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David J.

Post Office Box 578 Herberton, Queensland 4887 Australia Tel: (07) 4096 3009 Fax: (07) 4096 2641

'Where there is no vision the people perish; but he that keepeth the law, happy is he' Proverbs Ch.29 v.18


______________________________________________________________________________ Research into history of the Commonwealth of Australia and into various laws reveals disturbing facts as to how political parties, under an evolutionary process, by means of fraud, theft and deceit, have progressively betrayed the people and constitutional Monarch of the Commonwealth of Australia, by removing the protection and authority of the Crown of the United Kingdom. There is no recognition, nor judicial notice, being taken of peoples rights and property, by the current Australian Government and its Parliament of Australia, along with the current parliaments and governments and Australian Courts in each State and Territory of Australia. These corporate entities and their members, are foreign to the Commonwealth of Australia under the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901, as Proclaimed inter alia with the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) [63 & 64 Vict.] [Ch. 12]. Members of these corporate entities, including the Governor-General, Governors, judges and other legal professionals, police, etc. are all bound to these corporate entities, which do not even have their own lawful constitutions, and there is absolutely no Separation of Powers between the corporate parliaments, governments and judiciary. The people of the Commonwealth of Australia are now living in a lawless society, with no civil or criminal relief available for injustices committed against them and under the duress of constant threats of prison for any actions taken against the policies of the corporate government entities. I, David John Walter, not being a legal professional but an individual private natural person of the Commonwealth of Australia, have written to the constitutional Sovereign, the Queens Most Excellent Majesty, with my intention being to support many people in obtaining Her Majestys attention and action for a prayer for relief for the losses of their constitutional rights, liberties and privileges to their person and property, people who have so far been denied access to courts of common law, canon law and laws of equity, resulting from their unsuccessful applications and/or appeals to courts in their respective States, the High Court of Australia and even the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in London which refuses to hear matters from Australia. If Her Majesty is unable to grant relief to Her loyal subjects, relief may have to be sought in an International Court with jurisdiction to hear matters of canon law, common law and equity.
__________________________________________________________________________________________ David J. Walter October 2011

To understand this process of injustices, one needs first to view a brief timeline of facts. After Captain James Cook claimed the eastern coastline of the continent as a British possession in 1770 and named it New South Wales, the Colony was formally established by Governor Phillip on 26 January 1788. The First Fleet from England brought with it, British law. Queen Victoria, by Royal Commission dated 6 June 1859, issued Letters Patent erecting Moreton Bay into a Colony under the name of Queensland and appointed Sir George Ferguson Bowen as Captain General and Governor in Chief in and over the said Colony of Queensland; and declared and ordered by Order-in-Council there to be a Legislative Council and a Legislative Assembly. The Constitution Act 1867 (Qld) [31 Vic. No.38] commenced on 31 December 1867, and was enacted under the Queens Most Excellent Majestys Seal which includes the Lion and Unicorn. At the request of the people, who humbly relied on the blessing of Almighty God and agreed to be united in one indissoluble Federal Commonwealth under the Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and under a Constitution to be established, Her Majesty Queen Victoria, by Royal Proclamation dated 17 September 1900, declared that from 1 January 1901 the people of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, Tasmania and Western Australia shall be united in a Federal Commonwealth under the name of the Commonwealth of Australia, with the Royal Proclamation duly published on 1 January 1901 in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. 1 under Her Majestys Seal which includes the Lion and Unicorn. As requested, the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901, as Proclaimed, constituted the Commonwealth of Australia, and under its Clause 2, the provisions to the Queen extended to Her Majestys heirs and successors in the sovereignty of the United Kingdom. Under Clause 5, the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act and all laws made by the Parliament of the Commonwealth under the Constitution, shall be binding on the courts, judges, and people of every State and of every part of the Commonwealth, notwithstanding anything in the laws of any State. As Clause 6 defines, the Colony of Queensland then became a State of the Commonwealth. Despite the majority of people in Queensland in the 1917 referendum voting NO to the abolition of the Legislative Council, the majority of the elected members of the parliament in 1922 abolished the Upper House in Queensland by technical means. Our current constitutional Sovereign, whose Coronation was on 2 June 1953, is the Queens Most Excellent Majesty, Elizabeth the Second by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Our other Realms & Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith, and Her Majesty is also the Supreme Governor and Head of the Church of England which has a worldwide congregation. As holder of the Crown of the United Kingdom, the Queens Most Excellent Majesty is also the holder of the allodial title to all the lands and seas in and about the Queens Dominions and, in an estate of inheritance forming a part of the will and testament for Her issue, and in an inter vivos trust at common law and canon law and the laws of equity for Her heirs and assigns, holds all the commercial contracts between Her Majesty and purchasers of land, and is recognized worldwide.
__________________________________________________________________________________________ David J. Walter October 2011

From on or about 5 December 1972, the Australian System of Government progressively removed the constitutional Sovereign from the Commonwealth of Australia, its laws and its people, and from 3 March 1986, brought the States into conformity with the status of the Commonwealth of Australia as a sovereign, independent and federal nation, but all this was done without the consent by referendum of the people of the Commonwealth of Australia. The common law of England was removed in 1988 from the laws of the Commonwealth of Australia, making way to for the corporate takeover and sale of the assets of the nation. In 1997 in the State of Queensland, and in 2002 in Australia, the crime of treason was altered, thereby protecting the entities of the Australian System of Government and its inherited sovereign, but removing protection from the constitutional Sovereign and Her subjects. The legally binding commercial contracts between the constitutional Sovereign and purchasers of land in the Queens Dominions are now in doubt and the worldwide trust in those contracts has been betrayed by the members of the political parties under the Australian System of Government with the sealing into their Acts since 1973, all the lands and seas in and about the Commonwealth of Australia, including all the gold, minerals and petroleum on and under the land, all corporeal and incorporeal hereditaments and the real and personal property on those lands, for the commercial use of the parliaments and governments foreign to the Commonwealth of Australia. We are the people of the Commonwealth of Australia, and We the peoples of the United Nations which was established on 26 June 1945, are to be protected under the Charter of the United Nations and its Universal Declaration of Human Rights and under its primary judicial organ, the International Court of Justice in The Hague of the Netherlands. Under the Australian System of Government, a seal as shown below, is placed on legislation

enacted by the unconstitutional and those laws are not given the Royal Assent of the constitutional Sovereign, with prior laws that had been given Royal Assent, compilated and reprinted and in Queensland even copyrighted. Royal Assent to laws of the constitutional Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia is evidenced by the constitutional Sovereigns Seal, which includes the Lion and Unicorn as well as the enacting manner and form of their having been enacted by the Queens Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia. Royal Assent to laws of the Parliament of a State of the Commonwealth, is also evidenced by the constitutional Sovereigns Seal which includes the Lion and Unicorn. Instead of sealing laws in Queensland with the constitutional Sovereigns Seal, the entity named Queensland Parliament under the Australian System of Government is sealing its laws with its unconstitutional and corporate counterfeit Public Seal of the State, and is enacting laws with its own corporate enacting manner and form of The Parliament of Queensland enacts.
__________________________________________________________________________________________ David J. Walter October 2011

The parliaments under the current Australian System of Government are therefore foreign to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901, as Proclaimed inter alia with the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) [63 & 64 Vict.] [Ch. 12] and foreign to the Constitution Act 1867 (Qld) [31 Vic. No.38] as in force 5 April 1977. Despite some judges admitting that Russia would be proud of the current laws; that if one believes in democracy then one would not want an unelected Judge deciding whether a law is a good law or a bad law; and that the rights of an individual citizen are being trampled upon by executive governmentjustice is not carried out because of those laws, and no judicial notice is being taken of any legally binding commercial contracts with the constitutional Sovereign. For more detailed explanations of the above facts, please read the attached documents. Now I ask the people of the Commonwealth of Australia, before you voted for a particular person to represent you, were you told that you would actually be voting for a gender neutral entity bound to parliaments and governments foreign to the Commonwealth of Australia, and if not, why not? (Refer: Schedule 5 Statute Law Revision Act 1996) Were you told that the productive farming land would be sold overseas, and if not, why not, and how are we going to provide food for the people of the Commonwealth of Australia? If predictions are correct that, despite the current mining boom, the natural resources will run out in the next 10 to 15 years, then why are the foreign parliaments and governments in this country allowing the natural resources including gold, minerals and petroleum to be sold overseas? Has money from royalties from this boom been put aside for future generations? If not, why not? Why is there hardly any manufacturing carried out in Australia? By whose or what authority was approximately 167 tonnes of gold held by the Reserve Bank of Australia in 1997 sold by the foreign Australian Government? Why werent the people told? Who authorised the sale of the other assets of the people of the Commonwealth of Australia? (Refer: Foreign Corporations (Application of Laws) Act 1989) Did you know the counterfeit Australian Dollar is not guaranteed by the Crown or the people? We are told our country is in debt, but to whom or to what is it in debt? But it is not our debt. Have your assets been put up as collateral for the overseas borrowing and debt by the corporate entities inside the foreign parliaments and governments in this country we thought was ours? The contents of this document and the attached documents affect each and every one of us in all of the Queens Dominions as well as our heirs and assigns, and even other people worldwide too.

(David J. Walter)
__________________________________________________________________________________________ David J. Walter October 2011

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