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MFA Master Reading List Pre-Eighteenth Century

Apuleus Boccaccio Bunyan Chaucer Cervantes Dante Homer Hebrew Bible New Testament Malory Mendoza Milton More Murasaki Nashe Ovid Rabelais Wu


Wichita State University

The Golden Ass The Decameron Pilgrim's Progress Canterbury Tales Don Quixote The Divine Comedy The Odyssey; The Iliad Genesis; Job; Ecclesiastes; Psalms; Daniel; Lamentations; Proverbs (King James Version) The Gospels; Acts; Revelation final two books The Life and Adventures of Lazarillo De Tormes Paradise Lost Utopia The Tale of the Genji The Unfortunate Traveller Metamorphoses Beowulf Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Gargantua and Pantagruel Monkey

Eighteenth-Century British
Burney Defoe Fielding Godwin Pope Radcliffe Richardson Smollett Sterne Swift Walpole Evelina Robinson Crusoe; Moll Flanders Joseph Andrews; Tom Jones Caleb Williams The Rape of the Lock; The Dunciad The Mysteries of Udolpho Pamela; Clarissa The Expedition of Humphrey Clinker Tristram Shandy Gulliver's Travels The Castle of Otranto

Nineteenth-Century British
Austen Bront, Emily Bront, Charlotte Collins Dickens Eliot Hardy Meredith Thackeray Scott Shelley Pride and Prejudice; Emma Wuthering Heights Jane Eyre The Moonstone Great Expectations; Bleak House Middlemarch The Mayor of Casterbridge; Jude the Obscure; Tess of the D'Urbervilles The Egoist Vanity Fair Heart of Midlothian; Old Mortality Frankenstein

Fall 2001


American Pre-Twentieth Century

Cooper Chopin Crane Douglass Hawthorne Howells Melville Poe Stowe Thoreau Twain The Prairie The Awakening; The Storm; Selected Stories The Red Badge of Courage; Maggie, Girl of the Streets; Selected Stories Narrative of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave The Scarlet Letter; The House of the Seven Gables; Selected Stories The Rise of Silas Lapham Moby Dick; Billy Budd; Foretopman selected stories Uncle Tom's Cabin Walden Huckleberry Finn

Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century European (excluding British)

Babel Balzac Bulkagov Camus Celine Chekhov Dinesen Duras Dostoevsky Flaubert Gide Goethe Hamsun Kafka Malraux Mann Maupassant Musil Proust Remarque Sartre Schwartz-Bart Stendahl Tolstoy Turgenev Zola Zweig Stories Old Goriot The Master and Margherita The Stranger; The Plague Journey into the End of the Night Anton Chekhov's Short Stories, New York, 1979 Out of Africa The Lover The Idiot; The Possessed; Brothers Karamazov; Crime and Punishment Madame Bovary; Sentimental Education The Immoralist The Sorrows of Young Werther Growth of the Soil; Wanderers; Hunger The Trial; Collected Stories Man's Fate The Magic Mountain; Death in Venice; Doctor Faustus Selected Stories The Man without Qualities Swann's Way All Quiet On The Western Front Nausea The Last of the Just The Red and the Black Anna Karenina; War and Peace; The Death of Ivan Ilyich Fathers and Sons; Selected Stories Nana; Germinal The Case of Sergeant Grisha

Modern British
Beckett Bowen Conrad Ford Forster Joyce Lawrence Murphy; Watt The Heat of the Day; Selected Stories Lord Jim; The Heart of Darkness The Good Soldier; Parades End Passage to India; A Room With a View Ulysses; Dubliners; Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Sons and Lovers; Women in Love; The Rainbow; Collected Stories

Fall 2001


Lessing Gissing Green Greene Huxley Mansfield Powys Woolf

The Summer Before the Dark; The Golden Notebook The Odd Woman Loving The Heart of The Matter; A Burnt-Out Case; The Comedians; Brighton Rock Point Counter Point selected stories Wolf Solent To the Lighthouse; Mrs. Dalloway

Modern American
Algren Anderson Abbey Agee Bellow Baldwin Barth Barthelme Brown Burrows Capote Cather Clark Doctorow Donato Dos Passos Dreiser Du Bois Elkin Ellison Farrell Gass Heller Hemingway Himes Hughes Hurston Fitzgerald Faulkner Hammet, Dashiell James Jewett Johnson Jones Kerouac Lee Lewis McCullers Mailer Malamud Maxwell Never Come Morning; The Neon Wilderness Winesburg, Ohio; Desert Solitaire A Death in the Family Herzog; Henderson The Rain King Sonnys Blues; Go Tell It On The Mountain Lost in the Funhouse; The Floating Opera; The End of the World; Giles GoatBoy Collected Stories Manchild in the Promised Land Naked Lunch; Junky In Cold Blood My Antonia; Death Comes for the Archbishop; A Lost Lady; The Professors House The Ox-Bow Incident Loon Lake Christ in Concrete Three Soldiers; U.S.A. Sister Carrie; An American Tragedy Souls of Black Folk Criers and Kibitzers; Kibitzers and Criers; The Living End Invisible Man Studs Lonigan In the Heart of the Heart of the Country Catch-22 The Sun Also Rises; A Moveable Feast; Collected Stories If He Hollers Let Him Go Simple Stories Their Eyes Were Watching God The Great Gatsby; Tender Is the Night; Collected Stories The Sound and the Fury; Go Down Moses; Light in August; Absalom, Absalom!; As I Lay Dying The Thin Man; The Maltese Falcon Portrait of a Lady; The Golden Bowl; The Ambassadors; selected stories The Country of the Pointed Firs Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man From Here to Eternity On The Road To Kill a Mockingbird Babbit The Heart is a Lonely Hunter The Naked and the Dead; An American Dream The Magic Barrel; The Fixer Time Will Darken It

Fall 2001


Nabokov Norris O'Connor, Flannery OConnor, Frank Percy Porter Roth, Henry Roth, Philip Salinger Schulberg Selby Stein Steinbeck Styron Taylor Toomer Updike Warren Welty West Wharton Williams, W.C. Wolfe Wright X Yates

Pale Fire; Lolita McTeague Complete Stories; Wise Blood Collected Stories The Movie Goer, Love In the Ruins Pale Horse; Pale Rider; Flowering Judas Call It Sleep Goodbye Columbus Nine Stories Some Faces in the Crowd Last Exit To Brooklyn Three Lives The Grapes of Wrath Lie Down in Darkness; Sophies Choice The Old Forest and Other Stories Cane Rabbit novels; selected stories All The Kings Men Stories; The Optimists Daughter The Day of the Locust; Miss Lonelyhearts The Age of Innocence; The House of Mirth stories Look Homeward, Angel Black Boy; Native Son The Autobiography of Malcolm X Revolutionary Road; Eleven Kinds of Loneliness

Post-Modern: In Translation
Abe, Kobo Achebe, Chinua Boll, Heinrich Borges, Jorge Calvino, Italo Eco, Emberto Fuentes, Carlos Grass, Gunter Katzanzakis, Nikos Kundera, Milan Marquez, Gabriel Garcia Mishima, Yukio Simon, Claude Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr Tanizaki, Junichiro The Woman in the Dunes Arrow of God; Things Fall Apart Group Portrait with Lady Labyrinths Cosmicomic; Invisible Cities The Name of the Rose The Death of Artemio Cruz The Tin Drum The Last Temptation of Christ The Book of Laughter and Forgetting; The Unbearable Lightness of Being One Hundred Years of Solitude; Chronicle of a Death Foretold; Collected Stories The Temple of the Golden Pavilion Conducting Bodies The First Circle Thousand Cranes

Post-Modern: In English
Alexie, Sherman Atwood, Margaret Banks, Russell Betts, Doris Beattie, Ann Boyle, T. Coraghessan The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven; Indian Killer The Handmaids Tale Affliction; Continental Drift; The Sweet Hereafter The Astronomer; Heading West, Beasts of the Southern Wild; Souls Raised from the Dead The Burning House; Falling In Place The Road to Wellville; selected stories

Fall 2001


Busch, Frederick Byatt, A. S. Canin, Ethan Carver, Raymond Casey, John Chabon, Michael Cheever, John Coetzee, J. M. Connell, Evan S. Curley, Daniel Davies, Robertson Delilo, Don Desai, Anita Didion, Joan Dillard, Annie Dubus, Andre Doctorow, E.L. Erdrich, Louise Ford, Richard Fowles, John Gardner, John Gardner, Leonard Gilchrist, Ellen Gordimer, Nadine Hansen, Ron Haruf, Kent Irving, John Jen, Gish Jong, Erica Kagawa, Joy Karr, Mary Kincaid, Jamaica Kingsolver, Barbara Kingston, Maxine Laurence, Margaret Leavitt, David McCourt, Frank McGuane, Thomas Marshall, Paule Mason, Bobbie Ann Miller, Sue Minot, Susan Momaday, N. Scott Moody, Rick Morris, Wright Morrison, Toni Munro, Alice Murdoch, Iris Naipaul, V. S. Narayan, R. K. OBrien, Edna OBrien, Flann ONan, Stewart Oates, Joyce Carol

Girls Possession: A Romance Emperor of the Air; Blue River; The Palace Thief What We Talk About When We Talk About Love Spartina Mysteries of Pittsburgh Collected Stories Waiting for the Barbarians Mrs. Bridge; Son of the Morning Star Mummy Fifth Business White Noise; Libra; Mao II Clear Light of Day The White Album The Writing Life Selected Stories Welcome to Hard Times Tracks; Love Medicine; Beet Queen; The Antelope Wife; The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse Rock Springs; Independence Day The French Lieutenants Woman The Sunlight Dialogues; Grendal; Nickel Mountain Fat City In the Land of Dreamy Dreams; The Anna Papers Burgers Daughter Desperadoes; Nebraska Plainsong Cider House Rules; The World According to Garp Mona in The Promised Land Fear of Flying Obasan The Liars Club: A Memoir Annie John Animal Dreams Woman Warrior The Fire Dwellers; Rachel, Rachel; The Diviners Family Dancing Angelas Ashes Ninety-Two in the Shade Praisesong for the Widow In Country The Good Mother Monkeys; Lust & Other Stories House Made of Dawn The Ice Storm Field of Vision; Ceremony in Lone Tree; Man and Boy; Fire Sermon Bluest Eye; Sula; Beloved Friend of My Youth The Sacred and Profane Love Machine A House for Mr. Biswas The Guide The Country Girls Trilogy At Swim Two Birds The Names of The Dead Son of the Morning; Because It Is Bitter and Because It Is My Heart; selected stories

Fall 2001


Olsen, Tillie Ondaatje, Michael Ozick, Cynthia Paley, Grace Paton, Alan Petry, Ann Proulx, Annie Pynchon, Thomas Robison, Mary Rushdie, Salman Silko, Leslie Southern, Terry Smiley, Jane Spark, Muriel Stead, Christina Stegner, Wallace Stone, Robert Tan, Amy Trevor, William Vonnegut, Kurt Walker, Alice Welsh, James White, Patrick Wideman, John Wolff, Tobias

Tell Me a Riddle; Silences The English Patient The Pagan Rabbi The Collected Stories Cry, the Beloved Country The Street Postcards; The Shipping News Gravitys Rainbow; The Crying of Lot 45; V; Vineland Believe Them: Stories Midnights Children Ceremony Red Dirt Marijuana and Other Stories; The Magic Christian The Age of Grief; A Thousand Acres The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie The Man Who Loved Children Angle of Repose; Wolf Willow Dog Soldiers; Hall of Mirrors The Kitchen God's Wife; The Joy Luck Club The Collected Stories Slaughterhouse Five The Color Purple The Death of Jim Loney The Eye of the Storm Philadelphia Fire; Brothers and Keepers; Homewood Trilogy In The Garden of the North American Martyrs; The Night in Question

Fall 2001


MFA Master Reading List

Aristotle Booth, Wayne Frye, Northrup Gass, William Gardner, John James, Henry Miller, J. Hillis, ed. Plato Richards, I.A. Stegner, Wallace Stevick, Philip Watt, Ian


Rhetoric; Poetics The Rhetoric of Fiction, Chapters 1-3, 6, 7, and 13. Fables of Identity; Theory of Modes' in Anatomy of Criticism Fiction and the Figures of Life The Art of Fiction; On Moral Fiction The Art of the Novel Aspects of Narrative The Republic Principles of Literary Criticism Where the Bluebird Sings to the Lemonade Springs The Theory of the Novel The Rise of the Novel


Other Important Works

Agee, James Bakhtin, Mikhail Burroway, Janet Chase, Richard DeMan, Paul Fiedler, Leslie Forster, E.M. Frye, Northrup OConnor, Flannery Welty, Eudora Woolf, Virginia Let Us Now Praise Famous Men The Dialogical Imagination Writing Fiction The American Novel and Its Traditions Allegories of Reading Love and Death in the American Novel Aspects of the Novel Anatomy of Criticism Mystery and Manners One Writers Beginnings The Common Reader

Fall 2001


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