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470 Water and Wastewater Treatment Unit Opera/ons

Preliminary Unit Opera/ons and Processes

In Water Treatment
p Intake structure


p Presedimenta2on p Aera2on p Adsorp2on p prechlorina2on

Physical Processes

Chemical Processes

Intake Structures
p Control withdrawal of raw water from a surface

water source p Primary purpose is to


selec2vely withdraw the best quality water n exclude sh, oa2ng debris, coarse sediment and other objec2onable suspended maDer

Types of Intake Structures: Diversion

Types of Intake Structures: Diversion

Types of Intake Structures: Diversion

Component Block Diagram

Source Water Supply Intake Conduit

Bar Rack

Fine Screens

Intake Structure

Shore Well or Pump Station

Types of Intake Structures: Exposed or Submerged

p Floa2ng intakes p Submerged intakes p Exposed or tower intakes

Wet-intake tower n Dry-intake tower


p Shore-intake structures p Pier intakes

Floa/ng Intakes
p Rela2vely inexpensive p Intake in an exis2ng lake or reservoir with small

water level changes p Draws water from a xed depth below the water surface

Floa/ng Intakes

Submerged Intakes
p Rela2vely inexpensive p Withdraw water from streams or lakes with small

water level changes

p Near boDom p Gra2ng is inaccessible

Submerged Intakes Siphon Wells

Submerged Intakes Design Criteria

p Intake Crib

Depth: deeper than 3 m (~10 S), in a loca2on where it will not get buried by sediments or washed away n If water level is higher than 3 m (~10 S), top of intake should be 1 m (~3 S) above river boDom n If water level is lower than 3 m (~10 S), crib should be buried 0.3-0.9 m (1-3 S) under river bed n All sides should be protected by riprap or concrete slabs n Openings should be designed to provide maximum ow velocity of 0.08-0.15 m/s (0.25-0.5 S/s) n Pipe or conduit ow velocity: 0.9-1.2 m/s (3-4 S/s)

Exposed or Tower Intakes

Exposed or Tower Intakes

Lake Mead, Hoover Dam

Exposed or Tower Intakes

Exposed or Tower Intakes

Sacramento River Water Intake

Exposed or Tower Intakes: Pump Sta/on

Public supply water intake in Bay County, Florida

Tower Intake: Design Criteria

p Intake tower

As close to shore n Minimum depth: 3 m (~10 S) n Cross sec2on: circular, oval, or rectangular n Top of tower at least 1.5 m (~5 S) above highest water level (same for bridge) n Interior diameter to allow easy access for maintenance n Strong and durable construc2on materials n Solid founda2ons


Tower Intake: Design Criteria

p Intake ports:

Provided at various depths n The lowest port: approximately 1 m (~3 S) from boDom n Ver2cal intervals between ports: 3-4.5 m (10-15 S) n Flow velocity through gross area: ~0.1 m/s (0.3 S/s) n If icing condi2ons expected, ow should not exceed 0.15 m/s (0.5 S/s) n Sluice gates or buDery valves must be specied (internal or external)

Exposed or Tower intakes

p p

Moderate to high cost Intake in large projects on rivers or reservoirs with signicant water level changes

Wet-intake tower

Dry-intake tower


Shore Intakes

Columbia River, WA

Shore Intakes
p Moderate to high cost p Used on rivers and lakes with near-constant water

levels and deep shorelines


Shore Intakes
p Minimum water depth: 1.8 m (~6 S) p Structure: basically same as tower p Intake bay:

Port opening capable of accommoda2ng ow velocity of 0.45 m/s (1.5 S/s) and should not exceed 0.3 m/s (1 S/s) if oa2ng debris expected

Thermal Stra/ca/on in Lakes


Intake-Site Selec/on: Factors to consider

p Water quality p Water depth p Stream or current veloci2es: > 0.6 m/s; eddy currents p Founda2on stability p Accessibility under all weather condi2ons

p Power availability: gates, screens, and hazard ligh2ng p Proximity to water treatment plant cost of

conveyance p Hazards to naviga2on p Environmental impact recrea2onal uses, wildlife habitats, endangered species, and historical sites

Intake-Design Considera/ons
p Intake veloci2es < 0.08 m/s (<0.3 S/s)
n n

low velocity
p larger structure higher cost

high velocity
p increase head loss

p entrain suspended solids p trap sh

p Maximum day demand p Intake-port loca2on

consider mul2ple ports where sources are stra2ed top port not less than 2 m below water level n boDom port at least 1 m above boDom
n n


Intake-Design Considera/ons
p Gates

control the inow of water from the raw water source into the water conveyance system n gates should not be used to regulate the ow into the system n Control of ice:
p anchor ice can form on metal surfaces and obstruct ow p in cold climates, top port at least 8 m below water surface p steam piping and space heaters within the intake structure

p p p p

Removes suspended maDer from water Coarse screen / trash rack / bar racks Fine screen Microstrainer


Screening Coarse screen

p p

Bars spaced up to 7.5 cm (3") apart (center-to-center) Velocity through screen: <0.08 m/s (<0.3 S/s)

Screening Coarse Screen


Screening Fine Screen

p p p p

Heavy wire mesh with 0.5-1.5 cm (-") of clear opening Velocity through screen 0.4-0.8 m/s (1.3-2.6 S/s) Screen area eciency factor 0.5-0.6 Usually require automated cleaning

Screening Microstrainer

p Removal of algae and plankton p Wash water = 1-3 % of microstrainer capacity


Screening Fine Screen

StaticOrbTM Surface Water Intake Screens

Screening Fine Screen

StaticOrbTM Surface Water Intake Screens

Intake screens awai2ng posi2oning during construc2on work. The plant takes raw water from the mid-ow of the WillameDe River, OR


Design of Intakes and Screens

Headloss through intake port and fine screen:

hL (m) =

1 Q 2 ( ) 2g AC d

Cd = coefficient of discharge for orifice (0.6-0.9) A = active submerged orifice area m2

Headloss through bar screens:

2 (v 2 v ) 1 hL #(m) = 2g 0.7

v = velocity through the screen opening, m/s vv = velocity upstream of the screen, m/s g = acceleration of gravity, m/s2

Design Example
Propose a shore intake structure including a coarse screening device for a new water treatment facility with a maximum day demand of 113,500 m3/day (~30 mgd). The water level of your raw water varies between maximum ow condi2ons at 90 m msl (mean sea level) and minimum ow condi2ons at 70 m msl. The average ow is at 85 m msl. River boDom is at 60 m msl.
n n n

Propose gates for the intake structure with a maximum velocity of 0.08 m/s Propose layout of the gates Design coarse screen using 13 mm square bars, 8 cm spaced on center (3.5 m long and stretch over 3 m)


Design Example
Propose a shore intake structure including a coarse screening device for a new water treatment facility with a maximum day demand of 113,500 m3/day (~30 mgd). The water level of your raw water varies between maximum ow condi2ons at 90 m msl (mean sea level) and minimum ow condi2ons at 70 m msl. The average ow is at 85 m msl. River boDom is at 60 m msl.

Design ne screen using: p 2 screens p Bars 9.5 mm spaced on center p Depth of ow 9.53 m p Max velocity 0.2 m/sec p Screen eciency 0.56 p Available screens in 0.9 m width sec2ons



p Two scenarios:

River water with low-moderate turbidity and coliform counts and occasional heavy rainfall (turbidity <10,000 NTU)
p Plain sedimenta2on in concrete tank with sludge removal

mechanism p Deten2on 2me: -1 hour p Overow rate: 1,000-3,000 gal/day/S2 (1.5-5 m/hr)

River water with high turbidity and high coliform counts

p Plain sedimenta2on in large basins / long deten2on 2me

(turbidity >10,000 NTU) p Deten2on 2me: 30-60 days p Some solar disinfec2on p 80-90% removal of virus and bacteria within 30 days


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