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Voluntary Survey Western Oregon University Master of Science in Education: Information Technology Western Oregon University is exploring ways

to update and improve our Master of Science in Education: Information Technology program. Your answers on this survey will allow us to align the program more closely to your needs.

Yes ___ No ___

If a Masters degree in Education with an emphasis in Information Technology were offered at a time that worked with my schedule, I would be interested in enrolling. I would be interested in a certificate program in educational technology (not a full masters degree program)

Yes ___ No ___

Yes ___ No ___ I would be interested in taking some individual classes to improve my knowledge and/or skills in educational technology.

Potential formats (please check all that could work for you) ___ Evening classes on the WOU campus from 4:307:15 one day per week per class ___ Summer classes on the WOU campus, 6 weeks from late June to early August. ___ Summer institute at WOU 2 weeks in June/July with housing available on campus ___ Online classes ___ Hybrid classes (online plus 3 campus meetings per term on Saturdays) ___ Site-based classes taught during the year at your school or a nearby school or ESD ___ One-credit skills workshops taught in a Friday evening/all day Saturday format. One possible scenario is a masters program or certificate program that can be completed on a part-time basis within 2 years. Core education courses would be taught online during the year and hands-on courses, including a series of one-credit skills courses, would be taken on campus during a summer institute each year. Would this format interest you? Yes _____ No _____

Potential educational technology topics (please check all that would interest you) ___ Website design ___ Digital photography ___ Computers in education ___ Designing information ___ Information literacy ___ Designing online courses ___ Animation ___ Podcasting ___ Open source tools Other: ___ Advanced website design ___ Photo editing ___ Internet in education ___ Digital video editing ___ GIS for teachers ___ Web 2.0 ___ 3-D design (Sketch-up) ___ Blogging ___ Online tutorials and demonstrations

Please contact me with information about this program: Name: ________________________

Address: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Email: __________________________________ Phone: __________________________

It is likely that some courses may be taught by adjunct instructors with expertise in a particular technology. Would you be interested in being contacted if we are looking for instructors? Yes ____ No ____ (if yes, please complete the contact information above) What is your area of expertise? ________________________________ Do you know of someone else who might be interested in teaching a course? Name: ____________________________ Expertise: _______________________________ Where can we contact this person? _____________________________________

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