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Enhanced Service Offer Assessing Panel Guide

Enhanced Service Offer Assessing Panel Guide

Accessibility The ACT Government is committed to making its information, services, events and venues, accessible to as many people as possible. If you have difficulty reading a standard printed document and would like to receive this publication in an alternative format, such as large print or audio please phone 6205 7743. Key contacts Please contact Panel Support Team on 6207 8980

About this guide This guide is prepared by the Community Services Directorate to assist people on the Enhanced Service Offer Assessing Panel. The guide is a companion document to the Enhanced Services Offer Application Guide. These documents will provide essential information for Panel members to work through the assessment process of applications for grants under the Enhanced Service Offer. Thank you to all members for your time and expertise which are essential to this grants process.

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1. Key information for panel members .............................................................................. 5 1.1 Total time commitment for panel members ................................................................ 5 1.2 Community engagement fee ........................................................................................ 5 1.3 Transport assistance ..................................................................................................... 6 1.4 Administrative requirements ........................................................................................ 6 1.5 Location of assessment area ......................................................................................... 6 1.6 Contact point for anel members ................................................................................... 6 1.7 Conflict of Interest ........................................................................................................ 6 1.7 Essential meetings for panel members......................................................................... 7 2. Intent of the Enhanced Service Offer ............................................................................. 8 3. About the panel ............................................................................................................ 8 3.1 Responsibilities ............................................................................................................. 8 3.2 Panel membership ........................................................................................................ 9 3.3 Panel groups.................................................................................................................. 9 3.4 Experience, skills and qualifications of panel group ................................................... 10 3.5 Support for the panel .................................................................................................. 10 3.6 The role of the anel chairs .......................................................................................... 12 3.7 The role of panel pairs in consolidating scores.......................................................... 12 4. The assessment process .............................................................................................. 12 4.1 Timeframes for the assessment.................................................................................. 12 4.2 About the grants categories ....................................................................................... 13 4.3 Initial assessment ........................................................................................................ 13 4.4 How the assessment will work ................................................................................... 13 4.5 What panel members must consider.......................................................................... 14 5. Scoring against the criteria .......................................................................................... 16 5.1 Aids, Equipment and Minor Modifications ................................................................. 16 5.2 Quality of Life Grants .................................................................................................. 18 5.3 Flexible Supports and Services.................................................................................... 19 6. Documents ................................................................................................................. 21 Enhanced Service Offer ..................................................................................................... 21 Grant Panel Member ........................................................................................................ 21 Declaration ........................................................................................................................ 21 Code of conduct (Bowen Report principles) ..................................................................... 22 Confidentiality and conflict of interest agreement .......................................................... 23 Letter of offer .................................................................................................................... 25 How to Accept the Offer guide ......................................................................................... 26 Page 3 of 32

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Acquittal Form .................................................................................................................. 27 Payment Advice: ............................................................................................................... 29 Treating Therapist Initial Application Support Checklist .................................................. 31

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1. Key information for panel members

In this section: what panel members need to know before they begin the assessment process: dates, places and what happens and when.
ROUND 1 Grants open and close Grants checked for eligibility, sufficient information and vulnerable applications Panel to assess all week Panel assessment moderation Panel Recommendation Reports prepared by panel chairs Delegate considers recommending reports Letters of Offer Prepared Letters of Offer sent by Minister ROUND 2 Grants open and close Grants checked for eligibility, sufficient information and vulnerable applications Panel to assess all week Panel assessment moderation Panel Recommendation Reports prepared by panel chairs Delegate considers recommending reports Letters of Offer Prepared Letters of Offer sent by Minister 1 July 9 August 12 August - 19 August

19 August 23 August (full time) 26 August -29 August 2 September - 6 September 9 September 20 September From 23 September 23 September - mid October 2013 30 September 8 November 11 November- 15 November

18 November 22 November (full time) 25 November 29 November 2 December 6 December 9 December 20 December 2013 From January 2014 From January 2014

1.1 Total time commitment for panel members

Each application round will require approximately five days commitment for the assessment process. Panel team members will need to be accessible to sign the panel recommendation reports.

1.2 Community engagement fee

Members of the community, who are not participating on the panel as part of their usual employment, are entitled to apply for the Community Services Directorate Community Engagement Fee. This is a small payment to support the costs associated with their participation. The Community Services Directorate Community Engagement Payment Policy sets out eligibility and the level of support to panel members.

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The application form is included in the Attachments at the end of the guide. Note this policy is being reviewed.

1.3 Transport assistance

The Community Services Directorate will provide taxi vouchers to cover transport costs for panel members who require transport assistance to attend panel meetings. Contact the Panel Support Team on 6207 8980.

1.4 Administrative requirements

All panel members must read and/or sign the following documents as part of their role on the panel. This can be done at the Orientation Session on the first day of assessments. Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest Agreement Bowen Code of Conduct - Panel Members Declaration

For reference, these are included with the Attachments at the end of the guide.

1.5 Location of assessment area

During the assessment processes the panel will work in: The Computer Training Lab and Ballarn One meeting room Ground Floor Nature Conservation House Emu Bank, Belconnen These rooms are co-located with a lounge and kitchen area. Accessible bathrooms are in the foyer area of the ground floor.

1.6 Contact point for panel members 1.7 Conflict of Interest

Panel members can contact the Panel Support Team on 6207 8980.

A conflict of interest is a set of circumstances that creates a risk that professional judgment or actions regarding a primary interest will be unduly influenced by a secondary interest (Lo and Field (2009) and Thompson (1993). While panel members will all sign Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest Agreement before assessment begins, they will also be asked to consider conflict of interest in relation to any application provided to them before assessment begins. This includes: a panel members potential or perceived conflict that may relate to their personal or professional knowledge of a person who has applied for a grant and

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the potential conflict afforded the person who has applied, should a panel member have access to that persons application.

Panel members will be asked to advise the panel chair if they know any person whose application is included in their portfolio for assessment. The nature and manner in which the person is known to the panel member will be considered by the chair to determine if a conflict of interest may be present. The chair will also consider whether the panel members access to a persons personal information contained in an application may represent an unreasonable intrusion into their privacy. A clinical relationship is not considered to represent a conflict of interest. A conflict of interest will be automatically declared if the panel member, in other than a clinical service delivery role: has a working relationship with a person who has applied for a grant or works in an area that has immediate contact with the person. If a conflict of interest is declared the panel member will not receive that persons application for assessment.

1.7 Essential meetings for panel members

Before assessment begins Panel members will be required to attend a four hour orientation session prior to beginning to assess applications. The agenda for this meeting will be: introduction of members overview of DisabilityCare in the ACT context overview of the Enhanced Service Offer: promotion, information sessions and assistance provided to people who have applied Enhanced Service Offer assessment process and timeframes, complaints and feedback process eligibility and criterion for the different types of grants run through on-line assessment process information about allocation of applications to panel pairs Enhanced Service Offer funding splits and how the funds will be allocated the role of the Indivudal Planners and team leaders and contact details what to do when there is not enough information in an application flags for applicants identified as at risk or vulnerable process for applications for exceptional requests treatment of dissenting views role of the Delegate panel support team role and contacts; help numbers for SmartyGrants online system. After the assessment A two hour post assessment de-brief meeting will be held to: Page 7 of 32

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enable panel members to provide advice back about the process, tools, support and information provided to them to undertake their role consider ways the applications and assessment process may be improved for round two give the panel an overview of the outcome from the round ie data on successful and unsuccessful request and categories requested ensure panel members have any follow up support they need from their involvement in the process. Individual de-briefing sessions can be arranged. Members are encouraged to make use of the government Employment Assistance Program as needed.

2. Intent of the Enhanced Service Offer

The funds for the Enhanced Service Offer have been allocated under an agreement between the Australian and ACT Governments; to assist the ACT to: fund additional services for people with disabilities prepare for participation in the DisabilityCare launch mitigate the risk associated with delivering a jurisdiction-wide launch and a whole-ofsystem reform to disability service provision in the ACT to ensure a smooth transition for clients in the ACT from 1 July 2014.

The Enhanced Service Offer will be delivered through a grants process that is intended to: respond to priority unmet need while work is underway to prepare the ACT community for the phased introduction of DisabilityCare; through individual funding for enhanced services and supports which will improve peoples quality of life by providing respite or a respite like effect for people with disability, their families and other unpaid carers assist people with disability, their families and other unpaid carers, to be aware of DisabilityCare and to consider what it may mean for them. The ESO should provide people with an opportunity to experience choice and control over the supports and services they have in their life, to meet their needs (through the provision of grants to individuals rather than via block funding to service providers) to assist currently funded providers to consider and experience how equipped their current business models and service offers are for DisabilityCare.

The process is an opportunity to inform further work to prepare the sector to transition to DisabilityCare Australia.

3. About the panel

3.1 Responsibilities
The panel: is responsible for considering and rating each requested item, support or service in each eligible application

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makes recommendations to the delegate about the priority of each application in the categories of: o Aids, Equipment and minor Modifications o Quality of Life grants o Flexible Supports and Services must work within the guidelines and processes outlined in the Assessing Panel Guide and the Application Guide. will make recommendations to the delegate about applications that demonstrate exceptional circumstances and combined submissions.

When making assessments, the panel will use the experience and skills of members, individually and collectively, to ensure that its decisions in assessing applications are equitable and justifiable in the public arena. With the exception of Quality of Life grants which fulfil a different purpose, the panel will only recommend reasonable and necessary supports and services consistent with each persons likely support package under DisabilityCare. The panel will alert the panel support team to people who are likely to be eligible for assistance under DisabilityCare and who are currently not supported by the formal service system so that they may be contacted and assisted. In addition the panel will identify people, for follow up by the Individual Planners who: receive core or vital supports and services from a non-recurrent source, and the person is at risk when those supports cease do not have sufficient recurrent supports and services whose informal networks are not likely to be sustained without additional formal support prior their transition to DisabilityCare have significant unmet need but are not eligible for an ESO grant, or what they require cannot be provided via an ESO grant

3.2 Panel membership

Membership will be determined by the ACT Government through the ACT NDIS Taskforce and with advice from relevant areas of government. Members will be selected for the broad range of experience they will bring collectively and individually to the assessment process. The panel will collectively have service delivery, policy and professional and personal experience in related areas including the provision of therapy service, aids and equipment, support services and the provision of services and supports to vulnerable people including those with psychosocial disability and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The panel will include people with lived experience of disability, including psychosocial disability.

3.3 Panel groups

Panel members will be assigned to panel groups. Four panel members will be assigned to one of three panel groups: Aids, equipment, minor modifications Page 9 of 32

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Quality of Life grants Flexible supports and services

Panel members will be assigned to their group on the basis of their expertise and qualifications. Each group will have a chair and work in pairs (referred to as panel pairs) for the assessments.

3.4 Experience, skills and qualifications of panel group

Aids, equipment, minor modifications These panel members will be people who work within existing ACT Government aids, equipment and minor modification assistance schemes. This includes senior clinicians with occupational therapy, speech therapy, physiotherapy skills. Panel members in addition to ensuring recommendations are appropriate to the needs of the person, will also provide advice to ensure: that items requiring scripts are sourced from appropriate providers able to provide any required post purchase support; people are appropriately linked to services including the Independent Living Centre, Therapy ACT, Rehabilitation Aged and Community Care and Service and ACT Equipment Scheme (ACTES). Quality of Life grant These panel members will include people with disability including psychosocial disability who are not applying for a quality of life grant and representatives from community organisations. Flexible supports and services These panel members will include senior clinicians from government and community providers and other people with expertise in the provision of respite and respite effect services for people with disability, including those with psychological disability and high and complex needs. The panel will: need to determine where a person is likely to be vulnerable now because their supports are not sustainable ensure that any possible ESO funding that becomes part of a persons total support package is likely to be consistent with their future DisabilityCare support package, ie. that a person will not be disadvantaged with the transition to DisabilityCare.

3.5 Support for the panel

Panel Support Team The panel chairs will be supported by a Panel support team which is responsible for following tasks: Before assessment begins enter paper-based applications into the SmartyGrants data base (this may be subcontracted to a data-entry service). review all completed applications to confirm they meet eligibility criteria. formally advise people who do not meet the eligibility criteria and who will be excluded from the Enhanced Service Offer process. This correspondence Page 10 of 32

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should clearly outline the grounds on which the person is not eligible and be signed by the senior manager Contracts and Grants Unit. contact and assist applicants who have not completed the online application fully or correctly, or refer them to the Enhanced Service Planning team leader refer potentially vulnerable people to the Enhanced Service Planning team leader. If additional supports are established by the Individual Planners subsequent to the application being assessed, the Panel support team will ensure the persons application is updated. sort applications into groups and with panel chairs, assign a portfolio of applications to the panel pairs on the basis of members skills and expertise manage arrangements for the panel to convene. This includes ensuring each panel member has all the information they need to attend, special requirements are met, venues booking are still in place, IT is arranged, catering booked etc. set up meetings including the Orientation and Debrief; agendas set, information prepared including Community Participation fee forms, signing of Confidentially Agreements, and adjustments are made to panel members portfolios to manage to any identified or potential conflict of interest. for round two, ensure that any highly prioritised applications (unallocated) that were confirmed to be transferred to round two, are included.

During the assessing phase monitor panel progress and provide assistance including to adjust workload, to ensure the set timeframes are met provide conduit between the panel members and Individual Planners support panel participation in the process. This may include assisting with transport issues (taxi vouchers), accessibility issues, catering, community engagement payment After the assessing phase draft recommending reports with the chairs and coordinate members signatures and movement of the recommending Minute through the delegate unsuccessful letters are prepared from SmartyGrants system and for delegates signature, quality control draft Ministerial Brief on outcome of process including letters to successful for Minister ensure correspondence to people is correct and sent. This includes the preparation of all Letters of Offer and any relevant documents manage Letters of Acceptance and payment prepare Service Funding Agreement variations and advise appropriate contract manager (including from Health Directorate) of any variations monitor and manage Acquittal of Grants and return of unexpended funds monitor and prepare reports on survey monkey feedback from Enhanced Service Offer applications and service providers. Individual Planners An Individual Planning Team has been established to support the Enhanced Service Offer grants process. This team of six Individual Planners and a team manager will work to assist people with disability, including those with psychosocial disability to identify their community support needs, develop a whole of life/goal focused and strengths-based plan; Page 11 of 32

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and to link to and make best use of the formal and informal supports available to in preparation for the phased introduction of DisabilityCare Australia in the ACT.

3.6 The role of the panel chairs

There will be three chairs to support the assessing panel to work in groups. The chairs will: be directors (senior managers will be considered depending on their experience) provide orientation to panel members on their role and responsibilities facilitate the orientation meeting facilitate the debriefing meeting facilitate the assessment process ensure consistent consideration and application of criteria ensure processes and recommendations align with ACT Government policy decisions make a final decision if two panel members are not able to agree on the priority of a particular application ensure people flagged as vulnerable or at risk, are referred to the Disability ACT Individual Planner team leader ensure all exceptional applications are referred with a recommendation, to the delegate make recommendations about the treatment of combined applications make recommendations for funding in accordance with the budget and as appropriate adjust the notional budget categories in each round to best meet with priority recommendations.

3.7 The role of panel pairs in consolidating scores

During assessment, Panel members will work in pairs. Panel pairs will: moderate their ratings discuss any rating with a discrepancy of two or more points agree and lodge a consolidated score for the applications in their portfolio (this may be an average or a consensus score). Record the rationale for their ratings Record their recommendation (for example the item/s to be funded, the need to offer follow up support or information to the person, assessment or prescription; and areas of concern and/or any caveats around their recommendations).

4. The assessment process

4.1 Timeframes for the assessment
Round one applications need to be completed by 29 August 2013 People will be advised of the outcome of their applications from 23 September 2013 Round 2 applications need to be completed by 22 November 2013. People will be advised of the outcome of their applications from January 2014.

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4.2 About the grants categories 4.3 Initial assessment

Please refer to the Enhanced Service Offer Application Guide. Initial assessment is done by the panel support team before the panel meets for full assessment of all applications. This process will: check eligibility of people (ie residency , age, disability) ensure that all applications have sufficient information for further assessment categorise all applications in preparation for assessment by the panel o Aids, equipment, minor modifications o Quality of Life grants o Flexible supports and services Assign applications to the three groups for assessment and rating against criteria

Notes for panel about initial assessment If a panel member does not agree that a person is eligible they will indicate this on the application assessment form and notify the panel chair. If not enough information is provided in the application the panel support team may contact the person or their nominee and/or refer them (with their consent) to the Individual Planning team. If a person has indicated they do not receive any formal supports (other than for QOL grant applications) the panel support team will contact them or their nominee and/or refer the person (with their consent) to the Individual Planning team who can provide them with information about options, supports and services.

People who are vulnerable now The initial assessment process may also identify people who: receive core or vital supports and services from a non-recurrent source rely on informal networks that are not likely to be sustained without additional formal supports prior to their transition to DisabilityCare Australia do not have sufficient recurrent supports and services have significant unmet need but are not eligible for an ESO grant, or what they require cannot be provided via an ESO grant. In these circumstances the person will be referred by the panel chair to the Individual Planner team leader who will ensure that: the person is referred (with their consent) to any existing supports and services currently available within the service system. the person is identified for priority referral to DisabilityCare Australia.

4.4 How the assessment will work

Day 1 Orientation session (see page 3 for more detail). Panel members need to read the Bowen Code of Conduct and sign Panel Members Declaration and the Confidentiality Declaration and Conflict of Interest Agreement. Page 13 of 32

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Introduction and instructions about SmartyGrants (the grants online system) and information about the assessment process. Reading and assessing of applications will all be done online so panel members will be using SmartyGrants to complete their tasks.

The panel will have a chance to become more familiar with the assessment process and how it works by assessing a number of applications as a group. This will ensure that Panel members have a consistent understanding of the intent of each criteria and rating system and how the online system works. Panel members are assigned to one of the three panel groups. Panel members will work in pairs Panel pairs will be allocated a portfolio of applications. Panel members will review the names on applications in their portfolio of applications and declare if they have prior knowledge of a person. If the panel member has a conflict of interest, or there is potential for a conflict to be perceived in relation to a person, they should state the nature of the conflict to the panel chair and will not be involved in decision making related to that persons application. Panel members will not access information in applications where a conflict of interest has been cited.

Day 2-5 Assessing applications During the assessment process: Panel members will individually assess applications and record ratings and rationale (see section 5 scoring against the criteria) using the SmartyGrants system Panel members will meet at regular intervals with their panel pair to ensure consistency in assessment of applications Panel members complete their assessments and meet with their panel pair to consolidate their scoring of applications assigned to them Panel pairs meet with their panel chairs to review the scores against each application. Panel chairs will then make recommendations to the delegate about allocating grant funding. This is done through a summary report from the SmartyGrants system. Minute/s about recommendations to delegate will be drafted by the panel support team. The delegate will consider the panels report and recommendations to confirm grant allocations. The delegate signs off on recommendations.

4.5 What panel members must consider

When assessing applications and making recommendations, panel members must consider: consistency with DisabilityCare/NDIS principles Page 14 of 32

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whether there is sufficient information to make informed and appropriate decisions around funding

Consistency with DisabilityCare/NDIS principles It is important that recommendations take into account: the persons current supports and services so that the total package is likely to be considered reasonable and necessary in the context of DisabilityCare/NDIS. For example additional respite should not be allocated as a replacement for accommodation support if that is what is actually required. Does the request seem reasonable given the age or circumstance of the person.

Reasonable and Necessary as defined under the NDIS ACT 2013 (34) Reasonable and necessary supports
For the purposes of specifying, in a statement of participant supports, the general supports that will be provided, and the reasonable and necessary supports that will be funded, the CEO must be satisfied of all of the following in relation to the funding or provision of each such support: (a) the support will assist the participant to pursue the goals, objectives and aspirations included in the participants statement of goals and aspirations; (b) the support will assist the participant to undertake activities, so as to facilitate the participants social and economic participation; (c) the support represents value for money in that the costs of the support are reasonable, relative to both the benefits achieved and the cost of alternative support; (d) the support will be, or is likely to be, effective and beneficial for the participant, having regard to current good practice; (e) the funding or provision of the support takes account of what it is reasonable to expect families, carers, informal networks and the community to provide; (f) the support is most appropriately funded or provided through the National Disability Insurance Scheme, and is not more appropriately funded or provided through other general systems of service delivery or support services offered by a person, agency or body, or systems of service delivery or support services offered:

(i) as part of a universal service obligation; or (ii) in accordance with reasonable adjustments required under a law dealing with discrimination on the basis of disability;
(g) the support is not prescribed by the National Disability Insurance Scheme rules as a support that will not be funded or provided under the National Disability Insurance Scheme; (h) the funding of the support complies with the methods or criteria (if any) prescribed by the National Disability Insurance Scheme rules for deciding the reasonable and necessary supports that will be funded under the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

Prioritised applications The following people will be prioritised above people of the same rating. People: who are not in receipt of any formal supports services who are Aboriginal or Torres Straits Islander who live with other family members with disability who live with a family member, or other unpaid carer, who is over the age of 65 who live in residential aged care. have a psychosocial disability who are parent to, and reside with children or young people under the age of 16 Page 15 of 32

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who are a refugee or an humanitarian entrant

Following re-priorisation as above, if the re-prioritised applications still exceed the resources available the panel may reassess prioritised applications again, against the same criterion until the panel chairs are is satisfied they can offer a justifiable suite of recommendations to the Delegate within the funds available. What is meant by people who are not in receipt of any formal support services The intent is to enable people to be prioritised over others of the same rating, if they are not currently in receipt of ongoing disability services, Home and Community Care program services or mental health services that they could reasonably be expected to eligible for through DisabilityCare. Unfunded Prioritised Applications may be transferred to Round Two The chairs will decide which, if any unsuccessful, applications should be transferred to the second round. Only people rated as being of the highest priority such as to enable a reasonable assessment to be made that the application may be likely to receive an allocation in the second round, should be transferred. Applications transferred to the second round will take the first round scoring with them.

5. Scoring against the criteria

Panel members will first consider the threshold criterion: this is one single criterion must be highly demonstrated (scoring 4 or above) for the application to be further assessed. All applications will be collated numeratively in a report for each of the three grant categories.The spread of scores will indicate the range of scores which will potentially be funded (given the available funds). For example it may be that once all applications receiving a maximum score of 24 are recommended for funding; that there are sufficient funds to allocate to those ranked 22 and 23.

5.1 Aids, Equipment and Minor Modifications

Threshold question The requested item reduces the impact of the disability on the persons life by supporting the person to have enhanced independence and personal control in their physical environment. This may include enabling them to use their physical environment; it may reduce existing risks to the persons family or other unpaid carers. Supplementary criteria only for applications rated 4 or above for the Threshold question. The requested item increases the opportunity for the person to meaningfully engage in aspects of community life; this may include the financial, social and recreational aspects. The requested item supports the wellbeing of the person. This may include providing them with the opportunity to perform different social roles; or to increase the persons informal networks, or support and maintain relationships. Page 16 of 32

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The requested item is an effective and reasonable response to the persons needs and circumstances.

Rating 1

Aids, equipment and minor modifications criteria The criterion is not met at all The request may be assessed to have a detrimental outcome for the person The request is not be consistent with what the person would reasonably expect to receive under the NDIS (refer to Reasonable and Necessary Principle). The criterion is demonstrated in some ways or the application meets some elements of the criterion The request may limit or reduce the persons opportunities for inclusion or skill development The request may not reflect the age, stage or interests of the person. The criterion is demonstrated in some ways or the application meets some elements of the criterion There are clear benefits for the person. The criterion is well demonstrated There are clear benefits for the person There may be benefits for the persons family, unpaid carers or other informal supports and networks. The criterion is demonstrated to a very high level There are demonstrated flow on benefits for the person and their family, unpaid carers or other informal supports and networks around them The application demonstrates some element of risk* which would be addressed or substantially alleviated by the request The persons current arrangements are vulnerable to breakdown. There are demonstrated flow on benefits for the person and their family, unpaid carers or other informal supports and networks around them The criterion is met to an exceptionally high level and an exceptional level of benefit, need and priority is demonstrated The application demonstrates significant risk* factors which would be addressed or alleviated by the request The persons current arrangements are not sustainable without immediate additional supports.

*risk: to physical safety (this may include to the persons family or other unpaid supports); to health and wellbeing, of isolation or social exclusion.

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5.2 Quality of Life Grants

Threshold question The request has the potential to enhance the persons quality of life. This may include enabling the person to be involved in something other people might ordinarily do, but the person may not have been able to. The enhanced quality of life benefits of the item may extend to family members or other unpaid carers. Supplementary criteria only for applications rated 4 or above for the Threshold question. The request increases the persons opportunity to meaningfully engage in aspects of community life: including financial, social and recreational. The request supports the wellbeing of the person. This may include by: o reducing a detrimental impact on the persons family or other unpaid carers. o enhancing the persons confidence. o providing the opportunity for the person to perform different social roles. o providing opportunities to increase or support informal relationships. The request has the potential to enable the person to build skills and experience. The request may support them to have enhanced independence and personal control and reduce the impact of the disability on the persons life. Rating

Criteria Quality of Life The criterion is not met at all The request may be assessed to have a detrimental outcome for the person. One element of the criterion is met, or the application meets some elements The item may limit or reduce the persons opportunities for inclusion or skill development The item may be reasonably available through other avenues. Some elements of the criterion are met The request may be assessed to provide some benefit to the person and their family, unpaid carers and informal networks. Most elements of the criterion are demonstrated Clear benefits are evident for the person There may be flow on benefits for the person and their family, unpaid carers and other informal supports and networks around them. All elements of the criterion are demonstrated to a very high level There are flow on benefits for the person and their family, unpaid carers and other informal supports and networks around them The request may represent a unique or innovative response to a need. All elements of the criterion are demonstrated to an exceptional level There are significant benefits for the applicant and their family, unpaid carers and other informal supports and networks around them; and The request may represent a unique or innovative response to a need.

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5.3 Flexible Supports and Services

Threshold question The request increases the opportunity for the person to meaningfully engage in aspects of community life: including financial, social and recreational. (For parents with a disability this criterion may include supporting them by enabling their child to engage in community life). Supplementary criteria only for applications rated 4 or above for the Threshold question. The request reduces the impact of disability on the persons social networks; and helps to support or maintain the persons family or other informal relationships. The request is an effective and reasonable response to the persons needs and circumstances and represents reasonable value for money.

Rating 1

Criteria Flexible supports and services The criterion is not met at all The request may be assessed to be of limited positive outcome for a person The request would not be consistent with what the person would reasonably expect to receive under the NDIS (refer to Reasonable and Necessary Principle) The request does not reflect the persons age, life stage, interests or wishes One element of the criterion is met, or application meets some elements The item may limit or reduce the persons opportunities for inclusion or skill development. The application meets some elements of the criterion The request may be assessed to have some benefit to the person and potentially to their family and other informal supports. The application meets most elements of the criterion Clear benefits are evident for the person The request is appropriate to the age and life stage, and reflects the interests and wishes of the person There are demonstrated flow-on benefits for the person and their family and other informal supports and networks around them. All elements of the criterion are demonstrated to a very high level There are flow-on benefits for the person and their family and other informal supports and networks around them The application demonstrates some element of risk* which would be addressed or substantially alleviated by the request or The persons current arrangements are vulnerable to breakdown. All elements of the criterion are demonstrated to an exceptional level. There are significant benefits for the person and their family and other informal supports and networks around them The application demonstrates significant risk* factors which would be addressed or alleviated by the request The persons current arrangements are not sustainable without immediate additional supports.

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*risk: to physical safety (this may include to the persons family or other unpaid supports), to health and wellbeing, of isolation or social exclusion.

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6. Documents
In this section: Grants Panel Member forms and examples of documents relating to the grants

Enhanced Service Offer Grant Panel Member Declaration

I (name) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of (address) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................................................... agree to abide by the Grant Assessing Panel Guide and the Bowen Declaration Code of Conduct (as detailed in Attachment A) in conducting my responsibilities as a member of the Enhanced Service Offer Grants Panel.

__________________________ (signature) Witness:

_______________ (date)

__________________________ (signature)

_______________ (date)

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Enhanced Service Offer Assessing Panel Guide

Code of conduct (Bowen Report principles)

The Report of the Committee of Inquiry: Public Duty and Private Interest (1979), known as the Bowen Report, sets out the principles that underpin public servants' obligations to disclose and manage conflicts. The report recommended a code of conduct, which was later endorsed by the Government. The code is set out below: 1. An office-holder should perform the duties of his office impartially, uninfluenced by fear or favour. 2. An office-holder should be frank and honest in official dealings with colleagues. 3. An office-holder should avoid situations in which his private interest, whether pecuniary or otherwise, conflicts or might reasonably be thought to conflict with his public duty. 4. When an office-holder possesses, directly or indirectly, an interest which conflicts or might reasonably be thought to conflict with his public duty, or improperly to influence his conduct in the discharge of his responsibilities in respect of some matter with which he is concerned, he should disclose that interest according to the prescribed procedures. Should circumstances change after an initial disclosure has been made, so that new or additional facts become material, the office-holder should disclose the further information. 5. When the interests of members of his immediate family are involved, the officeholder should disclose those interests, to the extent that they are known to him. 6. When an office-holder (other than a Member of Parliament) possesses an interest which conflicts or might reasonably be thought to conflict with the duties of his office and such interest is not prescribed as a qualification for that office, he should forthwith divest himself of that interest, secure his removal from the duties in question, or obtain the authorisation of his superior or colleagues to continue to discharge the duties. 7. An officeholder should not use information obtained in the course of official duties to gain directly or indirectly a pecuniary advantage for himself or for any other person. 8. An office-holder should not: a. solicit or accept from any person any remuneration or benefit for the discharge of the duties of his office over and above the official remuneration; b. solicit or accept any benefit, advantage or promise of future advantage, whether for himself, his immediate family or any business concern or trust with which he is associated from persons who are in, or seek to be in, any contractual or special relationship with government; c. except as may be permitted under the rules applicable to his office, accept any gift, hospitality or concessional travel offered in connection with the discharge of the duties of his office. 9. An office-holder should be scrupulous in his use of public property and services, and should not permit their misuse by other persons. 10. An office-holder should not allow the pursuit of his private interest to interfere with the proper discharge of his public duties.

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Enhanced Service Offer Assessing Panel Guide

The inclusion of the Code of Conduct in the PS Act in 1999 reinforced the principles underlying the Bowen Code. Source: APS Values and Code of Conduct in practice:

Enhanced Service Offer Grant Panel Member

Confidentiality and conflict of interest agreement

The work of the panel member includes disclosure and discussion of highly confidential and sensitive information in relation to people who have disability and their families. All members of the Panel are bound to not disclose any information to which they are privy and are not entitled to distribute, copy and share or disclose any written information relating to the work of the panel. Panel members are required to declare any potential conflict of interest to the chair of the panel at the commencement or during their term if a potential conflict arises. The following Agreement is to be signed by all members of the Enhanced Service Offer Panel. Agreement I, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . declare that to the best knowledge there is no conflict of interest which would arise from the membership of the Enhanced Service Offer Grants Panel. Should a potential conflict arise during the term of my membership I undertake to notify the panel chair of that possible conflict. In fulfilling my duties as a member of the panel undertake not to disclose any information gained from the reports to or any person not member of the Enhanced Service Offer Grants Panel. __________________________ (signature) Witness: _______________ (date)

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__________________________ (signature)

_______________ (date)

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Letter of offer

Name Street Suburb State Post Code Dear Re: Enhanced Service Offer Name Thank you for your application for a grant under the 2013-2014 Enhanced Service Offer. A Panel of government and community representatives has reviewed all applications and has recommended offering you the following:
Item Recommended Funding

Total Grant Offer

Please find attached three documents related to this offer: A grant Acceptance Form (ESO 4) A Statement by Supplier Form An Acquittal Form (ESO 8)

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How to Accept the Offer guide

Step 1 1) Complete the Grant Acceptance Form; this form advises Disability ACT that you wish to accept the funds. Only the person who has applied or (if applicable) their legal guardian may sign the form. 2) Complete the Statement by a Supplier; this form will enable Disability ACT to make the payment to you without deducting taxation. On this form you are considered to be the supplier, please write the applicants name in the name of supplier section. In relation to Section A3 please mark with an X the box entitled The supply is made by an individual or partnership without a reasonable expectation of profit or gain. 3) Return the completed and signed Grant Acceptance and Statement by a Supplier forms to: Enhanced Service Offer c/o Contracts and Grants Unit (CGU) Community Services Directorate GPO Box 158 CANBERRA ACT 2601 Please note you have a maximum of 30 days to accept and return both the Grant Acceptance Form and the Statement of Supplier form to CGU. After this time, this offer is no longer valid and is withdrawn. Withdrawn offers will be re-allocated to the next ranked grant applicant. The Community Services Directorate will make an EFTPOS payment to your bank account in accordance with your payment advice in your Grant Acceptance Form. Payments are usually made within three weeks after receiving the completed Grant Acceptance Forms. After you receive the funding: Step 2 1) You are required to spend the funds within the 12 month period. Please retain receipts for what you spend. 2) When you have spent the funds, you are required to complete the Grant Acquittal Form (enclosed), which details how the funds were spent, send the Grant Acquittal Form and copies of your receipts to: Enhanced Service Offer c/o Contracts and Grants Unit (CGU) Community Services Directorate GPO Box 158 CANBERRA ACT 2601 Please note acquittal must be done within 30 days of expenditure or no later than 12 months from the date of Offer. If you no longer require the grant: Please advise the Contracts and Grants Unit within 30 days if you no longer require the grant. The funds may then be reallocated to next ranked grant applicant. Please contact the ESO Administrator on 6207 8980 or if you have any queries regarding this Letter of Offer.

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Enhanced Service Offer Assessing Panel Guide

Acquittal Form

ESO Form 8

To be completed within 30 days of expenditure or no later than 12 months from the date of Offer. I, Applicants Name of Address wish to acquit the grant from Community Services Directorate for: Aids, Equipments and minor Modifications Quality of Life items Flexible Support and Services I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT: Funding of $_________was spent for the purpose specified in the Letter of Offer. I have attached documents, e.g.: receipts, as evidence of the expenditure as required. Dated of ...............................................20__ Signed: ................................................................................ Community Organisation/Third Party Confirmation (If applicable): I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT: Funding of $_________was spent for the purpose specified in the Letter of Offer. Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Signed: ______________________________ Date: _______________________________ Position/Occupation: _______________________________________________________ Agency or Organisation:_____________________________________________________ Phone:__________________________ Email:___________________________________ Please complete this form when funds are spent, make a copy for your records and then send the originals to: Enhanced Service Offer c/o Contract and Grants Unit Community Service Directorate GPO Box 158 CANBERRA ACT 2601

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Enhanced Service Offer Assessing Panel Guide

(To be returned within 30 days of date of Offer)

Acceptance Form

ESO Form 4

I, Name of Address wish to accept the following grant under the Enhanced Service Offer.
Recommended Allocation $ $ $ $ $ Total Grant Offer $


I understand that it is my responsibility to use the funds only for this purpose, and that if I no longer require the grant I will return these funds to the Contracts and Grants Unit, ACT Community Services Directorate. I will complete the Acquittal Form (ESO Form 8) and return it to the Contracts and Grants Unit with any unspent funds and receipts as evidence of expenditure, within 30 days of expenditure or no later than 12 months from the date of Offer. ________________________________________________ Signature of the grant recipients ________________________________________________ Name (Printed) Dated this ______ (day) of __________ (month) _____________ (year) Authorisation (if not signed by the applicant) I have the authority to provide these details on behalf of the person named above. ________________________________________________ Signature of the grant recipients authorised representative ________________________________________________ Name (Printed) and relationship to the applicant Dated this ____ (day) of __________ (month) _____________ (year) Page 28 of 32

Enhanced Service Offer Assessing Panel Guide

Payment Advice: A. Nominated Bank Account

I wish to receive the grant and to manage the grant myself. Please make the payment via: Electronic Fund Transfer, to my nominated bank account. Please supply bank details
Bank Branch Bank Account Name BSB Number Bank Account Number

Or B. Nominate a Community Organisation (Agency) behalf. I wish to nominate an organisation to receive and manage the grant on my My preferred provider has agreed to the arrangement and has completed a Funded Support Plan (ESO Form 5).

Name of organisation and contact person Postal Address and telephone contacts

or C. Assistance to engage a Community Organisation (Agency) I wish to accept the grant and would like assistance to identify the best way for me to manage the grant. Or D. Nominate a Third Party

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I wish to nominate a Third Party to receive and manage the grant on my behalf. The third Party has agreed to this arrangement.
Third Party Name Contact Person Postal Address Telephone Contact Email Address

Document checklist to be returned to Community Service Directorate. Acceptance Form (ESO Form 4) Statement by Supplier Form Funded Support Plan (ESO Form 5), if nominating an organisation to receive the grant.

Please return all forms to: Enhanced Service Offer c/o Contracts and Grants Unit Community Services Directorate GPO Box 158 CANBERRA ACT 2601

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Enhanced Service Offer Assessing Panel Guide

Treating Therapist Initial Application Support Checklist Enhanced Service Offer Applications for aids, equipment, environmental adaptations, minor modifications for Privately Owned Homes or Vehicles. This form only needs to be completed by the applicants current treating therapist and if the application is for an item which may increase the persons independence and/or reduce their reliance on paid or unpaid supports. Applicants are also able to apply for a Quality of Life Grant for items which may not have a therapeutic benefit but which may enhance the applicants quality of life. Therapist confirmation is not needed for those requests. This form will provide initial verification that the items is generally appropriate for your client to enable the assessing Panel to make an in principle recommendation. Further assessment or clinical assistance may be a requirement of funding depending on the item requested. Name of Client: Diagnosis or support need related to the requested item: Describe the Item Requested: Please tick relevant box Does the item appropriately meet the functional needs of the applicant Is the item available through ACTES/or other Government program? Will the person require further assessment before purchasing the item? If Yes, who should do this assessment/prescription? Therapy ACT Speech Pathologist, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist Community Aged Rehabilitation Service Speech Pathologist, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist Supplier: Other: What is the generally expected price range for this item: Name of Clinician: Date: Organisation: Signature: Contact Details: DETAIL YES NO DOB

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