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The society in which we live is influenced by research. Research is the systematic process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting information or data in order to increase our understanding if a phenomenon about which we are interested or concerned. It is very important to note that research can be both formal and informal epistemology. Epistemology simply means how we know what we know. Research is critical to the building of knowledge base through as well as encourages innovative solutions to problems. Research is used to establish or confirm facts, reaffirm the results of previous work, solve new or existing problems, support theorems, or develop new theories. Research is to seek out, examine and to build on experience, it is a catalyst of knowledge construction. Formal research brings about critical thinking that allows the researcher to ask valid questions relating to the research. Innovative solutions are essential outcomes of knowledge, but it is oftentimes through research through which this knowledge is built. Simply put, research encourages innovative solutions. A range of investigator-led research, strategic research and evaluation research funded by HP Foundations builds evidence for health promotion interventions. Research capacity is also built by improving the overall skills of researchers and providing networking.

Formal research is controlled, objective, and systematic gathering of information or data. The researcher carefully defines the things under study and what will and won't be studied. It is systematic in that we carefully follow prescribed rules in gathering and assessing information or data. It is controlled in that we carefully define, gather, and evaluate the information or data according to prescribed rules that can be reviewed for error. The formal method provides a description based upon agreed units that can be measured and assessed for reliability. Whereas the informal method describes the information or data based on the intuition of the researcher, while informal research is valid it as several flaws/errors, such as selective observation, illogical reasoning, halo effect and overgeneralization. These flaws/errors can only be avoided when a formal research is conducted. Knowledge construction requires connecting research to policy and practice (knowledge translation). This serves to increase the impact and of new knowledge. Researchers exchange lessons learned with other experts in their particular field as well as with partners in organizations in other countries. The knowledge gained through these exchanges is used to enhance wider global knowledge. Once research is completed, organizations and persons find ways to bring that knowledge into dialogue with others in order to build knowledge across the field. This takes shape as discussions that focus on a particular topic facilitates a free flow of discussion and creative thinking. In other instances, research professional and policy makers are engaged in-depth conversations together on various themes regarding shared objectives. Other times, this means bringing leaders in the field together to brainstorm new research questions and to collaboratively design research projects that are deemed important.

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