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1. Themes: 2. Open system 3.

Four properties of water is cohesive behavior, ability to moderate temperature, expansion upon freezing and versatility as a solvent because of its polarity 4. Functional groups are hydroxyl (-OH) are specializes with alcohol, amino (-NH2) are base, methyl (CH3) nonpolar, phosphate (-OP3^2-) backbone of the phospholipids, sulfhydryl (-SH) specializes the proteins structure, carbonate (>CO) the function group for sugar- ketones and aldehyde, and carboxyl (-COOH) is acidic. 5. Carbohydrate: Glucose and made from sugars; glycosidic linkage when joining two monosaccharide; cellulose: is a polymer of glucose 6. Hydrogenation: the process of converting unsaturated fats to saturated fats by adding hydrogen. 7. Phospholipids are made up of hydrophilic heads and hydrophobic tails; cholesterol (steroid =four fused rings) is made from lipids, Unsaturated has double bonds in their structure while saturated has no double bonds in their structure. They are fluid when its warm while its cool it becomes solid. Fats are made from fatty acids and glycerol =ester linkage. Lipids are hydrophobic because they contain hydrocarbon. 8. Fluid mosaic model=a membrane is a fluid structure with a mosaic of various proteins embedded in it. 9. Proteins are made from amino acid that is synthesized by ribosomes. 10. Nuclei acids make up the DNA, the DNA has nitrogenous bases, phosphate and pentose sugars. Purines have two organic rings which is a 6 organic ring fused with a five rings while Pyrimidine are one organic ring which has the 6 organic ring. Purines are guanine and adenine while pyrimidine is thymine and cytosine. 11. Isotonic has water flowing equally in a red blood cell. Hypertonic has less water and more solution going in the red blood cell while hypotonic has more water going in the red blood cell. 12. Lysosome is the garbage man and they are phagocytosis (secrete food waste) and autophagy (get rid of dead cell) 13. Smooth ER: lipids and steroids, detoxification and tolerance (toxins) and calcium muscle contraction 14. Rough ER: proteins 15. Peroxisomes: neutralize alcohol, phenols, formic acid by robbing H+ and giving then to O to produce hydrogen peroxide H2O2 and convert it to water H2O. 16. Exocytosis: transport vesicles to membrane, fuse with it and secrete/ release their contents 17. Endocytosis: the cell takes in macromolecules by forming vesicles Phagocytosis: cellular eating engulfs and fuses with lysosomes to digest; pinocytosis: cellular drinking-engulfs with extracellular fluid; receptormediated endocytosis: binding ligand to a specific receptor site 18.

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