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au Password: romanproject Have you ever imagined travelling back to Rome when Julius Caeser was ruling? Well now you can, with Time Travel Vacations you can now travel back in time in a non-disruptive travel machine! So you can experience the thrill of being back in time without disrupting the future. You will also have to be a Roman, thats right! Eat, dress, act and be a Roman! The building of Rome started in 753 BC. There were two sons of mars that were twins. Their uncle wanted the thrown so he threw them into the River Tiber to drown. But they didnt drown and floated ashore and a she wolf took care of the young children until they could fend for themselves. Many years later, Mars told his two sons to build a city where they had been found by the wolf. They built the city we know to today as Rome. One day Remus teased Romulus about the wall he had built around Rome. Later Romulus killed Remus. Today this is one of the most well-known legends of all time. In 509 BC romans made there city a republic. The new republic was ruled by a senate. Rich men ran the Government, they were called senators. The most famous of these was Caius Julius Caeser. The poorer people called plebeians didnt have many rights and the fought for them. But they were citizens of the Roman Empire so they could vote unlike servants and woman who couldnt vote. Julius Caeser lived the 1st century BC, he nearly became emperor of Rome but he was assassinated by his brother-in-law. Julius Caeser made Rome more than a city; it was a capital of an empire. Not all ancient Roman houses had a kitchen. Both Plebeians and Patricians only ate one hot or warm meal a day. Nearly everyone ate bread dipped in water, vinegar, or diluted wine almost every day for breakfast. Lunch was more bread, very little cheese, olive oil; sometimes they had cold meat or fruit. Figs and grapes, eaten fresh or dried, were the cheapest and most plentiful fruits. Romans also ate and liked apples, pears, mulberries, and dates (raisins). Beans, lentils, beets, lettuce, cabbage, radishes, and lots of onions and garlic were grown by Roman gardeners.

Dinner was a chance to display wealth and impress guests. Romans liked soft, fatty meats like calf brains, sow udders, or milked mice and snails. Wealthy Romans ate from dishes made of fine pottery, silver, or glass. Gladiators fought against other and against lions, tigers and other dangerous animals. When a gladiator was beaten but still alive it was up to the crowd and the senator watching. If they wave scarfs and put their thumbs up, he was killed. If they put their thumbs inside their hands, it means he fought well and can stay alive.

In Rome there was a huge stadium called the Circus Maximus, which was used for chariot races. These races were very dangerous. Chariots were small two-wheeled carts, driven by one man and pulled by four horses. They raced around an oval track. There were often smashes and accidents during the seven-lap races.

The Pantheon was a temple built in the first days of the Roman Empire. It was devoted to all the Roman gods. The Romans used concrete to build the dome of the Pantheon, which even today is still one of the biggest singlespan domes in the world. The construction of this building influenced western architecture a lot. The Colosseum could seat 45,000 spectators. Some people were not lucky enough to have a seat in the Colosseum. If you didn't mind standing, the Colosseum could hold up to 70,000 spectators. This is where the ancient Romans gathered to watch fights between gladiators, and battles between Gladiators and wild animals. To see men being killed was very entertaining to the ancient Romans. During the battles many Gladiators died. The Forum was the main marketplace and business centre, where the ancient Romans went to do their banking, trading, shopping, and marketing. It was also a place for public speaking. The job of the speakers was to argue persuasively. People crowding the Forum would stop and listen, then do their shopping, and leave a gift at a temple for one of their gods. The Forum was also used for festivals and religious ceremonies. It was a very busy place. Bathing was thought very important for cleanliness and religious purification before religious ceremonies. Most Romans had a bath daily, many houses

had their own baths, but there were also public baths for those who did not have one. Some actions were taken to improve the public health system. Many of the Roman people lived in small houses without facilities. They got their water from public wells or fountains. The rivers were often polluted.

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