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Ministry of Defence

Defence Standard

80-55/Issue 3

7 November 1997


This Defence Standard supersedes Def Stan 80-55/Issue 2 dated 30 October 1992

DEF STAN 80-55/3






Revision Note Revised issue to amend composition clause and to remove the requirement for Type Approval.

Historical Record TS 10039 dated 2 December 1969 Def Stan 80-55/1 dated 22 December 1976 Def Stan 80-55/2 dated 30 October 1992

DEF STAN 80-55/3


This Defence Standard supersedes Def Stan 80-55/Issue 2 dated 30 October 1992

i This Defence Standard specifies the requirements for Paint, Finishing, Ammunition, General Service, Quick Drying, Semi-gloss, Brushing, Spraying and Dipping. ii This Standard has been produced on behalf of the Defence Engineering and Equipment Standardization Committee (DEESC) by the Paints Subcommittee (E12). iii This Standard has been agreed by the authorities concerned with its use and is intended to be used whenever relevant in all future designs, contracts, orders etc. and whenever practicable by amendment to those already in existence. If any difficulty arises which prevents application of the Defence Standard, the Directorate of Standardization shall be informed so that a remedy may be sought. iv Any enquiries regarding this Standard in relation to an invitation to tender or a contract in which it is incorporated are to be addressed to the responsible technical or supervising authority named in the invitation to tender or contract. v This Standard has been devised for the use of the Crown and its contractors in the execution of contracts for the Crown. The Crown hereby excludes all liability (other than liability for death or personal injury) whatsoever and howsoever arising (including, but without limitation, negligence on the part of the Crown its servants or agents) for any loss or damage however caused where the Standard is used for any other purpose.

DEF STAN 80-55/3

CONTENTS Preface Section One. General 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Scope WARNING Related Documents Description Information to be Supplied by the Purchaser Keeping Quality Quality Assurance Containers and Marking of Containers


3 3 3 4 5 5 5 5

Section Two. Material 9 10 Composition Test Requirements Test Requirements 7 7 8

Table A

Annex A Annex B Annex C Annex D

Preparation of Painted Test Panels Bend Test (heat aged) Determination of Scratch Resistance (heat aged) Determination of Resistance to Mineral Oil

A-1 B-1 C-1 D-1

DEF STAN 80-55/3 PAINT, FINISHING, AMMUNITION, GENERAL SERVICE, QUICK DRYING SEMI-GLOSS TYPES: BRUSHING, SPRAYING AND DIPPING Section One. General 1 Scope This Defence Standard specifies the requirements for a general service, quick drying semigloss paint suitable for use on the exterior of ammunition. 2 WARNING This Standard calls for the use of substances and/or procedures that may be injurious to health if adequate precautions are not taken. It refers only to technical suitability and in no way absolves either the designer, the producer, the supplier or the user from statutory and all other legal obligations relating to health and safety at any stage of manufacture or use. 3 Related Documents 3.1 The following documents and publications are referred to in the text of this Standard. Approved Code of Practice BS EN ISO 1513 BS EN ISO 1517 BS EN ISO 2431 BS EN 605 BS EN 23270 BS EN 29117 BS 3900 Def Stan 03-2 Def Stan 91-42 Control of Lead at Work Paints and Varnishes. Examination and Preparation of Samples for Testing Paints and Varnishes. Surface-drying Time. Ballotini Method Method for the Determination of Flow Time of Paints by Use of Flow Cups Paints and Varnishes. Standard Panels for Testing Specification for Temperature and Humidities for Conditioning and Testing Paint, Varnishes and their Raw Materials Paints and Varnishes. Determination of Through-dry State and Through-dry Time. Method of Test Methods of Test for Paints Cleaning and Preparation of Metal Surfaces Lubricating Oil, Petroleum: Compressor Light OM-58

3.2 Reference in this Standard to any related documents means in any invitation to tender or contract the edition and all amendments current at the date of such tender or contract unless a specific edition is indicated.

DEF STAN 80-55/3 3.3 The above series of documents are obtainable from the addresses shown below: DOCUMENT Approved Code Practice SOURCE HMSO Publications Centre PO Box 276 LONDON SW8 5DT Tele. 0171 873 9090 Fax. 0171 873 8200 British Standards British Standards Institution Customer Service 389 Chiswick High Road LONDON W4 4AL Tele. 0181 996 7000 Fax. 0181 996 7001 Defence Standards Ministry of Defence Directorate of Standardization Kentigern House 65 Brown Street GLASGOW G2 8EX Tele. 0141 224 2531 Fax. 0141 224 2503

4 Description 4.1 A quick drying semi-gloss finishing paint suitable for application by brushing, spraying and when thinned in accordance with the manufacturers instructions by dipping. 4.2 The paint is intended for application to ferrous and non-ferrous substrates which have been suitably prepared in accordance with Def Stan 03-2. 4.3 The paint is not recommended where the coating will be exposed to an outdoor weathering environment for prolonged periods. 4.4 The paint is available in a limited range of colours. 4.5 Under normal applications conditions the dry film thickness will be (20 5) m, or as specified in the process specification for the material being painted.

DEF STAN 80-55/3 5 Information to be Supplied by the Purchaser 5.1 The purchaser shall state clearly in the contract or order: The colour, and Type, e.g. brushing, of the paint required. If the paint is required to be a compliant coating as defined in the current Environmental Protection Regulations. 5.2 When a dipping paint is ordered, the flow time at which it is intended to apply the paint shall be stated as .......... seconds at (23 2)C through an ISO flow cup determined in accordance with BS EN ISO 2431. 6 Keeping Quality The paint, when stored in the original sealed containers at a temperature between 0 and 35C (solvent borne) or 5 and 35C (water borne), shall retain the properties described in this Standard for a period, from the date of dispatch by the manufacturer to the customer, of not less than 12 months. 7 Quality Assurance 7.1 Each batch shall comply with the tests in table A. 7.2 If any sample is found not to conform to this Standard, the whole batch shall be rejected. 8 Containers and Marking of Containers 8.1 The paint shall be filled into sound, clean and dry containers suitable for the product. Trade pattern containers will be accepted unless otherwise specified in the contract. 8.2 It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to mark containers in accordance with any legal requirements: in addition, the containers constituting a consignment shall each be legibly and durably marked with the following details:

DEF STAN 80-55/3

Designation of the material (as shown in the title of this Standard) Standard number, viz. Def Stan 80-55/3 Colour Type (e.g. brushing) Distinctive batch number Contract No (if appropriate) Date of dispatch by the manufacturer to the customer Manufacturer's name, initials or recognized trade mark Thinning Instructions (in the case of a dipping paint)

and such other markings as may be prescribed in the terms of the contract.

DEF STAN 80-55/3 Section Two. Material 9 Composition 9.1 The paint shall be a low soluble lead compound as defined in Appendix 2 of the Approved Code of Practice, Control of Lead at Work. 9.2 The material may be required to be a compliant coating as defined in the Environmental Protection Regulations current at the date of purchase. 10 Test Requirements 10.1 Test conditions Unless otherwise specified, all tests shall be carried out at the conditions specified in BS EN 23270. 10.2 Condition 10.2.1 When the paint in the original containers or in the laboratory sample container is examined in accordance with BS EN ISO 1513, it shall be free from extraneous matter and shall not show objectionable skinning, hard settlement, gelling or any other defects. 10.2.2 The paint shall be in a condition such that stirring easily produces a smooth, uniform paint suitable for the application by brushing, spraying, or dipping when thinned in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. 10.2.3 The paint thus prepared shall be used for the preparation of test panels (see annex A).

DEF STAN 80-55/3 10.4 Test requirements A sample taken from any portion of the supply shall comply with the requirements of the following table. Table A (Test Requirements) TEST NO 1 PROPERTY Application properties and finish Colour SYSTEM/ SUBSTRATE Single coat, burnished steel 300 x 300 mm or larger Single coat, burnished tinplate REQUIREMENT Smooth, even finish, free from sags, runs or other defects Match to the colour specified by the purchaser  30 minutes  30 minutes 50 5 units METHOD OF TEST Visual, 24 hours after application BS 3900:Part D1, under diffuse daylight, 24 hours after application BS EN ISO 1517 BS EN 29117 BS 3900:Part D5, using a 60 geometry gloss meter, 24 hours after application Annex B, 24 hours after application BS 3900:Part E2, using a load of 1000 g, 24 hours after application Annex C, 24 hours after application BS 3900:Part F4, for a period of 7 days, 7 days after application Annex D, 24 hours after application

3 4 5

Surface-dry time (water borne only) Hard-dry time (solvent borne only) Specular gloss

Single coat, burnished tinplate Single coat, burnished tinplate Single coat, burnished steel

Bend test

Single coat, acid chromate pickled soft aluminium Single coat, acid chromate pickled hard aluminium Single coat, acid chromate pickled hard aluminium Single coat, burnished steel Single coat, burnished tinplate

No cracking or loss of adhesion No penetration to the substrate No penetration to the substrate No blistering or corrosion of the substrate No film deterioration

Scratch resistance

Scratch resistance (heat aged) Resistance to continuous salt spray Resistance to mineral oil



Preparation of Painted Test Panels A.1 For the purposes of tests 1 to 10 inclusive in table A, use test panels complying with and applied in accordance with the relevant requirements of BS EN 605. A.2 Apply the paint by the appropriate method to the specified type of panel and allow to dry in a vertical attitude with free access of air for the specified time at the conditions specified in BS EN 23270. A.3 Apply the paint to the test panels at a spreading rate sufficient to produce a single dry coat with a mass in accordance with the following table. DENSITY OF THE PAINT IN THE PREPARED FOR USE CONDITION g/mL Up to 1.0 Over 1.0 MASS/UNIT AREA OF THE DRIED FILM g/m 25 5 35 5


Collation Page

DEF STAN 80-55/3 ANNEX B Bend Test (heat aged) B.1 Apparatus An oven capable of maintaining a temperature of (60 2)C. B.2 Procedure B.2.1 Expose the panel for 24 hours in an oven maintained at (60 2)C. B.2.2 Remove the panel from the oven and allow to stand at the conditions specified in BS EN 23270 for one hour. B.2.3 Test in accordance with BS 3900:Part E1 using Type 1 Apparatus fitted with a mandrel 6 mm in diameter.


Collation Page

DEF STAN 80-55/3 ANNEX C Determination of Scratch Resistance (heat aged) C.1 Apparatus An oven capable of maintaining a temperature of (60 2)C. C.2 Procedure C.2.1 Expose the panel for 24 hours in an oven maintained at (60 2)C. C.2.2 Remove the panel from the oven and allow to stand at the conditions specified in BS EN 23270 for one hour. C.2.3 Test in accordance with BS 3900:Part E2 using of a load of 800 g.


Collation Page

DEF STAN 80-55/3 ANNEX D Determination of Resistance to Mineral Oil D.1 Apparatus An oven capable of maintaining a temperature of (50 2)C. D.2 Procedure D.2.1 Test the painted panel in accordance with BS 3900:Part G5, Method 1, Procedure A using mineral oil OM 58 complying with Def Stan 91-42, at a temperature of (50 2)C. D.2.2 Immerse half the panel for a period of 2 hours. Remove the panel and wipe with a pad of cotton wool soaked in white spirit to remove excess oil, allow to cool for 30 minutes and examine.


Collation Page

Collation Page

DEF STAN 80-55/3

Crown Copyright 1997 Published by and obtainable from: Ministry of Defence Directorate of Standardization Kentigern House 65 Brown Street Glasgow G2 8EX Tel No: 0141-224-2531 Fax: 0141-224 2503

This Standard may be fully reproduced except for sale purposes. The following conditions must be observed: 1. The Royal Coat of Arms and the publishing imprint are to be omitted. 2. The following statement is to be inserted on the cover: "Crown Copyright. Reprinted by (name of organization) with the permission of Her Majesty's Stationery Office." Requests for commercial reproduction should be addressed to MOD Stan 1, Kentigern House, 65 Brown Street, Glasgow G2 8EX.

The following Defence Standard file reference relates to the work on this Standard - D/D Stan/343/02/77(Stan 5C) Contract Requirements When Defence Standards are incorporated into contracts users are responsible for their correct application and for complying with contract requirements. Revision of Defence Standards Defence Standards are revised when necessary by the issue either of amendments or of revised editions. It is important that users of Defence Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or editions. Information on all Defence Standards is contained in DEF STAN 00-00 (Part 3) Section 4, Index of Standards for Defence Procurement - Defence Standards Index published annually and supplemented periodically by Standards in Defence News. Any person who, when making use of a Defence Standard encounters an inaccuracy or ambiguity is requested to notify the Directorate of Standardization without delay in order that the matter may be investigated and appropriate action taken.

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