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In-depth Interview Form

In-depth Interview Form is the Semi-structured interview which will be conducted with individuals one year after they complete the training. Peacebuilder will be purposefully selected to reflect those highly active, somewhat active, and inactive. Two interviewees will be from part B, one active and one inactive. Two interviewees will be from Part C, one active and one inactive. One interviewee will be from Part A. Individuals from the Peacebuilder COI will be identified by the Peacebuilder, one per Peacebuilder, and will reflect someone the Peacebuilder believes has changed as a result of their own change (positive deviance). Two Peacebuilders Supervisors will be selected interviewing. This indicator examines patterns of how Peacebuilder are using or not using the training material. Drafted Date: 27 June 2013 Domains: 1. Time: over one year 2. Change/Influence: individual, family, workplace, community IDI Form for Peacebuilder: Topic KASH Keys to explore Knowledge of peace # 1. 2. Skills of peace 3. Guided Questions Please look back to the time you had joined the training at Peace Bridges. Could you tell what lessons you still remember? Please choose two lessons that you mostly satisfy. What does each lesson talk about? Please tell me one recent conflict (in family, relation, workplace, community, church...) which you have been involved or solved. How do you solve this conflict? What lesson from Peace Bridges training you used in the process of solving? How did you use this lesson? Tell me one new attitude you live with that would enrich peace in your life and communication. Tell me one new habit you live with that would enrich peace in your life and communication.

Attitudes & Habits

4. 5.


Suppose you heard that people were gossiping about you. They were saying that you beat your wife/children and that you are lazy. This is not true. How would you respond to the situation? Did you share peaceful knowledge/lessons from Peace Bridges to your COI or through any meeting and training? Have you seen someone whom you shared apply conflict solving? Have you seen someone around you have changed in attitude or habit through your change?

Transferring KASH

Transferring Knowledge Transferring Skills to your PB1 Transferring Habit or Attitude

7. 8. 9.

Vision for future

10. Please think what will you do or continue doing to enrich peace in your life, family, community in five years. 11. Do you need any support from Peace Bridges to achieve your above vision?

IDI Form for Supervisor:

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Topic Signs of Change

Key to explore Relationship with PBer

# 1. 2.

Guided Questions Please describe your relationship with that PBer (name). How long have you knew that PBer? What are that PBers roles in your organization? (or What are that PBers roles in the community?) What has been changed to that PBer over one year? (Domain of period: one year. Domain of change: KASH) Before the partnership with PBO, were there any peace concepts applied at your organization? JD? Policies? Communication?

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Observation of Change Organizational Change Before partnership with PBO

3. 4.

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In-time of partnership with PBO

5. 6.

Have you found something from PBO to be useful in your organization? Have something new to apply at your organization? JD? Policies? Communication? (or Will you plan to apply peace concepts in your organization?)
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Intention with PBO


Do you meet your expectation since you has sent your staff/supervisee to join Peace Bridges Training? If yes, could you please tell me what they are? If no, could you please tell me what will you do to meet your expectation? Besides training service, Peace Bridges has the other services such as PBA (Peacebuilder Alliance), Key Leader Seminar, Consultancy, and Peacebuilder Mobilization that lead to various benefits for Peace Bridges partners and communities. Peace Bridges partners are welcome for granting any services above.


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