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Prva Pismena Rabota po Angliski jazik

Name _____________ Date__________

1. Translate the next words from Macedonian to English.

- liljak_________; pe{teri ___________; istra`uva__________; ukrasi_________; -vodopai_________; vidik/pogled_________; stalagmiti_______ 10p/____ tuneli_________; ~uda_________; -bazent_______

2. Use the words to form interrogative and negative form of Past simple. - play football/ yesterday?

-sleep late/ last Monday?

-watch TV/yesterday evening?

-meet your friends/ last Sunday afternoon?

-talk to your aunt/last weekend?


3. Fill in the gaps with -who, which, whose -Albert Nobel, the man _______________ invented dynamite, was born in Sweden. -John Spilsbury, _________ created the first jigsaw puzzle, was also mapmaker. -The modern yo-yo is a toy_______ first appeared in the Philippines in 16th century. -A doll, _______ archaeologist found in an ancient Egypt, and its the oldest known toy. - Tim Banners Lee is the Englishman_______ invented The World Wide Web. 10p/____

4. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate modal verb using negative form of CAN/COULD. - John was ill. He__________ come with us. -Susan has to wear glasses. She ______________ see very well. - They ____________ move around easily because they have fast car. - Peter ________read until was seven. - Tony _________ play the guitar well at the age of four. -It was so dark that we __________take any picture. -Its very cold today. We _________ sit in the garden. -Im not working today. We________ go shopping together. -I________ talk when I was three. - Harry ____________ count to hundred when he was six. 10p/____

5. Fill in the blanks with comparative or superlative. The flat where I am living now isnt_____________ (large) the flat I had in Rio. The bedrooms are________ (small) than the ones in the other flat. The living room is________(big) the one in

the other flat, but the kitchen is ________(dark) the other kitchen. I like my flat in Sao Paolo very much , because it is in a ________(good) district in the town. 10p/____

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