Cdi5 1st Exam

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Name:_______________________________________ Date:____________________

I. Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the correct answer at the left side of the number. ____ 1. Any substance (with the exception of food and water) which, when taken into the body, alters the bodys function neither physically and/or psychologically. a. Dangerous drugs b. Drugs ____ 2. Comprehensive Drugs Act of 2002 a. RA 6245 b. RA 1234 c. RA 1619 d. RA 9165 c. Medicine d. Regulated drugs

____ 3. Medicines requiring written authorization (prescription) from a doctor to allow purchase. a. Over-the-Counter drugs b. Prohibited Drugs c. Prescription medicines d. Narcotic Drugs

____ 4. Is the science of poisons, their effects and antidotes. a. Toxicology b. Biology c. Poisonology d. Chemistry

____ 5. The amount of drug taken at any one time. a. Allergy b. Vitamins c. Density d. Dose be an over

____ 6. When too much of a drug is taken into the physiological system of the human body, there may extension of its effects. a. Overdose b. Idiosyncrasy c. Allergy d. Side-effects

____ 7. Some drugs cause the release of histamine giving rise to allergic symptoms such as dermatitis, swelling, fall in blood pressure, suffocation and death. a. Overdose b. Idiosyncrasy c. Allergy d. Side-effects

____ 8. Refer to the broad categories or classes of controlled substances as stated in RA 9165. a. Dangerous drugs b. Drugs c. Medicine d. Regulated drugs

____ 9. Drug reducing functional or nervous activity. Lower the level of arousal when taken. a. Hallucinogen b. Depressants c. Stimulant d. Designer drugs

____ 10. Medicines that maybe purchased from any pharmacy or even supermarkets without prescription from a doctor. a. Over-the-Counter drugs b. Prohibited Drugs c. Prescription medicines d. Narcotic Drugs


____ 11. Drugs that increase mental and/or physical function. A substance that raises the levels of physiological or nervous activity in the body. a. Hallucinogen b. Depressants c. Stimulant d. Designer drugs

____ 11.A drug that causes hallucinations. Psychoactive drugs that cause subjective change in perception,thought,emotion and consciousness. a. Hallucinogen b. Depressants c. Stimulant d. Designer drugs

____ 12. Known as methamphetamine hydrochloride. a. Cocaine b. Ephedrine c. Shabu d. Marijuana

____ 13. The group of liquid, solid or mixed substances having the property of releasing toxic vapors or fumes which when sniffed , smelled or introduced into the physiological system of the body induces a condition of intoxication, excitement or dulling of the brain or nervous system. a. Volatile Substance b. Poisonous Substance c. Dangerous drugs d. Regulated drugs

____ 14. The law penalizing the unauthorized sale of Volatile substance. a. RA 6245 b. RA 1234 c. PD 1619 d. RA 9165

____ 15. It is present in coffee, tea, chocolate, cola drinks, and some wake-up pills. a. Caffeine b. Nicotine c. Cocaine d. Methamphetamine hydrochloride

____ 16. An active component in tobacco which acts as a powerful stimulant of the central nervous system. a. Caffeine b. Nicotine c. Cocaine d. Methamphetamine hydrochloride

____ 17. It is the most commonly abused hallucinogen in the Philippines. a. LSD b. Shabu c. Marijuana d. Cocaine

____ 18. Are depressant drugs which reduce anxiety and excitement such as barbiturates, tranquilizers and alcohol. a. Sedatives b. Hallucinogens c. Narcotics d. Tranquilizers

____ 19. Drugs that relieve pain and often induce sleep. This includes opium and its derivatives like morphine, codeine and heroin. a. Sedatives b. Hallucinogens c. Narcotics d. Tranquilizers


____ 20. Those who are addicted to drugs believing that drug is an integral part of life. a. Puppies b. Yippies c. Gypsies d. Hippies

____ 21. Form of administration of drugs, which makes use of a needle or other device to deliver drugs directly into the body tissue and blood circulation. a. Topical b. Injection c. Oral d. Inhalation

____ 22. Refers to the application of drugs directly to a body site such as the skin. a. Topical c. Oral

b. Injection d. Inhalation ____ 23. Is the tendency to increase the dose of the drug to produce the same effect as to that of the original effect. a. Tolerance c. Overdose b. Side-effects d. Allergy ____ 24. The addict feels compulsive craving to take drug repeteadly and tries to procure the

same by any means.

a. Tolerance b. Uncontrollable cravings c. Overdose d. Allergy

____ 25. The substance that triggers the feeling of pleasure. a. Endorphin c. Aspirin b. Dopamine d. Cocaine

II. Enumeration 1. Give at least five reasons why people use drugs. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. The seven deadly sins. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


II. Explanation 1. Differentiate Medicine from Drugs.

2. Explain Self-Medication Syndrome

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