and George Silver • Mr. in memory of Helen Donaldson • Phyllis Elber in memory of of Calvin Hayes • Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hunt in memory of
and Mrs. Maxwell Belding in memory of Elizabeth Miller and Ellen Rafel • Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ellis in memory of Barbara Barbara Kingsley • Dr. and Mrs. David Inwood in memory of
Charles Miller • Donna Bellaire in memory of Ron Bellaire • Jespersen • Mr. and Mrs. David Englander in memory of Robert Margolis • Madeleine Israel in memory of Reginald
Mr. and Mrs. Jan Berman in memory of Joan Segerson and Ellen Rafel • Mr. and Mrs. Richard Erlandson in memory of Bould • Mr. and Mrs. Richard Iverson in memory of Ellen
George Liss • Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Bernick in memory of Charles Miller and Elizabeth Miller • Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Rafel • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jackson in memory of Charles
Ellen Rafel • Mr. and Mrs. Hirshel Bernstein in memory of Faude in memory of Charles Miller • Joan Fellows in memory Miller • Mary Jeffers in memory of Charles Miller • Ana
Jeffrey Bernstein • Dolores Bianchino in memory of Jack of Charles Miller • Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fierro in memory of Juarbe in memory of Ellen Rafel • Victor Kimble in memory
Acker • Werner Bloomfield in memory of Edna Wile • Carol Don and Pat McElhaney’s mothers, Peter Budd Forcey, of Sam Kimble • Deborah Kisor in memory of Barbara
Booth in memory of Ellen Rafel • Dr. and Mrs. Donald Bernice Stewart, and Angel • Christina Fish Acker in memory Jespersen • Judith Kisor in memory of Barbara Jespersen •
Bradley in memory of Charles Miller • Lynne Bradley in of Jack Acker, Eugene DeFelice, C. David Root, Frank LeBar, Mrs. and Mr. Marion Kleinkramer in memory of Bobby
memory of Reg Bould • Guy Bramon in memory of Charles Alton Marshall and Elizabeth Miller • Estelle Freedman in Schwabe • Andrew Knox in memory of George Brewer • Mr.
Miller • Mr. and Mrs. Howard Braren in memory of Herman, memory of Martin Stein, Leon Carman and Margot Roberts and Mrs. Gerd L. Kristeller in memory of Bobby Schwabe •
Matilda and Madeline Feldman • Ritalynne Brechner in Kahn • Mr. and Mrs. John Freedman in memory of Joseph Mr. and Mrs. James Lehmann in memory of Charles Miller •
memory of Anne Ratner • Gretchen Brown in memory of Freedman • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Galub in memory of Ellen F.J. Lemle in memory of Ellen Rafel • Mr. and Mrs. Jason
James Sperling • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Browning in memory Rafel • Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Gamble in memory of Alton Lesser in memory of Matilda, Herman and Madeline Feldman
of Ellen Rafel • Sandy Bruschi in memory of Bobby Schwabe Marshall • Harriet Garber in memory of Ellen Rafel • • Mr. and Mrs. David Lewis in memory of Ellen Rafel •
• Austin Carey in memory of Charles Miller • Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Garcia in memory of Henry Lange • Virginia Kathryn Libassi in memory of Charles Miller • Sally Littlefield
Frederick Cassetta in memory of Ellen Rafel • Allan Giordano in memory of Ellen Rafel • Hella Gradman in in memory of Charles Miller • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lowery in
Chasanoff in memory of Alton Marshall • Susan Collins in memory of Rosa and Josef Moneta and Seymour Buchine • memory of Ellen Rafel • Shirley Lubin in memory of Seymour
memory of George and Mary Buck • Christina Conover in Hella, Ingrid and Linda Gradman in memory of Markus Buchine • Mr. and Mrs. Julius Madey in memory of Martin
memory of Ellen Rafel • Mr. and Mrs. Saul Cooper in memory Gradman • Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grassi in memory of David Keimling • Marcia Maiorella in memory of Lawrence and
of Kay Green • Mr. and Mrs. Steven Corsun in memory of Grassi • Cheryl Greene and Gary Rosenberg in memory of Molly Hauptman • Frances Manley in memory of Alton
Sherrell Grean • Mary Crary in memory of Charles Miller • Ellen Rafel • Mr. and Mrs. Norman Greenfeld in memory of Marshall • David Marasco and Marianne Fraser in memory
Susan Dacks in memory of Morton and Hazel Dacks • Mr. Joseph Freedman • J. Robert Greiner in memory of Frank of Mattia Marasco • Sarah Marshall and Jason Hill in memory

of Alton Marshall • Mr. and Mrs. Steve In Memoriam

Mayville in memory of Charles Miller and
Elizabeth Miller • W. E. McClellan in memory
of Charles Miller • Dr. and Mrs. Donald
McGoldrick in memory of Renate Sachs • Mr.
Gone From Our Midst...
and Mrs. Tony Measley in memory of Ellen
Rafel • Brooke Miller in memory of Ellen Rafel
• Sara Montanari in memory of Barbara
But Remembered With Love
Jespersen • Baird Morgan in memory of
Charles Miller • Mr. and Mrs. David Mortman
in memory of Bellamy Worth and David Charles Devereaux Willmore, 1914-2008
Mortman • Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Murphy in
memory of J. Murray Logan • Eugenia Charlie was our oldest villager. He died in
Nisenholz-Wolf in memory of Ellen Rafel •
Richard Ott in memory of Arlene and Jerome
Kaspar house in August 2008. After incurring
Deyo • Donna Pappas in memory of Barbara a brain injury at birth in Larchmont, NY,
Jespersen • Barbara Payne in memory of
David Reid • Rebecca Perrin in memory of Charlie polished grills at his dad’s Rolls Royce
Edna Wile • Pinelawn Memorial Park in
memory of Alton Marshall • Lydia Pokrass in
showroom. He attended two schools before
memory of Barbara Jespersen • Emily Rankin coming to Camphill in the summer
in memory of Charles Miller • Mr. and Mrs.
Emil Ravetto in memory of Domenick Russo • of 1969. A debonair gentleman, Charlie
Sherri Reich in memory of Harriette Reich •
Mr. and Mrs. John Riege in memory of Charles
was the epitome of the country squire,
Miller • Peter Roberts in memory of Ad and walking about the Village in his white dress
Esther Roberts • Virginia Robinson in memory
of Elizabeth Miller • Mr. and Mrs. John shirt and gold tie. With a raspy voice and
Rohrbach in memory of Charles Miller • Sylvia
Rosenberg in memory of Anne Ratner • Mr.
characteristically mischievous twinkle in his
and Mrs. Clifford Rosenthal in memory of blue eyes, he exuded warmth. He had an
Ellen Rafel • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rossi in
memory of Charles Miller • Dr. and Mrs. affinity for fine cars and beautiful women
Timothy Rowe in memory of Mary Butironi •
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Rubin in memory of
— preferably both at the same time. Charlie
Elizabeth Miller and Charles Miller • Jack worked on the Village farm in early years, and to music — H.M.S. Pinafore, in particular.
Rudin in memory of Alton Marshall • May and
Samuel Rudin Family Foundation, Inc. in enjoyed visiting the Wood Workshop, Bakery After his funeral service at Fountain Hall,
memory of Alton Marshall • Mr. and Mrs.
Bahman Samiian in memory of Ellen Rafel •
and Bluestone office when semi-retired. He Charlie was driven to his resting place in
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sargent in memory of was celebrated as “Mayor of Camphill” when the style to which he was accustomed —
Charles Miller • Susan Sarlin in memory of
Sylvia and Ben Itkin • Richard Scheuch in he turned 70, but managed to surpass the in a polished car, with beautiful women
memory of Charles Miller • Eleanor
Schoenberger in memory of David Tarshes •
milestones of 80 and 90 years of age. He’d and good friends waving him goodbye.
Paulette Schwab in memory of Sarah Freed • hold court in Kaspar’s living room, listening
Nancy Shea in memory of Alton Marshall •
Morris Sheby in memory of Ellen Rafel • Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Shulansky in memory of
Charles Miller • Mr. and Mrs. David Silvernail
in memory of Edna Wile • Mr. and Mrs.
Reg Bould, 1920-2008
Raphael Slater in memory of Ellen Rafel • Tim “I believe we are led through life by a met Molly Horton as a teenager, heard her
Smith in memory of Alton Marshall • Martha
Soper in memory of Charles Miller • Mr. and combination of the earthly circumstances and tell the poignant story of her life and vowed
Mrs. Harvey Spaunburg in memory of Charles
Miller • Mark Steingard in memory of Joseph heavenly influences of which we are not always to marry her so she would never suffer again.
Freedman • John Sterling in memory of aware.” This is how Reg Bould looked back Ensuing experiences shaped him: his faith;
Charles Miller • Katherine Stevens in memory
of John and Louise Stevens • Mr. and Mrs. at his life. He was born in Stoke-On-Trent, being inspired to do woodwork; meeting
William Stevens in memory of John and
Louise Stevens • Elizabeth Stott in memory of England, where crafts were a way of life. His Karl König; joining Camphill in Scotland,
Charles Miller • Dr. and Mrs. George Talbert in beloved mother led by the creed “Bear ye one Norway and other communities; his wonderful
memory of Anne Ratner • Mr. and Mrs.
Michael Tannenbaum in memory of Sylvia another’s burdens.” This motto resonated children; Molly’s death in 1975; and coming
Goldsmith • Angelica Thevos in memory of
Barbara Jespersen • Betty Thompson in with Reg, perhaps never more than when he to Camphill Copake and marrying Christina
memory of James Finn • Mr. and Mrs. John Sherman. Reg worked in
Tucker in memory of J. Murray Logan •
Elizabeth Valentine in memory of Charles stained glass and with wood
Miller • Richard Viets in memory of Marina
Viets • Elise Wallace in memory of Barbara while here at Camphill, but
Jespersen • Andree Ward in memory of is most lovingly recalled as a
William Ward • Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Watkins
in memory of Charles Miller • Eric Watterud in fantastic storyteller, enthusiastic
memory of Hy, Matilda and Madeline Feldman
• Ruth Weir in memory of Wilma Coy • James thespian, and skilled craftsman,
Welby in memory of Ellen Rafel • Mr. and Mrs. who was generous of soul, spirit,
Richard Williams in memory of James
Hannigan • Helen Wills in memory of Charles talent, humor and wisdom.
Miller • Cheryl Wilson in memory of Jeffrey
Bernstein • Constance Wilson in memory of
Elizabeth Miller • Mr. and Mrs. William Wood
in memory of Elizabeth Miller and Charles
Miller • Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Zablow in
memory of Danny Chester • Mr. Donald Reg Bould, Susan Hirsch,
Zinman and Mr. Hollis Henning in memory of
Helen Artzt
Elisabeth Cooper,
Christina Bould
A community of people, some with special needs, living and working together toward social renewal.





Copake, NY 12516
84 Camphill Road
Camphill Village USA, Inc.

Memorial Day Weekend

Baseball Game Is a Hit!
A rousing baseball game had villagers and
co-workers teaming up on the most beauti-
ful day of the year. Energy was high, and the
cheering crowd on the hill made sure it stayed
that way. The game was won by only one run.
It was so much fun, we don’t even remember
Joseph Papas is at the ready as Dylan Kraus takes which team clinched the victory!
a swing; Oliver Dawdy does a victory dance.

Save The Dates...

Triennial Concert to Benefit Camphill Communities
Tuesday, October 6th, 2009
Rose Hall at Jazz at Lincoln Center, NYC

Family Day
Sunday, October 11th, 2009
Camphill Village, Copake, NY

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