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Management of Patient: Doctors order for LSCS

Dr. Vijendra Kumar, M.S. (Ay.) I.M.S.-B.H.U.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Nil per orally 2 InjD-5 i.v. slow 1 Inj DNS 1 Inj Isolyte- M 1 amp. In IVF Inj MVI & Redoxin st nd 10 & 5 units in 1 & 2 Inj Syntocinone 1.5 gm Inj Oframax forte i.v. 12 hrly. 100 ml Inj Metro i.v. 8 hrly. 1 amp. Inj Aciloc i.v. 12 hrly. 1 amp. InjTrenexa i.v. 8 hrly. 1 amp. Inj Dynapar i.m. 8 hrly. To maintain GC and record vitals of Pt., U.O.P., BP/V., regularly

Oral sips allowed: Ajwain water (2 ltr. Boied water + 50 gm. ajwaain) 1. Inj2 D-5 i.v. slow 2. Inj 1 DNS 3. Inj 1 Isolyte- M 4. Inj 1 amp. In IVF MVI & Redoxin 5. Inj 1.5 gm Oframax forte i.v. 12 hrly. 6. Inj 100 ml Metro i.v. 8 hrly. 7. Inj Genta 80 mg i.v. 12 hrly. 8. Inj 1 amp. Aciloc i.v. 12 hrly. 9. Inj1 amp. Trenexa i.v. 8 hrly. 10. Inj 1 amp. Dynapar i.m. 8 hrly. To maintain GC and record vitals of Pt., U.O.P., BP/V., regularly

1. 2. 3. 4. Free fuid allowed :Water, Munga Daal Paani, 1.5 gm Inj Oframax forte i.v. Inj Genta 80 mg i.v. Tab Metrogyl 400 mg Tab Arodase-D /Sharp-D /Lyser-D Tab Limcee Cap Becosules 12 hrly. 12 hrly. 1 TDS 1 TDS

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

dqihyq fgaXokfn oVh newy dk; r`.kiapewy dk;


20 ml 20 ml

Management of Patient: Doctors order for LSCS

Dr. Vijendra Kumar, M.S. (Ay.) I.M.S.-B.H.U. To maintain GC and record vitals of Pt. regularly

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Semisolid : Daliya, Saabudana khichadi, Khichadi, Inj Genta 80 mg i.v. Tab Metrogyl 400 mg Tab Ciplox 500 mg /Zifi/Topcef /200mg Tab Arodase-D/ Tab Limcee Cap Becosules 12 hrly. 1 TDS 1 BD 1 1 1 1 TDS OD OD TDS

dqihyq fgaXokfn oVh newy dk; r`.kiapewy dk;

20 ml


20 ml BD To maintain GC and record vitals of Pt. regularly

POD-4th ,5th, 6th & 7th

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Diet as Advised: easily digestible Inj Genta 80 mg Tab Metrogyl 400 mg Tab Ciplox/Ceftas-o 500 mg /Zifi/Topcef-o /200mg Tab Arodase-D/ Tab Limcee Cap Becosules i.v. 12 hrly. 1 TDS 1 BD 1 TDS 1 OD 1 OD 1 TDS 20 ml 20 ml BD BD

dqihyq fgaXokfn oVh newy dk; r`.kiapewy dk;

Tab Cap Limcee Becosules

To maintain GC and record vitals of Pt. regularly

POD-7th Stitch Removal

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1 OD 1 OD 1 TDS 20 ml BD

dqihyq fgaXokfn oVh newy dk; r`.kiapewy dk;

20 ml BD To maintain GC and record vitals of Pt. regularly

POD-8th Disharge.

Management of Patient: Doctors order for LSCS

Dr. Vijendra Kumar, M.S. (Ay.) I.M.S.-B.H.U. :Pre-Op Advice: Parts to be prepared. S/W Enema to be given Ornaments and nail paints to be removed. OT gown to be given. Consent to be taken. Adv. Soft Diet to be taken as dinner. Enema to be given at 10:00 PM. Nil Per orally after 10:00 PM (6-8 hrs. Before OT entry) Tab-Albendazole 400 mg 1 HS. Tab- Dulcolax 1 HS. Tab- Alprax 0.25 mg 1 HS. (NOT FOR LSCS) Inj- RL i.v. slow ( 30 minute before shift in OT)

Management of Patient: Doctors order for LSCS

Dr. Vijendra Kumar, M.S. (Ay.) I.M.S.-B.H.U.

DRUG LIST FOR OT Venflon 18 G I.V. set ( Drip Set)B.T. setUrobagFoleys CatheterXylocaine Jelly 2%Distill. WaterInj- RL Inj-D5 Inj- DNS Inj- D10 Inj- NS (100 ml)Inj- Glyco Inj- Aciloc Inj- Perinorm Inj- Sensorcaine HeavyInj- Efipress Inj-TamadolInj- TranexaInj- Synto-

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