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Practice Paper - 1

Problem Solving Assessment

Time Allowed : 1 Hours Class IX Maximum Marks : 90 Marks General Instructions : ( i ) The question paper consists of 60 questions divided into three sections A, B and C (ii ) Section - A : Qualitative Assessment comprises of 18 questions (27 Marks). ( iii) Section - B : Quantitative Assessment comprises of 18 questions (27 Marks). (iv) Section - C : Language Conventions comprises of 24 questions (36 Marks). (v) All questions are compulsory and each question has 1 marks (vi) All questions are multiple choice questions where you are required to select one correct option out of the given four. (vii) Use of calculator is not permitted.

Section - A : Qualitative Assessment

Read questions 1 to 6 and choose correct option : 1. Read the following statements : (A) Soaps and detergents have two characteristic groupswater soluble and oil soluble. (B) Detergents cause pollution because these are non-biodegradable. (C) Soaps are pollutants because these can not be biodegraded. (D) Detergents are easily used even with hard water. Which of the above is/are true : (a) A, B and D (b) B, C, and D (c) A, B, and C (d) A, C and D 2. When a bar magnet is broken into two pieces : (a) Each piece behaves like a new magnet. ( b) Their magnetic property is destroyed. (c) One piece behaves like a magnet and another becomes normal bar. ( d ) Both become normal bars. 3. Sita is standing facing west. She turns and walks 100 mtrs and again she turns left. Which direction is she facing now ? (a) East (b) West (c) North (d) South 4.

How many quadrilaterals are there in the above figure ? (a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 5 (d) 4 5. Find the odd one out : (a) Mahatma Gandhi (b) Subhash Chandra Bose (c) Sunil Gavaskar (d) Jai Prakash Narayan 6. An official policy of racial separation and ill treatment of Blacks in South Africa is called : (a) Social grouping (b) Apartheid (c) Discrimination (d) Racial discrimination

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For Ques. 7-12 : Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow : Its becoming very dangerous to sit in the sun. If you have a fashionable suntan, it doesnt necessarily mean that you have lots of outdoor activities but it does mean that youre in greater danger of getting skin cancer and cataracts. The ozone layer, which protects us from the suns dangerous ultra-violet rays, is progressively deteriorating. In February 1992, a scientific report said that people in Canada, Northern Europe and Russia were in serious danger. In 1985, the news of destruction of the ozone layer in the South Pole alarmed people in the Southern Hemisphere. In Australia, there are now three times more cases of skin cancer than in the past. In New Zealand, teachers tell school children to wear hats and not to sit in the sun. What causes the destruction of the ozone layer ? Mostly chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), aerosol sprays, refrigerators, air conditioners, as well as industrial chemicals which, send chlorofluorocarbons into the atmosphere. Governments are now trying very hard to forbid CFCs, but it will be expensive and difficult to do so. After the first ozone alarm in the Southern Hemisphere, ecologists all over the world asked governments to take strict measures immediately. Some governments did, but not soon enough. Other countries believe that they have other problems which are more important. Now stricter measures are going to be taken, but already a lot of damage has been done. 7. Which of the following is dangerous to the skin ? (a) The ozone layer (b) The atmosphere (c) Ultra-violet rays (d) The sand storm 8. CFCs are caused by __________. (a) governments (b) ecologists (c) aerosol sprays and industries (d) archaeologists 9. Which of the following statements is true ? (a) Australia is taking steps to deal with the problem. (b) Australia refuses to sell aerosol sprays. (c) Australia is not concerned by this problem. (d) For Australia there are more important problems to deal with. 10. Fashionable suntan may __________. (a) make you look dark (b) cause skin cancer and cataract (c) make you look beautiful (d) not be acceptable to all 11. The word deteriorating in the passage means ________. (a) to become healthy (b) to become worse (c) to become strong (d) to become healthy and strong 12. The ozone layer is _________. (a) increasing (b) deteriorating (c) remaining constant (d) none of these For Ques. 13-18 : Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow : If we should see our dream of Panchayat Raj, i.e true democracy realized, we would regard the humblest and lowest Indian as being the ruler of India with the tallest in the land. This presupposes that all are pure, or will become pure if they are not. And purity must go hand in hand with wisdom. No one would then harbour any distinction between communities. Everybody would regard all as equal with oneself and hold them together in

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the silken net of love. No one would regard another as untouchable. We would hold as equal the toiling labourer and the rich capitalist. Everybody would know how to earn an honest living, by the sweat of ones brow, and make no distinction between intellectual and physical labour. To hasten this consummation, we would voluntarily turn ourselves into scavengers. No one who has wisdom will ever touch opium, liquor or any intoxicants. Everybody would observe Swadeshi as the rule of life and regard every woman, not being his wife, as his mother, sister or daughter according to her age, never lust after her in his heart. He would be ready to lay down his life when occasion demands it; never want to take anothers life. If he is a Sikh, in terms of the commandment of the Gurus, he would have the heroic courage to stand single-handed, without yielding an inch of ground against the one lakh and a quarter enjoined by them. Needless to say, such a son of India will not want to be told what his duty in the present hour is. 13. What is the true objective of Panchayat Raj ? (a) rule of the panchayats ( b) government by the villagers (c) the humble and the low have say in governance ( d ) upliftment of villages 14. Purity is closely linked with __________. (a) spirituality (b) cleanliness of mind (c) wisdom (d) physical fitness 15. True Panchayat Raj will achieve __________. (a) perfect harmony among the people (b) economic independence (c) prosperity of all people (d) love for the country 16. The women in Panchayat Raj will __________. (a) enjoy equal rights with men (b) get respect and consideration (c) command over men (d) get opportunities to grow 17. The word enjoined in the passage means __________. (a) associated (b) demarcated (c) supported (d) commanded/ordained 18. The word in the passage which means laborious is : (a) humblest (b) harbour (c) toiling (d) physical

Section - B : Quantitative Assessment

Read questions 19 to 28 and choose correct option : 19.

(a) 20

(b) 130

(c) 96

(d) 4

20. In circle (O, r) AD is the cord and ACD = 76. Find ABD. (a) 14 (c) 104 (b) 76 (d) 45

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21. Mitochondria : Power house of cell : : Lysosome : ? (a) Suicidal bag (b) Food factory (c) Energy molecule (d) Protective organelle 22.

Above are given figures of the same box in different positions. In which position will the box exert maximum pressure on the surface ? (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D 23. A country must shave 33% of forest. In India the percentage of forest is 25.55%. How much percentage of forest is lacking for an ideal state ? (a) 55.5% (b) 10% (c) 12.45% (d) 15% 24. Census Year 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 Sex Ratio (per thousand) 946 941 930 934 939 (d) 1991

In which census year did the sex ratio was minimum ? (a) 1951 (b) 1971 (c) 1961 25. 7 9 15 13 17 29 6 8 ? (a) 10 (b) 12 (c) 14 26. I II III

(d) 16


Which figure will come in the place of ? (a) I (b) II (c) III (d) IV 27. bca bcaab aa caa caa (a) bbca (b) bbaa (c) acbb (d) acac 28. Melt : Liquid : : Freeze : ? (d) Crystal (a) Ice (b) Condense (c) Solid For Ques. 29-32 : Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions : Rachna has in her kitchen 17 spoons, 3 serving spoons, 22 quarter plates, 25 full plates, 11 forks, 2 lighters and 42 boxes. Some of these boxes contain spices, 7 of the boxes contain pulses and 4 boxes contain rice. Two boxes have ghee and three boxes have oil in them. In this way Rachnas kitchen is full of variety of things. 29. How many utensils are there in Rachnas kitchen ? (a) 78 (b) 87 (c) 68 (d) 86 30. What percentage of boxes of pulses are there in the kitchen ?

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(a) 17/3 (b) 7 (c) 11 (d) 50/3 31. What is the ratio of rice boxes to the remaining boxes in the kitchen ? (a) 3:19 (b) 2:21 (c) 5:21 (d) 2:19 32. How many more boxes of pulses are there other than rice boxes in the kitchen? (a) 7 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 11 For Ques. 33-36 : Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow : The measures adopted in health arena have increased the life expectancy to over 64 years in 2000. Infant mortality rate (IMR) has come down from 147 in 1951 to 75 in 2000. Crude birth rates have dropped to 26.1 and death rate to 8.7 within the same duration of time. Increase in life expectancy and improvement in childcare are useful in assessing the future progress of the country. 33. How much did the life expectancy increase in the year 2000 ? (a) 47 (b) 75 (c) 26 (d) 64 34. What percentage of the infant mortality rate fell during 1951 to 2000 ? (a) 48.9 % (b) 50 % (c) 51 % (d) 51.9 % 35. How much has been the growth rate between 1951 to 2000 ? (a) 8.7 (b) 17.4 (c) 26.1 (d) 64 36. How much did the death rate reach in 2000 ? (a) 7.5 (b) 8.7 (c) 6.4 (d) 6.2

Section - C : Language Conventions

Read questions 37 to 44 and choose correct option : 37. Several parts __________ northern India were under natural threat. (a) in (b) on (c) of (d) with 38. The sky was enveloped __________ a dense fog blanket. (a) by (b) in (c) with (d) over 39. __________ Monday, it took a severe form. (a) on (b) in (c) at (d) of 40. The visibility fell __________ 50 m and less in several cities. (a) from (b) to (c) over (d) down 41. Central part __________ Delhi saw deep fall in visibility. (a) in (b) of (c) on (d) over 42. It fell to 100 m __________ 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. (a) at (b) among (c) between (d) over 43. The general visibility during this period _________ recorded was found to be minimum. (a) when (b) where (c) while (d) whom 44. __________ IGI Airport the general visibility went down to 100 m. (a) in (b) at (c) on (d) over. Read questions 45 to 52 and choose correct option : 45. Radhika used to get cold feet when she thought of her father. (a) get angry (b) get scared (c ) used to cry (d) felt like crying 46. Sania was on top of the world when she won the Wimbeldon. (a) felt very happy (b) felt very nervous

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(c ) felt satisfied (d) felt excited 47. The cakes that the man baked were out of this world (a) horrible (b) not tasty (c ) excellent (d) alien 48. Surinder broke into cold sweat when he heard Iswarans stories. (a) got frozen (b) was cold (c ) was angry (d) got scared 49. St. Norman nearly passed out due to hunger. (a) fainted (b) went away (c ) expired (d) died 50. Please wash the dishes right away. (a) tomorrow (b) today (c ) some (d) immediately 51. Einsteins Theory of Relativity showed time and distance in a new light. (a) new facts were discovered (b) new light was discovered (c ) facts were given (d) theories were discussed 52. Mr. Tod was not on good terms with other animals. (a) friendly (b) not friendly (c ) naughty (d) good relations For Ques. 53-60 : Read the passage carefully and complete the gaps with appropriate option. Elephants are (53) __________ in India and in Africa. The (54) __________ elephant differs in some points (55) __________ the Indian, being larger with a (56) __________ tusk and bigger ears. In fact the two are considered to be different (57) __________. In both countries, they live in (58) __________ in the jungles and are naturally (59) __________ animals that keep away from (60) __________. 53. (a) available (b) found (c) watched (d) observed 54. (a) African (b) Korean (c) Malaysian (d) Chinese 55. (a) on (b) by (c) from (d) with 56. (a) larger (b) wider (c) long (d) longer 57. (a) family (b) caste (c) class (d) types 58. (a) company (b) herds (c) crowds (d) singles 59. (a) ferocious (b) fearsome (c) shy (d) terrible 60. (a) the earth (b) the water (c) the cities (d) men

1. (d) A, C and D 2. (a) Each piece behaves like a new magnet 3. (a) East 4. (b) 8 5. (c) Sunil Gavaskar 6. (b) Apartheid 7. (c) Ultra-violet rays 8. (c) aerosol sprays and industries 9. (a) Australia is taking steps to deal with the problem. 10. (b) cause skin cancer and cataract 11. (b) to become worse 12. (b) deteriorating 13. (c) the humble and low have say in governance 14. (c ) wisdom 15. ( a ) perfect harmony among the pople 16. (b) get respect and consideration 17. (d) commanded/ordained 18. (c) toiling 19. (c) 96 20. (b) 76 21. (a) Suicidal bag 22. (c) C 23. (c) 12.45% 24. (b) 1971 25. (c) 14 26. (c) III 27. (c) acbb 28. (c) Solid 29. (a) 78 30. (d) 50/3 31. (d) 2:19 32. (b) 3 33. (d) 26 34. (a) 48.9% 35. (b) 17.4 36. (b) 8.7 37. (c) of 38. (a) by 39. (a) on 40. (b) to 41. (b) of 42. (c) between 43. (c) while 44. (b) at 45. (b) get scared 46. (a) felt very happy 47. (c) excellent 48. (d) got scared 49. (a) fainted 50. (d) immediately 51. (a) new facts were discovered 52. (b) not friendly 53. (b) found 54. (a) African 55. (d) with 56. (d) longer 57. (d) types 58. (b) herds 59. (c) shy 60. (d) men

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