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Section 4 Exponents and Scientific Notation

Skill 9 Defining an Exponent
An exponent shows how many times a base is used as a factor in a product. Exponents may be positive or negative integers or zero. E xample 1 Find the value of 34. 34 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 34 5 81 E xample 2 Evaluate 1023 . A power with a negative exponent is equal to the reciprocal of that power with a positive exponent.
1 1023 5 3 10

You Will Use this Skill in Science

 Understanding the Decibel Scale  Comparing Very Large or Very Small Numbers Using the pH Scale


math vocabulary
A product represented as a base with an exponent is called a power. 43 is a power of 4. exponent 43 base

1 1 5 10 3 10 3 10 103 1 1 10 3 10 3 10 5 1,000 or 0.001

Notice that in the denominator 10 is used as a factor 3 times. E xample 3 270 A power with an exponent of 0 has a value of 1. 270 5 1

TRY it yourself!
Write each power as a product of factors. Then evaluate.
1. 104 2. 223 3. 1025

Write each expression as a power. Then evaluate.

4. 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 5. 10 3 10 3 10

1 6. 10 3 10 3 10 3 10

Find the value of each power.

7. 105 10. 50 8. 623 11. 1022 39
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9. 1024 12. 721

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Skill 9 Problem-Solving Practice: Intensity of Sound

Sound intensity can be measured in watts per square meter (W/m2) or decibels (dB). Decibels are related to watts per square meter as shown in the table. To compare sound levels in decibels, find the difference in the number of decibels. To compare sound levels in watts per square meter, use a ratio. Example Intensity (W/m2) Intensity (dB) 0 20 40 60 80 100

Complete silence Recording studio Relaxing in a quiet room Talking at the dinner table Sample Problem: Jason wants to know how the sound he experiences Riding to school in a car riding in a car compares to the sound of talking at the dinner table. Using power Compare the sound intensities using tools in shop class watts per square meter.
1. Read and Understand

10212 10210 1028 1026 1024 1022

What is the sound intensity of riding in a car? (1024 W/m2) What is the sound intensity of talking at the dinner table? (1026 W/m2) Write a ratio to compare the sound intensities.
1024 5 1026 10 3 10 3 10 106 Simplify the ratio. 5 4 10 3 10 10 10 2 4 W> m2 10 2 6 W> m2

2. Plan and Solve

Use reciprocals to rewrite the ratio.

106 104 3 10 3 10 3 10 5 100 3 10 3 10

The sound intensity for riding in a car is 100 times greater than talking at dinner.
3. Look Back and Check

Is the answer reasonable? (Yes, riding in a car is noisier than talkingquietly.)

TRY it yourself!
1. Find the difference in decibels between using power tools in shop class

andrelaxing in a quiet room. Then compare the sounds using watts per squaremeter.

2. Describe any patterns you see in the table of sound intensities.

3. Use the data in the table. Explain why a change of 10 decibels is equal to a

tenfold change in watts per square meter.

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Name Class


Skill 10 Expressing Numbers in Scientific Notation

In scientific notation a very large or very small number is written as the product of a decimal and a power of 10. The decimal must be 1.0 or greater but less than 10. E xample 1 Write 6,780,000,000 in scientificnotation. Move the decimal point 9 places to the left to form a number between 1 and 10. Write the product of 6.78 and a power of 10 with an exponent equal to the number of places the decimal point moved. You Will Use this Skill in Science
 Describing Very Large Distances as Used in Astronomy  Describing Very Small Distances as Used in Molecular Research


6. 7 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. S 6.78

6.78 3 109

E xample 2 Write 0.000000501 in scientificnotation. Move the decimal point 7 places to the right to form a number between 1 and 10. Write the product of 5.01 and a power of 10 with27 as the exponent. 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 5. 0 1 S 5.01 5.01 3 1027

E xample 3 Write 2.076 3 108 in standardform. Write 2.076. Move the decimal point 8 places to the right since the exponent is 8. Add commas. 2 . 0 7 6 0 0 0 0 0 . S 207,600,000

E xample 4 Write 6.108 3 1026 in standard form. Write 6.108. Move the decimal point 6 places to the left since the exponent is 26. Place a 0 before the decimal point. . 0 0 0 0 0 6 . 1 0 8 S 0.000006108

TRY it yourself!
Write each number in scientific notation.
1. 56,782,500,000 2. 0.00000807 3. 100.001

Write each number in standard form.

4. 2.308 3 108 5. 4.009 3 1025 6. 8.0901 3 105

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Skill 10 Problem-Solving Practice: Units of Distance

Scientists work with different units of distance depending on the nature of their work. Some examples of units ofdistance are listed in the table at theright. Task Finding distances in the solar system Measuring distances between atoms Finding nautical depths Measuring distances in galaxies Unit astronomical unit (AU) angstrom () fathom light-year Distance 149,597,870 km 10210 m 6 ft 9.4607 3 1012 km

Sample Problem: Ana rounded an astronomical unit to the nearest million kilometers and wrote it in scientific notation as 15 3 107 km. Zena said it is 1.5 3 108 km. Who is right? Why?
1. Read and Understand

What is an astronomical unit? (149,597,870 km) What is scientific notation? (a way to write numbers using powers of 10)
2. Plan and Solve

Round 149,597,870 km to the nearest million kilometers. Write 150,000,000 in scientific notation. Find the person who answered correctly.

150,000,000 km 1.5 3 108 Zena

Explain why the other person is wrong.  The decimal factor in scientific notation must be between 1 and 10.
3. Look Back and Check

Does the answer make sense? (Yes, the answer uses the correct format for scientific notation.)

TRY it yourself!
1. Which distance in the table is written in scientific notation? Explain. 2. Write the distance of a fathom in scientific notation. 3. Use standard form and scientific notation to write the number of meters in

4. Write the number of kilometers in a light-year in standard form. 5. Which unit represents the greatest distance? Explain your reasoning.

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Skill 11 Addition and Subtraction in Scientific Notation

To add or subtract numbers in scientific notation, You Will Use this makesure that the exponents in the powers of 10 are Skill in Science the same. Add or subtract the decimal factors. Write the sum or difference as a product with the power of10.  Finding Distances between Check that the answer is still in scientific notation. Planets in the Solar System Rewrite if needed.  Describing the Sizes of Atoms and Molecules


E xample 1 (3.230 3 105) 1 (6.034 3 105) The exponents are the same. Add 3.23 and 6.034. 3.230 1 6.034 9.264 9.264 3 105 7.23 2 6.89 0.34 0.34 3 108 3.4 3 107

Write the product of 9.264 and 105 . E xample 2 (7.23 3 108) 2 (6.89 3 108) The exponents are the same. Subtract 6.89 from 7.23. Write the product of 0.34 and 108 . Rewrite in scientific notation. E xample 3 (1.03 3 104) 1 (2.089 3 105) The exponents are not the same. Rewrite, using the same exponents. Add 0.103 and 2.089. Write the product of 2.192 and 105 .

1.03 3 104 5 0.103 3 105 0.103 1 2.089 2.192 2.192 3 105

TRY it yourself!
Add or subtract.
1. (7.6 3 105) 1 (3.2 3 105) 2. (9.09 3 1024) 2 (2.9 3 1024)

3. (5.4 3 109) 1 (6.02 3 109)

4. (2.308 3 108) 2 (3.33 3 107)

5. (4.08 3 1025) 2 (5.9 3 1026)

6. (8.0901 3 103) 1 (2.22 3 102)

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Skill 11 Problem-Solving Practice: Planets of the Solar System

The average distances from the Sun and the masses of the planets in the solar system are large numbers that are best expressed in scientific notation. Sample Problem: Use the table. Find the combined mass of the three planets closest to the Sun. Write the answer.
1. Read and Understand

Planet Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune

Average Distance from Sun (km) 5.8 3 107 1.08 3 108 1.50 3 108 2.28 3 108 7.78 3 108 1.430 3 109 2.870 3 109 4.500 3 109

Mass (kg) 3.30 3 1023 4.87 3 1024 5.976 3 1024 6.418 3 1023 1.899 3 1027 5.685 3 1026 8.684 3 1025 1.02 3 1026

What are the three planets closestto the Sun? (Mercury, Venus, Earth) What operation is used to find the combined mass? (addition)
2. Plan and Solve

3.30 3 1023 5 0.330 3 1024 4.87 3 1024 5 4.87 3 1024 1 5.976 3 1024 5 5.976 3 1024 11.176 3 1024 11.176 3 1024 5 1.1176 3 1025 1.1176 3 1025 kg

Rewrite so the exponents are the same. Then add. Check whether the answer is written in scientific notation. Rewrite if needed. Label the answer with the correct unit.
3. Look Back and Check

Does the answer make sense? (Yes, rounding the masses and adding gives 1.1 3 1025 kg which is close to 1.1176 3 1025 kg.)

TRY it yourself!
Write each answer in scientific notation.
1. What is the difference in mass between the planet with the greatest mass

andthe planet with the least mass?

2. What is the average distance between Earth and Mars?

3. What is the average distance between Venus and Uranus?

4. Use the data in the table to write two problems that involve addition

andsubtraction with scientific notation.

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Copyright Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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Skill 12 Multiplication and Division in Scientific Notation

To multiply in scientific notation, first multiply the decimal factors. Then multiply the powers of 10 by adding the exponents. Write the new product in scientific notation. E xample 1 (4.3 3 105) 3 (5.04 3 103) Multiply the decimal factors. Multiply the powers by adding the exponents. Write the product in scientific notation. To divide in scientific notation, first divide the decimal factors. Then divide the powers of 10 by subtracting the exponents. Write the new product in scientific notation. E xample 2 (7.20 3 108) 4 (1.89 3 104) Divide the decimal factors. Round the quotient to the nearest hundredth. Divide the powers by subtracting the exponents. Write the quotient in scientific notation. 7.20 4 1.89 < 3.81 108 4 104 5 108 2 4 5 104 3.81 3 104 You Will Use this Skill in Science
 Finding Relationships Among Distance Units  Using the Wave Equation


4.3 3 5.04 5 21.672 105 3 103 5 105 1 3 5 108 21.672 3 108 5 2.1672 3 109

TRY it yourself!
Multiply or divide.
1. (3.7 3 105) 3 (6.3 3 104) 2. (1.595 3 104) 4 (2.9 3 105)

3. (3.2 3 107) 3 (5.01 3 105)

4. (3.09 3 106) 4 (1.03 3 1028)

5. (7.777 3 103) 4 (1.1 3 1027)

6. (9.01 3 105) 3 (2.22 3 1023)

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Skill 12 Problem-Solving Practice: Exploring Radio Waves

Radio waves are electromagnetic waves that are used for many kinds ofcommunication, including radio and television broadcasts. The speed, wavelength, and frequency of a radio wave are related by this equation: Speed 5 Wavelength 3 Frequency In space, radio waves travel at the speed of light, or about 3 3 108 m/s. Sample Problem: An amateur radio operator broadcasts at a frequency of 1.818 3 106 Hz. What is the wavelength of the broadcast?
1. Read and Understand

What equation is needed to solve this problem? (Wavelength 5 Frequency) What frequency is the amateur radio operator using? (1.818 3 106 Hz)
2. Plan and Solve


Write the equation. Substitute the known values. Be sure to includeunits.

21 Solve the equation. (Hint: 1 Hz 5 1 s 5 s )

Wavelength 5 Frequency Wavelength 5 Wavelength 5 5

1.818 3 106 Hz 3 3 108 m> s 1.818 3 106 s21 3 3 108 m> s


3 3 108 m 1.818 3 106 3 5 1.818 3 108 2 6 m

Label the answer with the correctunit.

3. Look Back and Check

< 1.65 3 102 m

Is the computation done correctly? Is the unit in the answer correct?

3 3 108 3 3 108 (Yes, 1.818 , or 150. Unit analysis shows no errors.) 6 is close to 3 10 2 3 106

TRY it yourself!
1. A local television station broadcasts at a wavelength of 6 m. At what frequency

is it broadcasting?

2. A satellite communication system transmits at 6 3 109 Hz. What is the

wavelength of the transmission?

3. An AM radio station broadcasts at 1.2 3 106 Hz. At what wavelength does this

station broadcast?

Math Skill and Problem-Solving Activities
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Section 4 Review
When do elephants have eight feet? To find out, locate the correct answers at the bottom of the page and shade the letters above them. The remaining letters answer the riddle. (Hint: Some answers may be written as decimals.)
1. Evaluate: 922 2. (1.25 3 102) 3 (8.0 3 103) 5 3. Evaluate: 103 5 4. (2.5 3 106) 3 (2.0 3 103) 5 5. (1.25 3 105) 3 (4.0 3 102) 5 6. Evaluate: 10 2 5 5 7. (9.5 3 108) 2 (2.5 3 108) 5 8. Evaluate: 34 9. (7.5 3 106) 4 (2.5 3 102) 5 10. (1.5 3 106) 4 (3.0 3 1023) 5 11. (3.5 3 1023) 1 (2.5 3 1023) 5 12. (3.5 3 105) 3 (2.0 3 1023) 5 13. Evaluate: 323 14. Evaluate: 1023 5

2 10

1 1,000

6 3 103

1 81

5 3 105

1 9



6 3 1023 1 3 106


7 3 109


1 27


1 2



5 3 108 4 3 103




7 3 102 5 3 109

5 3 107 100,000 7 3 108 3 3 104

Math Skill and Problem-Solving Activities
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Problem-Solving Practice for Section 4

Solve each problem.
1. Complete silence has a sound intensity 6. What is the frequency of an

of sound intensity of 1024 W/m2. How many times greater is the sound intensity in a car than complete silence?


W/m2. Riding in a car has a

electromagnetic wave with a wavelength of 5 meters? Remember, electromagnetic waves travel at a speed of about 3 3 108 m/s.

2. There are approximately 6.02 3 1023

atoms of carbon-12 in 12 grams of carbon-12. About how many atoms of carbon-12 would there be in 60 grams?

Use the Table for Problems 79. Unit Distance (km) Astronomical unit Light-year Parsec

149.6 3 106 km 9.46 3 1012 km 3.09 3 1013 km

Hint: Round decimals to the nearest thousandth in your answers.

3. The mass of Jupiter is 1.899 3 1027 kg.

kg. The mass of Saturn is 5.685 3 Which planet has the greater mass? How much greater?


7. Find the number of astronomical units

in a light-year.

4. The diameter of a water molecule is

8. Find the number of astronomical units

about 0.00000000028 m. Write the diameter using scientific notation.

in a parsec.

5. Venus has a mass of 4.87 3 1024 kg and

9. Find the number of light-years in

kg. Earth has a mass of 5.976 3 What is the combined mass of the two planets?



Math Skill and Problem-Solving Activities
Copyright Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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