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Paula Rodriguez (13036033)

Math MFM2P-B Unit 2

Key Question 32 The student knew he had made an error because sine = opposite/hypotenuse. The hypotenuse is always the largest side; therefore the bottom number must always be greater, which was not true in his case. His calculator would give him error because a sine ratio greater than 1 is impossible.

Key Question 34 ASTRONOMER Websters dictionary defines astronomy as the science that deals with the material universe beyond the earths atmosphere. Therefore, astronomers seek to find the answers to questions such as: Is there life beyond the earth? How did the sun and the planets form? How old are the stars? What exactly is dark matter? Unlike other scientists, astronomers cannot build laboratories and do experiments because their specimens are so far away. They mainly rely on observation, and theory. An astronomer uses optical, radio and space-based telescopes to capture and see extra-terrestrial matter, along with powerful supercomputers that perform complex calculations and model galactic movements. Such work includes being many hours in front of a computer analyzing data, controlling telescopes, or researching data bases. Astronomy is a fairly relaxed and well-paid position that doesnt have many rigid work rules. However, since positions are so rare (usually at government research facilities or universities only) astronomers do not get to choose where they live. They may be relocated constantly to where laboratories or observatories are located. Astronomy is also a very competitive field Education is critical for finding a position in this field. The way to becoming an astronomer is a lengthy one that usually starts in high school. Students interested in the subject should take as many mathematics, physics, trigonometry and calculus courses in the senior level as well as some history and social studies. The physics major is usually the stepping

stone to a PhD program, and future astronomer position. An astronomy or physics graduate degree would follow after that. During these years of study, students should strive to build strong relationships with their peers who will later become their colleagues, and with field experts that can impart much knowledge. Indeed, astronomy is more about the journey than the destination. As mentioned before, astronomers study objects that are thousands of kilometres away so they constantly use mathematical theory to help them understand concepts. Trigonometry and ratios would help the solve a problem like the following: On March 25th, 2012 the sun hit the Earths equator at an angle of 64 . The suns diameter is about 700,000 km. How far away from the earth was the sun that day? (Values are not accurate)

700,000 km


The values given make an isosceles triangle. This isosceles triangle can be divided into two imaginary right triangles that allow the astronomer to determine the distance between the sun and earth (hypotenuse) by means of the sine ratio (opposite/hypotenuse). The calculations would go as follows:

Therefore an astronomer would know that the sun was about 660,377 km away from the earth on March 25 th, 2012 by using the sine ratio. Source: American Astronomical Society (

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