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Players Edition Rulebook v3.

Welcome to the Hysterium Murder Mystery! This rulebook contains basic instructions for coating a social fling with something along the lines of a whodunit. This set contains information for thirteen players who are overseen by the Moderator and Conductor. In total, there must be fifteen participants. The Moderator and Conductor have a separate rulebook. SETTING Glasgow, Scotland, 1975. The millionaire and philanthropist Maximillian Bigbucks has organized a massive music festival to end all music festivals: Hysterium. Headlining Hysterium are some of the eras hottest bands and musicians and in attendance are individuals from all over the world. But somethings amiss at the wildest place on eartha murderer walks the grounds, and its up to the other festival-goers to find out who it is before its too late. CHARACTERS (Simple List) Serena Wayne Prima Optima Michael Mike Day Lex Kent Jennifern McGravy Whaledick DiCosmo Jaime Fischer Nanncy Wolson Svesda Korsenka Piotr Parkour Maximillian Bigbucks Sean McPharson Julia Reynolds


CHARACTERS (BIOGRAPHIES) 1) Serena Wayne: Serena is the adopted daughter of Maximillian Bigbucks. Growing up, Serena had it all; not only was she a beautiful and intelligent young woman, but she carried a humble soul that masked a wealthy background. She is ever gracious for her fathers love and attests that he took her from Little Orphan Annie to Miss America. She keeps her true last name in honor of her murdered parents. Serena is at Hysterium 75 free of charge thanks to her adoring father. 2) Prima Optima: A whiz kid with all types of technology, Prima is a Flower Childwell, a STEEL Flower Child. A believer in the great goddess of hyperspace and all things electronic, Prima envisions a world where one day, people make telephone calls through tiny portable boxes, stream information from metaphysical libraries straight before their eyes, and build hunks of metal that shape-shift into warriors to defend the Earth. Prima is at Hysterium 75 as one of Serena Waynes guests. 3) Michael Mike Day: Michael is such a formal namepleasecall him Mike. Mike is digging the 70s, dude. Music is his passion, and growing up in New York City has introduced him to the glorious world of busking. Hes pretty easy-going, but is fiercely loyal to his pals, including Serena Wayne, Prima Optima, and Lex Kent. Mike is at Hysterium 75 as one of Serena Waynes guests. 4) Lex Kent: Lex is a college student just like most other American college students, with one exceptionhe is a wildly devout comic-book aficionado. Majoring in contemporary literature, Lex is hoping that he can be a pioneer in uniting the globes cultures through an exchange of their comics. Hes trying to bring something called Manga to America, but who knows if itll ever

catch on. Even so, his prolific network of pen pals keeps him well-cultured. Lex is at Hysterium 75 as one of Serena Waynes guests, knowing he may run into his penpal Sean McPharson.

5) Jennifern McGravy: Jen is a part of one of the few tribes that actually live in Antarcticaor she was, until she was expelled for her questionable investigations into narcotics. In her haze of science, Jen wandered across the vast Antarctic landscape until she passed out and was rescued by a neighboring tribe. The tribal leader only agreed to accept her should she agree to marry his youngest son, Whaledick DiCosmo. Fortunately, Jen quickly fell in love with Whaledick DiCosmo, who gifted Jennifern her first Nanncy Wolson record. Jennifern is starting her honeymoon at Hysterium 75 alongside Whaledick DiCosmo with the hopes of seeing her idol, Nanncy Wolson, perform. 6) Whaledick DiCosmo: Whaledick is the youngest son of the chief of Antarcticas largest nomadic tribe. His name was chosen through an age-old tradition that had each childs eldest brother choose their name. Whaledicks brother, as you might imagine, had quite a colourful vocabulary. A few years ago, Whaledick became engaged-to-be-married to Jennifern McGravy, a fellow Antarctican who was exiled from her tribe. Whaledick is enamored with the woman and has asked his fathers tribe to help him fund a honeymoon trip around the world. Whaledick is at Hysterium 75 with his betrothed Jennifern McGravy. 7) Jaime Fischer: Jaime is a Chilean welder who practices an ancient brand of glass-crafting and metallurgy. His fame as the man who can bring artists wildest dreams to temporal realization has earned him great international fame and brought great pride to his family. Jaimes father is unfortunately quite ill, so Jaime travels around the world taking the best-paying jobs in order to help pay for his fathers medical bills and provide for his mother and siblings. Jaime has been called out to Hysterium 75 to help aid artist Sean McPharson in bringing some of his blueprints to life. 8) Nanncy Wolson: Nanncy Wolson is the lead singer in the band Spades and has earned great acclaim as one of the biggest up-and-coming female singers of her generation. Earning herself a prime spot at Hysterium, Nanncy has spent a few weeks in Glasgow in preparation for the festival, where she has begun dating Sean McPharson and enjoying some time practicing with David Robert Jones protg Svesda Korsenka. Nanncy is eager to debut some new songs at Hysterium 75 to solidify her place in music history. 9) Svesda Korsenka: Born to an abusive family, Svesda trusts only himself and only cares for his artthe honing of his saxophone. Though not formally schooled when setting out from Russia, Svesda eventually wandered to England, where he caught the eye of David Robert Jones, who has taken him under his wing in the hopes of giving the young man a second chance. Svesda is at Hysterium 75 in Jones troop and has enjoyed practicing with Nanncy Wolson. 10) Piotr Parkour: Piotr used to be an outstanding journalist, that is, until he disappeared after being bit by a mosquito a few months back. As the European crime rate plummeted, Piotr was nowhere to be found, much to the chagrin of his boss, Julia Reynolds. Now that hes back at work, Piotr has one last shot to show hes as good a journalist as hes ever been. Piotr is at Hysterium 75 in the hopes of landing a huge story for his press agency.

11) Maximillian Bigbucks: Max inherited his vast fortune from his Japanese parents who hit it big by investing in American securities pre-WWII. As part of their Americanization, they decided to change their surnames to something more palatable to English speakers, and hence selected Bigbucks. Max has done an excellent job of managing his money, but has no time for a wife. He does, however, have an adopted daughter by the name of Serena Wayne, who is his heart and soul. Maxs latest and most enterprising project is Hysterium 75. 12) Sean McPharson: Though born in Australia, Sean has traveled the world in an effort to become living art. Currently residing in Brooklyn, New York, Sean has made contacts that have allowed him to get his art up into an amazing venue: Hysterium 75. While working on his magnum opus in Glasgow, Sean has taken to dating Nanncy Wolson and works closely with Jaime Fischer. Seeing Hysterium 75 as his big break, Sean is hoping to get critical acclaim and maybe even meet his pen pal, Lex Kent. 13) Julia Reynolds: Julia Reynolds is living the dream by running the London Printing Press for all books and newspapers her business associate, Maximillian Bigbucks, chooses to sign. Having earned some time off from work, Julia was gifted two tickets to Hysterium 75. Though unmarried, Julia has decided to provide one of her reporters, Piotr Parkour, with a ticket so he can prove himself to her. Julia doesnt have to do anything but relax and enjoy her vacation at Hysterium 75.

Miscellaneous Data Sheet

Player Rules and Guidelines -Among the thirteen players will be one randomly chosen murderer. It is the murderers goal to remain undetected throughout the course of the game. It is the other twelve players goal to discover who the murderer is and report said person to the Conductor and Moderator. This is done in the Endgame. -Each player will receive a set of starting items, including: -1 rulebook, which should be used for reference, character relations, and clue interpretation -2 starting clues [the murderer, however, receives 3 clues], which insure that everyone has some information regarding the murderer -1 effect card, which can be used at specified times to alter the course of the game -used effect cards are given to the Conductor and Moderator - All players must sign their starting cards -The game is divided into five phases. Each phase consists of a period of social involvement (that doesnt have to have anything to do with the game) followed up by a competition. There are five competitions in total, which are determined by the Conductor and Moderator. -Before each phases competition, players are encouraged to slyly interact with one another to their own benefit, only announcing their actions to targeted individuals. Actions can involve trading or the use of effect cards. -While any number of effect cards may be used per round, each player may only make one trade per round and may only trade their second starting clue. -Each players first clue is untradeable, as is their effect card. These cards can leave a players possession through the use of other players effect cards. -Each players second clue may be traded up to two times. The card must be signed by the person trading it away. Once a player receives a card with three signatures, that card may not be traded. -All trades are blind, meaning two individuals trade cards without knowing what they are receiving. Early game, this is to all players benefit, as everyone will have few clues. Late game, this could result in repeat clues for some players. A player could trade away a card with one signature and receive one with three signatures. They will then be unable to trade unless some effect card alters their situation. -Each player may only make one trade per round, unless trading via the ability of an effect card. -After a set period of time, a competition will take place, hosted by the Conductor and Moderator. The winner of the competition will receive a large clue as their reward. The game is structured such that if one player won all five competitions, they would easily deduce who the murderer was, however, the case can still be solved with fewer clues. -After a competition, the players will be gathered and the winner will be announced. At this point, all players will participate in a short writing exercise. The individual who won the competition for that round will have special properties. -Players who are killed take all their clues with them to the grave. Endgame -After all five competitions and killings have been carried out, the remaining players will gather to plead their cases to their peers, the Conductor, and the Moderator. If no player guesses the murderers identity correctly, the murderer automatically wins. If somebody does guess the murderer correctly, all accused players will be put on trial and executed by majority vote until the murderer is eliminated.

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