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0L-82-t pes!


'lle/n eql ol s^e,r

'JooU eLll pJer$ol pelulod qunql JnoI lutod 'ulJe JnoI uo u,v\op llnd ol lqotei erll6urr'\ollB peaqre^o dn aq plnoqs ulJV

pJeA ol qunql qln lle,t aql ol Jesolc burnou Aq 11enn eql dn ruJe e^oy!

-apts outpuels leedeJ



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dn ulle pexelal aql ploq pue llnd

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001ellns'enuenypuero ovrz . s-l-llH oNlHc g6L! . VNOyIOd

Raise your arm uP to 45'and allow the weight to PullYour arm

down. Point your thumb toward

the floor.

Lie on back with hands clasPed on your forehead or behind Your neck. Allow elbows to droP out to the side. Rest between stretches by bringing elbows together over your face.

Stand in corner with elbows at shoulder level and forearms against the wall. Lean forward until a stretch is felt across the front of your shoulder and chest.


Place involved arm behind back as far as possible. Hold other arm over shoulder with

tieilnyour rfiinvolved shoulder and place the hand of Your --=---'involved shoulder behind You' Gently roll back on Your arm.
Keepyourknees bent. Make
stretch more difficult bY Placing your hand either farther across or farther up your back.

Shoulder should be off the edge and elbow bent to 90'. Allow the weight to pull Your arm down gentty in this position.

towelas shown. Grasp towelwith involved arm and slowly pullupward with uninvolved arm untila gentle stretch is felt.




Lie on your back with Your shoulder otf the edge of the bed. Drop your elbow toward the floor

Hold wand with uninvolved side


then straighten Your elbow so Your hand drops to the floor. Reverse sequence to return to resting position.

ly shoulde

de, keeP

forearm downward toward the bed

until you feela stretch.

Use uninvolved hand to Push involved


uninvolved side.

revised 4'28-10

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