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Question. 1)Incorrect Which of the following is not true about Xenon anaesthesia Non explosive A.

Minimal cardiovascular side effects B. Slow induction and slow recovery (Correct Answer) C. Low blood gas solubility (Your Answer) D. Explanation Xenon is very close to being an ideal anaesthetic agent with multiple advantages like: Inert Non toxic Minimal cardiovascular effects Low blood solubility Fast induction and recovery Non explosive Does not cause malignant hyperthermia Question. 2) Incorrect Which of the following in anaesthesia will produce decreased EEG activities A. Hypothermia (Correct Answer) B. Early hypoxia C. Ketamine D. N2O (Your Answer) Question. 3)Incorrect Which of the following produces dissociative anaesthesia Ketamine (Correct Answer) A. Propofol B. Thiopentone C. Enflurane (Your Answer) D. Question. 4) Incorrect A 20-year old patient presented with early pregnancy was admitted for Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) in day care facility. What will be the anesthetic induction agent of choice? A. Thiopentone B. Ketamine C. Propofol (Correct Answer) D. Diazepam (Your Answer) Question. 5)Incorrect In general, the last muscle to be rendered akinetic with a retrobulbar anesthetic block is:

Superior rectus (Your Answer) A. Superior oblique (Correct Answer) B. Inferior oblique C. Levator palpebral superioris D. Question. 6) Incorrect Which of the following is the neuromuscular blocking agent with the shortest onset of action? A. Mivacurium B. Vecuronium (Your Answer) C. Rapacuronium D. Succinylcholine (Correct Answer) Question. 7)Incorrect Which of the following ihalational agents has the minimum blood gas solubility coefficient? Isoflurane A. Sevoflurane (Your Answer) B. Desflurane (Correct Answer) C. Nitrous oxide D. Question. 8) Correct Which of the following fluorinated anesthetics corrodes metal in vaporizers and breathing systems? A. Sevoflurane B. Enflurane C. lsoflurane D. Halothane (Your Answer) Question. 9)Correct The following anaesthetic drug causes pain on intravenous adminstration: Midazolam A. Propofol (Your Answer) B. Ketamine C. Thiopentone sodium D. Explanation Inadvertent intra arterial injection of thiopentone sodium produces pain, not intravenous injection. Propofol causes pain with intravenous injection. Question. 10) Incorrect Which of the following drugs is contraindicated in a patient with raised intracranial pressure? A. Thiopentone (Your Answer)

B. Propofol C. Midazolarn D. Ketamine (Correct Answer) Explanation Ketamine increases cerebral blood flow and intracranial pressure. Hence it is contraindicated in patients with increased intracranial pressure.

The following are used for treatment of postoperative nausea and vomiting following squint surgery in children except: A. Ketamine B. Ondansetron C. Propofol D. Dexamethasone Correct answer : A. Ketamine Ketamine can cause nausea and vomiting following administration.

The laryngeal mask airway used for securing the airway of a patient in all of the following conditions except: A. In a difficult intubation B. In cardiopulmonary resuscitation C. In a child undergoing an elective/routine eye surgery D. ln a patient with a large tumour in the oral cavity Correct answer : D. ln a patient with a large tumour in the oral cavity Use of laryngeal mask airway is contraindicated in case of oropharyngeal mass.

The most appropriate circuit for ventilating spontaneously breathing infant during anaesthesia A. Jackson Rees modification of Ayre T piece B. Mapleson A or MgiIls circuit C. Mapleson C or Waters to and fro canister D. Bains circuit Correct answer : A. Jackson Rees modification of Ayre T piece

A Lower Segment Caesarean section (LSCS) can be carried out under all the following techniques of anaesthesia except: A. General anaesthesia B. Spinal anaesthesia C. Caudal anaesthesia D. Combined Spinal Epidural anaesthesia Correct answer : C. Caudal anaesthesia Caudal anaesthesia is used only for perineal surgery.

Anaesthesia MCQ 33 Disadvantages of anesthetic ether [20 Jun 2011 | No Comment | ] All of the following are the disadvantages of anesthetic ether, except: A. Induction is slow B. Irritant nature of ether increases salivary and bronchial secretions C. Cautery cannot be used D. Affects blood pressure and is liable to produce arrhythmias Correct answer : D. Affects blood pressure and is liable to produce arrhythmias

AIPGMEE, AIPGMEE 2005, Anaesthesia MCQ's, MCQ

Anaesthesia MCQ 34 Anaesthetic agents which increase Intracranial pressure [20 Jun 2011 | No Comment | ] Which one of the following anaesthetic agents causes a rise in the Intracranial pressure: A. Sevoflurane B. Thiopentone sodium C. Lignocaine D. Propofol Correct answer : A. Sevoflurane Some anaesthetic agents which increase Intracranial pressure Sevoflurane Isoflurane Halothane Nitrous oxide Ketamine

AIPGMEE, AIPGMEE 2005, Anaesthesia MCQ's, MCQ

Anaesthesia MCQ 32 Fastest acting inhalational agent [20 Jun 2011 | No Comment | ] Which one of the following is the fastest acting inhalational agent? A. Halothane B. Isoflurane C. Ether D. Sevoflurane Correct answer : D. Sevoflurane Sevoflurane is the fastest acting among the options given. Desflurane is THE fastest acting inhalational agent.

AIPGMEE, AIPGMEE 2006, Anaesthesia MCQ's, MCQ

Anaesthesia MCQ 31 Induced hypotension during surgery [4 Jun 2011 | No Comment | ] Which of the following agents is not used to provide induced hypotension during

surgery? A. Sodium nitroprusside B. Hydralazine C. Mephentermine D. Esmolol Correct answer : C. Mephentermine Mephentermine is acts as an agonist on alpha and beta adrenergic receptors. This causes increased in cardiac output and blood pressure. Hence it cannot be used to induce hypotension.

AIPGMEE, AIPGMEE 2006, Anaesthesia MCQ's, MCQ

Anaesthesia MCQ 30 Management of postoperative shivering [4 Jun 2011 | No Comment | ] Which of the following agents is used for the treatment of postoperative shivering? A. Thiopentone B. Suxamethonium C. Atropine D. Pethidine Correct answer : D. Pethidine Management of postoperative shivering: Drug of choice Tramadol Alternate drugs pethidine, pentazocine Supportive treatment oxygen inhalation (there is increased oxygen consumption during shivering)

AIPGMEE, AIPGMEE 2006, Anaesthesia MCQ's, MCQ

Anaesthesia MCQ 29 Induction agent in day care surgery [4 Jun 2011 | No Comment | ] Which of the following intravenous induction agents is the most suitable for day care surgery? A. Morphine B. Ketamine C. Propofol D. Diazepam Correct answer : C. Propofol Propofol is the induction agent of choice in day care surgery Early induction Smooth recovery Decreased incidence of post operative nausea and vomiting

AIPGMEE, AIPGMEE 2006, Anaesthesia MCQ's, MCQ

Anaesthesia MCQ 28 Anesthetic agents and malignant hyperthermia

[2 Jun 2011 | No Comment | ] Which of the following anesthetic agents does not trigger malignant hyperthermia? A. Halothane B. Isoflurane C. Suxamethonium D. Thiopentone Correct answer : D. Thiopentone Anesthetic agents implicated in malignant hyperthermia: Succinyl choline Halothane Isoflurane

AIPGMEE, AIPGMEE 2006, Anaesthesia MCQ's, MCQ

Anaesthesia MCQ 27 Etomidate [2 Jun 2011 | One Comment | ] Which of the following statements is not true about etomidate? A. It is an intravenous anesthetic B. It precipitates coronary insufficiency C. It inhibits cortisol synthesis D. It causes pain at site of injection Correct answer : B. It precipitates coronary insufficiency Disadvantages of etomidate: Decrease cortisol synthesis Painful injection Nausea and vomiting during recovery period Produce restlessness and rigidity

AIPGMEE, AIPGMEE 2006, Anaesthesia MCQ's, MCQ

Anaesthesia MCQ 26 Anesthetic agent which sensitizes the heart to catecholamines [2 Jun 2011 | No Comment | ] Which one of the following agents sensitizes the myocardium to catecholamines? A. Isoflurane B. Ether C. Halothane D. Propofol Correct answer : C. Halothane Halothane sensitizes the myocardium to the action of catecholamines and can produce severe ventricular arrhythmia.

AIPGMEE, AIPGMEE 2006, Anaesthesia MCQ's, MCQ

Anaesthesia MCQ 25 Induction agent of choice in children

[30 May 2011 | No Comment | ] Which of the following inhalational agents is the induction agent of choice in children: A. Methoxyflurane B. Sevoflurane C. Desflurane D. Isoflurane Correct answer : B. Sevoflurane Sevoflurane has a fast, smooth and pleasant induction. Hence it is preferred in children. Sevoflurane reacts with soda lime to produce toxic products. Hence it cannot be used in a closed circuit. Anaesthesia MCQ 24 Ester group local anesthetic [30 May 2011 | No Comment | ] Which one of the following local anesthetics belongs to the ester group? A. Procaine B. Bupivacaine C. Lignocaine D. Mepivacaine Correct answer : A. Procaine Other ester linked local anaesthetics: Cocaine Tetracaine Benzocaine Chlorprocaine

AIPGMEE, AIPGMEE 2006, Anaesthesia MCQ's, MCQ

Anaesthesia MCQ 23 Antibiotic that cannot be used with d-tubocurarine [30 May 2011 | No Comment | ] Which one of the following antibacterials should not be used with d-tubocurarine? A. Norfloxacin B. Streptomycin C. Doxycycline D. Cefotaxime Correct answer : B. Streptomycin Streptomycin can potentiate the action of d-tubocurarine and cause prolonged apnoea. d-tubocurarine is a muscle relaxant. All aminoglycosides including streptomycin reduce ACh release from motor nerve endings. This is usually not manifested clinically. But the effect is more pronounced when given along with curare like muscle relaxants

AIPGMEE, AIPGMEE 2006, Anaesthesia MCQ's, MCQ

Anaesthesia MCQ 22 Muscle relaxant of choice in renal failure

[26 May 2011 | No Comment | ] Which of the following is the muscle relaxant of choice in renal failure? A. Rapacurium B. Pancuronium C. Atracurium D. Rocuronium Correct answer : C. Atracurium Atracurium undergoes Hoffman degradation. So elimination does not depend upon liver or kidney function.

AIPGMEE, AIPGMEE 2006, Anaesthesia MCQ's, MCQ

Anaesthesia MCQ 21 Muscle relaxant has the maximum duration of action [26 May 2011 | No Comment | ] Which one of the following muscle relaxant has the maximum duration of action? A. Atracurium B. Vecuronium C. Rocuronium D. Doxacurium Correct answer : D. Doxacurium

AIPGMEE, AIPGMEE 2006, Anaesthesia MCQ's, MCQ

Anaesthesia MCQ 20 Indication for endotracheal intubation [26 May 2011 | One Comment | ] Which of the following is not an indication for endotracheal intubation? A. Maintenance of a patent airway B. To provide positive pressure ventilation C. Pulmonary toilet D. Pneumothorax Correct answer : D. Pneumothorax Pneumothorax should be treated with intercostal drainage / needle thoracocentesis.

AIIMS, AIIMS May 2006, Anaesthesia MCQ's, MCQ

Anaesthesia MCQ 19 Allodynia [6 May 2011 | No Comment | ] Which one of the following is the description used for the term allodynia during pain management? a) Absence of pain perception b) Complete lack of pain sensation c) Unpleasant sensation with or without a stimulus d) Perception of an ordinarily non noxious sitmulus as severe pain. Correct answer : d) Perception of an ordinarily non noxious sitmulus as severe pain

Allodynia is the perception of an ordinarily non noxious sitmulus as severe pain

AIIMS, AIIMS May 2006, Anaesthesia MCQ's, MCQ

Anaesthesia MCQ 18 Side effects of fentanyl [6 May 2011 | No Comment | ] Which side effect is commonly seen with fentanyl? a.Chest wall rigidity b.Tachycardia c.Pain in abdomen d.Hypertension Correct answer : a) Chest wall rigidly Chest wall rigidity is an important side effect of opioids like fentanyl. It may even impair ventilation.

AIIMS, AIIMS May 2006, Anaesthesia MCQ's, MCQ

Anaesthesia MCQ 17 Anaesthetic is contraindicated in a patient with raised intracranial pressure [6 May 2011 | No Comment | ] Which of the following drugs is contraindicated in a patient with raised intracranial pressure? a) Thiopentone b) Propofol c) Midazolarn d) Ketamine Correct answer : d) Ketamine Ketamine increases cerebral blood flow and intracranial pressure. Hence it is contraindicated in patients with increased intracranial pressure.

AIIMS, AIIMS May 2006, Anaesthesia MCQ's, MCQ

Anaesthesia MCQ 16 Anaesthetic drug causing pain on intravenous adminstration [4 May 2011 | No Comment | ] The following anaesthetic drug causes pain on intravenous adminstration: a) Midazolam b) Propofol c) Ketamine d) Thiopentone sodium Correct answer : b) Propofol Inadvertent intra arterial injection of thiopentone sodium produces pain, not intravenous injection. Propofol causes pain with intravenous injection.

AIIMS, AIIMS May 2006, Anaesthesia MCQ's, MCQ

Anaesthesia MCQ 14 Anesthetic which corrodes metal in vaporizers and breathing

systems [4 May 2011 | No Comment | ] Which of the following fluorinated anesthetics corrodes metal in vaporizers and breathing systems? a) Sevoflurane b) Enflurane c) lsoflurane d) Halothane Correct answer : d) Halothane (Factual question) Anaesthesia MCQ 15 Inhalational agents with the minimum blood gas solubility coefficient [4 May 2011 | No Comment | ] Which of the following inhalational agents has the minimum blood gas solubility coefficient? a) Isoflurane b) Sevoflurane c) Desflurane d) Nitrous oxide Correct answer : c) Desflurane (factual question)

AIIMS, AIIMS May 2006, Anaesthesia MCQ's, MCQ

Anaesthesia MCQ 13 Neuromuscular blocking agent with the shortest onset of action [1 May 2011 | No Comment | ] Which of the following is the neuromuscular blocking agent with the shortest onset of action? a) Mivacurium b) Vecuronium c) Rapacuronium d) Succinylcholine Correct answer : d) Succinylcholine

AIIMS, AIIMS May 2006, Anaesthesia MCQ's, MCQ

Anaesthesia MCQ 12 Last muscle to be rendered akinetic with a retrobulbar anesthetic block [1 May 2011 | No Comment | ] In general, the last muscle to be rendered akinetic with a retrobulbar anesthetic block is: a) Superior rectus b) Superior oblique c) Inferior oblique d) Levator palpebral superioris

Correct answer : b) Superior oblique

AIIMS, AIIMS May 2006, Anaesthesia MCQ's, MCQ

Anaesthesia MCQ 11 Anesthetic for day care surgery [1 May 2011 | No Comment | ] A 20-year old patient presented with early pregnancy was admitted for Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) in day care facility. What will be the anesthetic induction agent of choice? a) Thiopentone b) Ketamine c) Propofol d) Diazepam Correct answer : c) Propofol

AIIMS, AIIMS November 2006, Anaesthesia MCQ's, MCQ

Anaesthesia MCQ 10 Dissociative anaesthesia [18 Apr 2011 | No Comment | ] Which of the following produces dissociative anaesthesia a) Ketamine b) Propofol c) Thiopentone d) Enflurane Correct answer : a) Ketamine

AIIMS, AIIMS November 2006, Anaesthesia MCQ's, MCQ

Anaesthesia MCQ 9 Decreased EEG activity in anaesthesia [18 Apr 2011 | No Comment | ] Which of the following in anaesthesia will produce decreased EEG activities a) Hypothermia b) Early hypoxia c) Ketamine d) N2O Correct answer : a) Hypothermia

AIIMS, AIIMS November 2006, Anaesthesia MCQ's, MCQ

Anaesthesia MCQ 8 Xenon anaesthesia [16 Apr 2011 | No Comment | ] Which of the following is not true about Xenon anaesthesia a) Non explosive b) Minimal cardiovascular side effects c) Slow induction and slow recovery

d) Low blood gas solubility Correct answer : c) Slow induction and slow recovery Xenon is very close to being an ideal anaesthetic agent with multiple advantages like: Inert Non toxic Minimal cardiovascular effects Low blood solubility Fast induction and recovery Non explosive Does not cause malignant hyperthermia

AIIMS, AIIMS May 2007, Anaesthesia MCQ's, MCQ

Anaesthesia MCQ 7 Merits of nasotracheal intubation [11 Apr 2011 | No Comment | ] Merits of nasotracheal intubation is a) Good oral hygiene b) Less infection c) Less mucosal damage and bleeding d) More movement or displacement of endotracheal tube Correct answer : a) Good oral hygiene

AIIMS, AIIMS May 2007, Anaesthesia MCQ's, MCQ

Anaesthesia MCQ 6 Nerve used for monitoring during anaesthesia [11 Apr 2011 | No Comment | ] Most common nerve used for monitoring during anaesthesia a) Ulnar nerve b) Facial nerve c) Radial nerve d) Median nerve Correct answer : a) Ulnar nerve

AIIMS, AIIMS May 2007, Anaesthesia MCQ's, MCQ

Anaesthesia MCQ 5 Features of Malignant hyperthermia [11 Apr 2011 | No Comment | ] All are seen in Malignant hyperthermia except : a) Bradycardia b) Hyperkalemia c) Metabolic acidosis d) Hypertension Correct answer : a) Bradycardia Anaesthesia MCQ 4 Side effects of oxygen therapy

[11 Apr 2011 | No Comment | ] Side effects of oxygen therapy are all except : a) Absorption atelactasis b) Increased pulmonary compliance c) Decreased vital capacity d) Endothelial damage Correct answer : b) Increased pulmonary compliance

AIIMS, AIIMS May 2007, Anaesthesia MCQ's, MCQ

Anaesthesia MCQ 3 Muscle relaxant of choice in hepatic and renal failure [11 Apr 2011 | No Comment | ] Muscle relaxant of choice in hepatic and renal failure a) Cisatracurium b) Rocuronium c) Vecuronium d) Rapacuronium Correct answer : a) Cisatracurium

AIIMS, AIIMS May 2007, MCQ, Surgery MCQ's

Surgery MCQ 13 60 yr old male undergoes TURP [6 Apr 2011 | No Comment | ] 60 yr old male undergoes TURP. After 3 days patient develops altered senstiveness and drowsiness. Most probable diagnosis is : a) Hypernatremia b) Hyponatremia c) Stroke d) Meningitis due to spinal anaesthesia Correct answer : b) Hyponatremia

Featured, PGIMER
PGIMER PG entrance exam May 2011 Notification [27 Mar 2011 | No Comment | ]


LAST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF APPLICATION: 09.04.2011 (up to 2.00 PM) Application on the prescribed form are invited for the following Postdoctoral/ Postgraduate courses and PhD programme for the academic session starting from 1st July, 2011. INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ENTERTAINED AND NO CORRESPONDENCE WILL BE MADE IN THIS REGARD.

Karnataka PG entrance
RGUHS Karnataka PGET 2011 MCQ 94 [31 Jan 2011 | No Comment | ] 94. Anaesthesia breathing circuit recommended for spontaneous breathing is a) Mapleson A b) Mapleson B c) Mapleson C d) Mapleson D Correct answer : a) Mapleson

Anaesthesia MCQ's, MCQ

Anaesthesia MCQ 2 [24 Jan 2011 | 5 Comments | ] A young boy undergoes eye surgery under day care anesthesia with succinyl choline and propofol and sfter 8 hours he starts walking and develops muscle pain. What is the likely cause? A. Early mobilisation B. Due to the effects of eye surgery C. Succinyl choline D. Propofol Correct answer : Succinyl choline, Muscle pain is a common adverse effect

Anaesthesia MCQ's, MCQ

Anaesthesia MCQ 1 [21 Jan 2011 | No Comment | ] Which of the following is not an amide linked local anaesthetic? A. Lignocaine B. Procaine C. Bupivacaine D. Dibucaine Correct answer : Procaine, It is an ester linked anesthetic

Anaesthesiology, Medicine, Pulmonology

Oxygen therapy [30 Sep 2009 | No Comment | ]

Oxygen therapy can be normobaric or hyyperbaric. During oxygen therapy, ventilation and airway maintenance should be adequate so that oxygen reaches the lung for gas exchange. Reserve of oxygen in the body is 1.5 litres, which lasts for about 6 minutes in circulatory arrest assuming a consumption of 250 ml/min. Hb contains 800 ml and alveoli contains about 400 ml of oxygen. Pre-oxygenation prior to induction of anaesthesia leads to denitration and increase in the alveolar oxygen content, enabling tolerance of longer period of apnea. Circulatory gradient of oxygen: Oxygen

Oxygen pressure guage [6 Mar 2009 | No Comment | ] Oxygen pressure guage attached to a Boyles machine for general anaesthesia.

Nitrous oxide pressure guage [6 Mar 2009 | No Comment | ] Nitrous oxide pressure guage attached to a Boyles machine for general anaesthesia.

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