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Learner Ontology for the Active Semantic Learning System

Ioan SZILAGYI, Ioan ROXIN OUN - ELLIADD, University of Franche-Comt Montbliard, FRANCE {firstname.lastname} Abstract
The efficiency of the learning experience in a learning system is highly related to the capability of the system to offer learning resources in accordance with learners needs and preferences. In the context of the semantic learning systems, the learners and the learning objects are described using ontologies. In what follows we present a learner ontology used in the context of a semantic learning system. We study and conceptualize some of the learning-related dimensions of a learner, which used in the Active Semantic Learning System (ASLS), provide the learner with an efficient and personalized learning experience. The learner ontology is constructed keeping in mind relations that a learner has with other objects that participate at the learning experience.

Dimensions of the Learner Model (2)

3. Learning Style - specifies the particular way in which the learner prefers to learn (e.g. values of the four dimensions from the Felder-Silverman learning style) 4. Personal preferences and traces - specify personal-related preferences (e.g. prefered activity, prefered subject) and learners habits on the system (e.g. time spent on learning resources) Based on these dimensions the system adapts and enriches the initial learning path with personalized learning content.

Learner Modeling in the ASLS

- The learner is the central object of the learning system - The learner model provides a common understanding of the learner characteristics -> learner ontology - The system facilitates the learner-knowledge relation - The system provides the learner with an adapted learning experience

Learner Ontology in the ASLS

J. Houssaye, "Thorie et pratiques de lducation scolaire I : Le triangle pdagogique", Paris: Peter Lang, 1988.

Dimensions of the Learner Model (1)

1. Acquired competences - evaluate the current knowledge level of the learner 2. Learning objectives - provide an image of the learners learning goals The differences between these two dimensions provide the initial learning path of the learner.

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12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies Rome, ITALY, 4-6 July 2012

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