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As technology and modern advancement bind the earth little by little, more and more dilemmas are uprising

and creeping sluggishly, pulling the earth towards the mud of eternal unknowingness. The more industrialization establishes itself, the more natural resources are being eradicated and murdered to death. More people are getting sick, more are dying, more are parted from their dreams. Everything just seem to vanish in an instant. Proper nutrition and its maintenance had been one of the most intriguing focuses in the world today. The determining factor in the total health of an individual seems to be a thing that is very hard to catch and get that even the most advance machineries cannot offer any help. It is, indeed, even separating itself from people, whom are which hypnotized by the hex of technos and gizmos. Thus, people nowadays are attacked by illnesses and diseases, most of which leading to the extinction of life, the abolition of existence in the world. One of the factors involved in the attainment of proper nutrition is eating. The hectic world today provides a view of a high number of people eating just to satisfy hungry stomachs without considering any nutritive value of the food being taken. Most food establishments, restaurants, and markets offer instant food, many of which are acknowledged and favored by majority and yet considered as the worst to human health. Reality speaks that the food appeal is taken into consideration rather than its nutritional content. La Rochefoucauld once said: To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art, thus pointing to the actuality of a call toward reorientation of the people between eating and health. Modern gadgets will not provide the nutrition one needs in his stay on the grounds of earth. Prevailing devices neither science cant provide any help in the upbringing of ones health. It is still the nature and discipline of an individual that counts in the end. Good nutritional status is noted when man benefits from a well-balanced dietary intake, manifested in a normal organ development and function, normal reproduction, growth and maintenance, optimum activity and working efficiency, resistance to infection and ability to repair bodily damage or injury. Thus, a wellbalanced diet, daily exercise, and practice of discipline reveals the necessary things one must have to attain good nutrition. Proper nutrition means invincibility to diseases. Recently (even up to now), the world was embraced by the endemic Influenza A (H1N1) virus, an illness that killed a lot of human and left the world with fear and anxiety. This shows that most people are vulnerable to diseases, with causes mostly because of improper nutrition. Due to technology, the world is left suffering. We may not notice but our continuous act of ignoring nature is killing us little by little. Eating the right amount and kinds of food everyday is a tremendous contribution of nutrition to prevention of diseases. Inadequate calorie intake has been demonstrated to bring about an impairment of physical efficiency, low production output and poor muscle strength and endurance. Vitamin deficiency affects physical fitness and well-being. Protein deficiency results to muscular weakness, fatigue and overall work performance. We are challenged not to be bound by the modern world. All the products of science and technology will mean nothing if we die at 20 or 30. It will not give us the nutrition that we need to avoid H1N1 and kill every virus, disease, and infection in the world. It will just catch our attention, pull us to its deepest attraction, and were done, were gone. Well be dust and ashes in the split of time, in the blink of an eye. Proper nutrition is the very thing we need now. Our existence will mean a lot as well as our goals if we can utilize this. If only we can set aside every earthly distraction and pay close attention to health and life, then every man can wake up each day facing the new hope of the golden sun and providing the wellspring of progress in the world. In the Philippines, Nutrition Month is celebrated every month of July. So this month, on POC Wellness, we shall be featuring articles related to nutrition and good eating. The habit of eating healthy is not something that we are born with or develop overnight. Kids naturally go for what is sweet or crispy, not what is green and healthy. So its good to start them off right. For me, the best tip is to be good examples as parents, because children copy what we do. Read more tips for making healthy eating fun for kids here from Toni of Wifely Steps.

Also from Toni is an article on label lingo. Good nutrition starts with choosing the right food. The article includes 10 supermarket buzzwords that each supermarket shopper must know. This month is also a good time to dig the archives of POC Wellness, especially the articles on organic food. Whats a better way to eat good food than to make it yourself? Organic gardening sounds like a good hobby, though Ive never really tried it myself (I must be the only brown thumb in a family of green-thumbs!). I may initially be excited setting up the garden buying seeds, pots, soils, garden windmills. But Im not really sure if I can sustain the hobby FROGS vs. TOADS Many people dont know the difference between frogs and toads. They are quite different animals, although they belong to the same animal group. Frogs: Need to live near water Have smooth, moist skin that makes them look slimy. Have a narrow body Have higher, rounder, bulgier eyes Have longer hind legs Take long high jumps Have many predators Toads: Do not need to live near water to survive Have rough, dry, bumpy skin Have a wider body Have lower, football shaped eyes Have shorter, less powerful hind legs Will run or take small hops rather than jump Do not have many predators. Toads skin lets out a bitter taste and smell that burns the eyes and nostrils of its predators, much like a skunk does. And neither frogs nor toads will give you warts! That is just a myth. Comparison chart</> Embed this chart Improve this Frog Toad chart Hind legs: Long, powerful jumping legs Shorter legs for walking or hopping Frogs lay eggs in clusters, Toads lay eggs in long chains; some toads do not lay Eggs: young live in water eggs but give birth to live young, young live in water Skin: Moist and smooth Dry and bumpy Amphibians, keeping mostly Characteristic: Amphibians, keeping mostly on land in water Prefer dry environment but adapt to moist conditions as Habitat: Prefer moist environments well. Frogs have vomerine teeth in Teeth: Toads have no teeth. their upper jaw. Eyes: Eyes bulge out Eyes do not bulge out, poison gland behind eyes Insects, snails, spiders, worms Food: Insects, grubs, slugs, worms, and other invertebrates and even small fish

Frogs and Toads

One of the most common questions is, "What is the difference between Frogs and Toads?" Most are surprised to hear that all Toads actually are Frogs! Toads Frogs The term toads tends to refer to "True Toads".... members of the family Bufonidae, containing more than 300 species. These types of frogs have are characterized by: stubby bodies with short hind legs (for walking instead of hopping) warty and dry skin (usually preferring dryer climates) paratoid (or poison) glands behind the eyes The chest cartilage of toads is different also. Toads tend to lay eggs in long chains. (There are some toads (genera Nectophrynoides), however, that are the only types of anurans to bear live young!) True Toads can be found worldwide except in Australasia, polar regions, Madagascar, and Polynesia, though Bufo marinus has been artificially introduced into Australia and some South Pacific islands. Besides Bufo, the family includes 25 genera, all of which, like the frogs, are anura!

Generally speaking, though, when we think of frogs, we generally picture what are called "True Frogs".... members of the family Ranidae, containing more than 400 species. These frogs have the characteristics of: two bulging eyes strong, long, webbed hind feet that are adapted for leaping and swimming smooth or slimy skin (generally, frogs tend to like moister environments) Frogs tend to lay eggs in clusters. Frogs from this family can be found on every continent except Antarctica. They are referred to as the "true frogs" because of their generalized body form and life history: the so-called generic frog. Members of this family include the bullfrog, common frog, green frog, leopard frog, marsh frog, pickerel frog, and wood frog.

Images are from the clip art archive on The physical distinctions, however, can easily get blurred because sometimes the features appear mixed or less obvious, and certain species even legitimately fall into both categories. It is not uncommon, for example, to find a warty skinned frog that isn't a toad, or even a slimy toad! Even the more invisible stuff like cartilage structure has been found to sometimes fit both categories!

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