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Leader welcome: We are here to pray and witness to our community. We want to shine a light for integrity in our churches, businesses and government. We want to do something to tackle corruption. We are part of a global week of action gathering a million signatures and proclaiming Gods justice.

Thank you for holding a vigil. You are one of hundreds across the globe. Please adapt this one-hour guide to suit your event. Dont forget to register at

(1 HOUR)


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payments made by business and government no more secrecy or dishonesty.

Reading: Isaiah 58:9-11 God cares for the poor. Prayer for the poor & oppressed.
Community member prays: Lord, we pray for those suffering injustice because of someone elses greed. We pray for women who have to give birth without proper care when healthcare funds are misspent. We pray for families forced to pay bribes just so their children can attend school. We pray for comfort, courage and blessing on the poor who are most deeply impacted by corruption. Amen. Add local and national prayers.

Music: from worship band or choir (4 mins) Opening prayer: Let's pray
together. Dear God, you are the source of all justice and truth. Help us through our vigil tonight to proclaim your justice and to shine your light of truth into our broken world so that we can overcome the evils of greed and corruption. Amen.

Video: Show the EXPOSED video (3 mins) Speaker: Church or Community leader
speaks on global poverty and corruption. Tell people why this matters to God. Share some key statistics and Bible texts and stories from Highlight any local public services suffering from corruption as appropriate (5 mins)

Reading: Amos 5:10-12 God cares about just and ethical business. Prayer for ethical business.
Business person prays: Dear God, we pray for business people. We thank you that business brings jobs and wealth but we also know that the drive for profit can lead to exploitation and inequality. We pray for business leaders in our nation to refuse bribery, to be fair employers, to pay taxes and to use their profits wisely. We pray for workers and employees to be honest and hard-working. Amen.

Leader: This vigil is one of 2000 happening

around the world. We want to see good governance in all public life: church, business and government. Everyone has the chance to sign a Global Call tonight, which will go to leaders of nations asking for action on fair taxes and open declaration of all

Reading: Daniel 6:3-4 God cares about just and ethical government. Prayer for leadership & government. Local official, mayor or
community leader prays: Dear God, we pray for our leaders and the leaders of other nations. We pray they be guided by humility and integrity, as Daniel was. We pray they reject the temptations of greed, wealth and power, and instead seek the common good for all people. Above all, we pray they encounter you in a powerful and personal way. Help us to honour them even when we dont agree with them. Soften their hearts to the cries of the poor. Amen.

Symbolic action to shine a light. Everyone turns on lights. As lights are lit, everyone promises: I am going to shine a light in my family, church and work for honesty and integrity. May people see my light and praise God. (Matthew 5:6 NIV) Leader: Thank you for participating in the
vigil. Our prayers are powerful. And we can also take action. I ask everyone here to sign the Global Call to end corruption. It says,

Leader: To overcome corruption we need

change at every level. Its the only way. We need effective laws, a good justice system, free media and the determination that our actions can bring change. We need more Daniels and Esthers who are willing to step out for goodness.

Reading: James 2:3-8 God cares about the witness and work of the Church. Prayer for the Church. A church
leader prays: Father God, forgive us for the ways we support corruption that hurts the poor knowingly and unknowingly. Forgive us for loving money more than you. Help us to hear the cries of the oppressed, and give us the wisdom and courage to respond. God we pray for blessing, wisdom and protection of our brothers and sisters who are standing up to corruption. Embolden us all to defend justice and mercy. Amen.

We call on leaders of the worlds largest economies (G20), to take practical steps that promote greater transparency in the financial affairs of business, government and individuals. We are concerned that corrupt activity has adverse effects on the worlds poorest people. Please help ensure that resources are shared fairly and all people have the opportunity to flourish.
We want to reach 1 million signatures will you be one in a million and add your name? Point people towards volunteers with signup sheets.

Music: as volunteers collect signatures.

CHECKLIST 1 REGISTER your vigil 2 DOWNLOAD the video 3 BRING lights, candles, torches 4 PRINT sign-up sheets For all these, and more creative ideas for your vigil see

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