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WESTMINSTER WALK - Walk London - Google Maps

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Walk past London's seats of Royal and Political power; see these and other world famous attractions. Circular walk Leisure walker: 2 hours Power Walker: 45 mins
Public 92,135 view s Created on May 5, 2009 By w alklondon Updated May 23, 2012 1/5


WESTMINSTER WALK - Walk London - Google Maps

Westminster Walk - START & FINISH HERE Walk London's Westminster Walk STARTS and FINISHES at Circular Route Leisure Walker 3 Hours Power Walker 1 hour
(plus any stopping / visiting time)


Houses of Parliament & Big Ben Big Ben is not the clock tower but the thirteenth bell in the Clock Tower (St Stephen's Tower) which strikes the hour.

Big Ben to Downing Street

At WESTMISTER UNDERGROUND station come out of EXIT 4 , you will be opposite Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament. Turn right along Bridge Street towards Parliament Square, go straight across the busy road and turn right up into Parliament Street. Walk up the left-hand side of the road past Her Majesty's Treasury, the Foreign and Colonial Office and Cenotaph. You are now in Whitehall.

Downing Street Build by Sir George Downing, No 10 Downing Street is an office for the Prime Minister (1st Lord of the Treasury), a meeting place for the Cabinet and a venue for state events. Whitehall to Horse Guards

Continue up Whitehall past Downing Street to Horse Guards and, on the opposite side of the road, Banqueting House. Walk through the arch on the left to view Horse Guards Parade and the Old Admiralty Offices. Turn round and walk back through the arch on to Whitehall.

Horse Guards Horse Guards, built between 1751-1753, is the headquarters of the Household Cavalry. Watch the changing of the guard, relieved every hour daily from 10 am to 4 pm.

Horse Guards to Trafalgar Square

Continue up Whitehall to Trafalger Square and Nelson's Column. Admiralty Arch is on your left as you cross the road into the square.

Banqueting House 2/5


WESTMINSTER WALK - Walk London - Google Maps

Banqueting House is the only complete building left surviving from the Palace the largest palace in Europe during Henry VIII's reign

Trafalgar Square and Nelsons Column The column was built between 1840 and 1843 to commemorate Admiral Horatio Nelson's death at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. Nelson faces south looking towards the Admiralty, with the Mall on his right flank, where Nelson's ships are represented on the top of each flagpole. The National & Portrate Galleries The National Gallery has one of the greatest collections of Western European painting in the world. From the Middle Ages to the early 20th century it includes works by Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Rembrandt, Gainsborough, Turner, Renoir, Cezanne and Van Gogh. Trafalgar Square to Pall Mall

Walk to the top of Trafalgar Square to The National Gallery. (To the right of the National Gallery is the National Portrait Gallery.) At the top of the square turn left and walk past the National Gallery into Pall Mall East. Continue straight on into Pall Mall. Cross Pall Mall and turn left into Waterloo Place.div>

Pall Mall to the The Mall

Walk to the end of Waterloo Place to the Duke of York Column. Cross Carlton House Terrace, walk down The Duke of York Steps and at the bottom turn right onto The Mall.

The Mall to St James's Palace

Walk up The Mall and take the first road on your right, Marlborough Road to view St. James Palace. Turn round and walk back onto The Mall and continue up past Clarence House to Buckingham Palace.

St James's Palace Built between 1531 and 1536, St. James's Palace was a residence of kings and queens of England for over 300 years. St. James's Palace today is the home of several members of the Royal Family. As it is often in use for official functions, it is not open to the public. Clarence House Clarence House is the official London residence of The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall. It is open to the public during the summer months each year.



WESTMINSTER WALK - Walk London - Google Maps

Buckingham Palace Buckingham Palace has served as the official London residence of Britain's sovereigns since 1837 and is opened to visitors on a regular basis. From April until July the guard change is scheduled to take place daily at 11.30am, arrive early to get a good view. Buckinham Palace to The Royal Mews

Walk up to Buckingham Palace past Queen Victoria Memorial. Walk to the left of the palace into Buckingham Gate. Follow the road round into Buckingham Palace Road, past the the Queen's Gallery and shop in to The Royal Mews. Re-trace your steps back along Buckingham Palace Road bear right crossing the road into Birdcage Walk.

The Royal Mews One of the finest working stables in existence, the Royal Mews at Buckingham Palace provides a unique insight into the department of the Royal Household that provides transport by road for The Queen and other members of the Royal Family. Buckingham Palace to Horse Guards Parade Ground

From Birdcage Walk take the 1st footpath on the left into St James Park. Follow the Diana, Princess of Wales memorial footpath down the right-hand side of the lake. Cross the Blue Bridge over the lake, and continue down the left-hand side of the lake out of the park into Horse Guards Road.

Cabinet War Rooms The Churchill Museum and Cabinet War Rooms is an underground complex that had been used as an operational command and control centre by the British government throughout the Second World War. Open to the general public.

Horse Guards to Westminster Abbey

Turn right down Horse Guards Road to the Clive Steps and the Churchill Museum and Cabinate War Rooms. Continue down Horse Guards Road, at the end go straight cross Birdcage Walk into Storey's Gate. At the end, turn left into The Sanctury and Westminster Abbey. Walk back to Parliament Square and WESTMISTER UNDERGROUND station.



WESTMINSTER WALK - Walk London - Google Maps

Westminster Abbey Westminster Abbey is steeped in more than a thousand years of history. Benedictine monks first came to this site in the middle of the tenth century, establishing a tradition of daily worship which continues to this day. The Abbey has been the coronation church since 1066 and is the final resting place of seventeen monarchs. The present church, begun by Henry III in 1245, is one of the most important Gothic buildings in the country


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