Nightmare Before Christmas (The Film, The Art, The Vision)

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a e ieee: ART ® ise: Tite work yo F a ce Se if a Cl WW re We Coa rs A Pi I S NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTNAS Tim Burton first sketched Jack Skellington, the movie's her, in is notebook (opposite, top), overten years ago, while he was mak- ing his short film Vincent ot Disney Studios. He later drew most ofthe other characters in Nightrmare—includng the Mayor (be- low) and Sally (opposite, bottom), shown in preliminary versions here, Foreword Nightmare Before Christmas iea movie I've wanted to make for over a decade, since I worked as an animator at Walt Disney Studios in the carly cightics, It started as a poem T wrote, influenced by the style of my favorite children’s author, Dr. Seuss. I made several drawings of the char- acters and the setLings and began planning it asa film, Tthought at first that Nightmare Before Christmas would make a good holiday special for television, although I also considered other forms, including a children’s book. At the time, I think, it was too weird for Disney. | moved on to other things, but I never forgot it. Although the title makes the film sound a little scary, I see Night- mare Before Christmas as a positive story, without any truly bad charac- ters. The characters are trying to do something good and just get alittle mixed up. Like a lot of people, I grew up loving the animated specials like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and How the Grinch Stole Christmas that appeared on TV every year. I wanted to create something with the same hind of feeling and warmth, of Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King of rs Christmas and immediately wants to cel- Nightmare is the stor Halloweenland, who ebrate this strange holiday himself. I love Jack. He has a lot of passion and energy; he’s always looking for a feeling. That's what he finds in Christmas Town. He is a bit misguided and his emotions take over, but he gets overyhady excited. The setting may he odd and a lit- tleunsettling, but there are no real villains in the film. It’s acelebration of Halloween and Christmas—my two fav- orite holidays. led early on that I wanted to tell this story

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