Block Figure

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This is the first and most important step to take when planning to start fashion illustration. It is not required to memorise this figure, but you should understand it and keep it with you for help at any step while drawing. It gives the base that you will use every time you will draw in future. Make sure to zoom it to be able to read the measurements, and eventually even print it. Not all measurements are important. What is the most important is:

the height of the figure the 10 heads division the length of a head the position and length of the shoulders, bust, hands, waist and knees.

3... 2... 1... START!

Draw a vertical line of 12 1/2'' (ten heads)

Divide the line into ten parts, and write 0,1,2,3,4,...,10 at every point of division. These are the red numbers in the figure.

The head block

Now, from point 0 to point 1 there is the head block. It is a rectangle. Its length is one head, and width is 6B (3B + 3B). The line of the eyes is halfway between point 0 and point 1.

The neck block

The block is a rectangle too. It starts from point 1 and goes down 4B. So, its length is 4B and its width is 2B (1B + 1B on each side of the line).

The shoulder level

To make the shoulder line, go down 2B from the neck block. That is the point from where you go 7B right and 7B left and create the 14B shoulder line.

After that, unite with two lines the lower edges of the neck block with the extremities of the shoulder line, like shown in figure.

The bust level and the waist level

The bust line is drawn at point 2. Starting from point 2, go 6B right and 6B left and create the 12B bust line. The waist line is drawn at point 3. Starting from there, go 4B right and 4B left and draw the 8B (1 inch!) waist line. After both lines are drawn, unite the extremities of the shoulder line with the respective extremities of the waistline, to form a trapezium shape, resembling with the shape of a chest.

The waist curve

Go 2B down from point 3. This point is the point where the waist curve line is drawn. From here, go 4-and1/2 B right and 4-and1/2 B left and create the 9B waist curve line.

After this, unite the respective extremities of the waist curve line with the extremities of the waist line.

The hip level

The hip line is drawn at point 4. From this point, go 6B right and 6B left and trace the 12B hip line. After this, unite the respective extremities of the line with the waist curve line extremities.

The knee level

The knee level is situated halfway between points 6 and 7. From that point, go 4B right and 4B left and draw the 8B knee line. Unite the extremities of this line with the ones of the prior line, as earlier done.

The knee curve

This level is situated at point 7. From here, go 4-and1/2B right and 4-and1/2B left and trace the 9B knee curve line. Unite extremities.

Ankle level

This level is situated at 2B lower than point 9. From there , go 2B right and 2B left and trace the 4B ankle line. Unite extremities.

Feet level

It is situated at point 10. From there, go 4B right and 4B left and draw the 8B feet line. Dont forget to unite extremities!

The arms and hands

From any of the extremities of the shoulder line, go 5B down on the trapezium shape line. From that lower point, draw a 3(inches) line that goes 4B away from the hip line. At the end of that line (3), draw a 2B perpendicular line away from body, as if trying to draw a wrist line. Finally, unite that point with the extremity of the shoulder line in that side of body.

To draw the hand, follow as explained in drawing. There is no exact angle for the fingers, as this part is not important.

The elbow point is at the mid of the arm.

ROBO FIGURE - LESSON TWO What extra will you need here?

A sheet with the block figure in real size A gateway sheet Glue or tape Scissors or cutter

The robo figure teaches you about the points from where the figure bends ( the joints). It also helps you visualize the human body better and gives you a clearer idea about the correctness of the pose that you are planning to make. For example, keeping the robo figure in your mind, you can easily conclude that if in some pose the left shoulder moves up, then the left hip moves down! The figure also helps you to draw the model very well later on.

The robo figure i have sketched on the gateway sheet, over the block figure

3... 2... 1... START!

Take the gateway sheet and put it over the block figure in such a way that it covers it from head to toes. If it is an A3 size sheet, cut it in half. Fix the sheet with the help of some glue or tape. Dont put glue/tape on the block figure! The head The shape of the head resembles an egg, pointing downwards. So, first make a semi-circle in the upper half of the head block. Then, make a pointed semi-circle in the lower half of the head block. Look at the robo figures I have posted too. The neck

Here its a joint, or a ball/sphere. It is drawn as a circle of in diameter, with the center in the middle of the neck block. The shoulders Trace the shoulder line. Unite with the neck joint as you can see in the posted figures. Now, the shoulder joints are circles of in diameter, and their center is NOT at the extremities of the shoulder line. The circles are tangent with the shoulder line (more exactly with its extremities), and their center is on the exterior line of the arms. The chest Just trace the trapezium block, from the block figure. Make sure to make the bottom side of the trapezium a bit rounder, to give the robo figure a 3D look. The bust The apex level (the line on which the apex points/pivot points are situated) is 2B lower than the Bust Level on the block figure. Considering this, the markings on the robo figure (posted here) are done approximately 3B lower than the Bust Level from the block figure. The waist The waist joint is a circle of in diameter, with its center 1B down from point 3 (the red point from the vertical, 10 heads division line). The waist curve At the waist curve level, draw two curves with the extremities at the waist curve line, to give a 3D effect. Consult the drawing from the site. The hip and crotch The crotch level is 2B lower than the hip level, and 2B wide (1B + 1B). From the extremities of the crotch line, go up in a curved line (left or right) and stop 2B higher than the hip level. From there, unite with the waist curve lines extremity. The curved lines give a 3D effect of two cavities in which the leg joints reside. The thighs There are two joints here, with the hip. The circles are in diameter and are having the center situated on the hip level line. There is no exact distance

between the circles, just make them look at the middle of the curved lines (hip cavities). Now, make two curves under each joint (circle) starting from the extremity of the hip line until the extremity of the crotch line. Trace the rest from the block figure, and give them a curvy shape. Make sure to make the thighs end 1B above the knee level, and curve the bottom line to give a cylindrical appearance. The knees These are joints again. The circles are in diameter, with the centers situated on the knee level line. Make two curved lines under each circle, shorter than the knee level line, to give a cylindrical look for the calves. The calves Just trace from the bock figure in a curvy shape, starting from the curved lines under the knee joints. End the shape 1/2B above the ankle level line, and curve the bottom line. The ankles The two joints here are circles of 1/8 in diameter and the centers are situated on the ankle level line. The feet Try to give them a shape like it is shown in the figure from the site, and draw two curved lines under each ankle joint. The shape of feet is of small importance, they just have to be drawn inside the block figures feet limits. The arms, forearms, elbows and wrists As you well know, the arm length is 3. The elbows are at the middle, so, at 1and1/2 of the arm length. The joints are circles of in diameter, and the centers are in the middle of the arm. The wrist joints are circles of 1/8 in diameter and are situated at the middle of the wrist level line. For both the arms and forearms, trace from the block figure, and try to give a curved cylindrical shape. At each joint, try to show the 3D aspects of the cylinders that come in touch with the spheres. If you have done the rest of the figure so far, it will be easy to complete this part too.

The hand Here too, just like the feet, try to give the shape as it is shown in the site figure, and draw two curved lines under the wrist joints. The length of the hand here is less than the length of the hand on the block figure, but its of little importance.

FLESHED FIGURE - LESSON THREE What extra will you need here?

The robo figure in real size (It is best if you have the robo figure on gateway sheet from the previous lesson, together with the block figure on the cartridge sheet) A gateway sheet (A3) Glue or tape

The geometry part is over. Now, real drawing starts. The fleshed figure is drawn on a gateway sheet, for a start, over the robo figure. The robo figure will help creating a natural shape, and it will automatically teach you how to draw good. If you start directly from the block figure, it will be more difficult. 3... 2... 1... START! Fix a gateway sheet over the robo figure (where the robo figure is already fixed over the block figure).

The head

Trace the robo head shape, but with the jaw line 1B longer.

The neck, shoulders, arms

Trace the neck almost as thick as the robo figures neck circle / joint. Make a jewel neckline. Trace the shoulders from the robo figure. Trace the arms continuing from the shoulders, and give a very natural looking shape.

Make a curvy shape and consider gravity a bit. Look at photos with models, and see the body shapes.

Look closely how the wrists are done. Make the hands, as you find appropriate.

The body

Shape the bust, following the robo figure and give a curvy shape. Make the waist a bit thinner than the block figure. Trace the thighs from the arcade of the thigh & hip joint. Make the knees thinner than the block figure, and shade like in drawing, or as you wish. Trace the knee curve. Make the ankles thinner and make a round shape for feet. You can even make the feet with toes, and the hands with fingers if you care to.

The dotted lines on the figure are made to show better the body shape. On each side, the line starts from the middle of the block figures shoulder and goes through the apex point. It further crosses the waist line, 2B away from the extremity of the waist line (of the thinner waist) and stops 2B away from the extremity of hip, on the bikini line.

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