Dispelling Myths - Cristina Amaya

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DISPELLING MYTHS It is necessary to dispel some myths about how acquire a second language or the relationship between the

first language and the second language. Sometimes, it is hard for an adult learn a second language, but in the other hand for children is easier because they do not translate a word into its mother tongue. Now, it has cropped up some arguments of how teach through methods or procedures on basis the first language acquisition: first, a child when is learning its mother tongue always is practicing, he never stop to think if he is doing correctly, always is repeating words that listen from the people who live with him, he lives his childhood trying to practice and repeat every word again and again, at this stage he practices his language almost all the time, that is why, we as a teachers have to practice the language, speaking as many as possible, in the classroom. Second, in a learning process the student has to imitate everything, and we must to applied methods that can allow to the student imitates every word that someone else says while the class is going on. Third, we practice words in separate sounds, I mean one word by one, and then we try to practice words to sentences, this could be the natural order in order to speak the language. Fourth, we should be awareness that a child first develop his speaking and listening skills. If we pay attention to the growth of a child he first listens words and then he speaks the word that someone has said, in this way we have to teach to our students. It is not a mandatory that a child or a teenager write or read the second language, at first. Fifth, the natural order that a learning process of a first and second language have to be clear is listening, speaking, reading and writing. Sixth, if when we were children, we did not need to translate any word, so it is the same for the second language acquisition; and the last one tell us that, at the beginning a child use the language without grammar, but it is equally necessary to know about grammatical points learning a foreign language. Therefore, there is point of view which thinks that a pupil that laps up its vocabulary, the pronunciation in some lapses it would be less and morphology and syntax becomes easy instead of being annoying. A teacher has to demythologize some old-fashion methods or procedures in order to learning and mainly, teaching to students without any trouble that can hinder the second language acquisition. However, there are some cognitive theories that may get confuse, by around 1964 David Ausubel raised some warning signals that occur with then audio-lingual methods which is based on the behaviorist theory and teach a foreign language through a system of reinforcement. Then he issued some warnings and statements: the learning practice of audio-lingual drills lacked of meaningfulness of the acquisition of the first and second language, and for adults the understanding of grammar structure it would be easy because they have all the cognitive capacities to understand grammar. Also that a second language it could be easier to learn, because the first language is not interfering with this. These were the conclusion that ausubel gave and may be it was ahead at its time but everything have a change and perhaps theories of how to acquire a second language also change. Cristina Amaya

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