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Family Pastor Alvarez Sitton and reach agreement

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By: Editorial 12/09/2013 9:52:00


The evangelical pastor, Edwin Alvarez and Rivers Sitton family reached an agreement to resolve the conflict by two farms located in Boqueron, Chiriqui. Lawyers for both sides (Abel Ballesteros and Jos Mara lvarez family Lezcano by Sitton Rivers) signed in the Notary First Circuit Chiriqu, a document whereby, Pastor Alvarez agrees to transfer land to those who bought them: Octavio and Felipe Rodriguez. To these two we shall follow the process to deliver the Sitton family farms Rivers. In the paper, the family recognizes that religious Sitton bought them in good faith and became a pastor moral damage, while committed to their time, to withdraw the lawsuit and not have any other legal action in the future. evangelical Pastor stated that for the previous problem that has had the farm, decided not to use the land and not be part of a situation where in principle "Sorry it is preferable to leave the law that was due to have the awareness and completely free future. " Alvarez said that you can not simply rely on a certificate from the Public Registry but should do more research. 's family had reported Sitton Rivers the alleged theft of 13 hectares located in the Pan American Highway near the entrance of the districts Alanje Boqueron, Chiriqui. Alvarez said in Chiriqui, do not feel cheated. He said the transaction was made by 320 thousand dollars, which were canceled in 18 months. He added that there is an estate, whose first transfer occurred in 1998 and twelve years later, in 2010, they acquired after passing through successive owners. therefore said not to understand from where the complaint against him. The pastor said that in two previous processes of adverse possession in Chiriqui, won a favorable decision in Circuit Court. On the possibility of a network dedicated to land theft and fraud, Pastor Alvarez said that the relevant authorities must demarcate . however, said he has received multiple releases across the country, in which similar events are reported. Pastor Alvarez noted, this could indicate that something is not well regulated or has irregularities.

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johana I'm glad that everything has been resolved, and especially as recognize the damage they did to the image of Pastor Edwin Alvarez and honor be to God who never leaves his children alone.

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