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Energy- Efficiency


and other energysaving services

Iowa commercial & Industrial

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Helping you manage your energy needs

rgy is committed to helping As your business partner, Alliant Ene Thats why we offer a variety of you manage your energy needs. tify and implement moneyprograms designed to help you iden a nities. Whether you are building saving, energy-efficiency opportu to rade upg an ring g or conside new facility, seeking project financin rams provide the flexibility you prog our em, your current lighting syst iency opportunities. need to maximize your energy-effic

Alliant Energys Business Resource Center Team

Business Resource Center

Alliant Energy has in-depth programs for commercial and industrial customers designed to help you identify and implement money-saving energyefficient projects.

s Resource Center (BRC) with Alliant Energy staffs the Busines r energy management concerns. consultants trained to address you you can learn about the energyWith the help of your consultant, lable for your business. The BRC efficient cost-saving measures avai from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. is staffed Monday through Friday

Section Page
Commercial and Industrial Energy Audit and studies...................................................4 Custom Rebates....................................................6 Commercial New Construction.............................8 Performance Contracting.....................................10 Prescriptive Rebates............................................12 Energy Efficient motors and variable speed drives........................16 How to apply and qualify.....................................18 Other energy-saving services..............................19

Key Account Management

agement team can help you Alliant Energys key account man s and provide recommendations identify energy-savings opportunitie omized for your business. The and implementation solutions cust k in the communities they serve. key account managers live and wor ) 1-866-ALLIANT (1-866-255-4268 .com ergy nten allia ter@ businesscen

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*Alliant Energy is the trade name of Interstate Power and Light Company (IPL). The utility providing Cash-Back Rebates is IPL, an Alliant Energy company, and shall hereafter be referred to as Alliant Energy.

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1-866-ALLIANT (1-866-255-4268) .

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1-866-ALLIANT (1-866-255-4268) .

Commercial and Industrial Energy Audit and studies

Commercial and Industrial Energy Audit
Detect energy waste in your building and plan for an energy-efficient future with a free audit. Alliant Energy sends a certified energy expert to your facilities to perform an Energy Survey and Analysis using the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE) guidelines. According to ASHRAE, the objective of the energy audit process is to identify and develop modifications that will reduce energy use and/or cost of operating a building. The process includes the following steps: 1. Collect and analyze historical energy use. 2. Study the building and its operational characteristics. 3. Identify potential modifications that will reduce the energy use and/or cost.

Feasibility Study
A Feasibility Study provides a detailed analysis for capital-intensive projects. The study analyzes your current energy use, and then documents the associated expenses, energy savings and cost effectiveness of the potential energy-efficient project. As part of the program, Alliant Energy reimburses 50 percent of the study cost up to a maximum $7,500. If your company adopts 75 percent or more of the total energy savings identified in the study within 18 months, Alliant Energy will reimburse the remaining cost of the study up to $7,500. Pre-approval is required for all reimbursements. Completed projects may also qualify for Alliant Energys Custom Rebate program.
Please note: Alliant Energy does not fund Feasibility Studies for: New construction Pilot projects Research and development Financing the implementation of a project including projects funded through Performance Contracting Analyzing new technology Implementing a product/equipment to see if it will perform Process changes not related to energy

Commercial and Industrial Energy Audit and studies

Energy audits and studies are available to retail electric and/or natural gas commercial industrial customers of Alliant Energy. Contact your key account manager or call the Business Resource Center at 1-866-ALLIANT.

4. Perform an engineering and economic analysis of potential modifications. 5. Prepare a rank-ordered list of appropriate modifications. 6. Prepare a report to document the analysis process and results. The key elements of the Commercial and Industrial Energy Audit report include: Building description including major features and energy-using systems resulting from on-site observation, measurement and engineering calculations Twelve month billing analysis End-use breakdown to determine allocation of energy consumption Benchmarking comparing energy and cost indices of the building with database statistics Description of facility and energy management improvements with estimated costs and savings If further analysis is recommended, an investment-level Feasibility Study or Retro-Commissioning Study may be suggested.

Retro-Commissioning Study (RCx)

Save up to 20 percent of your annual energy usage by fine-tuning your systems. An RCx Study identifies ways to optimize the facilitys direct digital controls (DDC) or process controls. Most solutions will be no- to low-cost operational and maintenance adjustments that can result in significant energy and cost savings. An RCx Study provides: Information on reprogramming the buildings DDC or process controls A design and control sequence with detailed instructions for reprogramming the controls Real-time verification to assure all controls are working properly Building management training to maximize the new system parameters One-year comparison of pre- and post- RCx Study energy and cost savings Alliant Energy will reimburse 50 percent of the RCx Study cost, after the study is completed. Once projects with a combined payback of two years or less are completed and verified, Alliant Energy reimburses the remaining 50 percent of the study cost. You should consider an RCx Study if your building meets the following requirements: Building is a minimum of 20,000 square feet. Has a central DDC system or digital process controls two to 10 years of age System is free of major problems requiring capital repairs.

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No plans for any major system renovations or retrofits for the area under consideration.

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Custom Rebates
Not all building and remodeling projects fit within a predetermined package. Our Custom Rebates program may work for you if you are: Looking for new or innovative ways to reduce energy demand Combining more than one type of high-efficiency equipment to make improvements Considering a project that is process related Implementing upgrades which are not eligible for the Prescriptive Rebates program. Custom Rebates are generally offered for retrofit and replacement projects. Energy-efficiency equipment installed as part of a new construction project may qualify for the Custom Rebates program. However we encourage you to look into the Commercial New Construction program before construction begins to maximize your rebates, receive free energy design assistance and additional cash incentives for owners and developers.

Baseline guidelines
For a retrofit or replacement project, the baseline used to calculate a Custom Rebate is generally the energy usage for the equipment being replaced. Energy dollar savings for retrofit and replacement projects are actual savings as calculated within the following guidelines: New equipment must meet minimum efficiency levels and be pre-approved by Alliant Energy. Savings resulting directly from reduced production or shutdown are not eligible. The baseline for replacing inoperable or worn equipment is the energy consumption of the equipment in its original condition. Projects must demonstrate permanency or sustainability of savings. Savings when production levels change shall be calculated based on a per-unit energy consumption before and after implementation. The baseline for new construction Custom Rebate projects varies by equipment type.

Ineligible projects
Equipment powered by renewable energy sources, such as wind and biomass, are not eligible for the Custom Rebates program. Renewable system rebates are available through our Renewable Rebates program detailed on page 19. Energy savings associated with fuel switching are also ineligible for the Custom Rebates program. Fuel switching is defined as changing the power source for an existing function or process, such as switching from a fired system to an electric-powered system. Establishing a projects baseline and calculating a rebate are not always simple tasks. In addition, not all projects qualify for an incentive. Before making a commitment to proceed with a project, pre-approval must be obtained from Alliant Energy.

Custom Rebates
Custom Rebates are available to retail electric and/or natural gas commercial, industrial and agricultural customers of Alliant Energy. Equipment powered by renewable energy sources, such as wind and biomass, are not eligible. Energy savings associated with fuel switching are not eligible. Fuel switching is defined as changing the power source for an existing function or process, such as switching from a gas-fired system to an electric-powered system.

Custom Rebates are offered on a variety of high-efficiency measures including (but not limited to): Compressed air systems Energy management control systems Heating , cooling and ventilation systems Pipe insulation Lighting fixtures and controls Processing equipment Refrigeration systems Variable frequency drives Ventilation system Waste heat recovery systems Other equipment using electricity or natural gas supplied by Alliant Energy

Incentive calculation
Before purchasing or installing a project, please consult your Alliant Energy representative who will establish baseline information and calculate your estimated incentive. Incentives are paid after the project is completed, and in most cases, are equal to 150 percent of the annual energy dollar savings. The program requires a minimum two-year payback after incentive. This is referred to as Net Payback in the formula below. Annual energy dollar savings are equal to the estimated savings you will see on your utility bill.

How do I apply?
Contact your Alliant Energy key account manager, or call the Business Resource Center at 1-866-ALLIANT. Alliant Energy can help you establish your baseline information and calculate your estimated incentive.

Power Thinker Spotlight

Quaker Foods and Snacks, the maker of many favorite food items including Old Fashioned Oats and Instant Oatmeal, embarked on a plant-wide lighting upgrade of its Cedar Rapids location. The project called for curbing electrical usage by replacing less efficient high pressure sodium and mercury vapor fixtures with fluorescent fixtures. They also improved the efficiency of existing fluorescent fixtures. The project yielded a savings of 2.7 million kWh and $164,000 annually. Thats the equivalent to lighting 1,500 average homes!




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Commercial New Construction

Build in energy savings before construction starts whether its new construction or a major remodel, youll save on energy costs and add investment value to your property. Energy-efficient buildings use less energy, cost less to operate and impact the environment less than conventional buildings. Alliant Energys Commercial New Construction program offers free energy design assistance, design team incentives and customer incentives.

Energy design assistance

This free comprehensive approach to energy savings includes personalized computer energy modeling for your planned building which predicts energy use, suggests energy-saving strategies and projects energy-cost savings. Following the design of the project, the design team will provide a copy of the final construction documents to Alliant Energys consultant. The consultant will review the documents and compare them to the energy-efficiency strategies selected by the owner. The construction documents report allows the owner to adjust energy-saving strategies and to confirm if certain options are no longer being considered. Elimination of certain strategies may result in a lower construction incentive than originally projected during the energy design phase. Once the project is complete, Alliant Energys consultant will conduct an on-site verification and provide a final report to ensure that selected strategies are installed and improving the efficiency of the building. Construction incentives will be paid to the building owner based on the electric and natural gas savings modeled and verified as installed.

Custom Track
Custom Track is ideal for projects with energy savings goals in mind and enough time to integrate new ideas and strategies into the design. Buildings designed in this track are typically modeled to achieve energy savings of 30 to 40 percent greater than Energy Code. Enrollment: Schematic or early design development Energy savings required: 15 percent greater than Energy Code Alliant Energys Commercial New Construction program provides financial incentives to help building projects get started right by optimizing energy-efficiency strategies before construction begins. Building systems optimized through Commercial New Construction energy modeling (in collaboration with design teams) include: Daylighting controls (by space type) Envelope systems Heating and cooling systems Lighting controls and design Load responsive equipment Outside air control systems Window glazing Window layouts Basic services: Energy modeling for efficient strategies as selected by owner and design team, review of construction documents for inclusion of strategies, site verification and monitoring of selected installed strategies, modeling, and daylighting analysis.

Design team incentives

A design team participation incentive based on the square footage of the building is offered to offset all or most of the expense associated with working with our energy consultant. The consultants role is to facilitate design team collaboration on various energy-saving strategies.

Commercial New Construction

Most new construction and major remodels (replacing multiple major systems) qualify. Must achieve at least 15 percent (Custom Track) or 40 percent (Custom Plus Track) greater than State of Iowa Energy Code Building must receive electricity or electricity and natural gas from Alliant Energy. New commercial buildings and building renovation projects must be located in Alliant Energys Iowa service territory.

Custom Plus Track

Custom Track Plus is intended to help building owners or developers achieve energy savings of 40 to 60 percent greater than Energy Code. Enrollment: Space-type programming phase or just following architect selection Energy savings required: 40 percent* greater than Energy Code Basic services: Energy modeling for efficient strategies as selected by owner and design team, review of construction documents for inclusion of strategies, site verification and monitoring of select installed strategies. This track will also provide modeling for the customers choice of one of the following: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) (Energy & Atmospheric Credit 1) ENERGY STAR Federal tax credits or other energy goals
*Custom Plus Track projects that do not achieve a minimum of 30 percent energy savings greater than Energy Code may receive a reduced construction incentive to offset some of the additional energy design assistance costs associated with early energy modeling and daylighting analysis unique to this track.

Construction incentives
The more energy saved, the more incentive your customer earns. Construction incentives for electric usage range from six cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh) for 15 percent savings, to 19 cents per kWh for 60 percent plus savings above Energy Code. For natural gas usage, construction incentives range from 60 cents per therm for 15 percent savings, to $1.90 per therm for 60 percent plus savings greater than Energy Code.

How do I apply?
Contact your Alliant Energy key account manager, call 1-866-ALLIANT, or visit Already done with design development? Consider the Custom Rebate program.

Power Thinker Spotlight

Progressive Processing, LLC used Alliant Energys Commercial New Construction to build their 348,000 square-foot facility. Its 30 percent more efficient than a standard facility, and features skylights for daylight harvesting; occupancy-sensing, high efficiency fluorescent fixtures; and variable frequency drives on fans. The project is expected to save approximately $143,000 in electricity costs.

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1-866-ALLIANT (1-866-255-4268) .

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1-866-ALLIANT (1-866-255-4268) .


Performance Contracting
Looking for a way to reduce your business operating costs and increase profits with no initial capital investment? Why not consider the Performance Contracting program from Alliant Energy? It allows you to invest in energy-efficient equipment, new technology, processes and materials with no out-of-pocket capital expense. Thats because your Performance Contracting project can be paid for with the energy savings from the new equipment. You can be certain your project will achieve the identified energy savings. With Performance Contracting, you are guaranteed to save. Performance Contracting is a service that provides a comprehensive retrofit or construction package, including: Project identification Project management Financing through quantified savings (so you the customer have no out-of-pocket expense) Positive cash flow over the contract term (typically five to 10 years) Guaranteed energy savings

Positive cash flow and energy savings

The chart below illustrates the paid-from-savings feature of a performance contract with a five-year term. Once the contract is completed, you reap the benefits of lower energy costs, as well as new, energy-efficient equipment. Although you can agree to include operational savings in the contract to ensure a positive cash flow, the Performance Contracting program guarantees only the energy savings.

Energy bill before performance contract Base year

Before contract

Performance contract payment

Energy bill savings

Energy bill after performance contract

During contract

After contract


Performance Contracting
The Performance Contracting program is available to retail electric and/or natural gas commercial, industrial and agricultural customers of Alliant Energy.

Customer benefits
The ability to invest in new technology and equipment with no up-front capital investment Consistent monthly payments and budgets with no surprises Guaranteed positive cash flow based on energy savings Energy savings years after the contract is paid Expert project management, so you can focus on your business

Project types and sizes

Performance contracts, which can be performed on a variety of high-efficiency measures ranging from HVAC and lighting upgrades to manufacturing equipment and building materials, can include: Compressed air systems Energy management control systems Heating and cooling systems Pipe insulation Lighting fixtures and controls Processing equipment Refrigeration systems Variable frequency drives Ventilation systems Waste heat recovery systems Other equipment that uses electricity or natural gas supplied by Alliant Energy

How do I apply?
Contact your key account manager, call the Business Resource Center at 1-866-ALLIANT or visit

Getting started
To initiate a Performance Contracting project, you should determine the project scope, and then contact an Alliant Energy certified project developer. A full list is available at Upon project completion, you pay the project developer or financier for the project from your energy savings on a monthly basis over the contract term. The project developer guarantees the project energy savings.

Power Thinker Spotlight

John Deeres Ottumwa Works harnessed the power of Alliant Energys Performance Contracting program to replace its older, less efficient lighting with 3,425 new, greener energy-efficient T8 lamps. The new fixtures also included occupancy sensors. The project was completed in two phases over six months. The entire project saved 6,057,020 kWh per year which is the equivalent to annual power consumption of 508 typical Midwest homes for one year.

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Prescriptive Rebates
Program/Measure Appliances Clothes Washers Dishwashers Freezers Refrigerators Room Air Conditioners Building Shell Insulation Customer must have pre-installation Business Energy Assessment or pre-installation assessment prior to work being started. Customer must receive primary heating energy from Alliant Energy. Customer, not contractor must apply for the rebate. Renters need owners prior approval. All claims subject to post installation, pre-payment verification. For customer installed projects, Total Cost is the purchase cost including insulation material and rental equipment. For contractor installed projects, Total Cost is the purchase cost including insulation material and direct installation contract labor. Building Sealing Renters need owners prior approval. Customer must receive primary heating energy from Alliant Energy. 70% of the total cost of direct installation, contract labor, rental equipment and material up to a maximum of $1,500 for building sealing (recessed can lighting air-tight sealing, caulking and weatherstripping) For multifamily dwellings, call 1-866-ALLIANT Replacement Windows Replacement Doors (maximum of 10) U-Factor of 0.30 or less. Sashes do not qualify. Must replace existing window(s) in a conditioned space. Solid doors 0.20 to 0.11 U-Factor Solid doors < 0.10 U-Factor Glass entry doors (at least 50 percent glass and < 0.30 U-Factor) Must replace existing doors in a conditioned space. Storm doors do not qualify. Commercial Food Service Equipment Commercial Ice Machine Commercial Solid Door Refrigerators ENERGY STAR or CEE Tier 2 ENERGY STAR $100 < 15 cu. ft. = $50 15-29 cu. ft. = $75 30-49 cu. ft. = $125 50 or greater cu. ft. = $150 Chest-style (any size) = $75 < 15 cu. ft. = $100 15-29 cu. ft. = $125 30-49 cu. ft. = $150 50 or greater cu. ft. = $200 Chest-style (any size) = $75 < 15 cu. ft. = $75 15-29 cu. ft. = $125 30-49 cu. ft. = $150 50 or greater cu. ft. = $175 Chest-style (any size) = $75 < 15 cu. ft. = $125 15-29 cu. ft. = $150 30-49 cu. ft. = $175 50 or greater cu. ft. = $225 Chest-style (any size) = $100 $25 per qualifying window (minimum size of eight square feet each, one opening equals one window) $25 $50 $25 70% of Total Cost up to a maximum of $5,000 for each: Ceiling insulation In-wall insulation For multifamily dwellings, call 1-866-ALLIANT ENERGY STAR Alliant Energy must supply the energy for the water heater and/or clothes dryer. ENERGY STAR (standard size only) ENERGY STAR 10 cubic ft. or larger ENERGY STAR 10 cubic ft. or larger ENERGY STAR up to $100 (maximum of six) Qualification (Additional information available on claim forms) Rebates

Program/Measure Commercial Hot Food Holding Cabinets Commercial Steam Cookers Commercial Fryers Commercial Convection Oven Commercial Conveyor Oven $20 (maximum of six) $25 (maximum of five) $50 (maximum of ten) $25 (maximum of 20) Data Center Equipment Desktop and Integrated Computers Single Configuration Servers Servers (Families) Thin Client PC Network Management Software Commercial Dishwasher

Qualification ENERGY STAR, Electric < 40 watts per cu. ft. ENERGY STAR, Electric or Natural gas ENERGY STAR, Natural gas Natural gas, 40% combustion efficiency Electric, 70% efficiency Natural gas, 40% efficiency with thermostatic controls ENERGY STAR Alliant Energy must supply the energy for the water heater.

Rebate $250 $500 $500 $200 $500 Stationary single tank door $1,000 Single tank conveyor $1,000 Multiple tank conveyor $2,000

ENERGY STAR. Minimum purchase 10 units. ENERGY STAR. Equipment must be located in a building that receives electricity from Alliant Energy. ENERGY STAR. Equipment must be located in a building that receives electricity from Alliant Energy. ENERGY STAR. Equipment must be located in a building that receives electricity from Alliant Energy. Minimum purchase 10 units. Equipment must be located in a building that receives electricity from Alliant Energy. Must provide energy savings estimate generated by the software or another assessment tool. Minimum purchase 10 units.

$5 $15 $15 $5 $4 per installed PC

Efficiency-First Renewable Rebates Wind Solar Photovoltaic (PV) 100% Renewable Biomass Anaerobic Digester Heating, Cooling & Water heating Air-Source Heat Pumps (< 65 MBtuh) Minimum SEER = 14.0 Minimum HSPF = 7.70 Must meet both heating and cooling efficiencies Air-Source Heat Pumps (> 65 MBtuh) > 65 and < 135 MBtuh (Minimum EER 11.0 and COP 3.4) > 135 and < 240 MBtuh (Minimum 10.8 EER and COP 3.2) > 240 and < 760 MBtuh (Minimum 10.0 EER and COP 3.2) >760 MBtuh (Minimum 9.7 EER and COP 3.2) Central Air Conditioner (<65 MBtuh) Central Air Conditioner (> 65 MBtuh) Minimum SEER = 14.0 > 65 and < 135 MBtuh (Minimum 11.0 EER) > 135 and < 240 MBtuh (Minimum 10.8 EER) > 240 and < 760 MBtuh (Minimum 10.0 EER) >760 MBtuh (Minimum 9.7 EER) Chillers Air-cooled with condenser (Cooling efficiency < 1.25 kW/ton) Water-cooled < 150 tons (Cooling efficiency < 0.70 kW/ton) Water-cooled > 150 tons and < 300 tons (Cooling efficiency < 0.63 kW/ton) Water-cooled > 300 tons (Cooling efficiency < 0.58 kW/ton) Clock-Programmable Thermostats Must have a 7 day, 5+2 day or 5-1-1 day program. SEER 14.0 = $100 SEER 15.0 or greater = $200 And HSPF 7.70 - 8.45 = $200 HSPF 8.5 or greater = $400 [$50 x (EER-10.9)] x tons [$50 x (EER-10.7)] x tons [$50 x (EER-9.9)] x tons [$50 x (EER-9.6)] x tons SEER 14.0 = $100 SEER 15.0 or greater = $200 [$50 x (EER-10.9)] x tons [$50 x (EER-10.7)] x tons [$50 x (EER-9.9)] x tons [$50 x (EER-9.6)] x tons [($400 x (1.25 kW/ton)) + $10] x tons [($400 x (0.70 kW/ton)) + $10] x tons [($400 x (0.63 kW/ton)) + $10] x tons [($400 x (0.58 kW/ton)) + $10] x tons $25 Visit or call 1-866-255-4268 Visit or call 1-866-255-4268 Visit or call 1-866-255-4268 Visit or call 1-866-255-4268 Up to $35,000 Up to $25,000 Up to $500,000 Up to $200,000

Commercial Glass Door Refrigerators


Commercial Solid Door Freezers


Commercial Glass Door Freezers


Geothermal (water-to-air) 180,000 Btuh or 15 tons or less Units larger than 15 tons please call 1-866-255-4268 for more information. Geothermal (water-to-water)

Minimum EER = 14.1 and COP = 3.3 (closed loop) Minimum EER = 16.2 and COP = 3.6 (open loop) Rebate paid per efficiency listed in AHRI directory. Minimum EER = 14.1 and COP = 3.1 (closed loop) Water-to-water must provide heating and cooling.

($300 x tons) + [(EER - 14.1) x $50 x tons] $100 for desuperheater ($300 x tons) + [(EER - 16.2) x $50 x tons] $100 for desuperheater ($300 x tons) + [(EER - 14.1) x $50 x tons] $100 for desuperheater


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1-866-ALLIANT (1-866-255-4268) .

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1-866-ALLIANT (1-866-255-4268) .


Program/Measure Heating, Cooling & Water heating Natural Gas Boilers ( <300 MBtuh) Natural Gas Furnaces



Fluorescent Lighting FIxture Replacement Rebate Retrofit Kit Rebates* Retrofit Standard T8 $12 $12 $7 $11 $17 $22 $28 $11 $17 Retrofit HP T8 (Low BF) $9 $15 $22 $30 $40

Additional lighting rebates Occupancy/Vacancy sensors Time Clocks and Commercial Grade Lighting Timers Daylighting Controls/Daylight Harvesting Ballast Pulse Start Metal Halide fixture <320 Watts Pulse Start Metal Halide fixture >320 Watts Metal Halide Replacement Lamp, 360 Watt to replace 400 watt Indoor ENERGY STAR fixtures Compact fluorescents $20 $20 $25 $25 $50 $3 $20 50 % of purchase price

Minimum AFUE = 85% Customers must receive natural gas from Alliant Energy. Minimum AFUE = 92% Customers must receive natural gas from Alliant Energy.

AFUE 85% - 89.9% = $150 AFUE > 90% = $400 AFUE 92% - 93.9% = $250 AFUE 94% - 95.9% = $325 AFUE > 96% = $400


Number of Lamps 1, U-bend 2, U-bend 1 2 1 2 3 4 6 1 2 1 HO 2 HO

Standard T8

Standard T5

HP T8 (Low BF) $8 $13 $20 $26 $35

2 ft. 2 ft. 2 ft. 2 ft.

$5 $10 $10 $10 $6 $9 $14 $18 $23 $8 $14 $10 $10

$10 $10 $10 $6 $9 $14 $18 $23 $8 $14 $10 $10

Natural Gas Furnace with Electrically Efficient Fan Motors Package Terminal Heat Pumps Package Terminal Air Conditioners Room Air Conditioners Water Heaters

For customers with Alliant Energy electric service and are installing a new gas furnace Minimum 10.5 EER and COP 3.0 10.5 EER minimum cooling efficiency ENERGY STAR Electric tank-type EF > 0.93, 40 gallon minimum Electric heat pump water heater ENERGY STAR qualified Natural gas tank-type < 75 Mbtuh EF > 0.67, 40 gallon minimum Natural Gas Condensing Thermal Efficiency 90% or greater Natural Gas Tankless EF 0.80 or greater. Must be dealer installed to verify adequate gas pressure prior to installation.

$50 $50 $50 $25 (maximum of 20) $50 $100 $75 $300 $300 ($50 x (EER - 11.7)) x tons ($50 x (EER - 12.5)) x tons

4 ft. 4 ft. 4 ft. 4 ft. 4 ft. 8 ft. 8 ft. 8 ft. 8 ft.

LED rebates (not to exceed 50% of purchase price) Indoor fixtures Outdoor fixtures Desk Lamps Bulbs Replacement exit signs Refrigerator case lights Strip Display Case/Task Lighting $30 $30 $30 $10 $5 $2 per linear foot $2 per linear foot

*Replace existing T-12 only

Water Source Heat Pumps

< 17 MBtuh Minimum 11.8 EER and 4.4 COP > 17 MBtuh Minimum 12.6 EER and 4.4 COP

Note: Fluorescent lighting Retrofit kits consist of electronic ballast, pin sockets and lamps. High Performance T8 Ballasts must be less than 0.79 Ballast Factor (excludes highbay fixtures). Lamp and Ballast combinations must be listed on the consortium for Energy Efficiencys (CEE) High-Performace T8 Qualifying Products list.
High Bay Fluorescent Fixtures above 15 ft Existing New T8 VHLO $21 $28 $35 $42 $56 T5 HO $24 $32 $40 $48 $64

Note: All LED fixtures and bulbs must be ENERGY STAR qualified
Replacement LED Traffic Lights Red 10 or 12 lamp $25 each $20 each $50 each $40 each $40 each $25 each $20 each

Lighting Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFLs) ENERGY STAR Minimum purchase 5 bulbs Minimum purchase price $1 per bulb ENERGY STAR, Indoor only 50% of equipment purchase price

Red 8 lamp
T5 HO** $45 $60 $75 $90 $120

Light Fixtures Motors and Variable Frequency Drives Variable Frequency Drives Vending Machine Controllers


Length 4 ft. 4 ft.

Number of Lamps 3 4 5 6 8

T8 VHLO * $42 $56 $70 $84 $112

Green 10 or 12 lamp Green 8 lamp Green arrow lamp 12 dont walk lamp 8 dont walk lamp

Must control a motor between 5 hp and 350 hp

$30 per hp

4 ft. 4 ft.

Vending Mi$er or comparable brand. For indoor machines that dispense non-perishable cold beverages only.


4 ft.

*VHLO = Very high light output ballast **HO = High output

Note: Yellow lights do not qualify. Only replacement projects qualify for rewards. New construction projects are not eligible.

Existing buildings only

All buildings

New buildings only


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1-866-ALLIANT (1-866-255-4268) .

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Motor management
Electricity accounts for up to 97 percent of a motors lifetime cost. As a result, purchasing an energy-efficient motor for your operation makes sense in almost every situation: When an existing motor is inefficient When an existing motor fails When installing a new piece of equipment With rebates up to $2,380 per qualifying unit, your investment in an energyefficient motor is even more cost-effective. Its wise to take action before motor failure strikes (and you are forced to choose the quickest replacement, and not the smartest, most energy-efficient replacement). Invest in a highefficiency motor today and take advantage of the following benefits: Reduced energy expense

Qualifying motors
Open Drip Proof (ODP) Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC) and explosion proof Minimum Efficiency (%) Rebate ($) HP Speed (RPM) Open Drip Proof (ODP) Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC) and explosion proof Minimum Efficiency (%) Rebate ($)


Speed (RPM)

Minimum Rebate Efficiency (%) ($)

Minimum Rebate Efficiency (%) ($)

1 1 1 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 5 5 7.5 7.5 7.5 10 10 10 15 15 15 20 20 20 25 25 25 30 30 30 40 40 40 50 50 50 60 60

3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200

84.0% --85.5% -87.5% 86.5% -88.5% 87.5% 90.2% 89.5% 89.5% -90.2% 89.5% -91.7% 90.2% -92.4% 91.0% -92.4% 91.7% 93.6% 93.0% 93.0% 94.1% 93.6% 93.6% -94.1% 93.6% 94.5% 94.5% 93.6% 95.0% 94.5% 94.1% 95.4% 95.0% 94.1% 95.4% 95.0%

$50 --$50 -$40 $30 -$30 $40 $40 $55 $70 -$50 $115 -$155 $55 -$200 $130 -$245 $120 $145 $245 $260 $155 $150 $300 -$150 $260 $220 $240 $150 $130 $240 $155 $255 $280 $390 $320 $390

84.0% 86.5% 84.0% 85.5% 87.5% -86.5% 87.5% 87.5% 90.2% 90.2% 89.5% 90.2% 90.2% 90.2% 92.4% 91.7% 91.0% 92.4% 91.7% 91.7% 93.0% 92.4% 92.4% 93.6% 92.4% 92.4% --92.4% 94.1% 93.6% 93.0% 94.5% 94.5% 93.6% 95.0% 94.5% 94.1% -95.0% 94.5% -95.0%

$60 $45 $45 $30 $55 -$45 $65 -$80 $65 $80 $60 $70 $115 $90 $80 $170 $100 $100 $200 $195 $100 $230 $250 $150 $325 $250 --$250 $250 $320 $265 $275 $480 $390 $375 $530 $390 -$565 $720 $0 $720

100 100 100 125 125 125 150 150 150 200 200 200 250 250 250 300 300 300 350 350 350

3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200 3600 1800 1200

94.5% -95.4% 94.5% 95.8% 95.4% 94.5% 96.2% 95.8% 95.4% 96.2% 95.8% 95.0% 95.8% 95.4% 95.4% 95.8% 95.4% 95.4% 95.8% 95.4%

$730 -$395 $445 $500 $470 $330 $315 $625 $625 $540 $980 $975 $1,650 -$1,200 $1,440 -$1,400 $1,540 --

94.5% 95.8% 95.4% 95.4% 95.8% 95.4% 95.8% 96.2% 96.2% 95.8% 96.5% -95.8% 96.2% 95.8% 95.8% 96.2% 95.8% 95.8% 96.2% 95.8%

$870 $805 $1,230 $595 $875 $780 $1,200 $1,050 $1,465 $880 $905 -$1,700 $1,650 $1,700 $1,890 $1,740 $2,670 $2,205 $2,065 $2,380

Additional information:
Motor management plans should be developed based on a set of simple building blocks. Individual building blocks can be included or excluded, implemented in any order, and mixed and matched to suit individual facility needs. They are: Guidelines for proactive repair/replace decision-making Purchasing policies based on life-cycle costing Repair policies based on best practice repair Spare motor inventory Predictive and preventive maintenance planning Motor survey and tracking program By understanding true costs, planning ahead for motor failure and ensuring the right motor is available when needed, companies can significantly improve their bottom line.
For additional resources regarding motor systems management, life cycle costing and return on investment, visit

Enhanced operational efficiency Lower maintenance costs Less unscheduled downtime Cash incentives from Alliant Energy In order to qualify for a rebate, the motor(s) must meet specific efficiency guidelines.

Variable frequency drives

Does your business use motors for extended hours? Do the motors experience a high rate of load variability (such as centrifugal pumps and fans)? Are your motors performing mechanical throttling, as when used with valves, dampers, etc.? If you answered yes to these questions, consider installing variable speed drives. They match the speed of the motor-driven equipment to the process, simultaneously reducing operating costs and improving overall efficiency. Variable frequency drives (horsepower greater than 5 and less than 200) ......................................................................$30 x horsepower of motor being used

-- = not available

A campaign managed by the Consortium for Energy E ciency

Power Thinker
Be a

Motors systems account for approximately 60-70 percent of the total electricity used in an industrial facility. Energy expenditures can be 10 percent or more of the total operating cost.
(Source: Motor Decisions Matter)

60 75 75 75



For more information, go to

or call

1-866-ALLIANT (1-866-255-4268) .

For more information, go to

or call

1-866-ALLIANT (1-866-255-4268) .


General terms and conditions

IMPORTANT: Please read the following information before completing the rebate claim form. 1. Participants must be retail business customers of Alliant Energy in Iowa.

How to apply and qualify for rebates

We recommend that you fill out and return the rebate form(s) and a copy of your sales receipt(s) or itemized invoice(s) within 90 days of installation/ completion for your selected product or service. Failure to do so can result in a delay processing your claim. Please note that some products and services may require additional documentation (like a UPC code or ENERGY STAR logo from a product box). These additional requirements are noted on each product/servicespecific page in this booklet. Rebate forms for products and services that are commonly completed by the equipment installer can be obtained directly from the place of business. All rebate forms can be accessed online at In addition, you can call 1-866-ALLIANT (1-866-255-4268) from 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Monday - Friday to have forms mailed to you.

Other energy services

Efficiency First Renewable Rebates
Rebates are now available on qualifying non-residential renewable generation systems including: anaerobic digesters, 100 percent renewable biomass, solar photovoltaic and wind. Before investing in your own renewable generation system, make sure you are as efficient as possible in your current energy usage. You can qualify for a higher rebate on your renewable system when you meet energy-efficiency objectives. Visit us online at or call our Distributed Resources and Renewable Energy Hotline at 1-800-972-5325.

2. Alliant Energy must supply the primary energy to the equipment for which the rebate is being paid. Some exceptions apply. 3. 4. Rebate amount will not exceed 50 percent of equipment purchase price excluding insulation and sealing. Must be new equipment and installed on the premises and must not be purchased for resale.

5. Alliant Energy reserves the right to inspect and verify the installation. 6. Alliant Energy reserves the right to meter the specified equipment or process, at no cost to the customer, to determine the actual energy saved for up to 18 months after installation. 7. Rebates apply to new and replacement installations of qualified equipment. In replacement situations, the efficiency of the equipment installed must be higher then that of the equipment removed. Customers are responsible for ensuring the equipment installed for this program meets all applicable codes, standards, and regulatory requirements.

Building Operator Certification program

Building Operator Certification (BOC) is a nationally recognized competencybased training and certification program for operations and maintenance staff working in commercial, institutional or industrial buildings. The training program includes exams at the end of each training module and outside project assignments that participants must successfully complete to earn certification. Certified participants can qualify for a rebate up to $500 upon completion. Find more information online at


Get your rebate faster

Check off these easy steps before mailing your rebate claim form. Accurate and complete claim forms mean your rebate will arrive sooner.

Electric interruptible program

To maintain reliability and increase energy efficiency during times of peak demand, Alliant Energy provides the electric interruptible program to large commercial and industrial customers who can curtail at least 200 kilowatts of energy usage. Program participants earn incentives, in the form of bill credits, in return for reducing energy usage when called upon to do so by Alliant Energy. Find more information online at

Support renewable energy with Second Nature

Living a more energy-efficient lifestyle is only one way to preserve our environment. Increasing the growth and development of renewable energy is another. Non-residential customers who join Alliant Energys Second Nature program can support renewable energy by selecting a monthly contribution amount that is right for them. For every kilowatt-hour supported, Alliant Energy purchases renewable energy from sources within Alliant Energys service territory and then adds to the power grid to replace energy that would be otherwise generated from fossil fuel sources. For more information or to enroll, go to

9. Alliant Energy does not guarantee that installation of high-efficiency equipment will result in reduced usage or demand, or in cost savings. 10. Alliant Energy makes no warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to any equipment purchased and/ or installed including, but not limited to, any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. 11. In no event shall Alliant Energy be liable for any incidental or consequential damages. 12. Alliant Energy does not endorse any particular manufacturer, product, or system design in promoting this rebate program. Listing a product does not constitute an endorsement, nor does it imply that unlisted products are defective in any way. 13. Alliant Energy reserves the right to modify or end this rebate program at any time without prior notice. 14. This program is effective January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012 and is subject to periodic review by Alliant Energy. 15. Any purchase of energy-efficient equipment must occur between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2012 to qualify for rebates. Receipt must show retail equipment cost. Installation of energy-efficient equipment must occur between January 1, 2012 and February 29, 2013. 16. Alliant Energy reserves the right to contact customers who participate in the rebate programs for surveys to monitor and evaluate program performance. 17. Submit claim forms within 90 days of installation, or by March 31, 2013 whichever comes first. 18. Claim forms postmarked after March 31, 2013 may be subject to 2013 program/rebate changes.

Complete all information on the claim form. Dont forget to list the serial
number for appliances.

Include UPC code (for boxed items like CFLs), ENERGY STAR logo (CFLs
and room air conditioners), or yellow energy guide (appliances), if applicable.

Solution Center
Solution Center is a free service that provides quick and confidential technical information and research data to business customers. Ask an Expert Hotline provides access to technical engineers and business/ industrial experts. Monthly email newsletter focuses on topical energy-efficiency and business issues. Website offers benchmark data, energy efficiency calculators and information on government policies. To sign up for Solution Center, contact your key account manager or call the Business Resource Center at 1-866-ALLIANT (1-866-255-4268).

Sign and date Customer signature and certification section. Include copy of itemized sales receipt. Circle rebate-eligible items on receipt. Retain a copy of the rebate form for your records. Submission is encouraged within 90 days of installation. If there is information requested on a claim form that you do not have
or are unsure how to answer, contact your dealer or call 1-866-ALLIANT (1-866-255-4268).

Mail all forms and required documentation to:

Energy-Efficiency Programs Alliant Energy P.O. Box 351 Cedar Rapids, IA 52406-0351 Or fax all forms and required documentation to: (319) 786-4746 If you fax in your form(s) and documentation, do not also mail them in. This will result in delays. Please allow up to eight weeks for receipt of your rebate.

Power Thinker
Be a


200 First St. SE Cedar Rapids, IA 52401-1409

For more information on these and other energy-efficiency programs, give us a call at

Fax: (319) 786-4746 Email: 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Monday - Friday or visit
Facts and figures referenced in this booklet were found at the following sources:

1-866-ALLIANT (1-866-255-4268)

2012 Alliant Energy ECRM271285 71-1369 11/11 MJ

FPO-Landscape Replace with FSC Logo At Suttle-Straus

Place at 100% only

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