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The administrative Interface to vendor information management system: On opening this link in web browser the following login page will be displayed. To access the administrative interface (where we can edit/update the vendor database) we have to enter the password for the administrator. For other functions (Reports and Queries) we can log in as Guest without supplying password. If we access the application as Guest we cant edit the database.

If we supply the correct password for ADMINISTRATOR and login the following page will be displayed. This is the main Administrative interface to the application.

The administrative interface provides various normal and specific administrative functions. Normal Function: 1. Search for list of vendors for a Subgroup: As all the items in inventory are divided in to various subgroups and each item belongs to a specific subgroup. Each vendor is also a part of a subgroup. It means each vendor supplies some or all the items in a subgroup of which it is a member. Now if we want to list all the vendors for a particular subgroup we can search the database using Subgroup code. We can select the subgroup code from the list and submit. It will display the list of vendors for that particular subgroup. For example: if we search for EI0040 (TELEPHONE/SPARES SUPPLIER) subgroup the following report will be displayed.

2. Search for the list of vendors for a item code: When we want to search for the vendors for a particular item code we can use this function. As there is no tem code to vendor mapping in database. It looks for the subgroup to which the item belongs. Then it displays the list of vendors for that subgroup. Now all the vendors in this list may or may not supply the particular item code. For example if we want to know the list of vendors for the item code 010107 (ALU 400 ENGINE 604107/F 3430422) the following list of vendors is displayed. This is the list of vendors who are member of subgroup to which the item 010107 belongs.

3. Search for the list of vendors with vendor name: Now when we want to search for the list of vendors according to vendor name, location, address etc we can use these search criteria. This will search all the vendors who satisfy the search criteria. For example we can search for the list of all the vendors who are from Chennai or who are from Chandrapur or we can search all the vendors whose name is like Premier Agencies etc For example if we want to search for the list of vendors whose name is like ABB, the following list is displayed.

4. List of Vendors whose validity has expired or will be expired within two months: Using these search criteria we can search for the list of vendors whose validity have expired or will be expired within next two months. This search can be done for Registered or provisional vendors. For example when we searched for Registered vendors the following list displayed.

Administrative functions: This application interface provides various functions to alter/edit/update the database information. Here we can add new vendors, can edit the details of existing vendors, can add new subgroups, can edit/update item code to subgroup mapping, can edit/update vendor to subgroup mapping.

1. Edit/Update Item code to subgroup mapping: On clicking this option the following page will be displayed. Each and every item must belong to one and only one subgroup. This page displays the list of all the items in Inventory and the subgroup to which they belong. Some items are still not assigned any subgroup. Here we can edit the item to subgroup mapping, can assign subgroup to new items or to item which are still not assigned any subgroup.

2. View/Edit Subgroups: On clicking this link the following page is displayed. It displays the list of all the subgroups with subgroup code and description. Here we can add new subgroups.

Each item in Inventory belongs to one of these subgroups.

3. View/Edit/Add vendors: If we want to add new vendors, view/edit/update existing vendor details we use this function. On clicking this link the following page is displayed. It displays the list of all the vendors in database. This page has links to add new vendor function, to edit existing vendors, view existing vendor details.

4. Edit/Add Vendor to Subgroup mapping: As each vendor supplies items of one or more subgroups, each vendor is mapped to those subgroups. Here we can add subgroups to vendors. On opening this link the following page will be displayed. Some vendors are part of one subgroup; some are part of many subgroups. Some vendors are still not mapped to any subgroup. It implies that they dont supply anything according to database. Here we can add subgroups to vendors. Vendors can supply some or all the items of a subgroup of which they are members.

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