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SAC CITY PLANNING & ZONING Tuesday, August 20, 2013 Sac City Public Library The Sac

City Planning & Zoning Board met on Tuesday, August 20, 2013 at 6:30 P.M. in the Sac City Public Library with the following board members present: Bobbie Wells, Arnold Thomas, Micki Quail, Susan McCollum, Tom McGinty, and Frank Strain. Board member Bruce Perry was absent. Also attending the meeting were city council representative Nich Frohardt and Curtis Bloes from the news media. Meeting was called to order by President Bobbie Wells. Motion by Tom McGinty and seconded by Arnold Thomas to approve the minutes of the July 16, 2013 board meeting as presented. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS: Stacy Carlson, P & Z Enforcement Officer was not present for the meeting and so there were no reports for board review. The board will ask Carlson to update the board on the Batz and the Martin-Heman properties at the next meeting. Board member Bruce Perry has left application forms for the Paint Iowa Beautiful grant program at the city offices and there was an article in the Sac Sun explaining the application process. Only owner-occupied properties of low income individuals are eligible for the program and they must supply their own labor. President Wells informed the board that subdivision ordinance update changes recommended by the board have been approved and adopted by the city council. NEW BUSINESS: The Board reviewed the list received from the city of properties in Sac City that are not currently receiving any utilities from the city. The list of 46 properties was divided up with each board member responsible for checking 6 of the properties and then reporting back to the board on the condition of those properties. The board will then discuss with the city the possible establishment of some kind of a minimum monthly charge from the city to encourage property owners to either fix up and repair rental properties or consider demolition to avoid continued charges. The board discussed and agreed to return the Wunschel property (old Matts Shoe Store Building) to the boards list of properties needing action. The board also agreed that funds not used this year for Planning & Zoning projects could be used by the city to help pay for the expenses to demolish that building.

There being no further business, motion by Micki Quail and seconded by Susan McCollum to adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:10 P.M. SAC CITY PLANNING & ZONING ________________________________ Frank Strain, Secretary

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