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Guidelines for Summer Clerkships

General expectations for summer clerkships are as follows:

Taken following Year 1 of the program. 15 weeks at 4 days per week, or equivalent, allowing one full day per week for research. Minimum of 4 hours weekly supervision, of which at least 2 hours should be regularly scheduled individual supervision. Exposure to a variety of clients and professional roles (assessment, therapy, consultation, program evaluation). Informal mutual verbal evaluation after 2 months; formal mutual evaluation at the end of the placement. Beginning with an orientation to the setting (e.g., meeting all professional staff; learning the agency's expectations concerning scheduling, appropriate clothing, etc. observing the work of professional staff; learning recording procedures and office requirements). It is desirable to create a written agreement specifying the student's goals and planned clinical activities and the plans for group and individual supervision. A copy of this agreement should be given to the Director of Clinical Training.

The following expectations for practicum and clerkship training are derived from CPA accreditation criteria:

Practicum training should facilitate the development of the following important capacities: understanding of and commitment to professional and social responsibility as defined by the statutes of the ethical code of the profession, the capability to conceptualize human problems, awareness of the full range of human variability, understanding of one's own personality and biases and of one's impact upon others in professional interactions, skill in relevant interpersonal interactions such as systematic observation of behavior, interviewing, psychological testing, psychotherapy, counselling, and consultation, and ability to contribute to current knowledge and practice.

The following expectations for practicum and clerkship training are derived from CPA accreditation criteria:
Practicum training should facilitate the development of the following important capacities:

understanding of and commitment to professional and social responsibility as defined by the statutes of the ethical code of the profession, the capability to conceptualize human problems, awareness of the full range of human variability, understanding of one's own personality and biases and of one's impact upon others in professional interactions, skill in relevant interpersonal interactions such as systematic observation of behavior, interviewing, psychological testing, psychotherapy, counselling, and consultation, and ability to contribute to current knowledge and practice.

All students are required to receive ratings of "meets expectations" or higher in all areas in order to pass the practicum (see Form for evaluation of student by supervisor). If a student does not meet this standard, remedial plans will be made by the Coordinator of Practicum Training based on the recommendations of the practicum supervisor. For example, the student may be asked to carry out additional supervised therapy and/or additional integrated assessments, or to meet a specified criterion such as error-free administration and scoring of a test, in order to advance to the next practicum.

Guidelines for a practicum training agreement between student and agency

To be created jointly as early as possible in the first month of the placement, or ideally prior to beginning a practicum placement. The student is responsible for ensuring that this agreement is finalized with copies sent to the agency practicum coordinator and the university practicum coordinator. 1. Student's name, address, telephone number, e-mail address 2. Agency offering the practicum o Name of agency, department, program, site o Agency's practicum coordinator, telephone number, e-mail address 3. Starting and ending dates (allow for 24-26 weeks -- the practicum should end no later than April 30) 4. Days and hours of work (allow for 7-9 hours per week, with a maximum of 12 hours per week) 5. Goals o Specify the major competencies, skills and values which the student hopes to acquire or develop during this practicum placement o Specify the ways in which diversity will be addressed in this placement (e.g., by exposure to clients from various ethnic or cultural backgrounds, religions, ages, sexual orientations, etc.) 6. Intended activities o Expected number of clients of various types (assessment; treatment; individual, family, group, etc.)

Regular meetings which the student is expected to attend Other activities 7. Supervision o Names of primary and backup supervisors o Time and duration of supervisory meetings (see guidelines above) o Methods of supervision (live, video, audio, discussion, written feedback, etc.) 8. Written work o Time frame for preparation of initial drafts (reports, progress notes, etc.) o Specify how feedback will be provided o Expected time frame for supervisor's feedback to student concerning written work 9. Evaluation (see guidelines above) o Expected dates of mid-term/mid-year and final evaluation meetings o Indicate whether evaluation will be written or verbal o Append the Evaluatin of Student for Practica and Summer Clerkships form and the Student Evaluation of Practicum or Summer Clerkship form. 10. Standards, guidelines, policies, and codes of conduct o Name any standards, guidelines, policies, codes, regulations, etc., that have been adopted by the agency and that may guide the student's conduct; certify that the student has been given copies of or access to these document. o In private practice settings: Identify any required arrangements for professional liability insurance. 11. Problem resolution o Indicate procedures for managing and resolving student/supervisory issues which may arise during practicum. o Indicate name of university and agency persons to be approached for help in case of conflict with the supervisor or absence of the supervisor 12. Signatures & dates o Student o Supervisor

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