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Respondents Exhibit A is not the Stipulation and Order to Change that I, Autumn Clark, signed February 6, 2012.

When the paperwork was filled out to have shared placement I, Autumn Clark, filled out the papers and sent them to Thomas Clark to fill in his employment information as he would not provide me with this. On page four in the Modify section I filled out the part to modify physical placement only. After filling out the rest of the papers I signed them and sent them to Thomas Clark. While filling in the employment section he also took it upon himself to modify legal custody. I was unaware of this change until I received a copy mailed to me after the Stipulation and Order to Change had been signed by Judge Paul Curran on 2/21/2012. At the time I chose to not pursue any further course of action as I was hoping to talk to Thomas Clark and be able to work things out for the best for our children. I realize now that was a mistake. When Thomas and I were divorced I was granted sole custody and placement of Thomas Clark (goes by Tiege) and Macy Clark. In January 2012, after Thomas Clark expressed his desire to be an active parent, I allowed Tiege and Macy to live with Thomas Clark and Karli Kuehl with an agreement of 50/50 shared placement of the children. I did not agree to shared legal custody. July 27, 2012 Thomas Clark and I attended mediation at which time Thomas made his first attempt at sole custody of the children with me having periods of placement only on weekends. After acknowledging the fact he had not been a constant in the childrens life the mediator let Thomas know that it was not in the childrens best interest to be separated from me for long periods of time. She asked then if he had any concerns and Thomas stated he thought I was a good parent just thought that because of his living environment at Karli Kuehls home it was a more stable environment. He had no allegations at that time regarding any alleged abuse. Thomas and I were advised to meet and try to do things together for the childrens sake. I have made multiple attempts to get Thomas to meet to discuss any issues or just to spend a short amount of time together for the childrens sake at either Chuck E Cheese or out to dinner as the children have suggested. I am always told no. Thomas has a limited idea of what communication is. Communication between him and I is usually him telling me what I need to do and me informing him I am not doing it. I do realize this is not always the best way to handle disagreements but as his relationship with Karli has progressed I have had less and less ability to contact and speak with him directly. I received a copy of Thomas J. Clarks affidavit supporting his motion to have sole legal custody and primary placement on August 28, 2012. This was the first time I learned of Thomas Clarks concerns regarding physical abuse. Thomas Clark has not tried to discuss any concerns with me personally. I was self-admitted to Mayo due to depression and was released the next day. It had nothing to do with any abuse. Tiege and Macy were picked up a night early as they normally would have been picked up early the next morning Sunday July 7th, 2012. On July 8 at 7:55pm Thomas texted stating the kids could stay longer if I needed them to. I responded with telling him thank you I would let him know. July 9th, 2012 at 7:15pm Thomas texted again stating kids could stay a few days or until the end of the week that he had the rest of the week off and would love to spend the time with them. I asked him Is this going to be something where you hold it against me later? He responded back with he did not know what was going on and would not hold it against me when it came to him seeing the kids. He asked is everything ok. I let him know I had like a nervous breakdown and everything had kinda hit at once regarding Payten. (My niece whos babysitter is on trial for her murder) Thomas said he was sorry to hear that and that they would be safe there. This was said as my sisters best friend was her babysitter and my niece Payten was killed while in her care. I let Thomas know I was worried about him finding a way to use it against me and try to take the kids away from me. He stated I wont. On July 17th Thomas stated I am

telling you since you wont help pay for anything and Im the main provider that things will be changing. It had already started. This was not the first time or the last he told me he had things started for court. Thomas and Karli are upset that I did not help pay for Macys dance lessons. When I was told they had already signed her up and I needed to pay my portion I said I would try but let them know I never agreed to sign Macy up for dance. It was not in our budget and I could not continue to pay for it. I have helped pay for swimming lessons and baseball when Thomas asked me about placing them in and I was able to because he discussed it with me before signing them up. As for the accusations of abuse I was concerned as to what was being said to Thomas as nothing had ever been said to me. On July 25th, 2012 Thomas stated he worried about the kids being here. When I asked why he did not respond. Since then he has asked if the kids are ok. I always let him know they are fine. I have asked numerous times why he keeps asking that and he never has an answer. I believe if Thomas was truly trying to communicate with me his concerns for the children these would have been perfect opportunities. On a few occasions since March 2012 the children have informed me that when they get to their dads they are questioned about everything they do. They were not allowed to say Jacobs name as they would get yelled at and treated as if they were cursing. Throughout the past year or so tensions have risen as well as tempers. On the afternoon of August 7th, 2012 I drove to the daycare providers home where the children were supposed to be. They were not there so I proceeded to Thomas Clarks house as it was my day to pick the kids up and Thomas was not responding to my attempts to reach him. Upon arrival Jacob Dobbs went up and knocked at the door. There was no answer but the car was in the driveway so I asked him to knock again. Thomas eventually answered, stated we needed to leave that we were never seeing the children again. He was loud and seemed very agitated. Jacob who was in close proximity stated he smelled of beer. Thomas said the kids were scared and I wouldnt see them again. I asked to speak to the children he refused. Said reports had already been filed and again said I needed to leave without the children. (Police report enclosed in affidavit marked exhibit c is dated August 9th.) I called the police. As I was on the phone with the police he was yelling from the porch that he would make Jacob eat soap. He was threatening to beat him up. I let the officer/dispatch know what was being said. We were advised to wait at the bottom of the driveway until they arrived. As I was pulling away Karli stated the kids were not ours they were theirs and we wouldnt be getting them and we needed to leave. A Houston County Sheriff arrived, spoke with Jacob and I and then went to speak with Thomas. He brought the children down to me. When we were leaving the kids let me know their dad had them hiding in the basement if they heard a car pull in they needed to wake him up. Tiege stated his dad had only a couple beers that morning because he was drinking the night before. After this incident I filed for a change of the placement order requesting set days and times. On August 9th was the first text I received saying the kids felt unsafe. I let him know that both of the kids had told me he had been yelling at them to tell the truth and they had tried to tell him everything was ok here and that they were not scared but he had continued to yell at them to tell the truth. He didnt deny or attempt to explain why he did this. He asked if he could please pick them up the following day. After receiving the affidavit of Thomas Clarks I was shocked to read the extent of the accusations as on August 9th it was just that they didnt feel safe. I sat down with each Tiege and Macy at separate times and when Jacob was not home and told them I was worried they did not want to be here and asked if they felt safe. Both children answered yes. I asked them if they were afraid of Jacob and if he hit them. Both stated no. Tiege asked why I was asking the same questions his dad and Karli asked him. I explained I had been informed he and Macy were afraid to talk to me about being hurt and that I only wanted

what was best for them. I asked about each of Thomas Clarks accusations. Tiege began to cry and when asked why, he said he had told a lie. His dad and Karli kept telling him he was a liar and he needed to tell the truth so he lied and said Jacob did hit them so that he could just go play. Tiege stated that he and his sister have to lie otherwise Thomas and Karli just keep asking over and over. In Thomas Clarks affidavit he states that he questions Tiege multiple times concerning a bruise. This was not the only time Tiege has felt he had to give the answer his dad wanted to hear. As far as the portion about eating soap this first became an issue the summer of 2012. While living in Missouri in 2011 I allowed Tiege and Macy to spend time in May here in Wisconsin to see their dad, Thomas Clark. Most of their time was spent with my family not actually with Thomas. When they returned it was with foul language directed solely at me. By Tiege I was called many things including fat and lazy and was swore at. When I asked him why he let me know he was allowed to because his dad said it was ok and that is what his dad called me. I tried grounding and timeouts and he kept swearing and saying he hated me. This was bizarre behavior as Tiege has always been a very well behaved boy. Jacob let him know that when he was a kid he got soap in his mouth for swearing and if he continued to do so Tiege would also get soap in his mouth. I let Tiege know that when his dad, Thomas, called his mom that name that Thomas got whipped with a belt. Tiege said he would take the soap. A small amount of dish soap was put in his mouth which he proceeded to spit out and he said he would never swear again. When it came up the first time I explained it to Thomas and let him know it had never happened again. Macy has never drank soapy water and when asked she stated That is disgusting. Why would I do that? Thomas says in his statement that the kids say I am not mean and Jacob is only mean when I am gone. I am no longer working and due to my depression and anxiety I rarely leave the house. Jacob has never hit me, Tiege, Macy, or Asher. We do not live in fear of him. Thomas has not liked my husband Jacob Dobbs from the moment we began dating. He would call, drunk asking him how was his wife even though we were no longer together. He would not ask how the kids were doing it was just to say what a loser Jacob was. I feel this is personal and not at all about the safety of the children. When Thomas informed me that the children had told him they felt unsafe he asked what I would do. I would not let them return. I would go to court the very second I thought someone was harming my children. Not wait over a year. As to the amount of moving I have done it has been what I felt was in the best interest of the children. In the spring of 2011, we were living in Reedsburg, Wisconsin. Thomas at the time was staying with his sister who lived across the hall. Although he lived so close to the kids, Thomas rarely seen them, and at the time he stated it was to hard to see them because we lived with Jacob. They were hurt by this in fact one day Tiege came in crying because Thomas had said hi to Robby and said nothing to him.. Jacob was asked to come and help out his ailing father who lived in Missouri. I discussed this with the kids and attempted to discuss with Thomas but he was too involved with himself. I gave him options to say goodbye. He chose not to. By this time he was not living with his sister but with his parents. On the day we were leaving I had to go to Thomas Clarks parents and ask him if he wanted to say goodbye. The children felt he did not care about them so I hoped a move where Jacobs family wanted to meet and get to know them might help. On August 19th, 2011 my four month old niece was pronounced dead. She was murdered. Her babysitter is awaiting trial which begins in October 2013. I brought the kids with me to help my sister as they were very upset and did not want to be away from me. Tiege missed school due to this. We were here to help plan the funeral and left a few days after. At the end of October 2011 I decided to move back to Wisconsin as my family, and I were still taking it very hard and I felt I needed to

be there for them. My depression and anxiety worsened and I felt I could not be away from my kids. Tiege had missed some school due to being sad and grieving. He would wake up in the middle of the night and ask if Payten was really dead because he loved her and missed her. I moved me and the kids to my moms house in Sparta, Wisconsin right before Halloween. Jacob did not agree with the move and we broke up for a few weeks. By Thanksgiving he had also moved back. Because the move back was not well thought out it took a little to get back on our feet. In February 2012 we did move into a motel in La Crosse so that we could be closer to the kids. Thomas would not allow me to have children 50% of the time as he did not like that we were living in a motel. We moved from the motel to an apartment in April 2012. From that small apartment we moved into the 3 bedroom we are residing in now. The moves were made to benefit the whole family. Tiege and Macy each have their own room. Asher sleeps in his crib in our room. At one point my friends did stay with us. Mostly Thursday until Monday as they were looking for their own place and looking for jobs in the area. They were moving from Necedah so it was a long drive to look for work. They had moved out by the time Thomas filed his affidavit. Throughout the summer I have allowed Tiege and Macy to stay up past their normal 8:00pm bedtime as they do not have school or summer activities. Since school was starting the past two weeks when I have had them they have had to go to bed earlier. As far as clean clothes, Thomas has told me over and over that the kids are to wear the clothes they are sent in back to his house. There are times that Tiege is worried Karli will be mad if he wears anything different so he will make sure he wears even the same underwear. I tried to wash their clothes and was told to not wash them by Thomas. Macy stated that Karli gets mad if I wash them and asked me not to as well. The children mostly shower not take baths at my house and get asked if they have had a bath they reply no because they showered. Thomas does not notify me of doctor appointments. When I questioned him after he took Tiege to have a wart removed he let me know when the next appointment was. When I tried to go I was informed the appointment had been rescheduled but there was one open if I wanted to wait. I waited and discussed with Dr. Morgan the need to remove the wart because Tiege had told him he didnt want it removed. The doctor informed me that warts usually go away on their own and to remove it was purely cosmetic. Tiege said his dad must not like the way he looked. I did not have any wart treatment done that day and told Tiege if he wanted to keep it he could. I have recently begun to take the kids to see a chiropractor. There are many proven health benefits from chiropractic care. When I told Thomas they were going he asked what for and I told him he was more than welcome to come with so that the doctor could explain the benefits of chiropractic care. Thomas declined. I do have an informational sheet from the chiropractor that shows how a misalignment can cause a nerve to be pinch and depending on the nerve can cause problems throughout the body. At the start of the 2012-2013 school year my friend Ashlee and I took the children to their back to school night. Thomas is well aware of that as he met us there. He is also well aware of all the concerts as I make sure to tell the kids hi if it is his day and to have them or let them tell him hi if it is our day to have them. Thomas is well aware that I also attended Macys ballet recital as he came out and spoke with my mom, my sister and myself. I believe it was because Karli was not around that he was able to acknowledge my presence. My mom even sent a flowering plant home with Thomas for Macy that day. As I have never been informed of the IEP meetings I have not attended but I have worked with Tiege on his speech since he was learning to talk. He is very smart and can communicate well but talks quickly and will mispronounce words. We work on speaking slowly and deliberately so that it comes out clearer. When the children are with me after school we all work on homework together. Tiege has books he reads that

he finds interesting so I allow him time to read those and we work on his reading assignments at breakfast (mostly) so he doesnt feel wore out by them. Whenever Thomas has asked to speak to the children they are allowed to call him. As Thomas has told me reception isnt always the best and since he is unwilling to share his work schedule I do not just let the children call whenever. They have never been grounded for wanting to call. Only told they would have to wait until after 5 as I did not know if Thomas was working or not.

Because of these false accusations of physical abuse, the inaccuracy of Thomas Clarks information and the fact that he refuses to attend any additional mediation or meet with me, I am requesting that the court: 1) Keep the shared placement agreement with equal times between Mother and Father. a) Mother: Pick up Wednesdays at the school and will have until 5:30 pm Sunday. b) Father: Pick up Sunday at 5:30 and have until Mother picks up on Wednesday. c) Alternate Saturday nights 2) Award sole legal custody to Mother 3) Transportation: Exchanges to occur by the parent beginning placement to pick up from school, child care or agreed upon neutral location. 4) Any activities the children are signed up for will be agreed upon by both parents to split cost or it is the parents responsibility to cover cost if they sign children up without consent from other parent. 5) Appoint Guardian ad Litem if necessary or Custody Assessment Team if further investigation is required.

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