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m i l LI o n a i r E T R A V E L

Sri Lanka

Little island...

Sri Lanka is the new addition to the itinerary of the discerning

traveller. In its little boutique hotels that promise that
Jetwing Vil Uyana

most-wanted commodity – personalised luxury – you can be

a responsible tourist

text and photographs Shalini Seth

Jetwing Vil Uyana resort

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m i l LI o n a i r E T R A V E L

W hen in Sri Lanka

a luxury tourist
can expect the
Just like the Buddha when he was a

prince instead of a monk and spared all

suffering by a royal edict, you can spend
Discerning tourists can customise
each aspect of their tour, with a little
help from the Sri Lankan Tourism Board,
its responsible national guides, baby
elephants, restaurants dotting all major
roads and spice and tea gardens. All of
these conspire to make sure you never
days being guided gently from Colombo step out of the picture postcard.
to Sigiriya to Kandy without ever Our first stop was at the Hilton in
setting foot anywhere that might shock Colombo, before going on to the hill
your senses. country of Kandy and Sigiriya for the

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m i l LI o n a i r E T R A V E L

The pool at Amaya Hills

latter part of our trip. The hotel is another era, there is nothing primitive At the meeting
located in the most security-heavy zone about the guests lounging in the
in the city, with the Presidential Palace verandah by the sea. point of its
in clear view. The closest you will come Nearby, in the particularly tourist-
to a reality that is not about swans, miso- happy Negombo, the flower era has
three wings, the
glazed oysters and blue fish in fountains come and not gone, along with all its
with exotic flowers is the tiny notice Dutch, Portuguese and British influences.
swimming pool
that you should avoid photographing Resorts like Jetwing’s Ayurveda Pavilions allows guests a
anything through certain windows. “Sri give you luxuries such as an open air
Lanka has seen five million tourists since bathroom right in the middle of a resort swim on the edge
1983. No harm has ever come to them,” town. Little shops sell everything from
Faizer Mustapha, the country’s deputy Sri Lankan masks to Ayurvedic cures of the valley
minister for tourism, tells us. and the gemstones for which the country
The minister’s office is located close is famous. to hire a vehicle and travel around Sri
to another attraction where, we are In Colombo, as in most of Sri Lanka, Lanka by road, sampling everything
told, guests are scrutinised for suitability you can choose your scenery. While that is on offer. On the way to Kandy,
before they are admitted. One step into the area around the Hilton has all the most restaurants that see tourist traffic
the world of Galle Face hotel and you lushness of a tropical rainforest, Galle offer standard fare – continental or Sri
see that the Raj never actually went Face and Negombo startle you with a Lankan. You come across little spice
anywhere. In the more recent past, seascape, and hotels in Kandy actually gardens that ensure tourists get a whiff
the Galle Face has hosted personages boast cloud-level pools. For an island of the real thing without having to go to
such as Richard Nixon, Indira Gandhi, that is 435km by 225km, it packs a huge a specialised farm. A few shrubs each of
Jawaharlal Nehru, Emperor Hirohito, amount of variety. cardamom, pepper, tamarind, cinnamon,
Don Bradman, Roger Moore and Yuri Though chartered planes and helicopter clove and saffron find a place in a little
Gagarin. While the elevators belong to drops are available, most tourists choose garden where a spice doctor explains

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Bedroom at Vil Uyana Monks strolling at the Peradeniya Botonical Garden

their medicinal uses to visitors who stop player presents us with a selection of
by for an hour or two. Most tea factories Indian and Western songs beyond his
have a little shop and will let you have standard working hours; at Amaya Hills,
a cuppa of their special brew after you the staff welcome us at dusk by letting us
have taken the tour. Ditto with gem light the brass lamps. Even the security
mines, batik shops and anything else forces are the most polite you would see
that might have souvenir value. A man anywhere. At the Temple of the Tooth
sits playing the flute on a makeshift deck Relic a gun-toting female security guard
outdoors while you have your lunch on has no qualms helping a tourist
your way to Kandy. tie her makeshift scarf a little
You encounter absolute luxury more modestly.
combined with unassuming courtesy Perhaps it is Buddhism that truly
from doe-eyed hotel staff clad in sarongs envelopes the country and its inhabitants
with fan-shaped detail – and you begin to in a peaceful existence, in stark contrast
wonder what happened to all the touts, to the violence that makes it to the news
beggars and souvenir-sellers ubiquitous headlines. While the temple may be
to tourist destinations. Anywhere else heavily guarded, this does not disturb the
in the world, hotels may spend millions serenity that reigns inside. For an equally
hoping for just the right service staff; in picturesque look at daily life, you pass
Sri Lanka, you would have to try really Buddhist monks waiting at bus stops or
hard to fault the service. At a wayside strolling at the Botanical Garden famous
lunch place, a lady server takes me into for all the diplomats who have planted
a restroom to demonstrate how to wear trees there; and village women carrying
the sarong; in the Herbs and Spice café bouquets of anthurium flowers that
at the Ayurveda Pavilions, a banjo- grow wild, like a five-star hotal lobby >

The gong at the Temple of the Tooth Relic in Kandy

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The 100-year-old Giant Java Willow Tree at
Ayurveda Pavilions Peradeniya Botanical Gardens near Kandy

recreated on a hillside. Maybe it is the The new policy is to send the elephants
fact that Serendib is almost impossibly back into the wild,” says Sampath.
rich. “No one goes hungry in my
country,” says Sampath, our guide, one
of the battalion of responsible national RESPONSIBLE
guides trained by the Sri Lankan Tourist TOURISM
Board, on the way to a spice garden. “If A late entrant on the world tourism map,
nothing else, there is the coconut tree. Sri Lanka has the advantage of being able
You can climb up, get yourself a coconut to weave responsible tourism into each
and make a curry,” he says. activity instead of relying on cosmetic
changes. Right from the time you flip the
pages of Serendib, the in-flight magazine,
LITTLE ORPHAN to the moment you land, the words keep
ELEPHANTS reminding you to leave the smallest eco-
Elephants are so plentiful in Sri Lanka footprint possible. For the discerning
that in certain areas you might have to tourist this is a definite draw. Resorts such
give way to them as they cross the road. as Jetwing Vil Uyana make it a point to
At the Pinnawala elephant orphanage advise you about the “less friendly wild
there are now some 80 pachyderms life”, keep separate bins for dry and wet
Flute player at lunch living on state support. Their minders garbage in your room, and let you know
bottle-feed the babies and the grown-ups that if you throw towels for a wash every
The library at Vil Uyana are allowed to mate and have families. day you will be responsible for polluting
Twice a day they cross the road for a the rivers. Whether it is a spice garden
bath in the river Maha Oya. Tourists are visit or a batik demo, Sampath assures us
not mere hangers-on. Like most other that he takes us only to producers who
places in Sri Lanka, their presence in the support local workers and their families.
orphanage is woven into the schedule The little country has at least three large
and the landscape. botanical gardens.
Just outside are little factories that At the end of the day that
make paper from elephant dung. And began with elephants is Vil
on the path to the river, numerous Uyana. Already familiar
restaurants serve as viewing posts for the with the eco-resort from
bathing elephants. “We do not encourage our in-flight reading, we
human contact with elephants any more. are still pleasantly

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m i l LI o n a i r E T R A V E L

Frescoes at Sigiriya

Bath time for elephants

surprised to see wooden cottages nestled – until we are assured that the next stop
amongst paddy fields, over water. The is even more beautiful.
resort has introduced a wetland system
on reclaimed agricultural land creating
a private nature reserve with lakes and FOLLIES AND FOIBLES
reed beds. Once in Kandy we spend a lot of time
When it is time, guests can even just looking and pointing. The winding Nutmeg at a spice garden

participate in both the farming and road which is to take us to Amaya Hills
harvesting of paddy if they wish. Each is full of delights. Every turn houses a
Millionaire was hosted by:
cottage or chalet is secluded but hotel – including quirky ones such as
interconnected with timber walkways. Helga’s Folly, where the most luxurious AMAYA HILLS
There are separate decks that function as suite is called the Nutcracker. Heerassagala, Kandy, Sri Lanka
outdoor dining areas. Some rooms have Amaya Hills, where we are headed, is a Tel: +94 81 2233521/2
individual swimming pools, some others bit higher up, which automatically denotes Fax: +94 81 2233948

have plunge pools and the largest villa the luxury of a better view. Understandably, e-mail:
comes with a jacuzzi. Just outside ours a the biggest draw of the hotel is its pool
peacock chose to grace us with a dance with a view. At the meeting point of its 2 Sir Chittampalam A Gardiner Mw,
announcing a few raindrops. three wings, the swimming pool allows Colombo 2, Sri Lanka 02
Outside there is an island spa, a library guests a swim on the edge of the valley. Tel: +94 11 2492492
and dining areas. Inside, in our chalet, The other candy is the chance to play Fax: +94 11 2544657
there is wireless internet, a shower with a billiards with cricketers. In the billiards
skylight cut through the thatched roof, a hall, autographs from international
Ethukale, Negombo, Sri Lanka
sunken bath next to the bed, a timber floor cricket teams are strewn on cricket bats Tel: +94 4 870764 0/ 31-2276719
and thatched coconut-palm roof, a ceiling around the room. “As Amaya Hills is a Fax: +94 31 4 870765
made out of rattan and bamboo. Air favourite spot for visiting cricket teams, e-mail:
conditioning is at its most discreet – you you may even have a chance to enjoy
can almost pretend it’s the weather. a round of billiards with some of the JETWING VIL UYANA
We spend the evening players in person,” we are promised. Sigiriya, Sri Lanka
Tel: +94 66 4323583-6
climbing a rock to see But billiards is all you should dare to
Fax: +94 66 4923587
the ancient frescos and play. Back in Dubai, when one visitor
the ruins of a palace asked a member of the Sri Lankan Trade
at the top. Back at the Council about what not to do in Sri Millionaire flew
resort one is most Lanka, he answered: “Don’t play cricket. Sri Lankan
reluctant to leave You will lose!”

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