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Summer 2009 Bridge of Don Amateur

Swimming Club Newsletter

President’s piece

Welcome to the “Summer nise the time and effort pacity, and currently have a
Special” edition of our that Graham Bruno put in waiting list for new swim-
newsletter. As always to deliver this enhancement mers wishing to join the
there’s been lots happening to such an essential com- club. This is not an ideal
since our last newsletter, so munication tool. position for the club and we
we will try to give you some continue to pursue various
Inside this issue: There are a many changes
of the edited highlights. options to obtain increased
happening at local authority
pool time to accommodate
The Club AGM was held in level with control of sport in
Coaches Reports 2-5 the numbers of swimmers
April, I am delighted that we Aberdeen passing from the
we are attracting to the
appointed volunteers to all council to a Sports Trust,
the Committee Roles, I am Swimming will be included club.
COAST in Sunderland 6
hugely indebted to all par- in this transition from the Finally I continue to be im-
ents who have committed beginning of July. This pressed with the numbers
BETA league results 6 their time thereby ensuring should provide a level of of our older swimmers who
our club continues to grow financial security for the are continuing to support
News from Swim Shop 7 from strength to strength. sport within Aberdeen that the club through poolside
So a big thank you to all the has not been available pre- helping, teaching , coaching
“old timers”, and a special viously. The plans for a and as committee mem-
Swimmers of the Month 7 thank you to the new mem- 50m competition/training bers. It is satisfying to see
bers who have stepped pool facility are well ad- these individuals choosing
Ellis bows out at Ythan meet 7 forward to get more in- vanced and due for comple- to put something back into
volved, already you are tion by 2012. In addition, the sport that they have
making a difference. The changes within the COAST enjoyed participating in
Success at Elgin Mini Meet 8 club always needs new structure are providing over the years, many
faces coming along as the greater support and clarity thanks to you all.
new and fresh ideas that for our performance swim-
I hope you all have a great
are brought to the table mers progressing through
summer holiday, enjoy your
keep the club vibrant. If all levels of competitive
break from training, and
YOU want to become more swimming. In summary, this
come back after the break
actively involved, through is an exciting time to be
coaching, teaching or or- involved with Swimming in refreshed and raring to go.
ganisation please make Aberdeen. Thank you for representing
contact via any coach, Com- and supporting Bridge of
Saturday 12th Sept. At club level our Learn to
mittee member or the club Don ASC
2009 Swim scheme continues to
feed on its previous suc- cess, a high percentage of Ron
Fundraising Event Our newly designed website our swimmers progressing Ron Smith
has been very well re- through into the Competi-
Bag packing @ ceived, with new features tive squads within the club.
like club records, minutes Regretfully, ongoing council
of meetings, and a coaches constraints mean we are
Sainsbury’s, Berryden
area. I would like to recog operating at maximum ca
Page 2 Bridge of Don Amateur

Coaches Report: JT1 & JT 1A

I took over the LTS classes the children in JT1 are During the summer holi-
“Keep up the at Linksfield at the start of growing in confidence each days I would encourage all
hard work the block and it has been a week and progressing well. my young swimmers to
keep practising their newly
and have a pleasure teaching all the
acquired skills in prepara-
children on a Monday and The JT1A classes are focus- tion for the new block.
lovely Wednesday evening. ing on core skills and basic
summer!” technique. My only JT2
class are becoming really Jessica
Many of the children are
competent swimmers who
very new to the club so it is are focusing on stroke de-
always nice to welcome velopment and technique.
new faces to the class. All

“Don’t miss the

Coaches Report: JT2 & JT2a
It’s been a pleasure to be I’ve also been very grateful As we near the end of this
World working as part of the for the in the water help block of lessons I’d like to
Championships teaching team this block. provided by Stevie Brands extend my best wishes to
I’ve seen many of the kids for my Saturday morning everyone this summer holi-
in Rome, I’ve taught before trying classes. I’m also aware day – take care and keep
new skills and plenty of that Danielle Dewsbury’s swimming!
new faces also joining the help with classes taking
17July -
classes. We now have a place in the second tank Graham
team of teachers who are has also made a real dif-
2 August” taking JT2 and JT2a ference. Seeing someone
classes at both Bridge of in the water demonstrate a
Don and Linksfield includ- skill can really help a swim-
ing myself, Ellis Paterson, mer understand what is
Michael MacDonald and being looked for.
Jessica Smith.

Coaches Report: JT2

Lots of hard work this term pool at Bridge of Don can worked hard and got used
from everybody! We've cov- be a bit different, and it can to it, then that deserves an
ered a lot of things take a while to get used to even bigger well done.
this term, so thanks for the new, deeper pool. Some
listening and trying hard. of you weren't sure whether
It's not always easy to you could manage in the Michael
remember all the different deeper water at first. But
things I tell you to think now, you're swimming width
about each week! after width with no prob-
Watch out for Hannah Miley in Rome.
Moving from the smaller If you started off nervous in
pool at Linksfield up to the the deeper water, but
Summer 2009 Page 3

Coaches Report: JT3 & 4

Well done to everyone in Well, it's that time again Keep up the good work eve-
JT3, you have all worked where you are off on your holi- ryone and good luck to
really hard and I have seen a days, but I would like to think those of you who move on
big improvement in every still keeping up with the swim- to JT5.
one of the squad. I hope that ming! You have all listened
you have enjoyed your time well (most of the time!) and Thanks to Dani for her help
with me, as I have had lots really tried hard this term to too. Enjoy the holidays and
of fun with you. improve. I hope you have had look forward to seeing some
fun too as that's what swim- old and new faces after the
Hope you all have a great ming is about, as well as summer hols.
holiday with lots and lots of learning to swim properly and
swimming. be able to keep yourself safe Lorraine
in the water.

Some of the older boys at Ythan

Coaches report: JT4

We have had a very suc- summer, and are very much
cessful time since the last looking forward to working
newsletter, with our num- with them.
bers swelling to a very
Hope you have a very good Craig & rest “There are things
healthy level. It will be sad
to see people move on after summer. And I hope it is of the JT4
actually summery. Take we like doing and
summer, but we wish them
care, and see you soon. team
the very best of luck. And things we find
we will see you all again
soon. hard and don't

We are also very happy to like doing.

receive the swimmers mov-
Remember, it's the
ing into the squad after
hard things that

need most
Coaches report: JT5
Well done to everyone for breaststroke and in our hard things that need most practise!”
plenty of hard work this streamlining off the wall. practise!
term! Ellis and myself Oh, and our backstroke
been giving you quite a lot starts don't look like ad- Well done, please keep up
of work, especially on the verts for the Centre Park the good work.
Friday length flumes anymore, so good
session, so well done for job!
keeping up the enthusiasm. Have a good summer.
There are always things we
I think the biggest improve- like doing and things we
ments from everyone have find hard and don't like Michael
come in front crawl, doing. Remember, it's the
Page 4 Bridge of Don Amateur
Swimming Club Newsletter

Coaches Report: JC1

have put you through, so August. Remember to
Congratulations to every well done! cheer on our local swim-
single person who has mers.
There have been some
been in the squad through-
amazing performances Before then, have an amaz-
out the year, everyone has
from the squad as a whole ing summer so that you’re
improved and I am so
and this attitude and deter- all rested and rejuvenated
proud of you all. The tran-
mination needs to carry on for when you come back to
sition between JT5 and JC1
so that all can grow up to training.
is huge, its the point where
be as good as you can be.
JC1&JC2 girls enjoy the Elgin mini meet you have been taught how Have a great time,
to swim and are now ready I also urge you all to watch
to train and become a the Swimming World Cham-
“Everyone has
competitive swimmer. All pionships in Rome starting Debbie
of you have grasped this on the 17th July to get you
improved, I am so concept well and got on into the swimming mood
proud of you all” with all the hard sets I when you come back in

Coaches Report : JC2

Summer is here already.
JC2 has been a big squad So give yourselves a pat on Its been a great first six
this year with lots of work the back and keep up the months So keep up the
on technique and distance, good work. good work.
with some great improve-
I would like also to con- And continue to work hard.
ments in both.
gratulate all those who
Hope you have a great sum-
During competitions JC2 have got moved up to JC3.
mer and see you all in Au-
swimmers have done really well done.
well with medals and PB's.
And thanks to all my pool-
You have been a great Take Care.
side helpers.
credit to your squad and
club. This shows that all the Also to the coaches that Kevin & Emma
hard work pays off. have covered for me on my
away days.

Hi Everyone, Thank you also for all her new career. We

the help you have would also like to wel-
I would like to take
given me since I took come back Jessica and
this opportunity to
on the role of coaches’ welcome Laura Mills to
thank all the coaches
rep. the club.
for their hard work
and all the encour- We would like to say Hope you all have a
agement they have farewell to Claire and nice relaxing holiday.
given the young swim- thank her for all her
Yvonne L
JC1&JC2 girls enjoy the Elgin mini meet
mers in the club. hard work and wish
her all the very best in Coaches’ rep.
Summer 2009 Page 5

Coaches Report :JC3

Speaking from experience, I mally able to come but have a coach the Elites and he
know how hard it can be to Thursday where you can you coaches JC3. During these
summon the enthusiasm to are still very welcome and sessions we’ll start with a com-
attend morning training ses- entitled to attend. I try to inject mon plan which is then
sions. They can however prove variety into the sets I write to adapted to appropriately chal-
to be amongst the most of make them as interesting but lenge the range of swimmers
rewarding of sessions. Swim- also as worthwhile swimming present. I hope you all have a
mers have developed their as I can. Swimmers; I welcome great summer.
technique on all four strokes your constructive feedback to
and have had a chance to help me provide you with bet- Graham
work on sets ranging from ter sessions.
short intense 25m sprints
through to a timed 1500 set in
March. I understand that at- On Mondays this block I’ve
tending the early morning ses- been pleased to work with
sions is not practical for all Michael MacDonald, we’ve “Whether you
swimmers, if you are not nor- come to arrangement where I plan to go
abroad or stay at
home do stay
active this
summer so that
you are in a good
Coaches Report :JC3/Elite/Associates position when you
We have said it before but time we have available dur- help evolve both squads. return to
the kids in these squads ing each training session. training in the
are fantastic! It is always a We have a lot of coaches Have a fantastic holiday, autumn.”
pleasure to come on pool- on poolside with each enjoy the typical Aberdeen
side and work with them squad but all sessions are weather and if you are go-
week in, week out. We real- co-ordinated and there is ing away suffice to say we
ise that is difficult for swim- consistency throughout. are insanely jealous. Get in
mers to summon the enthu- Saying that the plan at the a pool at some point and
siasm for another test set start of the session does keep your fitness up. See
or to get up at stupid change very regularly you after the summer holi-
o’clock in the morning. But throughout. The sessions
we need to make sure we are varied and complex. The
are summoning this enthu- The number of coaches at Coaching
siasm as we get into the this level gives a fantastic
pool, so we can get the ab- range of experience and team
solute best out of the short coaching styles which really

Coaches Report: Development Squad

For the past few months, small change in technique from Liz, back in
COAST has run a Develop- can make. The improve- our own sessions
ment Squad, held every two ment in everyone's stroke at Bridge of Don.
weeks at Cults pool, which technique, and streamlin-
I learned a lot in a short
a group of our JC3 swim- ing, was quite something.
space of time, and I'm
mers attended. The ses- Well done to our swimmers
happy to see the sessions
sions were coached by Liz who attended these ses-
continuing. They're now on
Kemp, and were of huge sions. I was always im-
a Monday at Dyce pool.
help to all of us. They often pressed with your attitude, Some of the squad at the Ythan meet
took a 'back to basics' ap- and it's obvious that you
proach, and showed the continue to think about the
huge difference that a things you have learned Michael
Page 6 Bridge of Don Amateur

Inside Story Headline

COAST swimmers at first Sunderland Long Course meet

among a strongswimmers
Four BODASC COAST team wereto both the 200 back and the to Sunderland. I couldn’t
among ain the first
strong COASTCity team
of to 100 butterfly in times of 2.45 believe how long the pool was.
compete in long course
the first City open
of and 1.24. The main 50m pool had ten
meet on 30 &long
Sunderland 31 course
May. Alexopen lanes and there was even a
meet on 30 Callum
& 31 Fowler,
May. Alex Zoe separate seven lane 25m
Grant and Grant Murray
Coldwells, Callum Fowler, Zoe were swim down pool. When I was
all partand
Grant of the team
Grant that won
Murray were doing my swims I sometimes
the Top Club
all part of theaward
team at thewon
that thought that I would never
the Top Club award at the reach the wall”.
Alex (12) was placed 4th in the Alex added:
The new Sunderland Aquatic Centre 200
Alex front crawlplaced
(12) was with a4th
in the “I really liked the new pool in
Callum (13)crawl
200 front was with
placed third in
a 2.22; Sunderland, it was a great
the 200(13)
Callum i.m. was
with placed
a 2.35;third in
experience swimming in a
Grant (13) was placed
the 200 i.m. with a 2.35;fifth in
50m pool and it was right next
the 100 breast with a 1.25;
Grant (13) was placed fifth in
Zoe Grant commented: to the Stadium of Light,
the (12)
Zoe 100 was
breast with a
placed 1.25;
5th in Sunderland’s football ground”.
both the 200 “ I really enjoyed my trip down
Zoe (12) was back and
placed the
5th in

Beta League Results

BODASC narrowly lost the Beta Thanks go to all family and coaches who have managed
“The League home match against friends who came along to to drive through these superb
BODASC Aberdeen Dolphins on 31 May. support the team and really performances.
cheered everyone on.
relay teams The final result was: Congratulations and well done
The final result was: to the following swimmers who
were simply BoD 4 points
Bon Accord Thistle 2 points recently all took part their first
outstanding” Dolphins 6 points meet:
BoD 8 points
The following week, an away Kirsty Pratt, Tiernan Humphrey
match against Aberdeen Bon
Accord Thistle saw an out- Cameron Moore, Eilidth Webster
The successes achieved
standing performance from Yasmin Perry, Bethany Jane
throughout the Beta League
the 30 strong squad which Taylor, Lisa Morgan,
season have been consistently
culminated in a fantastic se-
good and a credit to our swim- Fraser Emslie and Owen Duffus.
ries of relays in which the
mers and also the
squad really excelled.


Scores Points
Bon Acc BOD Bon Acc BOD
Section 1 – FLY 57 55 2 0
Section 2 – BACK 52 65 0 2
Section 3 – BREAST 50 69 0 2
Section 4 - FREE 44 72 0 2
Section 5 – RELAYS 6 16 0 2
Some of the squad after the Elgin mini meet.
TOTAL 209 277 2 8
Summer 2009 Page 7

Contact Mary at the

News from the Swim Shop following email:
I never realised how much transition time from Lesley and shopping for better
work went into organising Beveridge to me Mary deals on swimwear.
the swim shop for the club Mitchell as all the stock had equipmentconvenor
I will also be holding a sale
but in saying that, it is all to get handed over and all
at the September Splash so
very rewarding to see the the existing orders had to
look out for the rails!
kids that you have ordered be fulfilled and finished.
shirts or hoodies for, jump If anyone has any sugges-
Currently I am organising
for joy at their own special tions or are willing to help
Club Towels and Club Mad-
clothing with the club logo in any way, please get in
wave swimwear and both
with their name on it. Well touch.
these notices for orders are
worth all the running about
up on the notice board. Have a good summer.
to keep our kids happy and
Please be quick as it is first
feel part of something good
come first served basis.
and worthwhile.
Future projects include Mary
It has been a very busy
white officials polo shirts

Swimmers of the Month on your awards
and keep up the
January March May hard work in
JC1 Meggie Williams JC1 Kirsty Cruickshank training”
JC1 Ellie Downie
JC2 no award JC2 Caroline McIntosh JC2 Tim Ovall
JC3 Gemma Morgan JC3 Yvonne Lindie JC3 Hannah Coldwells
Elite no award Elite no award Elite Gemma Esslemont
February April

JCI Carly Main JC1 no award

JC2 Rebeka Forzis JC2 Heather Preston

JC3 Lauren McIsaac JC3 David Scott

Elite Iain Macdonald Elite Stevie Brands

Ellis bows out of competition at Ythan meet

Ellis Patterson took part in her best performance at Ellis is now turning her
her last gala as a competi- this gala, of two gold med- hand to coaching, having
tor at the Ythan meet on 16 als in 2008, but was still completed her level 1
May 2009. smiling at the end. coaching certificate in Feb
(in the snow) and will take
Ellis has swum competi- Over the years, Ellis has
her level one teaching cer-
tively with the club since enjoyed considerable suc-
tificate in October.
the age of 9 and so as she cess with the club, being Ellis (centre) turns her attention to coaching
approaches her 16th birth- promoted to the JC4 squad Ellis will still swim as an
day she decided that this and also was a key member Associate club and can still
one would be her last. of the last BOD BETA be seen in her p.j.s arriving
league winning team. for 6.00am training on a
She was unable to repeat
Thursday morning.
Based at Bridge of Don Swimming Pool, a 25 metre pool
located at Bridge of Don Academy and Community Educa-
tion Centre, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, Scotland.
The Club has approximately 100 children, aged from 5 to 20
and takes swimmers from learning to swim stages to com-
peting at North District Level. We also feed swimmers in to
the City of Aberdeen Swim Team (COAST) which takes swim-
mers through to competing at National level.

V ISIT OUR WEBSITE: Swimmers with the club have the opportunity to :  Develop their swimming skills

 Improve their fitness

 Make new friends

 Meet friends at regular training sessions

Dates for your diary
 Swim in friendly local competitions
JT Squad training starts again: week com-
mencing 10th August 2009  Enjoy organised swimming trips in Scotland,
mainly in the North East
BODASC September Splash 2009
5th September
Bridge of Don Swimming Pool
Stop Press: Congratulations to Yvonne Lindie, Cor-
Bag Packing - 12th September rine Beveridge, Lauren McIsaac and Paul Esslemont
on your winning performances at the North District
Development Meet in Banff on 20/21 June and well
done to all the other swimmers who got some amaz-
ing p.b.s!

Success at the Elgin Mini Meet

A young squad took part in Throughout the past 6 months
the Elgin mini meet (held in we have seen some great indi-
Buckie) on 13 June and had vidual swimming performances,
some really outstanding of special mention, however, is
successes. the success of the BoD Relay
In the individual events Paul Teams.
Esslemont (3 golds) led the At the Elgin meet the mixed
way for the boys, Finlay relay teams really pulled out
Deans (1 gold, 3 bronze) amazing performances, with the
and Michael Millar (2 silver, 8-9 year olds winning gold in the
1 bronze) also had a good 50 medley and bronze in the 50
day. free relays. The 10-11 year olds
were also in two exciting finals
For the girls, the younger
finishing with a silver in both the
members of the squad were
brilliant, with Caroline 50 medley and 50 free events.
McIntosh (1 silver), Meg
Paterson (1 bronze) and
“Team Bridge of Don has be-
Yasmin Perry (1 bronze).
come the team to beat. Well
Corrine Beveridge (1
done to all swimmers who have
bronze) was also a medal
competed throughout the sea-

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