Türkiye Okula Gidiyor

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This Constantinople shop displays its name in Old Turkish (Arabic script) above and then
repeats its name in the recently adopted New Turkish (Latin letters). Both proclaim the fact
that this is the "New Book Store." The shop is one much frequented by Turkish schoolboys,
and its proprietor has been conducting a thriving business in the sale of new alphabets and
primers during the last few months.




With Illustrations from Photographs by the Author

F THE pen is mightier than the sword, Cultured Americans who have lived for

I Turkey is on her way to new victories.

The entire nation is relearning its A-
B-C's, having discarded the 482-letter
decades in Turkey cannot read the names
of the landing stages on the way to their
homes on the Bosporus. Men who can
combinations of the Arabic script and converse fluently in several languages can-
adopted in their stead 29 characters (in- not read the street signs in the land in
cluding those with diacritical marks) from which they have lived for years. But
the Latin alphabet, in use throughout the within the last few weeks a vast change
Western World. has come.
When the schools closed for vacation Early in August, on what seemed frivo-
last spring, there was little thought that l ous occasions, at one of which he praised
the adoption of the "New Turkish alpha- Western music and Western dancing, the
bet" would delay their fall opening until President of the Turkish Republic. spoke
textbooks could be prepared, so that all in- in behalf of the new alphabet, whose adop-
struction would be in Latin characters. tion, like the coming of the millennium, was
But the "New Turkish," no longer a joke, then something to be considered, but not
has been taken so seriously that a new hu- worried about. As if by magic, however,
morous weekly, the Khahaha the k is names in Latin characters appeared on a
silent-which appeared in September, was dozen or so Turkish steamers in the har-
the first periodical to be printed entirely inbor. As I passed along the quay of Galata
the new characters. On December i, all Bridge, on August 2I, a whole set of names
newspapers were compelled to appear in was there, ready to be fastened to the
the new alphabet, else suspend publication. prows of local steamers. I longed for my
The Government had to assist some papers camera, which was miles away.
to buy new type. On the bridge itself, boys were selling
copies of the new alphabet. On the
steamer, with a ten-cent primer in hand,
The Arabic script, apt medium for Mos- I learned more Turkish in an hour than I
lem art, presented tremendous difficulties had known after a year in the country.
to the student; so that more than four- Although the popular enthusiasm is great
fifths of the Turkish people were illiterate. and opposition negligible, it was a change
Time and again I have found cultured i mposed from the top-not enforced by
Syrians, Arabs, and Turks unable to de- law, but inspired by the President. At a
cipher the calligraphy which was both lit- banquet, while making a speech, he would
erature and art throughout Islam. Is it hand his manuscript, written in "New
any wonder that the nearly 500 letter com- Turkish," to some sluggish bureaucrat who
binations of the Arabic script have long felt secure in his job, and ask him to read

In front of the highly revered tomb of summer. One such application was enough
daunted worker and peasant? it. Sweat glands were overworked last

Eyoub Ensari, standard bearer to Mo- for that officeholder. The morrow found
hammed the Conqueror when he took Con- him feverishly studying his A-B-C's.
stantinople, there is a beautifully carved
grill, bearing a wonder-working Arabic GOVERNMENT MINISTRIES ADOPT NEW

inscription. Mothers, pressing their palms ALPHABET

upon it and then rubbing the faces of their

children, keep its surface brightly polished. adopting the new alphabet for all official
One after another, the ministries are

Yet few can read it and I have found none correspondence and none seems eager to
who can translate it (see illustrations, be the last. The lowliest functionary must
pages 99 and 106) know how to read and write Latin char-
The new system of writing in Turkey has affected not only the cheaper signs, but imposing
and costly brass and bronze inscriptions in Arabic script are being discarded and replaced with
names in the Latin alphabet.

acters or be booked for dismissal. In a Advertising columns have become prim-

country where even college graduates con- ers, picturing well-known objects whose
sider a "Government job" a worthy prize, Turkish names begin with the "new" let-
this method makes inertia seem less or- ters. Window displays show the entire 29
ganic. new characters as initials for various ob-
In the foreign-language newspapers a jects chosen from stock and mounted on
section on the adoption of the new char- the same card with the initial and the full
acters soon became as much of a fixture name in the new characters (see illustra-
as a comic strip or sporting page in the tion, page 105) .
United States, only that it is "first-page
stuff." In the Turkish papers and maga- THREE FAMILIAR LETTERS ARE MISSING

zines columns or entire pages were printed On the street cars the old bilingual signs
i n Latin characters weeks in advance of i n Arabic-script Turkish and Latin-let-
the official order for their use exclusively. tered French have given way to clearer
The new alphabet was "news," not for signs in New Turkish, which is equally
amusement, but for study. easy for the foreigner to read, even if the
"d" and "t" and the "b" and "p" seem to "TELGRAf . " But such trifling matters may
be juggled somewhat and cedilla and um- soon be righted.
laut markings are added. Ten months ago the aid of several ex-
There is no " q, " no " w, " no " x " in the perts in Angora was enlisted to obtain
new alphabet adopted by the Turks. The data for the New Map of Europe being
left-hand edge of the typewriter is the prepared by the National Geographic So-
hardest hit. One does not go to the ciety, on which each nation is to have its
"Maxim" Restaurant, but to the "Mak- own place names. A partially satisfactory
sim." transliteration was the result. With the
newly adopted alphabet, however, the place
The most revolutionary change I noticed
was the "BURSA," on the name plates of names of Turkey will be standardized
Broussa automobiles, and when I asked within a few weeks.*
why, my informants assured me that In the post office my registry receipts
"BURSA" came closer to the phonetics of are now made out in legible New Turkish,
but receipts written three months ago were
the one-time capital than does the French
unintelligible not only to me, but to my
form "Broussa." Turkish-speaking assistants.
TURKISH SECTION OF NEW MAP OF EUROPE Foreign firms in Turkey have hitherto
MUST BE RELETTERED been forced to keep their books in both
Until the new dictionary appears, there * The entire Turkish section of the New Map
will be some variations. One telegraph of Europe, to be issued shortly as a supplement
office proclaims itself "TELGIRAF " ; an-
other only five minUTES away calls itsself
being relettered in accordance with these recent
forms of numerals and in two languages. the station signs. On the sides of the
Books can soon be kept in one language, Turkish cars, as well as on the Interna-
only a few Turkish trade words being tional sleeping cars, the names of the ter-
necessary for the foreigner in order to mini are marked so plainly that even he
make his records conform to Government who runs to his train may read and catch
requirements. the right one (see illustration, page 97).
Although the change is not made with To the foreigner some of the changes
an eye to the foreigner, travel for us has seem to have been made wrong end to.
become vastly simpler, and Turkey has The name on his steamer has been painted
taken on a less forbidding air, as station i n Latin characters, and the number on the
names in Arabic script disappear. funnel is the un-Arabic "Arabic" numeral,
Travelers on the Orient Express or the to which the West is accustomed. But the
Anatolian Railway were formerly forced ti me-table and the list of stops made by
to judge their position by consulting a that particular boat are still in the old
watch or a sextant. They can now read characters. Meanwhile the correspondence
of the shipping company is being done in bureaucrats from downfall. Near at hand,
the new characters, and the Turks are but facing starvation, are the seal engrav-
only awaiting the arrival of typewriters ers, whose involved inscriptions, like a
with the newly adopted Latinized key- banker's signature, are models of studied
board before business correspondence will illegibility, but who will find it hard to
become legible, if not understandable, to make even a monogram as attractive in the
all. new characters (see illustration, page 99).
PROGRESSIVE FOREIGN FIRMS WERE What the effect on Moslem art will be
CAUGHT NAPPING none can say. There are rumors that the
great decorative inscriptions by Tekhedj
One striking feature of the revolution-
ary change in alphabet was the way it Zade Ibrahim and others will be changed,
caught the foreign firms napping, so that which is a little like making over a Raphael
they now lag rather than lead. Sewing or a Michelangelo on a typewriter. Many
machines, automobiles, oil and gasoline, of the mosque inscriptions are in the Ara-
breakfast foods, and cleansers still retain bic language as well as Arabic script, and
the Arabic script in their advertising and hence have no direct relation to the pres-
on their products. An " ESSEKS" adver- ent problem.
tisement is the only one of its kind that Iconoclastic enthusiasm for the wonder-
I have so far noted. working "New Turkish," which is to
Although one moving-picture theater awaken a nation from illiteracy and back-
half-heartedly uses Arabic script for its wardness, may even touch some Arabic
titles and every week flashes a funny story i nscriptions whose beauty in a house of
in the new alphabet on its screen, thus worship has seldom been equaled and
starting such a course in concerted title never surpassed. But if one fears that, he
reading as "movie" fans have always had can go out to Stamboul's Sistine Chapel-
to endure, the cinemas have largely adopted the one-time Church of St. Saviour, now
the new alphabet (see page loo). the Kahrieh Mosque-and see Christian
The "interior," as Anatolia is called by mosaics and frescoes in an edifice rebuilt
the Constantinopolitans, is outspeeding the by Justinian. As Moslems come to prayer
former capital, and Stamboul seems to be they cross a vestibule on whose ceiling the
more affected than Pera (the European miracles of Christ are still pictured, al-
quarter), where bilingual signs in old though human figures on wall brackets
Turkish and French, English, German, or have been destroyed by iconoclasts.
Russian were common. As yet there is no indication that this
The blackboard and copy book have be- movement toward enlightenment through
come major equipment in post office, police a more easily understood alphabet will re-
station, store, and bank. But the class- sult in the destruction of art treasures
room is wider than that. Miles out from whose fame is worldwide. If the splendid
Broussa, while waiting for the CapeTown- calligraphy which so dominates Moslem
Stockholm Motor Expedition, I was asked art from ceramics to architecture now
to read an entire column printed in the ceases, existing treasures may be valued
new alphabet and was assured that what I more than ever.
read made sense, though not to me. Cafes,
ferries, and street cars are all improvised
classrooms of this nation at school.
An American moving-picture man, with
a flair for the dramatic, found a group of New Turkey is definitely stepping away
turbaned Moslems studying Latin char- from other lands where the Arabic script
acters on tombstones in the English ceme- still prevails, just as she slid when she
tery. abolished the fez and tried to free women
from the veil. But this may prove a link
rather than a breach. Persia and Afghan-
istan are already following the superficial
In the porch of Yeni Djami the pro- changes which Turkey recently adopted.
fessional scribes have mastered the new Second-hand Prince Alberts may find as
script and are ready to save backward wide a market as did second-hand hats and
caps when the fez was removed. Safety and night school. Having withdrawn his
razors are pushing their conquests farther capital into the heart of Anatolia, the
east on a wave of Turkish nationalism. Turk has not only retreated from the in-
Only a few years ago Turkey was nomi- trigues and indignities of the past, but has
nated as an American mandate. She is carried Western modernism-for better or
now eagerly adopting changes which no for worse-into regions little touched by
foreign tutor would dare impose, and is Occidental culture.
winning a cultural leadership far beyond Yet, in making his fight for the New
the Ottoman boundaries. Turkish alphabet, the President of Turkey
That an eastern land is now modern- invaded the foreign-language, foreign-
izing and westernizing the Near hast at a press, foreign-thinking city of the Sultans.
pace such as no Western nation or nations The tool he uses is not the sword, but the
ever set is just one of those paradoxes in pen-that and the stub of a pencil that
which history delights. Suffering from the grizzled mail messenger grips in his
no oppression psychosis, the Turks freely cramped fingers, as he sits on the lower
accept what no outsider could impose. deck on a Bosporus "chirket" and pain-
With the adoption of the New Turkish fully learns to write a script which will
alphabet, a nation is going to day school take a letter to any country in the world.


Index for Volume LIV (July-December, 1928) of the National Geographic Magazine
will be mailed to members upon request.

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