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Page 1

1. Given that f : x 4 x + m and f

: x nx +

3 , find the values of m and n. 4

1 4 2. Given that f : x 2 x 1 , g : x 4 x and fg : x ax + b , find the values of a and b . Answer:- a = 8 ; b = 1 3. Given that f : x x + 3 , g : x a + bx 2 and gf : x 6 x 2 + 36 x + 56 , find the values of a and b . Answer:- a = 2 ; b = 6 -2Answer:- m = 3 ; n =
4 4. Given that g : x m + 3 x and g 1 : x 2kx , find the values of m and k. 3

Answer:- k = 5. Given the inverse function f


( x) =

2x 3 , find 2

1 ;m=4 6

(a) the value of f(4), (b) the value of k if f 1 (2k) = k 3 . Answer:-(a) 6. Given the function f : x 2 x 1 and g : x (a) f 1 (x) , (b) f 1 g(x) , (c) h(x) such that hg(x) = 6x 3 . Answer:-(a) 7. Diagram 1 shows the function g : x g x 2 , find 3 11 1 (b) 2 2

x +1 2


1 1 x 6 2

(c) 18x + 33

p + 3x , x 2 , where p is a constant. x2

Diagram 1 Find the value of p.

p + 3x x 2

Answer:- p = 4 8. x 4 2 y 4 2 z 4 2

0 1 2 Page 2
g (x) = 4 3 x fg (x) = 2 x + 5

2 Diagram 2

-3QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 1. One of the roots of the quadratic equation Find the possible values of p. is twice the other root. Answer ; p = 5, 7 is two times the other root, Answer : 2b 2 = 9ac 3. Find the possible value of m , if the quadratic equation roots. has two equal Answer ;

2. If one of the roots of the quadratic equation find an expression that relates .

4. Straight line y = mx + 1 is tangent to the curve x2 + y2 2x + 4y = 0. Find the possible values of m. Answer : 5. Given If
and are roots of the equation k x(x 1) = 2m x. 2 2
= 6

1 or 2 2


= 3, find the value of k and of m.

Answer : k =

1 3 ,m= 2 16

6. Find the values of such that the equation (3 )x2 2( + 1)x + + 1 = 0 has equal roots. Hence, find the roots of the equation base on the values of obtained. Answer : = 1; roots: = 1, x = 1; = 1, x = 0

Page 3

-4QUADRATIC FUNCTIONS 1. Diagram 1 shows the graph of y the function y = 2 ( x p ) + 5 , where p is constant.

( 0, 3 ) Find, Diagram 1 (a) the value of p , (b) the equation of the axis of symmetry, (c) the coordinate of the maximum point.

( 4 , 3 )

Answer:- (a) p = 2 (b) x = 2 (c) ( 2, 5 ) 2. y

( 0, 2 )

Diagram 2 2 Diagram 2 shows the graph of the function f ( x ) = ( p 1) x + 2 x + q . (a) State the value of q . (b) Find the range of values of p . Answer:-(a) q = 2 (b) p < 1 2

Page 4



y ( 0, 9)

y = x 2 + bx + c

K Diagram 3

Diagram 3 shows the graph of the function y = x 2 + bx + c that intersects the y- axis at point ( 0, 9 ) and touches the x- axis at point K. Find, (a) the value of b and c , (b) the coordinates of point K. Answer:-(a) b = 6 , c = 9 (b)

( 3,0 )


( 0, 23) ( 2, 3) 0 x

Diagram 4 In Diagram 4 above point ( 2, 3 ) is the turning point on the graph which has equation of the form y = p(x + h)2 + k. Find the, (a) values of p, h and k, (b) equation of the curve formed when the graph as shown is reflected at the xaxis. (c) equation of the curve formed when the graph as shown is reflected at the yaxis. Answer :- (a) p = 5 , h = 2, k = 3 (b) y = 5(x 2)2 3 (c) y = 5(x + 2)2 + 3

Page 5



2 2 Function f ( x ) = x 8kx + 20k + 1 has a minimum value of r 2 + 4k , where r and k are constants.

(a) (b)

By using the method of completing the square, show that r = 2k 1 . Hence or otherwise, find the values of k and r if the graph of the function is symmetrical about x = r 2 13 . Answer:-(b) k = 3 , 1 and r = 3 , 5


The function f ( x ) = ( 6 + x ) ( 2 x ) + h has a maximum value of 10 and h is a constant. (a) Find the value of h. (b) Sketch the graph of f ( x ) = ( 6 + x ) ( 2 x ) + h for the value of h that is determined in (a) above. (c) Write the equation of the axis of symmetry. Answer:- ( a) h = --6 (c) x = 2


Given y = x2 + 2kx + 3k has minimum value 2. (a) Without using the method of differentiation, find the two possible values of k. (b) With these values of k, sketch on the same axis, two graphs for y = x2 + 2kx + 3k. (c) State the coordinates of the minimum point for y = x2 + 2kx + 3k . Answer:- (a) k =1 , 2 (c) (1, 2), (2, 2)

***************************************************************************** * SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS 1. Solve the simultaneous equations 3x + 2y = 1 and 3x2 y2 = 5x + 3y. Answer: x = -7/3 , y = 4 ; x = 1, y = -1 2. Solve the simultaneous equations x+ y = xy 3 2x 5 y and = 2 3 5 Answer: x = 41/10, y = 16/3 ; x = 1, y = -5 3. Solve the simultaneous equations 2x - y = 4 and 2x2 + xy - 3x = 7. Give your answers

Page 6

-7correct to three decimal places. Answer: x = 2.461, y = 0.922; x = -0.711, y = -5.422

INDICES AND LOGARITHMS 1. 2. 3. .4. Solve the equation

625 x +2 = 1 5 .25
x x 1

Answer:- x =

2 5

Solve the equation 2 x .8 x = 4 5 x 3 Show that 3

x +2


x 1

5 3

( ) is divisible by 13.

Answer:- x = 1 Answer : 13(3 x 1 ) Answer:23 12

Solve the equation 64 2 x 3 + 2 = 34


Solve the equation 3 x 2 2 x +1 = 10 Solve the equation log 4 [log 2 ( 2 x 3) ] = log 9 3

Answer: 0.6477

6. 7. 8.

1 Solve the equation log( x + 2) log(4 x 1) = log x

Answer :x =1 Solve the equation log2x - 4 logx16 = 0 Answer: 16 , 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Solve the equation 2(7 x 1 ) = 5 x Solve 3
log 2 x

1 16

Answer: x = 3.7232 Answer : x = 16

= 81

Solve the equation 3

- 2 (3


)-3=0 Answer: 0.5

Solve the equation 102x+1 - 7 (10x) = 26 Answer:0.3010 Given that log 3 5 = m and log 9 2 = n , express log 3 50 in terms of m and n Answer:- 2m + 2n Given that log x 2 = k and log x 7 = h , express log

14. 15.

3.5 x

Given that 2 log 2 ( x + y ) = 3 + log 2 x + log 2 y , show that ( x 2 + y 2 = 6 xy )

in terms of k and h Answer:- 2h + 2 2k Page 7

-816. If log2a + log2b = 4, show that log4ab = 2 and that log8ab = 4/3. If log2a + log2b = 4, show that log4ab = 2 and that log8ab = 4/3.

COORDINATE GEOMETRY 1. The following information refers to the equations of two straight lines, AB and CD which are parallel to each other. AB : 2y = p x + q CD : 3y = (q + 1) x + 2 Where p and q are constants Express p in terms of q.
2 ( q +1) 3


p =


The triangle with vertices A(4,3), B(-1,1) and C(t , -3) has an area 11 unit2. Find the possible values of t. Answer: t = 0 , -22 The points P(3, p), B(-1, 2) and C(9,7) lie on a straight line. If P divides BC internally in the ratio m : n , find (a) m : n , (b) the value of p. Answer:(a) 2 : 3 (b) p = 4 (a) A point P moves such that its distance from point A (1, 4) is always 5 units. Find the equation of the locus of P. Answer: x 2 + y 2 2 x + 8 y 8 = 0 (b) The point A is (-1, 3) and the point B is (4, 6). The point Q moves such that QA : QB = 2 : 3. Find the equation of the locus of Q. Answer: 5 x 2 + 5 y 2 + 14 x + 102 y 54 = 0 (c) A point R moves along the arc of a circle with centre A(2, 3). The arc passes through Q(-2, 0). Find the equation of the locus of R. Answer: x 2 + y 2 4 x 6 y + 8 = 0 (d) A point S moves such that its distance from point A(3,4) is always twice its distance from point B(6,-2). Find the equation of the locus of S. Answer: x 2 + y 2 18 x + 8 y + 45 = 0 (e) The point M is (2, 3) and N is (4, 5). The point T moves such that it is always



Page 8

-9equidistance from M and from N. Find the equation of locus of T. Answer : e) x+4y = 7

(f) Given point A (1,2) and point B (4, 5). Find the locus of point W which moves such that AWB is always 900. Answer: x 2 + y 2 5 x + 3 y 6 = 0 Solutions to question no 5, 6 and 7 by scale drawing will not be accepted. 5. In Diagram 1, the straight line PR cuts y-axis at Q such that PQ : QR = 1 : 3. The equation of PS is 2y = x + 3. y R

Q( 0, 4 )

P(3, 0 ) (a) Find (i) (ii) (iii)

O Diagram 1 the coordinates of R, the equation of the straight line RS, the area PRS.

(b) A point T moves such that its locus is a circle which passes through the points P, R and S. Find the equation of the locus of T. Answer: a)(i) R = (9 , 16) (ii) y = 2x + 34 (iii) 80 unit 2 b) x2 + y2 6x 16y 27 = 0 6. Diagram 2 shows the straight line graphs PQS and QRT in a Cartesian plane. Point P and point S lies on the x-axis and y-axis respectively. Q is the mid point of PS. y S y 3x = 4

Q R(0, 1)

Page 9

- 10 P x O T Diagram 2 (a) Find, (i) coordinates of the point Q, (ii) area of the quadrilateral OPQR. (iii) The equation of the straight line which is parallel to QT and passes through S. (b) Given 3QR = RT, calculate the coordinates of the point T. (c) A point moves in such a way that its distance from S is
1 its distance from the point T. 2

(i) Find the equation of locus of the point T. (ii) Hence, determine whether the locus cuts the x-axis or not. . Answer: (a)(i) ( 0 (ii) No 7. y K P J R x O L Diagram 3 In Diagram 3, P(2, 9), Q(5, 7) and R(4
1 , 3) are the mid point of the straight line JK, KL and 2

3 2 5 , 2) (ii) (iii) y = x + 4 (b) (2, 2) (c)(i) 3x2 + 3y2 + 4x 36y +56 = 3 3 2

LJ such that JPQR form a parallelogram. (a) Find, (i) the equation of the straight line JK, (ii) the equation of the perpendicular bisector of the straight line LJ. (b) Straight line KJ is extended until it intersects the perpendicular bisector of the straight line LJ at the point S. Find the coordinates of the point S.

Page 10

- 11 (c) Calculate the area of PQR and consequently the area of JKL. Answer: (a)(i) y = 8x 7 (ii) 4y = 6x 15 (b) ,3
1 2

(c) 6

1 ; 26 2

STATISTICS 1. Table 1 shows the results obtained by 100 pupils in a test. Marks Number of pupils < 20 3 < 30 8 < 40 20 Table 1 (a) Based on Table 1, complete the table below. Marks Frequency (b) Without drawing an ogive, estimate the interquartile range. Answer:-(b)Interquartile range = 22.62 2. The mean and standard deviation of a set of integers 2 , 4 , 8 , p and q are 5 and 2 respectively. (a) Find the values of p and of q . (b) State the mean and variance of the set integers 7, 11, 9 , 2p + 3 and 2q + 3 Answer:-(a) p = 5, q = 6 or p = 6, q = 5 (b) Mean =13 Variance = 16 3. The histogram in Diagram 1 shows the marks obtained by 40 students in Mathematics test. Number of students 10 8 6 4 10 19 < 50 41 < 60 65 < 70 85 < 80 96 < 90 100
0 15.5 20.5 25.2 30.5 35.5 40.5 Diagram 1 Marks

Page 11

- 12 -

(a) (b) 4.

Without drawing an ogive , calculate the median mark. Calculate the standard deviation of the marks. Answer:(a) 27.17 (b) 6.595

Table 2 shows the frequency distribution of the Chemistry marks of a group of students. Marks 1 10 11 20 21 30 31 40 41 50 51 60 Table 2 (a) (b) (c) If the median mark is 34.5 , calculate the value of p . By using a scale of 2 cm to 10 marks on the horizontal axis and 2 cm to 2 students on the vertical axis, draw a histogram to represent the frequency distribution of the marks. Find the modal mark. What is the modal mark if the mark of each student is increased by 8 ? Answer:- (a) p = 6 (b) Mode = 36 (c) 44 Number of students 2 3 5 10 p 2


The scores, x , obtained by 32 students of Class 5 Alfa in a test are summarized as x = 2496 and x 2 = 195488. The mean and the standard deviation of the scores, y , obtained by 40 students and Class 5 Beta in the test are 66 and 6 respectively. (a) (b) Find (i)



Calculate the mean and the standard deviation of the scores obtained by all the 72 students. Answer:-(a)(i) 2640 (ii)175680 (b)Mean = 71.33 , S Deviation= 8.194


A set of data consists of 10 numbers. The sum of the numbers is 120 and the sum of the squares of the numbers is 1650. (a) Find the mean and variance of the set of data, Page 12

- 13 (b) A number a is added to the set of data and the mean is increased by 2, find (i) the value of a, (ii) the standard deviation of the new set of data. Answer:-(a) Mean = 12 , Variance = 21 (b)(i) a = 34 (ii) S Deviation = 7.687


Diagram 1 Diagram 1 shows a circle with centre O and OA = 10 cm. Straight line AT is a tangent to the circle at point A, and AOT is a triangle. Given that the area of triangle OAT = 60 cm2, find the area of sector OAB. Answer:- 43.80 cm 2 2.


Diagram 2 Given that the area of a sector OAB in Diagram 2 with centre O and radius 20 cm is 240 cm2. Calculate (a) the length of arc AB (b) area of shaded region Answer:- : (a) 24 cm (b) 53.60 3.


Page 13

- 14 Diagram 3 In the Diagram 3, POQ is a circular sector with centre O and a radius of 17 cm. Point R is on the straight line ORQ such that RQ = 5 cm. Calculate (a) the value of in radian (b) the area of the shaded region, in cm2 Answer:- (a) 0.7871 4.

(b) 41.49

Diagram 4 Diagram 4 shows a semicircle with centre O and radius of 10 cm. Given that QS is the length of arc with centre P and QPS = rad . Find

(a) the length of OS. (b) the area of S1 5.

Answer:-(a) 7.32 cm (b) 35.23 cm 2


Diagram 5 Two identical circles of radius 2r are drawn with their centres, C on the circumference of each circle as shown in the Diagram 5. Show that the area of shaded region A cm 2 , is given by
2 2 r 4 3 3 . 3




P 3cm A

Diagram 6

Page 14

- 15 Diagram 6 shows two circles with centres O and A. The respective radii are 8 cm and 3 cm. A tangent touches the circles at the points Q and R. Given that QOP = radians, find

(a) the length of QR (b) the perimeter of the shaded region (c) the area of the shaded region Answer : a) 9.80 cm DIFFERENTIATION 1.(a) (i) Given y = 3x2 + 5, find (ii) Differentiate y =
dy by using the first principle. dx

b) 24.46 cm

c) 10.96 cm2

4 3 with the first principle. x

(b) (i) Find

d 1 . dx 2 x + 1

(ii) Given f(x) = 4x(2x 1)5, find f(x). (iii) Differentiate 3x2(2x 5)4 with respect to x. (iv) Given f(x) = (2x 3)5, find f (x). (v) Given f(x) =
1 2x3 , find f (x). x 1

(c) (i) Given h(x) = (ii) Given f(x) =

1 , find the value h(1). (3 x 5) 2


2) , find f '(0). 1 3x
2 5

(d) (i) Find the limit of

limit n 2 4 . n 2 n 2

(ii) Given f (r) = 5 2r . Find the limit of f (r) when r 1.

d2y dy + 12 in terms of x, in the simplest form. (e) Given y = x(3 x), express y 2 + x dx dx d2y dy Hence, find the value of x which satisfy the equation y 2 + x + 12 = 0. dx dx

4 +3r

Answer : (a) (i) 6x

(b)( i)

2 ( 2 x +1)


4 x 3 + 6 x 2 1 ( x 1) 2

d) i) 2

e) 12 Page 15

- 16 (ii)
4 x2

(ii)[4(2x 1)4)(12x 1)]

iii )6 x(6 x 5)( 2 x 5) 3

c) (i)


40(2x 3)

(ii) 96

27 8

7 3

3x; x=4

2. (a) Given the function of the graph f(x) = hx3 + f (x) = 3x2
96 x3

k x2

, which has a gradient function of

, where h and k are constant. Find,

(i) the value of h and the value of k, (ii) the coordinate x of the turning point of the graph. (b) The point P lies on the curve
1 normal at P is . Find 4
y = ( x 5) 2 .

It is given that the gradient of the

(i) the coordinates of P. (ii) the equation of the normal to the curve at point P.
2 x2

(c) A curve with the gradient function 2 x

has a turning point at ( k , 8 ) .

(i) Find the value of k . (ii) Determine whether the turning point is a maximum or a minimum point . Answer: 2(a) (i) h=1, k= 48 (ii) 2

(b) (i) (7, 4) (ii)4y + x = 23

(c) i) k = 1, ii) Minimum

3. (a) Two variables, x and y, are related by the equation y = 3x +

2 . x

Given that y increases at a constant rate of 4 units per second, find the rate of change of x when x = 2. (b) On a certain day, the rate of increase of temperature, , with respect to time, t s, is given by (i) Find the value of t at the instant when is maximum. (ii) Given = 4 when t = 6, find the maximum value of . Answer: (a) 1.6 units-1 (b) i) 12 ii) 13
d 1 = (12 t). dt 2

Page 16

- 17 -

4. (a) Given y = t 2t2 and x = 4t + 1. (i) Find

dy in terms of x. dx
dy at the point (2, 3). dx

(ii) If x increases from 3 to 3.01, find the corresponding small increment in t. (b) Given y = 2x3 5x2 + 7, find the value of

Hence, find (i) the small change in x which causes y to decrease from 3 to 2.98. (ii) the rate of change of y when x = 2 if the rate of change of x is 0.6 unit per second. (c) Given y = value of
16 dy when x = 2. Hence, find the approximate 4 , find the value of dx x

16 . (1.98) 4
2 x (ii) 0.0025 4

Answer: (a) (i)

(b) (i) 0.005 (ii) 2.4 unit s1

(c) 1.04

5. Diagram 1 shows a composite solid made up of a cone resting on a cylinder with radius x cm.

x cm Diagram 1
2 The total surface area of the solid, A cm2, is given by the equation A = 3 x +

16 . x

(a) Calculate the minimum value of the surface area of the solid. (b) Given the surface area of the solid is changing at a rate of 42 cm2 s1. Find the rate of change of radius at the instant when the radius is 4 cm.

Page 17

- 18 (c) Given the radius of the cylinder increases from 4 cm to 4.003 cm. Find approximate increment in the surface area of the solid Answer: b) 36 (c) 2 (d) 0.063

PROGRESSION 1. 2. Show that log h, log hk, log hk 2 , log hk 3 , is an arithmetic progression. Then find the common difference of this progression. An arithmetic progression has 10 terms. The sum of all these 10 terms is 220. The sum of the odd terms is 100. Find the first term and the common difference. Answer : a = 4, d = 4 The sum of the first six terms of an arithmetic progression is 120. The sum of the first six terms is 90 more than the fourth term. Calculate the first term and the common difference. Answer : a = 30, d = 20 Given that the sum of n term of an arithmetic progression is S n = 2n 2 + 3n. Find (a) the n term in terms of n (b) the first term (c) the common difference Answer : (a) 4n +1 (b) 5( c) 4 An arithmetic progression has 12 terms. The sum of all these 12 terms is 222. The sum of the odd terms is 102. Find (a) the first term and the common difference (b) the last term Answer :(a) a = 2 , d = 3 (b) 35 The n term of an arithmetic progression is 5n 8 . Find the sum of all the terms from the 5th term to the 8th term. Answer : 98 Estimate the sum to infinity of the geometric progression 9 + 3 +1 + + ....... Answer :
1 13 2
1 3







Write 0.7 + 0.07 + 0.007 + 0.007 + ........ as a fraction.

7 9

Answer :

Page 18

- 19 9. The sum of the first n terms of a geometric progression is S n = number of terms in the progression that its sum to exceed 60. 10.
( 2 2 n +1 ) 8 . Find the least 3

Answer : n = 4

Find the least number of terms of the geometric progression 4,12,36,which must be taken for its sum to exceed 1 800. Answer : n = 7 The sum of the first two terms of a geometric progression is two terms is
3 and the sum of the next 4
3 , where the common ratio is positive. Find the sum to infinity of the 16 progression. Answer : S = 1



Diagram 1 Diagram 1 shows four circles. Each circle has a radius that is 2 units longer than that of the previous circle. Given that the sum of the perimeters of these four circles is 120 cm, (i) find the radius of the smallest circle. (ii) the sum of the perimeters from the fifth term to the tenth term. Answer :(i) r = 12 cm(ii) 300 cm 13. Encik Rahim plans to donate an amount of money to the Rumah Penyayang each year from 2008. The amount in 2008 will be RM50 000, and thereafter, the amount each year will be 90% of the amount for the previous year. Calculate (a) the year in which the donation falls below RM 20 000 for the first time (b) the total donation from 2008 to 2015 inclusive Answer : a) n = 10 , 2017 14. P Q b) RM284 766.40 .

Diagram shows two balls in a tube of length 10 m, moving towards each other. P moves from one end traveling 60 cm in the first second, 59 cm in the next second and 58 cm in

Page 19

- 20 the third second. Q moves from the other end traveling 40 cm in the first second, 39 cm in the next second and 38 cm in the third second. The process continues in this manner until the two balls meet. (a) Find the shortest time for the two balls to meet.(give your answer to the nearest second) (b) Calculate the distance traveled by P. (c) Calculate the difference in distance traveled by the two balls. Answer : INTEGRATION 1. (a) Find, (i) (b) Given (c) Find a) 11s b) 605 cm c) 220 cm

3 0

( 4 x )( 4 + x ) dx x2


(3x 5)



f(x) dx = 8, find the value of


f ( x) + 2 dx. 2

( 2 x + 7 )


(d) Given kx2 x is the gradient function for a curve such that k is a constant. y 5x + 7 = 0 is the equation of tangent at the point (1, 2) to the curve. Find, (i) the value of k, (ii) the equation of the curve. (e) Given
1 dy d2y = 4x3 + 1. When x = 1, y = and = 3. Find y in terms of x. 2 2 dx dx 3 16 ( 2x + 7) 4 + c Answer:( a) (i) x + c (ii) (3 x 5) 2 + c (b) 7 ( c) x 8

(d(i)) k = 6 (ii) y = 2x3

7 x2 2 2

(e) y =

x5 x 2 16 + + 3x + 5 2 5


dy dy 2 = 9, when x = 2 , is directly proportional to x 1, and that y = 3 and dx dx find the value of y when x = 3 .
Given that The rate of change of the area, A cm , of a circle is 6t 2t + 1 . Find area of the circle is 11 cm2 when t = 2 .


Answer: 19 in terms of if the

Answer: 4. (a) Diagram 1 shows part of the curve of y =

2 . The straight line x = k divides the x2

Page 20

- 21 shaded region enclosed by the curve , the straight lines x = 1 and x = 5 and the x-axis into two regions, y and .

A 0 1 k

B 5 x

Diagram 1 Given that the area of region is five times the area of region , find the value of

(b) Diagram 2 shows part of the curve y = x ( x 2 ) . y

y = x ( x 2)
0 Diagram 2 x

Find the value of the solid generated when the shaded region is revolved through 360 about the x-axis . y Answer: (a) k = 3 (b) 1 P (a) Diagram 3 shows a straight line y = 2 x and a curve y = x 2 3x x 0 5. Diagram 3

Page 21

- 22 -

y = x 2 3x

Find (i) the coordinate of the point P, (ii) the area of the shaded region Answer: ( i ) ( 5,10 ) Diagram 4 shows part of the curve y = y

( ii )

125 6


( 2 x 1)

which passes through

(a) Find the equation of the tangent to the curve at point Q. (b) A region is bounded by the curve, the x-axis and the straight lines (i) Find the area of the region 0 is revolved through 360 about the x-axis.xFind the volume generated, in (ii) The region Diagram 4 terms of Answer:(a) y = 6 x + 20 (b) i) ,ii )
784 10125



(a) Evaluate

x(4 x)dx

Page 22

- 23 -

Diagram 5 (b) Diagram 5 shows the curve y = x(4 x) , together with a straight line. This line cuts the curve at the origin O and at the point P with x-coordinate k, where 0 < k < 4 . 1 3 (i) Show that the area of the shaded region, bounded by the line and the curve, is k 6 (ii) Find, correct to 3 decimal places, the value of k for which the area of the shaded region is half of the total area under the curve between x = 0 and x = 4 . Answer : k = 3.175 8. Diagram 6 shows, the straight line PQ is normal to the curve y = The straight line AR is parallel to the y axis.
1 2 x + 1 at A(2,3). 2

P A(2,3) Diagram 6 Find (a) the value of k, (b) the area of the shaded region, 0 Q(k ,0) R (c) the volume generated, in terms of , when the region bounded by the curve, the y axis and the straight line y = 3 is revolved through 360o about the y-axis. Answer : (a) k = 8 (b) area = 12 points A and B. y P Q A B
1 (c) Volume = 4 3

9. Diagram 7 below shows the straight line y = x + 4 intersecting the curve y = (x 2 )2 at the

y = x+4

Page 23

- 24 -

y = (x 2 )2 k x Diagram 7 Find, (a) the value of k, (b) the are of the shaded region P (c) the volume generated, in terms of , when the shaded region Q is revolved 360o about the x axis. Answer : (a) k = 5 (b) area = 20.83 (c) volume =
32 5

***************************************************************************** * LINEAR LAW 1. The data for x and y given in the table below are related by a law of the form

y = px 2 + x + q ,where p and q are constants.

x y 1 41.5 2 38.0 3 31.5 4 22.0 5 9.5

(a) Plot y x againts x 2 , using a scale of 2 cm to 4 unit on both axes. Hence , draw the line of best fit. (b) Use your graph in 1(a) to find the value of (i) p (ii) q 2. Answer:

The variables x and y are known to be connected by the equation y = Ca x . An experiment gave pairs of values of x and y as shown in the table. One of the values of y is subject to an abnormally large area. x y 1 56.20 2 29.90 3 25.10 4 8.91 5 6.31 6 3.35 Page 24

- 25 -

(a) Plot log y against x, using a scale of

2 cm to 1 unit for x-axis and 2 cm to 0.2 unit for

y-axis . Hence , draw the line of best fit. (b) Identify the abnormal reading and estimate its correct value. (c) Use your graph in 2(b) to find the value of (i) C (ii) a Answer: (b)25.1,17.78 (c) C = 100 , a = 1.78


The table shows experimental values of x and y which are known to be related by equation


a +b x . x
x y 1 2.20 2 1.74 3 1.71 4 1.77 5 1.86 6 1.96

(a) Explain how a straight line graph may be drawn to represent the given equation. (b) Plot xy againts x x , using a scale of 2 cm to 2 unit on both axes . Hence , draw the line of best fit. (c) Use your graph in 3(b) to find the value of (i) a (ii) b Answer : a=1.5 ; b=0.70 4. Table 1 shows the values of two variables, x and y, obtained from an experiment. Variables x and y are related by the equation y = p k x, where p and k are constants. x y 2 3.16 4 5.50 6 9.12 8 16.22 10 28.84 12 46.77

(a) Plot log y against x by using a scale of 2 cm to 2 units on the x-axis and 2 cm to 0.2 unit on the log10 y-axis.

Page 25

- 26 Hence, draw the line of best fit. (b) Use your graph from (a) to find the value of (i) p (ii) k. Answer : p=1.820 ; k=1.309 5. The variable x and y are related by the equation y =

h . Diagram 1 shows the graph of 2x + k

1 againts x .Calculate the values of h and k. The point P lies on the line. Find the value of r. 1 y

( x

Diagram 1 Answer:

6. Variables x and y are related by the equation the graph of the

a b + = 2 , where a and b are constants. When x y

1 1 againts y x

is drawn, a straight line is obtained. Given that the intercept on

1 axis is 0.5 and that the gradient of the line is 0.75, calculate the value of a and b. y Answer: a = 3, b = 4

7. Variables x and y are related by the equation 4y = 2(x 1)2 + 3k where k is a constant. (a) When y is plotted against (x 1)2, a straight line is obtained, which intersects the y-axis at (0, -6). Find the value of k. (b) Hence, find the gradient and the y intercept for the straight line obtained by

Page 26

- 27 plotting the graph of (y + x) against x2. 3k 11 11 , k = 8 (b) y + x = x2 , m= , y-intercept = . 4 2 2

y p = + qx , x x

Answer: (a) y = (x 1)2 +

8. (a) Explain how a straight line graph can be drawn from the equation where p and q are constants. (b) log2 y

(5, 6)

log2 x O (2, 0) Diagram 2

Diagram 2 shows the graph of log2 y against log2 x. Values of x and values of y are related by the equation y =
x2n , where n and k are constants. Find the value of n and the value of k. k

Answer : n = 1, k = 16 9. y (4, 44) (2, 14)
0 Diagram 3

Page 27

- 28 Diagram 3 shows part of the curve y against x. It is known that x and y are related by the linear equation
y = kx + h, where h and k are constants. x

(a) Sketch the straight line graph for the above equation. (b) Calculate the values of h and k. Answer : : (a)

h = 3, k = 2


log10 y Q(8, 7)

log10 x 0 Diagram 4 Diagram 4 shows graph of log10 y against log10 x. Given that PQ = 10 units and the point P lies on the log10 y-axis. (a) Find the coordinates of P. (b) Express y in terms of x. (c) Find the value of y when x = 16. Answer: (a) P(0, 1) (b) y = 10 x 4

(c) y = 80

***************************************************************************** * VECTORS 1. Diagram 1 shows a parallelogram, OPQR, drawn on a Cartesan plane. y Q


P x Diagram 1

Page 28

- 29 Given that
OP =

i + 4 j and 6~ ~

PQ =

i + 5 j . Find . 4 ~ ~ PR

Answer: 10i + j

i and j , 2. Given O(0, 0), A(3, 4) and B(2, 16), find in terms of unit vector ~ ~ uuu r (a) AB , uuu r (b) unit vector in the direction of AB .


( a ) 5i + 12 j


1 5i + 12 j 13

3. Given A(2, 6), B(4, 2) and C(m, p), find the value of m and the value of p such that uuu r uuu r i 12 j . AB + 2 BC = 10 % % Answer: m = 6, p = 4 4. Given the points A(3,0) , B (7,8) and C (1, k ) (a) Express vector AB in terms of

and j , Answer: ( a ) 4i + 8 j (b) h =

(b) Find the value of k if vector OC is parallel to vector AB . 1 ,k = 2 4 5. Given that OABC is a rectangle where OA = 6 cm and OC = 5cm. If OA = a and OB = b ,find ~ ~ (a) AC in terms of a and b ~ ~ (b) a+b Answer:(a) a + b (b) 61

6. Diagram 2 shows vector s , vector t and vector unit a and b . ~ ~ ~ ~


b %


Diagram 2

Page 29

- 30 -

= 2 s 3 t , express r in terms a and b . Given r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

14a + 13b


7. Given AB = (k + 1) a and BC = 2 b . If A, B and C are collinear, AB = BC and b = 3a . ~ ~ ~ ~

Find the value of k. Answer:k= 5 8. Given that a = 2 i + 2 j , b = 2 i 3 j and c =a 2b . Find % % % % % % % % % (a) c % (b) unit vector in the direction of c . % C 9. G H

Answer: ( a ) 10

( b)

1 3i + 4 j 5

Diagram 3 uuu r Diagram 3 shows GH : AB = 3 : 10 and GH is parallel to AB . If AB = 10 a , find GH in ~ terms of a . Answer: 3a ~ 10. P U T S


Diagram 4 shows PQRSTU is a regular hexagon. Diagram 4 Express PQ + PT - RS as a single vector. uuu r Answer: PR

Page 30

- 31 11.
In OPQ, OP = p and OQ = q . T is a point on PQ where PT : TQ=2 : 1. Given that M ~ ~ is the midpoint of OT, express PM in terms of p and q . ~ ~


5 1 p+ q 6 3

12. Diagram 5 shows triangles OAB. The straight line AP intersects the straight line OQ at R. 1 1 It is given that OP = OB , AQ = AB, OP = 6 x and OA = 2 y ~ 3 4 ~ A Q R O P (i) AP ,

Diagram 5 B (ii) OQ

: (a) Express in terms of x and/or y ~ ~ (b) (i) Given that (ii) Given that

AR = h AP RQ = k OQ

, state AR in terms of h, x and y . ~ ~ , state RQ in terms of k, x and y . ~ ~

(c) Using AR and RQ from (b), find the value of h and of k Answer:(a)(i) 2 y + 6 x (ii) 13. Diagram 6, D 9 3 3 9 x + y (b)(i) h 2 y + 6 x (ii)k x + 2 2 2 2

1 1 y (c) k = , h = 3 2

ABCD is a quadrilateral. AED and EFC are straight lines.



Page 31

- 32 1 AE = 8 y , DC = 25 x 24 y , AE = AD and EF = 3 EC It is given that AB = 20 x , 4 ~ ~ ~ 5 ~

: (a) Express in terms of x and/or y ~ ~


BD ,

(ii) EC

(b) Show that the points B, F and D are collinear = 2 and y = 3 , find BD (c) If x ~

Answer:(a)(i) 20 x + 32 y (ii) 25 x (c) 104 TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS 1. Prove that cosec2x 2 sin2x cot2x = cos 2x 2. Prove that tan 2 A sin 2 A tan 2 A sin 2 A sin 2 x = cot x . 1 cos 2 x

3. Prove that

4. Find all the angles between 0o and 360o which satisfy (a) 3cos2 5 = 8 cos (b) tan 2 tan = 1
Answer ( a ) 131.81 , 228.19 (b)30 ,150 , 210 ,330 : 5. Solve the equation 4 sin + 3 cos = 0 for 0 0 360 0

Answer 36.87 , 216.87 : 6. Find all the angles between 0o and 360o which satisfy (a) 3sin 2A = 4sin A (b) 5sin2A = 5 cos 2A
Answer ( a ) 0 ,180 ,360 , 48.19 ,311.81 ( b ) 35.27 , 215.27 ,144.73 ,324.73 :

7. Given that sin =

8 12 , 90o < < 270o and sin = , 90o < < 270o. 17 13

Calculate the value of (a) sin ( + )

(b) cos ( )

Page 32

- 33 Answer ( a ) 8. Given that cos x = 3 and 0o x 180o , find sec x + cosec x . 5 Answer 9. Given that sin = k and is acute angle, express in term of k: (a) tan (b) cosec Answer ( a ) k 1 k2 35 : 12 140 221

( b)

21 : 221

( b)

1 : k

10. Solve the equation 5sin 2 A + 2cos 2 A 3 = 0, 0o A 360o Answer 35.27 ,144.73 , 215.27 ,324.73 : 11. Solve the equation 1 + sek 2 x = 3 for 0 x 360. 2 cot x Answer 45 ,135 , 225 ,315 :

12. (a) Prove that

sin 2 x = cot x . 1 cos 2 x

1 (b) Given cos 2 = , 1 + p2

2p . 1 p2 ii. hence, find sin 2 , when p = 2 . i. prove that tan = Answer ( b ) ( i ) 13. (a) Prove that tan + cot = 2 cosec 2 . (b)(i) Sketch the graph y = 2 cos cos
3 x for 0o 2

24 : 25

x 2 .

(ii) Find the equation of a suitable straight line for solving the equation
3 3 x 1 . Hence , using the same axes , sketch the straight line and x = 2 4 3 3 x 1 for state the number of solutions to the equation cos x = 2 4

0o x 2.

Page 33

- 34 Answer:(b) (ii)3 14. (a) Sketch the graph of y = cos 2x for 0o x 180o. (b) Hence , by drawing a suitable straight line on the same axes , find the number of solutions satisfying the equation 2 sin2 x = 2
x for 0o 180

x 180o.

15. (a) Prove that cosec2 x 2 sin2 x cot2 x = cos 2x. (b)(i) Sketch the graph of y = cos 2x for 0 x 2 . (ii) Hence , using the same axes , draw a suitable straight line to find the number of solutions to the equation 3(cosec2 x 2 sin2 x cot2 x ) = 0 x 2 . State the number of solutions .

1 for Answer:(b)(ii)4

16. (a) Sketch the graph of y = - 2 cos x for 0 x 2 . (b)Hence , using the same axis , sketch a suitable graph to find the number of solutions to the equation + 2 cos x = 0 for 0 x 2 .

Answer:2 17. (a) Given tan A =

3 ,and A is an acute angle. Find the value of cos 2A. 4

(b)(i) Sketch the curve y = sin 2x for 0 x 2 . (ii) Hence, by drawing a suitable straight line on the same axes, find the number of solutions satisfying the equation sin x kos x = 4 2 for
x 1

0 x 2

Answer: ( a ) 7 ( b) ( i ) 4 25

**************************************************************************** PERMUTATION AND COMBINATION 1. Four girls and three boys are to be seated in a row. Calculate the number of possible arrangements

Page 34

- 35 (a) if all the three boys have to be seated together (b) a boy has to be seated at the centre Answer:(a)720 (b)2880 2. Find the number of the arrangement of all nine letters of word SELECTION in which the two letters E are not next to each other Answer:282240 3. Calculate the number of four digit even number can be formed from the digits 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9 without repetitions. Answer:48

4. Three alphabets are chosen from the word WALID. Find the number of possible choice if (a) the alphabet A is chosen (b) the alphabet A and D are chosen Answer:(a) 6 (b) 3 5. A bowling team consists of 8 person. The team will be chosen from a group of 7 boys and 6 girls. Find the number of team that can be formed such that each team consists of (a) 3 boys (b) not more than 1 girl Answer:(a) 210 (b) 6 6.

Page 35

- 36 -

Refri gerat ors Refri gerat ors


Page 36

- 37 7.. Diagram 1 shows 5 letter and 3 digits. A B C D E 6 7 8 Diagram 1

A code is to be formed using those letters and digits. The code must consist of 3 letters followed by 2 digits. How many codes can be formed if no letter or digit is repeated in each code ? Answer:144 8. A debating team consists of 5 students. These 5 students are chosen from 4 monitors, 2 assistant monitors and 6 prefects. Calculate the number of different ways the team can be formed if (a) there is no restriction (b) the team contains only one monitor and exactly 3 prefects Answer:(a)792 (b)160

PROBABILITY 1. At the place where Lam stays, rain falls in any two days of a week. Out of 75% of the raining days, Lam goes to school in his fathers car. If there is no rain, Lam cycles to to school. For every 5 days Lam goes to school in his fathers car, for 3 days Lam is able to keep his pocket money. In a certain day, find the probability that (a) Lam does not goes to school in his fathers car, (b) Lam keeps his pocket money because he goes to school in his fathers car. Answer:- (a)
11 14


9 70
3 . 5

2. Rashid and Rudi compete in a badminton game. The game will end when any of the players has won two sets. The probability that Rashid will win any one set is Calculate the probability that (a) the game will end in only two set, (b) Rashid will win the competition after playing 3 sets. Answer:- (a)
13 25


36 125

3. A container consists of 4 soya beans, 3 coffee beans and 2 cocoa beans. (a) If a bean is drawn at random from the container, calculate the probability that the bean is not a cocoa bean. (b) Two beans are drawn at random from the container, one after the other, without replacement. Find the probability that only one bean out of the two beans is a cocoa bean.

Page 37

- 38 .Answer:- (a) 7/9 , (b) 7/18 4. Bag P contains five card numbered 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Bag Q contains three cards numbered 5, 7 and 9. A card is drawn at random from bag P and at the same time, Box another card Number is drawn from of bag Q. Find the marbles probability that the two numbers drawn Green have the same Red value or their Yellow product is an even number. P 3 Answer: 6 5 7 2 Q 3 5 8

Table 1

5. Table 1 shows the number of marbles of different colours in boxes P and Q. A marble is picked at random from each box. Find the probability that (a) both are of the same colour, (b) both are of different colours, (b) a yellow marble is picked from box Q. Answer: (a) 23/80




6. Diagram 1 shows a board with a grid of 20 squares, of which a few squares are shaded. A dart is thrown at the board.

Page 38

- 39 -

Diagram 1 (a) Find the probability that it will hit a shaded square. (b) Find how many additional squares need to be shaded if the probability is increased 3 to . Answer: (a) 7/20 , (b) 5 5 7. A box contains 4 blue balls, x white balls and y red balls. A ball is drawn at 1 random from the box. If the probability of getting a white ball is and the 6 1 probability of getting a red ball is , find the values of x and y . 2 Answer: x = 2, y = 6 8. The letters of the word G R O U P S are arranged in a row. Find the probability that an arrangement chosen at random (a) begins with the letter P, (b) begins with the letter P and ends with a vowels. Answer: (a) 1/6 , (b) 1/ 15 9. A bag contains 6 red balls and 5 green balls. A ball is chosen from the bag and returned. Another ball is chosen and returned again. Find the probability that (a) both balls are red (b) both balls have same color, (c) both balls have different color. Answer: (a) 36/121 , (b) 61/121 , (c) 60/121 10. There are 7 ribbons in a bag. 1 yellow, 3 black and 3 blue ribbons. (a) If a ribbon is taken out and not returned back, find the probability for the ribbon to be black. (b) If two ribbons are taken, find the probability first one to be blue followed by a black if none of the ribbons are returned. (c) If three ribbons are taken, find the probability for first one to be blue, followed by yellow and a black ribbon if none of the ribbons are returned. Answer: (a) 3/7 , (b) 3/14 , (c) 3/70 PROBABILITY OF DISTRIBUTION 1. (a) A study in a district shows that one out of three teenagers in the district join the `Rakan Muda program. (i) If 5 teenagers are chosen randomly from the district, find the probability that

Page 39

- 40 2 or more of them join the `Rakan Muda program. (ii) If they are 2 490 teenagers in the district, calculate the mean and the standard deviation of the number of teenagers who join the `Rakan Muda program. (b) From a study, it is found that the mass of a deer from a certain jungle shows a normal distribution with mean 55 kg and variance 25 kg2. (i) If a deer is caught randomly from the jungle, find the probability that the deer has a mass more than 60 kg. (ii) Find the percentage number of dears with mass between 45 kg and 60 kg. Answer: (a)(i)
131 or 0.5391 (ii) 830, 23.52 243

(b)(i) 0.1587 (ii) 81.85%

2. (a) Usually, when fishing, Wan will get fish as many as 60% from the total number of his throws.. Calculate, (i) the probability Wan will get at least 4 fishes in 5 throws, (ii) the minimum number throws made by Wan so that the probability of getting at least a fish is greater than 0.87. (b) The mass of students in a school has a normal distribution with a mean of kg and a standard deviation kg. It is known that 10.56% of the above students have mass more than 50 kg and 15.87% of them have mass less than 32 kg. Find the value of and the value . Answer: (a)(i) 0.3370 or
1053 3125

(ii) 3

(b) = 8, = 40

3. (a) In a game of guessing, the probability of guessing correctly is p. (i) Find the number of trials required and the value of p, such that the mean and the standard deviation of success are 15 and
3 2 5 respectively.

(ii) If 10 trials are done, find the probability of guessing exactly 3 correct. (b) The volume of 600 bottles of mineral water produced by a factory follow a normal distribution with a mean of 490 ml per bottle and standard deviation of 20 ml. (i) Find the probability that a bottle of mineral water chosen in random has a volume of less than 515 ml. (ii) If 480 bottles out of 600 bottles of the mineral water have volume greater than k ml, find the value of k. Answer: (a)(i) p =
1 , n = 60 (ii) 0.2503 4

(b)(i) 0.8944 (ii) 473.16

4. (a) It is known that for every 10 lemon in the box, two are rotten. If a sample of 7 are chosen randomly, calculate the probability that (i) exactly 3 lemons are rotten, (ii).at least 6 lemons are not rotten. (b) The masses of the members of the English Society of School M are normally

Page 40

- 41 distributed with a mean of 48 kg and a variance of 25 kg2. 56 of the members have masses between 45 kg and 52 kg. Find the total number of members in the English Society. Answer: (a) (i) 0.1147 5. Diagram 1 shows a standard normal distribution graph. f(z) 0.3485 (ii) 0.5767 (b) 109

0 k Diagram 1

The probability represented by the area of the shaded region is 0.3485. (a) Find the value of k. (b) X is a continuous random variable which is normally distributed with a mean of 79 and a standard deviation of 3. Find the value of X when the z-scores is k. Answer: (a) 1.03 (b) 82.09

6. Diagram 4 shows a probability distribution graph of the continuous random variable x that is normally distributed with a standard deviation of 8. The graph is symmetrical about the vertical line PQ. Q

P 55 m 45 Diagram 4 (a) If the standard score found by using the value of x = m is (b) Hence, find the area of the shaded region in Diagram 4.

x 3 , find the value of m. 4

(c) If x represents the marks obtained by 180 Form 5 students in an examination, calculate the number of students whose marks are less than 33.

Page 41

- 42 Answer: (a) m = 39 , (b) 0.0668, (b) 12 7. (a) A football team organizes a practice session for trainees on scoring goals from penalty kicks. Each trainee has ten goals to score. The probability that a trainee scores a goal is k. After the practice, it is found that the mean number of goals scored for a trainee is 6. (i) Find the value of k. (ii) If a trainee is chosen at random, find the probability that he scores at least two goals. (b) The masses of students of a school are normally distributed with a mean of 56 kg and a standard deviation of 10 kg. (i) If a student is chosen at random, calculate the probability that his mass is less than 50 kg. (ii) Given that 1.5% of the students have masses of more than p kg, find the value of p. (iii) If 75% of the students have masses of more than h kg, find the value of h. Answer(a)(i) k = 0.6 (ii) 0.9983 (b)(i) 0.2743 (ii)77.7 (iii) 49.25 *********************************************************************** * SOLUTION OF TRIANGLES 1. 8 cm 6.5 cm Q Diagram 1 shows a PQR. (a) Calculate the obtuse angle PRQ. (b) Sketch and label another triangle different from PQR in the diagram above, so that the lengths of PQ and PR and the angle PQR remain unchanged. (c) If the length of PR is reduced whereas the length of PQ and angle PQR remain unchanged, calculate the length of PR so that only one PQR can be formed Answer: (a) 109 28 or 109.47 (c) 6.128 cm 2.(a) Diagram 2 shows a pyramid VABCD with a square base ABCD. VA is vertical and the base ABCD is horizontal. Calculate, (i) VTU, 50 Diagram 1 R P

Page 42

- 43 (ii) the area of the plane VTU. V 8 cm A Diagram 2 6 cm U 2 cm D Answer: T 4 cm Cor 84.97 (ii) 22.72 cm2 (a)(i) 84 58 Q K L P S 6 cm J Diagram 3 shows a cuboid. 8 cm Calculate, M (i) JQL, (ii) the area of JQL. Answer: (i) 75 38 or 75.640 3. (ii) 31.24 cm2 Diagram 3 R 4 cm B

(b) .

.O A D 50 4 cm 8 cm C

A 5 cm B

Diagram 4 Diagram 4, ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral of a circle centered O. Calculate (a) the length of AC, correct to two decimal places,

Page 43

- 44 (b) ACD, (c) the area of quadrilateral ABCD. Answer: (a) 11.85 cm (b) 115.01 (c)36.08cm2

4. Diagram 5 shows two triangles PQT and TRS. Given that PQ = 24 cm, TS = 12 cm, TPQ = 320 , PT = TQ and PTS and TRQ are straight lines. P 32o 24 cm Diagram 5 T 12 cm S (a) (b) (c) (d) Find the length, in cm, of PT, If the area of triangle PQT is three times the area of triangle TRS, find the length of TR. Find the length of RS. (i) Calculate the angle TSR. (ii) Calculate the area of triangle QRS. Answer: (a) 14.15 cm, (b) 5.563 cm, (c) 10.79 cm, (d)(i) 27.60o (ii) 46.31 cm2 5. Diagram 6 shows a triangle PQR. R P 10 cm 75o Q (a) Calculate the length of PR. (b) A quadrilateral PQRS is now formed so that PR is the diagonal, PRS = 40o and PS = 8 cm. Calculate the two possible values of PSR . (c) Using the obtuse PSR in (b), calculate (i) the length of RS, (ii) the area of the quadrilateral PQRS. Answer: (a) 10.62 cm (b) 58.57o ; 121.43o (c) (i) 3.964 cm ; (ii) 47.34 cm2 6. Diagram 7 shows a camp of the shape of pyramid VABC. The camp is built on 7 cm R Q

Diagram 6

Page 44

- 45 a horizontal triangular base ABC. V is the vertex and the angle between the inclined plane VBC with the base is 60. V


Diagram 7

Given VB = VC = 25 cm and AB = AC = 32 cm and BAC is an acute angle. Calculate (a) BAC if the area of ABC is 400 cm2, (b) the length of BC, (c) the lengths of VT and AT, where T is the midpoint of BC, (d) the length of VA, (e) the area of VAB Answer: (a) 51.38o (b) 27.74o (c) 20.80 cm; 28.84 cm (d) 25.78 cm (e) 315.33 cm2

***************************************************************************** * INDEX NUMBER

1. Table 1 shows the price indices and percentage usage of four items, P, Q, R, and S, which are the main ingredients of a type biscuits. Item P Q R S Price index for the year 1995 based on the year 1993 135 x 105 130 Table 1 Percentage of usage (%) 40 30 10 20

Calculate, (a) (i) the price of S in the year 1993 if its price in the year 1995 is RM37.70 (ii) the price index of P in the year 1995 based on the year 1991 if its price index in the year 1993 based in the year 1991 is 120. (b) The composite index number of the cost of biscuits production for the year 1995 based on the year 1993 is 128. Calculate, (i) the value of x, (ii) the price of a box of biscuit in the year1993 if the corresponding price in the

Page 45

- 46 year 1995 is RM 32. Answer: (a)(i) RM29 (ii) 162 (b)(i)125 (ii) RM25 2. Daily Usage ( RM)
47 34 22 12 3

V W Diagram 1


A technology product consists of five components, V, W, X, Y and Z. Diagram 1 shows a bar chart showing the daily usage of the components used to produce the technology product. The following table shows the prices and the price indices of the components. Component V W X Y Z (a) Price in the year 2001 Price in the year 2003 (RM) (RM) 13.00 16.25 12.50 17.25 2.50 x 14.90 22.35 z 24.50 Price index in 2003 based on 2001 y 138 106 150 140

Find the values of x, y and z.

(b) Calculate the composite index representing the cost of the technology product in the year 2003 using the year 2001 as the base year. (c) If the total monthly cost of the components in the year 2001 is RM1.5 million, find the total monthly cost of the components in the year 2003. (d) If the cost of each component rises by 23% from the year 2003 to 2004, find the composite index representing the cost of the technology product in the year 2004 based on the year 2001.

Page 46

- 47 Answer:


(a) In the year 1995, price and price index for one kilogram of certain grade of rice is RM2.40 and 160 respectively. Based on the year 1990, calculate the price per kilogram of rice in the year 1990. Item Timber Cement Iron Steel Price index in the year 1994 180 116 140 124 Change of price index from the year 1994 to the year 1996 Increased 10 % Decreased 5 % No change No change Table 2 Weightage 5 4 2 1

(b) Table 2 shows the price index in the year 1994 based on the year 1992, the change in price index from the year 1994 to the year 1996 and the weightage respectively. Calculate the composite price index in the year 1996. . Answer : (a) 1.50 (b) ITimber = 198, ICement = 110.2; 152.9 4. Table 3 shows the price indices and the weightages of Azizans monthly expenses in the year 2005 based in the year 2004.

Expenses Rental Food Car installment Miscellaneous

Price index in 2005 based on 2004 108 120 102 112 Table 3

Weightage 3 4 2 1

Page 47

- 48 -


If the expenses for miscellaneous in the year 2005 was RM 1 456 , find the miscellaneous expenses in the year 2004.

(b) If the rental increases by 10% from the year 2005 to the year 2006,find the price index for the rental in the year 2006 based on the year 2004. (c) Calculate the composite index for the expenses in the year 2005 based on the year 2004. (d) The price index for food in the year 2006 based on the year 2205 is 105. If the expenses on food in the year 2006 were RM3150, find the expenses on food in the year 2004.

Answers : a) 1300

b) 118.8

c) 112

d) 2500

1. An institution offers two computer courses, P and Q. The number of participants for course P is x and for course Q is y. The enrolment of the participants is based on the following constraints: I: The total number of participants is not more than 100. II : The number of participants for course Q is not more than 4 times the number of participants for course P. III : The number of participants for course Q must exceed the number of participants for course P by at least 5. (a) Write down three inequalities, other than x 0 and y 0, which satisfy the above constraints. (b) By using a scale of 2 cm to 10 participants on both axes, construct and shade the region R that satisfies all the above constraints. (c) Using your graph from (b), find (i) the range of the number participants for course Q if the number participants for course P is 30.

Page 48

- 49 (ii) the maximum total fees per month that can be collected if the fees per month for course P and Q are RM50 and RM60 respectively. Answer:-(a) x + y 100, y 4x, y x 5 2. (c) (i) 35 y 70 (ii) Point (20, 80), RM5 800

A food analysts is supplied with two containers of food, Whiskers and Friskies. The comparison of one scoop of food from each of the two containers is shown in the following table. Food 1 scoop Whiskers 1 scoop Friskies Protein 24 gm 8 gm

Fat Carbohydrate Fibre 8 gm 48 gm 10 gm 16 gm 32 gm 10 gm Table 1 The analysts knows that an animal requires at least 96 gm of protein, 80 gm of fat, 288 gm of carbohydrate and not more than 100 gm of fibre each day. (a) (b) If the analysts mixed x scoops of Whiskers with y scoops of Friskies, write down the system of inequalities satisfied by x and y. Hence, by using 2 cm to 2 unit on both axes construct and shade the region R that satisfies all the above constraints. If 1 scoop of Whiskers costs RM2 and 1 scoop of Friskies costs RM3, find the mixture that provides (i) the cheapest food. (ii) the most expensive food. Could the animal be fed on a satisfactory diet using (i) food from Whiskers only, (ii) food from Friskies only. Give your reason.


Answer:-(a) 3 x + y 12 , x + 2y 10 , 3x + 2y 18 , x + y 10 (b) (i)RM 17 (ii) RM 29 3. An air craft company is going to purchase planes of type Wing and X far . They will purchase x units of X far and y units of Wing planes. The company has set the condition below:I: II : III: (a) (b) (c) X far plane consume 100 liters of fuel for a single month. Wing planes consume 70 liters of fuel. Total fuel consumption for one month is at most 3500 liters. X far planes can take in 200 passengers while Wing planes can take in 100 passengers. Total passengers the planes must take at any time must be at least 3000. Total number of planes purchased must at least 20 units.

State the inequality that defines the condition above other than x 0 and y 0 . Construct the graphs and mark the region R that represents the conditions above. Use a scale of 2 cm for 5 Wing planes and 2 cm for 5 X far planes. The company makes a profit of RM220 for X far and RM165 for Wing planes from its sales. Identify the minimum amount of profit that the company will obtain. Page 49

- 50 Answer:-(a) 10 x + 7y 35, 2x + y 30, x + y 20 (c) RM3870 4. A furniture workshop produces tables and chairs. The production of tables and chairs involve two processes , making and shellacking. Table 3 shows the time taken to make and to shellack a table and a chair. Time taken (minutes) Making Shellacking Table 60 20 Chair 40 10 Table 3 The workshop produces x tables and y chairs per day. The production of tables and chairs per day is subject to the following constraints. I: II: III: (a) (b) (c) The minimum total time for making tables and chairs is 600 minutes. The total time for shellacking tables and chairs is at most 240 minutes. The ratio of the number of tables to the number of chairs is at least 1 : 2. Product

Write three inequalities that satisfy all of the above constraints other than x 0 and y 0 . By using a scale of 2 cm for 2 units of furniture on both axes , construct and shade the region R which satisfies all of the above constraints. By using your graph from (b), find, (i) the maximum number of chairs made if 8 tables are made. (ii) the maximum total profit per day if the profit from one table is RM30 and from one chair is RM20. Answer:-(a)
3 x + 2y 30, 2x + y 24, y 2 x (c)(i) 8


**************************************************************************** MOTION ALONG THE STRAIGHT LINE 1. A particle moves in a straight line and passes through a fixed point O. Its velocity, 1 v ms , is given by v = t 2 6t + 5 , where t is the time, in seconds, after leaving O . [Assume motion to the right is positive.] (a) Find (i) the initial velocity of the particle, (ii) the time interval during which the particle moves towards the left, (iii) the time interval during which the acceleration of the particle is positive. (b) Sketch the velocity-time graph of the motion of the particle for 0 t 5 . (c) Calculate the total distance traveled during the first 5 seconds after leaving O. Answer: (a) (i) v= 5 (ii) 1 < t < 5 (iii) t > 3 (c) 13 m

Page 50

- 51 2. Diagram 1 shows the object, P, moving along a straight line and passes through a fixed point O. The velocity of P, v m s1 , t seconds after leaving the point O is given by v = 3t2 18t + 24 . The object P stops momentarily for the first time at the point B. P O Diagram 1 (Assume right-is-positive) Find: (a) the velocity of P when its acceleration is 12 ms 2 , (b) the distance OB in meters, (c) the total distance travelled during the first 5 seconds. Answer: (a) 9 ms 1 (b) OB = 20 m (c) 28 m 3. The velocity of an object which moves along a straight line, v ms1, t s after passing through a fixed point O is v = pt qt2, where p and q are constants. It is known that the object moves through a distance of 7 experiences a retardation of 4 ms2 when t = 3.
1 m in the 2nd second of its motion and 3

(a) Find the value of p and of q. (b) It is also known that the object moved with a velocity of 6 ms1 initially at the point A and again at the point B. Find the time taken for the object to move from A to B. (c) Hence if the object stops momentarily at the point C, find the distance between the point B and the point C. Answer: (a) p = 8, q = 2 4. (b) 2 s (c) 3
1 m 3

Diagram 2 shows the object P and Q moving in the direction as shown by the arrows when the objects P and Q pass through the points A and B respectively. P A 60m Diagram 2 The displacement of the object P from A is represented by sP and the displacement of the object Q from B is represented by sQ. Given sP = t2 + 4t and sQ = t2 - 8t, where t is the time, in seconds , after P and Q pass through point A and B respectively and simultaneously . Given AB = 60 m. Q B

Page 51

- 52 (a) Find the time and position where the objects meet. (b) Find the time and position of object Q when it reverses its direction of motion. (c) Find the velocity of object P when object Q reverses its direction of motion. (d) Sketch the graph of displacement - time for object Q for 0 t 10. (e) Find the time interval when the object Q moves to the left.
4. Answer: a) 5 s, 45 m on the right of A b) 4 s, 16 m on the left of B. c) 12 m s-1 (e) 0 t <

Permutation and Combination 1 a) b) 4 Girls 3 Boys Answer : 5! , 3! = 720 6

5 4 3 3 2

1 = 2160

2 3

9 ! - ( 8! x 2! ) = 282240 4 x 3 x 2 x 2 = 48 Centre

Page 52

- 53 4 W A L I D a) 1 x 4 C 2 = 6 b) 1 x 1 x 3 C 1 = 3 7 boys, 6 Girls a) 7 C 3 x 6 C5 = 210 b) 6 C 1 x 7 C7 = 6 a) ( b) 7 8


1 1 1 1 + ) = 5 5 4 10

P3 x

P 2 = 720

P3 x
12 6

P 2 = 360

a) c)

C 5 = 792 C 1 x 7 C7 X 2 C 1 = 160

Page 53

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