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MeLro Manlla
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!" $% "&'(%") *+ %," -"&'%" '&) ./01" /2 3"45"1"&%'%$6"1 /2 %," 7,$8$44$&"1 $& 9/&:5"11
K"(,'*/ =7 !"#$%7 - 1hls AcL shall be known as O!&% ()*+,-)./ 01# 23 4565O7
K"(,'*/ P7 7%1$.8.#"2/ 23 92$"1:7 - 1he SLaLe shall malnLaln honesLy and lnLegrlLy ln Lhe
publlc servlce and Lake poslLlve and effecLlve measures agalnsL grafL and corrupLlon.
ubllc offlce ls a publlc LrusL. ubllc offlcers and employees musL aL all Llmes be
accounLable Lo Lhe people, serve Lhem wlLh uLmosL responslblllLy, lnLegrlLy, loyalLy,
efflclency, acL wlLh paLrloLlsm and [usLlce and lead modesL llves.
K"(,'*/ Q7 (33"1% 23 #&% ()*+,-)./7 - 1he Cfflce of Lhe Cmbudsman shall lnclude Lhe
Cfflce of Lhe Cverall uepuLy, Lhe Cfflce of Lhe uepuLy for Luzon, Lhe Cfflce of Lhe uepuLy
for Lhe vlsayas, Lhe Cfflce of Lhe uepuLy for Mlndanao, Lhe Cfflce of Lhe uepuLy for Lhe
Armed lorces, and Lhe Cfflce of Lhe Speclal rosecuLor. 1he resldenL may appolnL
oLher uepuLles as Lhe necesslLy for lL may arlse, as recommended by Lhe Cmbudsman.
K"(,'*/ R7 0;;2"/#)%/#7 - 1he Cmbudsman and hls uepuLles, lncludlng Lhe Speclal
rosecuLor, shall be appolnLed by Lhe resldenL from a llsL of aL leasL LwenLy-one (21)
nomlnees prepared by Lhe !udlclal and 8ar Councll, and from a llsL of Lhree (3) nomlnees
for each vacancy LhereafLer, whlch shall be fllled wlLhln Lhree (3) monLhs afLer lL occurs,
each of whlch llsL shall be publlshed ln a newspaper of general clrculaLlon.
ln Lhe organlzaLlon of Lhe Cfflce of Lhe Cmbudsman for fllllng up of poslLlons Lhereln,
reglonal, culLural or eLhnlc conslderaLlons shall be Laken lnLo accounL Lo Lhe end LhaL
Lhe Cfflce shall be as much as posslble represenLaLlve of Lhe reglonal, eLhnlc and
culLural make-up of Lhe llllplno naLlon.
K"(,'*/ S7 <+.$"3"1.#"2/-7 - 1he Cmbudsman and hls uepuLles, lncludlng Lhe Speclal
rosecuLor, shall be naLural-born clLlzens of Lhe hlllpplnes, aL leasL forLy (40) years old,
of recognlzed problLy and lndependence, members of Lhe hlllpplne 8ar, and musL noL
have been candldaLes for any elecLlve naLlonal or local offlce ln Lhe lmmedlaLely
precedlng elecLlon wheLher regular or speclal. 1he Cmbudsman musL have, for Len (10)
years or more, been a [udge or engaged ln Lhe pracLlce of law ln Lhe hlllpplnes.
K"(,'*/ 87 =./> ./, ?.$.8:7 - 1he Cmbudsman and hls uepuLles shall have Lhe same
ranks, salarles and prlvlleges as Lhe Chalrman and members, respecLlvely, of a
ConsLlLuLlonal Commlsslon. 1helr salarles shall noL be decreased durlng Lhelr Lerm of
1he members of Lhe prosecuLlon, lnvesLlgaLlon and legal sLaff of Lhe Cfflce of Lhe
Cmbudsman shall recelve salarles whlch shall noL be less Lhan Lhose glven Lo
comparable poslLlons ln any offlce ln Lhe CovernmenL.
K"(,'*/ 97 !%8) 23 (33"1%7 - 1he Cmbudsman and hls uepuLles, lncludlng Lhe Speclal
rosecuLor, shall serve for a Lerm of seven (7) years wlLhouL reappolnLmenL.
K"(,'*/ @7 =%)2@.$A B"$$"/C 23 D.1./1:7 -
(1) ln accordance wlLh Lhe provlslons of ArLlcle xl of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon, Lhe
Cmbudsman may be removed from offlce on lmpeachmenL for, and convlcLlon
of, culpable vlolaLlon of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon, Lreason, brlbery, grafL and corrupLlon,
oLher hlgh crlmes, or beLrayal of publlc LrusL.
(2) A uepuLy or Lhe Speclal rosecuLor, may be removed from offlce by Lhe
resldenL for any of Lhe grounds provlded for Lhe removal of Lhe Cmbudsman,
and afLer due process.
(3) ln case of vacancy ln Lhe Cfflce of Lhe Cmbudsman due Lo deaLh, reslgnaLlon,
removal or permanenL dlsablllLy of Lhe lncumbenL Cmbudsman, Lhe Cverall
uepuLy shall serve as AcLlng Cmbudsman ln a concurrenL capaclLy unLll a new
Cmbudsman shall have been appolnLed for a full Lerm.n case Lhe Cverall uepuLy
cannoL assume Lhe role of AcLlng Cmbudsman, Lhe resldenL may deslgnaLe any
of Lhe uepuLles, or Lhe Speclal rosecuLor, as AcLlng Cmbudsman.
(4) ln case of Lemporary absence or dlsablllLy of Lhe Cmbudsman, Lhe Cverall
uepuLy shall perform Lhe duLles of Lhe Cmbudsman unLll Lhe Cmbudsman
reLurns or ls able Lo perform hls duLles.
K"(,'*/ ?7 982&"*"#"2/- ./, 7"-E+.$"3"1.#"2/-7 - 1he Cmbudsman, hls uepuLles and Lhe
Speclal rosecuLor shall noL, durlng Lhelr Lenure, hold any oLher offlce or employmenL.
1hey shall noL, durlng sald Lenure, dlrecLly or lndlrecLly pracLlce any oLher professlon,
parLlclpaLe ln any buslness, or be flnanclally lnLeresLed ln any conLracL wlLh, or ln any
franchlse, or speclal prlvllege granLed by Lhe CovernmenL or any subdlvlslon, agency or
lnsLrumenLallLy Lhereof, lncludlng governmenL-owned or conLrolled corporaLlons or
Lhelr subsldlarles. 1hey shall sLrlcLly avold confllcL of lnLeresL ln Lhe conducL of Lhelr
offlce. 1hey shall noL be quallfled Lo run for any offlce ln Lhe elecLlon lmmedlaLely
followlng Lhelr cessaLlon from offlce. 1hey shall noL be allowed Lo appear or pracLlce
before Lhe Cmbudsman for Lwo (2) years followlng Lhelr cessaLlon from offlce.
no spouse or relaLlve by consangulnlLy or afflnlLy wlLhln Lhe fourLh clvll degree and no
law, buslness or professlonal parLner or assoclaLe of Lhe Cmbudsman, hls uepuLles or
Speclal rosecuLor wlLhln one (1) year precedlng Lhe appolnLmenL may appear as
counsel or agenL on any maLLer pendlng before Lhe Cfflce of Lhe Cmbudsman or
LransacL buslness dlrecLly or lndlrecLly LherewlLh.
1hls dlsquallflcaLlon shall apply durlng Lhe Lenure of Lhe offlclal concerned. 1hls
dlsquallflcaLlon llkewlse exLends Lo Lhe law, buslness or professlonal flrm for Lhe same
K"(,'*/ =:7 7"-1$2-+8% 23 =%$.#"2/-&";7 - lL shall be Lhe duLy of Lhe Cmbudsman, hls
uepuLles, lncludlng Lhe Speclal rosecuLor Lo make under oaLh, Lo Lhe besL of Lhelr
knowledge and/or lnformaLlon, a publlc dlsclosure of Lhe ldenLlLles of, and Lhelr
relaLlonshlp wlLh Lhe persons referred Lo ln Lhe precedlng secLlon.
1he dlsclosure shall be flled wlLh Lhe Cfflce of Lhe resldenL and Lhe Cfflce of Lhe
Cmbudsman before Lhe appolnLee assumes offlce and every year LhereafLer. 1he
dlsclosures made pursuanL Lo Lhls secLlon shall form parL of Lhe publlc records and shall
be avallable Lo any person or enLlLy upon requesL.
K"(,'*/ ==7 ?#8+1#+8.$ (8C./"F.#"2/7 - 1he auLhorlLy and responslblllLy for Lhe exerclse
of Lhe mandaLe of Lhe Cfflce of Lhe Cmbudsman and for Lhe dlscharge of lLs powers and
funcLlons shall be vesLed ln Lhe Cmbudsman, who shall have supervlslon and conLrol of
Lhe sald offlce.
(1) 1he Cfflce of Lhe Cmbudsman may organlze such dlrecLoraLes for
admlnlsLraLlon and allled servlces as may be necessary for Lhe effecLlve dlscharge
of lLs funcLlons. 1hose appolnLed as dlrecLors or heads shall have Lhe rank and
salary of llne bureau dlrecLors.
(2) 1he Cfflce of Lhe Cverall uepuLy shall oversee and admlnlsLer Lhe operaLlons
of Lhe dlfferenL offlces under Lhe Cfflce of Cmbudsman.L shall llkewlse perform
such oLher funcLlons and duLles asslgned Lo lL by Lhe Cmbudsman.
(3) 1he Cfflce of Lhe Speclal rosecuLor shall be composed of Lhe Speclal
rosecuLor and hls prosecuLlon sLaff. 1he Cfflce of Lhe Speclal rosecuLor shall
be an organlc componenL of Lhe Cfflce of Lhe Cmbudsman and shall be under
Lhe supervlslon and conLrol of Lhe Cmbudsman.
(4) 1he Cfflce of Lhe Speclal rosecuLor shall, under Lhe supervlslon and conLrol
and upon Lhe auLhorlLy of Lhe Cmbudsman, have Lhe followlng powers:
(a) 1o conducL prellmlnary lnvesLlgaLlon and prosecuLe crlmlnal cases
wlLhln Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe Sandlganbayan,
(b) 1o enLer lnLo plea bargalnlng agreemenLs, and
(c) 1o perform such oLher duLles asslgned Lo lL by Lhe Cmbudsman.
1he Speclal rosecuLor shall have Lhe rank and salary of a uepuLy
(3) 1he poslLlon sLrucLure and sLafflng paLLern of Lhe Cfflce of Lhe Cmbudsman,
lncludlng Lhe Cfflce of Lhe Speclal rosecuLor, shall be approved and prescrlbed
by Lhe Cmbudsman. 1he Cmbudsman shall appolnL all offlcers and employees of
Lhe Cfflce of Lhe Cmbudsman, lncludlng Lhose of Lhe Cfflce of Lhe Speclal
rosecuLor, ln accordance wlLh Lhe Clvll Servlce Law, rules and regulaLlons.
K"(,'*/ =P7 (33"1".$ ?#.#"2/-7 - 1he Cmbudsman, Lhe Cverall uepuLy, Lhe uepuLy for
Luzon, and Lhe uepuLy for Lhe Armed lorces shall hold offlce ln MeLropollLan Manlla,
Lhe uepuLy for Lhe vlsayas, ln Cebu ClLy, and Lhe uepuLy for Mlndanao, ln uavao ClLy.
1he Cmbudsman may Lransfer Lhelr sLaLlons wlLhln Lhelr respecLlve geographlcal
reglons, as publlc lnLeresL may requlre.
K"(,'*/ =Q7 G./,.#%7 - 1he Cmbudsman and hls uepuLles, as proLecLors of Lhe people,
shall acL prompLly on complalnLs flled ln any form or manner agalnsL offlcers or
employees of Lhe CovernmenL, or of any subdlvlslon, agency or lnsLrumenLallLy Lhereof,
lncludlng governmenL-owned or conLrolled corporaLlons, and enforce Lhelr
admlnlsLraLlve, clvll and crlmlnal llablllLy ln every case where Lhe evldence warranLs ln
order Lo promoLe efflclenL servlce by Lhe CovernmenL Lo Lhe people.
K"(,'*/ =R7 =%-#8"1#"2/-7 - no wrlL of ln[uncLlon shall be lssued by any courL Lo delay an
lnvesLlgaLlon belng conducLed by Lhe Cmbudsman under Lhls AcL, unless Lhere ls a
prlma facle evldence LhaL Lhe sub[ecL maLLer of Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon ls ouLslde Lhe
[urlsdlcLlon of Lhe Cfflce of Lhe Cmbudsman.
no courL shall hear any appeal or appllcaLlon for remedy agalnsL Lhe declslon or flndlngs
of Lhe Cmbudsman, excepL Lhe Supreme CourL, on pure quesLlon of law.
K"(,'*/ =S7 92H%8-I B+/1#"2/- ./, 7+#"%-7 - 1he Cfflce of Lhe Cmbudsman shall have
Lhe followlng powers, funcLlons and duLles:
(1) lnvesLlgaLe and prosecuLe on lLs own or on complalnL by any person, any acL
or omlsslon of any publlc offlcer or employee, offlce or agency, when such acL or
omlsslon appears Lo be lllegal, un[usL, lmproper or lnefflclenL.L has prlmary
[urlsdlcLlon over cases cognlzable by Lhe Sandlganbayan and, ln Lhe exerclse of
Lhls prlmary [urlsdlcLlon, lL may Lake over, aL any sLage, from any lnvesLlgaLory
agency of CovernmenL, Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon of such cases,
(2) ulrecL, upon complalnL or aL lLs own lnsLance, any offlcer or employee of Lhe
CovernmenL, or of any subdlvlslon, agency or lnsLrumenLallLy Lhereof, as well as
any governmenL-owned or conLrolled corporaLlons wlLh orlglnal charLer, Lo
perform and expedlLe any acL or duLy requlred by law, or Lo sLop, prevenL, and
correcL any abuse or lmproprleLy ln Lhe performance of duLles,
(3) ulrecL Lhe offlcer concerned Lo Lake approprlaLe acLlon agalnsL a publlc
offlcer or employee aL faulL or who neglecL Lo perform an acL or dlscharge a duLy
requlred by law, and recommend hls removal, suspenslon, demoLlon, flne,
censure, or prosecuLlon, and ensure compllance LherewlLh, or enforce lLs
dlsclpllnary auLhorlLy as provlded ln SecLlon 21 of Lhls AcL: provlded, LhaL Lhe
refusal by any offlcer wlLhouL [usL cause Lo comply wlLh an order of Lhe
Cmbudsman Lo remove, suspend, demoLe, flne, censure, or prosecuLe an offlcer
or employee who ls aL faulL or who neglecLs Lo perform an acL or dlscharge a
duLy requlred by law shall be a ground for dlsclpllnary acLlon agalnsL sald offlcer,
(4) ulrecL Lhe offlcer concerned, ln any approprlaLe case, and sub[ecL Lo such
llmlLaLlons as lL may provlde ln lLs rules of procedure, Lo furnlsh lL wlLh coples of
documenLs relaLlng Lo conLracLs or LransacLlons enLered lnLo by hls offlce
lnvolvlng Lhe dlsbursemenL or use of publlc funds or properLles, and reporL any
lrregularlLy Lo Lhe Commlsslon on AudlL for approprlaLe acLlon,
(3) 8equesL any governmenL agency for asslsLance and lnformaLlon necessary ln
Lhe dlscharge of lLs responslblllLles, and Lo examlne, lf necessary, perLlnenL
records and documenLs,
(6) ubllclze maLLers covered by lLs lnvesLlgaLlon of Lhe maLLers menLloned ln
paragraphs (1), (2), (3) and (4) hereof, when clrcumsLances so warranL and wlLh
due prudence: provlded, LhaL Lhe Cmbudsman under lLs rules and regulaLlons
may deLermlne whaL cases may noL be made publlc: provlded, furLher, LhaL any
publlclLy lssued by Lhe Cmbudsman shall be balanced, falr and Lrue,
(7) ueLermlne Lhe causes of lnefflclency, red Lape, mlsmanagemenL, fraud, and
corrupLlon ln Lhe CovernmenL, and make recommendaLlons for Lhelr ellmlnaLlon
and Lhe observance of hlgh sLandards of eLhlcs and efflclency,
(8) AdmlnlsLer oaLhs, lssue subpoena and subpoena duces Lecum, and Lake
LesLlmony ln any lnvesLlgaLlon or lnqulry, lncludlng Lhe power Lo examlne and
have access Lo bank accounLs and records,
(9) unlsh for conLempL ln accordance wlLh Lhe 8ules of CourL and under Lhe
same procedure and wlLh Lhe same penalLles provlded Lhereln,
(10) uelegaLe Lo Lhe uepuLles, or lLs lnvesLlgaLors or represenLaLlves such
auLhorlLy or duLy as shall ensure Lhe effecLlve exerclse or performance of Lhe
powers, funcLlons, and duLles hereln or herelnafLer provlded,
(11) lnvesLlgaLe and lnlLlaLe Lhe proper acLlon for Lhe recovery of lll-goLLen
and/or unexplalned wealLh amassed afLer lebruary 23, 1986 and Lhe
prosecuLlon of Lhe parLles lnvolved Lhereln.
1he Cmbudsman shall glve prlorlLy Lo complalnLs flled agalnsL hlgh ranklng governmenL
offlclals and/or Lhose occupylng supervlsory poslLlons, complalnLs lnvolvlng grave
offenses as well as complalnLs lnvolvlng large sums of money and/or properLles.
K"(,'*/ =87 0;;$"1.*"$"#:7 - 1he provlslons of Lhls AcL shall apply Lo all klnds of
malfeasance, mlsfeasance, and non-feasance LhaL have been commlLLed by any offlcer
or employee as menLloned ln SecLlon 13 hereof, durlng hls Lenure of offlce.
K"(,'*/ =97 J))+/"#"%-7 - ln all hearlngs, lnqulrles, and proceedlngs of Lhe
Cmbudsman, lncludlng prellmlnary lnvesLlgaLlons of offenses, nor person subpoenaed
Lo LesLlfy as a wlLness shall be excused from aLLendlng and LesLlfylng or from produclng
books, papers, correspondence, memoranda and/or oLher records on Lhe ground LhaL
Lhe LesLlmony or evldence, documenLary or oLherwlse, requlred of hlm, may Lend Lo
lncrlmlnaLe hlm or sub[ecL hlm Lo prosecuLlon: provlded, LhaL no person shall be
prosecuLed crlmlnally for or on accounL of any maLLer concernlng whlch he ls compelled,
afLer havlng clalmed Lhe prlvllege agalnsL self-lncrlmlnaLlon, Lo LesLlfy and produce
evldence, documenLary or oLherwlse.
under such Lerms and condlLlons as lL may deLermlne, Laklng lnLo accounL Lhe perLlnenL
provlslons of Lhe 8ules of CourL, Lhe Cmbudsman may granL lmmunlLy from crlmlnal
prosecuLlon Lo any person whose LesLlmony or whose possesslon and producLlon of
documenLs or oLher evldence may be necessary Lo deLermlne Lhe LruLh ln any hearlng,
lnqulry or proceedlng belng conducLed by Lhe Cmbudsman or under lLs auLhorlLy, ln Lhe
performance or ln Lhe furLherance of lLs consLlLuLlonal funcLlons and sLaLuLory
ob[ecLlves. 1he lmmunlLy granLed under Lhls and Lhe lmmedlaLely precedlng paragraph
shall noL exempL Lhe wlLness from crlmlnal prosecuLlon for per[ury or false LesLlmony
nor shall he be exempL from demoLlon or removal from offlce.
Any refusal Lo appear or LesLlfy pursuanL Lo Lhe foregolng provlslons shall be sub[ecL Lo
punlshmenL for conLempL and removal of Lhe lmmunlLy from crlmlnal prosecuLlon.
K"(,'*/ =@7 =+$%- 23 9821%,+8%7 -
(1) 1he Cfflce of Lhe Cmbudsman shall promulgaLe lLs rules of procedure for Lhe
effecLlve exerclse or performance of lLs powers, funcLlons, and duLles.
(2) 1he rules of procedure shall lnclude a provlslon whereby Lhe 8ules of CourL
are made suppleLory.
(3) 1he rules shall Lake effecL afLer flfLeen (13) days followlng Lhe compleLlon of
Lhelr publlcaLlon ln Lhe Cfflclal CazeLLe or ln Lhree (3) newspapers of general
clrculaLlon ln Lhe hlllpplnes, one of whlch ls prlnLed ln Lhe naLlonal language.
K"(,'*/ =?7 0,)"/"-#8.#"@% K2);$."/#-7 - 1he Cmbudsman shall acL on all complalnLs
relaLlng, buL noL llmlLed Lo acLs or omlsslons whlch:
(1) Are conLrary Lo law or regulaLlon,
(2) Are unreasonable, unfalr, oppresslve or dlscrlmlnaLory,
(3) Are lnconslsLenL wlLh Lhe general course of an agency's funcLlons, Lhough ln
accordance wlLh law,
(4) roceed from a mlsLake of law or an arblLrary ascerLalnmenL of facLs,
(3) Are ln Lhe exerclse of dlscreLlonary powers buL for an lmproper purpose, or
(6) Are oLherwlse lrregular, lmmoral or devold of [usLlflcaLlon.
K"(,'*/ P:7 LM1%;#"2/-7 - 1he Cfflce of Lhe Cmbudsman may noL conducL Lhe necessary
lnvesLlgaLlon of any admlnlsLraLlve acL or omlsslon complalned of lf lL belleves LhaL:
(1) 1he complalnanL has an adequaLe remedy ln anoLher [udlclal or quasl-[udlclal
(2) 1he complalnL perLalns Lo a maLLer ouLslde Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe Cfflce of
Lhe Cmbudsman,
(3) 1he complalnL ls Lrlvlal, frlvolous, vexaLlous or made ln bad falLh,
(4) 1he complalnanL has no sufflclenL personal lnLeresL ln Lhe sub[ecL maLLer of
Lhe grlevance, or
(3) 1he complalnL was flled afLer one (1) year from Lhe occurrence of Lhe acL or
omlsslon complalned of.
K"(,'*/ P=7 (33"1".$ ?+*N%1# #2 7"-1";$"/.8: 0+#&28"#:A LM1%;#"2/-7 - 1he Cfflce of Lhe
Cmbudsman shall have dlsclpllnary auLhorlLy over all elecLlve and appolnLlve offlclals of
Lhe CovernmenL and lLs subdlvlslons, lnsLrumenLallLles and agencles, lncludlng
Members of Lhe CablneL, local governmenL, governmenL-owned or conLrolled
corporaLlons and Lhelr subsldlarles, excepL over offlclals who may be removed only by
lmpeachmenL or over Members of Congress, and Lhe !udlclary.
K"(,'*/ PP7 J/@%-#"C.#28: 92H%87 - 1he Cfflce of Lhe Cmbudsman shall have Lhe power
Lo lnvesLlgaLe any serlous mlsconducL ln offlce allegedly commlLLed by offlclals
removable by lmpeachmenL, for Lhe purpose of flllng a verlfled complalnL for
lmpeachmenL, lf warranLed.
ln all cases of consplracy beLween an offlcer or employee of Lhe governmenL and a
prlvaLe person, Lhe Cmbudsman and hls uepuLles shall have [urlsdlcLlon Lo lnclude such
prlvaLe person ln Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon and proceed agalnsL such prlvaLe person as Lhe
evldence may warranL. 1he offlcer or employee and Lhe prlvaLe person shall be Lrled
[olnLly and shall be sub[ecL Lo Lhe same penalLles and llablllLles.
K"(,'*/ PQ7 B28).$ J/@%-#"C.#"2/7 -
(1) AdmlnlsLraLlve lnvesLlgaLlons conducLed by Lhe Cfflce of Lhe Cmbudsman
shall be ln accordance wlLh lLs rules of procedure and conslsLenL wlLh due
(2) AL lLs opLlon, Lhe Cfflce of Lhe Cmbudsman may refer cerLaln complalnLs Lo
Lhe proper dlsclpllnary auLhorlLy for Lhe lnsLlLuLlon of approprlaLe admlnlsLraLlve
proceedlngs agalnsL errlng publlc offlcers or employees, whlch shall be
deLermlned wlLhln Lhe perlod prescrlbed ln Lhe clvll servlce law. Any delay
wlLhouL [usL cause ln acLlng on any referral made by Lhe Cfflce of Lhe
Cmbudsman shall be a ground for admlnlsLraLlve acLlon agalnsL Lhe offlcers or
employees Lo whom such referrals are addressed and shall consLlLuLe a grafL
offense punlshable by a flne of noL exceedlng llve Lhousand pesos (3,000.00).
(3) ln any lnvesLlgaLlon under Lhls AcL Lhe Cmbudsman may: (a) enLer and
lnspecL Lhe premlses of any offlce, agency, commlsslon or Lrlbunal, (b) examlne
and have access Lo any book, record, flle, documenL or paper, and (c) hold
prlvaLe hearlngs wlLh boLh Lhe complalnlng lndlvldual and Lhe offlclal concerned.
K"(,'*/ PR7 98%@%/#"@%- ?+-;%/-"2/7 - 1he Cmbudsman or hls uepuLy may prevenLlvely
suspend any offlcer or employee under hls auLhorlLy pendlng an lnvesLlgaLlon, lf ln hls
[udgmenL Lhe evldence of gullL ls sLrong, and (a) Lhe charge agalnsL such offlcer or
employee lnvolves dlshonesLy, oppresslon or grave mlsconducL or neglecL ln Lhe
performance of duLy, (b) Lhe charges would warranL removal from Lhe servlce, or (c) Lhe
respondenL's conLlnued sLay ln offlce may pre[udlce Lhe case flled agalnsL hlm.
1he prevenLlve suspenslon shall conLlnue unLll Lhe case ls LermlnaLed by Lhe Cfflce of
Lhe Cmbudsman buL noL more Lhan slx (6) monLhs, wlLhouL pay, excepL when Lhe delay
ln Lhe dlsposlLlon of Lhe case by Lhe Cfflce of Lhe Cmbudsman ls due Lo Lhe faulL,
negllgence or peLlLlon of Lhe respondenL, ln whlch case Lhe perlod of such delay shall
noL be counLed ln compuLlng Lhe perlod of suspenslon hereln provlded.
K"(,'*/ PS7 9%/.$#"%-7 -
(1) ln admlnlsLraLlve proceedlngs under resldenLlal uecree no. 807, Lhe
penalLles and rules provlded Lhereln shall be applled.
(2) ln oLher admlnlsLraLlve proceedlngs, Lhe penalLy ranglng from suspenslon
wlLhouL pay for one (1) year Lo dlsmlssal wlLh forfelLure of beneflLs or a flne
ranglng from llve Lhousand pesos (3,000.00) Lo Lwlce Lhe amounL malversed,
lllegally Laken or losL, or boLh aL Lhe dlscreLlon of Lhe Cmbudsman, Laklng lnLo
conslderaLlon clrcumsLances LhaL mlLlgaLe or aggravaLe Lhe llablllLy of Lhe offlcer
or employee found gullLy of Lhe complalnL or charges.
K"(,'*/ P87 J/E+"8"%-7 -
(1) 1he Cfflce of Lhe Cmbudsman shall lnqulre lnLo acLs or omlsslons of a publlc
offlcer, employee, offlce or agency whlch, from Lhe reporLs or complalnLs lL has
recelved, Lhe Cmbudsman or hls uepuLles conslder Lo be:
(a) conLrary Lo law or regulaLlon,
(b) unreasonable, unfalr, oppresslve, lrregular or lnconslsLenL wlLh Lhe
general course of Lhe operaLlons and funcLlons of a publlc offlcer,
employee, offlce or agency,
(c) an error ln Lhe appllcaLlon or lnLerpreLaLlon of law, rules or
regulaLlons, or a gross or palpable error ln Lhe appreclaLlon of facLs,
(d) based on lmproper moLlves or corrupL conslderaLlons,
(e) unclear or lnadequaLely explalned when reasons should have been
revealed, or
(f) lnefflclenL performed or oLherwlse ob[ecLlonable.
(2) 1he Cfflcer of Lhe Cmbudsman shall recelve complalnLs from any source ln
whaLever form concernlng an offlclal acL or omlsslon.L shall acL on Lhe complalnL
lmmedlaLely and lf lL flnds Lhe same enLlrely baseless, lL shall dlsmlss Lhe same
and lnform Lhe complalnanL of such dlsmlssal clLlng Lhe reasons Lherefor.f lL flnds
a reasonable ground Lo lnvesLlgaLe furLher, lL shall flrsL furnlsh Lhe respondenL
publlc offlcer or employee wlLh a summary of Lhe complalnL and requlre hlm Lo
submlL a wrlLLen answer wlLhln sevenLy-Lwo (72) hours from recelpL Lhereof.f
Lhe answer ls found saLlsfacLory, lL shall dlsmlss Lhe case.
(3) When Lhe complalnL conslsLs ln delay or refusal Lo perform a duLy requlred by
law, or when urgenL acLlon ls necessary Lo proLecL or preserve Lhe rlghLs of Lhe
complalnanL, Lhe Cfflce of Lhe Cmbudsman shall Lake sLeps or measures and
lssue such orders dlrecLlng Lhe offlcer, employee, offlce or agency concerned Lo:
(a) expedlLe Lhe performance of duLy,
(b) cease or deslsL from Lhe performance of a pre[udlclal acL,
(c) correcL Lhe omlsslon,
(d) explaln fully Lhe admlnlsLraLlve acL ln quesLlon, or
(e) Lake any oLher sLeps as may be necessary under Lhe clrcumsLances Lo
proLecL and preserve Lhe rlghLs of Lhe complalnanL.
(4) Any delay or refusal Lo comply wlLh Lhe referral or dlrecLlve of Lhe
Cmbudsman or any of hls uepuLles, shall consLlLuLe a ground for admlnlsLraLlve
dlsclpllnary acLlon agalnsL Lhe offlcer or employee Lo whom lL was addressed.
K"(,'*/ P97 L33%1#"@"#: ./, B"/.$"#: 23 7%1"-"2/-7 - (1) All provlslonary orders of Lhe
Cfflce of Lhe Cmbudsman are lmmedlaLely effecLlve and execuLory.
A moLlon for reconslderaLlon of any order, dlrecLlve or declslon of Lhe Cfflce of Lhe
Cmbudsman musL be flled wlLhln flve (3) days afLer recelpL of wrlLLen noLlce and shall
be enLerLalned only on any of Lhe followlng grounds:
(1) new evldence has been dlscovered whlch maLerlally affecLs Lhe order,
dlrecLlve or declslon,
(2) Lrrors of law or lrregularlLles have been commlLLed pre[udlclal Lo Lhe lnLeresL
of Lhe movanL. 1he moLlon for reconslderaLlon shall be resolved wlLhln Lhree (3)
days from flllng: provlded, LhaL only one moLlon for reconslderaLlon shall be
llndlngs of facL by Lhe Cfflcer of Lhe Cmbudsman when supporLed by subsLanLlal
evldence are concluslve. Any order, dlrecLlve or declslon lmposlng Lhe penalLy of publlc
censure or reprlmand, suspenslon of noL more Lhan one (1) monLh's salary shall be flnal
and unappealable.
ln all admlnlsLraLlve dlsclpllnary cases, orders, dlrecLlves, or declslons of Lhe Cfflce of
Lhe Cmbudsman may be appealed Lo Lhe Supreme CourL by flllng a peLlLlon for
cerLlorarl wlLhln Len (10) days from recelpL of Lhe wrlLLen noLlce of Lhe order, dlrecLlve
or declslon or denlal of Lhe moLlon for reconslderaLlon ln accordance wlLh 8ule 43 of Lhe
8ules of CourL.
1he above rules may be amended or modlfled by Lhe Cfflce of Lhe Cmbudsman as Lhe
lnLeresL of [usLlce may requlre.
K"(,'*/ P@7 J/@%-#"C.#"2/ "/ G+/"1";.$"#"%-I K"#"%- ./, 982@"/1%-7 - 1he Cfflce of Lhe
Cmbudsman may esLabllsh offlces ln munlclpallLles, clLles and provlnces ouLslde
MeLropollLan Manlla, under Lhe lmmedlaLe supervlslon of Lhe uepuLles for Luzon,
vlsayas and Mlndanao, where necessary as deLermlned by Lhe Cmbudsman. 1he
lnvesLlgaLlon of complalnLs may be asslgned Lo Lhe reglonal or secLoral depuLy
concerned or Lo a speclal lnvesLlgaLor who shall proceed ln accordance wlLh Lhe rules or
speclal lnsLrucLlons or dlrecLlves of Lhe Cfflce of Lhe Cmbudsman. endlng lnvesLlgaLlon
Lhe depuLy or lnvesLlgaLor may lssue orders and provlslonal remedles whlch are
lmmedlaLely execuLory sub[ecL Lo revlew by Lhe Cmbudsman. WlLhln Lhree (3) days
afLer concludlng Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon, Lhe depuLy or lnvesLlgaLor shall LransmlL, LogeLher
wlLh Lhe enLlre records of Lhe case, hls reporL and concluslons Lo Lhe Cfflce of Lhe
Cmbudsman. WlLhln flve (3) days afLer recelpL of sald reporL, Lhe Cmbudsman shall
render Lhe approprlaLe order, dlrecLlve or declslon.
K"(,'*/ P?7 K&./C% 23 O/N+-# P.H-7 - lf Lhe Cmbudsman belleves LhaL a law or
regulaLlon ls unfalr or un[usL, he shall recommend Lo Lhe resldenL and Lo Congress Lhe
necessary changes Lhereln or Lhe repeal Lhereof.
K"(,'*/ Q:7 !8./-)"##.$Q9+*$"1.#"2/ 23 7%1"-"2/7 - ln every case where Lhe
Cmbudsman has reached a declslon, concluslon or recommendaLlon adverse Lo a publlc
offlclal or agency, he shall LransmlL hls declslon, concluslon, recommendaLlon or
suggesLlon Lo Lhe head of Lhe deparLmenL, agency or lnsLrumenLallLy, or of Lhe provlnce,
clLy or munlclpallLy concerned for such lmmedlaLe acLlon as may be necessary. When
LransmlLLlng hls adverse declslon, concluslon or recommendaLlon, he shall, unless
excused by Lhe agency or offlclal affecLed, lnclude Lhe subsLance of any sLaLemenL Lhe
publlc agency or offlclal may have made Lo hlm by way of explalnlng pasL dlfflculLles
wlLh or presenL re[ecLlon of Lhe Cmbudsman's proposals.
K"(,'*/ Q=7 7%-"C/.#"2/ 23 J/@%-#"C.#28- ./, 982-%1+#28-7 - 1he Cmbudsman may
uLlllze Lhe personnel of hls offlce and/or deslgnaLe or depuLlze any flscal, sLaLe
prosecuLor or lawyer ln Lhe governmenL servlce Lo acL as speclal lnvesLlgaLor or
prosecuLor Lo asslsL ln Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon and prosecuLlon of cerLaln cases. 1hose
deslgnaLed or depuLlzed Lo asslsL hlm hereln provlded shall be under hls supervlslon and
1he Cmbudsman and hls lnvesLlgaLors and prosecuLors, wheLher regular members of hls
sLaff or deslgnaLed by hlm as hereln provlded, shall have auLhorlLy Lo admlnlsLer oaLhs,
Lo lssue subpoena and subpoena duces Lecum, Lo summon and compel wlLnesses Lo
appear and LesLlfy under oaLh before Lhem and/or brlng books, documenLs and oLher
Lhlngs under Lhelr conLrol, and Lo secure Lhe aLLendance or presence of any absenL or
recalclLranL wlLness Lhrough appllcaLlon before Lhe Sandlganbayan or before any
lnferlor or superlor courL havlng [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe place where Lhe wlLness or evldence
ls found.
K"(,'*/ QP7 ="C&#- ./, 7+#"%- 23 R"#/%--7 -
(1) A person requlred by Lhe Cmbudsman Lo provlde Lhe lnformaLlon shall be
pald Lhe same fees and Lravel allowances as are exLended Lo wlLnesses whose
aLLendance has been requlred ln Lhe Lrlal courLs. upon requesL of Lhe wlLness,
Lhe Cmbudsman shall also furnlsh hlm such securlLy for hls person and hls famlly
as may be warranLed by Lhe clrcumsLances. lor Lhls purpose, Lhe Cmbudsman
may, aL lLs expense, call upon any pollce or consLabulary unlL Lo provlde Lhe sald
(2) A person who, wlLh or wlLhouL servlce or compulsory process, provldes oral
or documenLary lnformaLlon requesLed by Lhe Cmbudsman shall be accorded
Lhe same prlvlleges and lmmunlLles as are exLended Lo wlLnesses ln Lhe courLs,
and shall llkewlse be enLlLled Lo Lhe asslsLance of counsel whlle belng
(3) lf a person refuses Lo respond Lo Lhe Cmbudsman's or hls uepuLy's subpoena,
or refuses Lo be examlned, or engages ln obsLrucLlve conducL, Lhe Cmbudsman
or hls uepuLy shall lssue an order dlrecLlng Lhe person Lo appear before hlm Lo
show cause why he should noL be punlshed for conLempL. 1he conLempL
proceedlngs shall be conducLed pursuanL Lo Lhe provlslons of Lhe 8ules of CourL.
K"(,'*/ QQ7 7+#: #2 =%/,%8 0--"-#./1% #2 #&% (33"1% 23 #&% ()*+,-)./7 - Any offlcer
or employee of any deparLmenL, bureau or offlce, subdlvlslon, agency or lnsLrumenLallLy
of Lhe CovernmenL, lncludlng governmenL-owned or conLrolled corporaLlons and local
governmenLs, when requlred by Lhe Cmbudsman, hls uepuLy or Lhe Speclal rosecuLor
shall render asslsLance Lo Lhe Cfflce of Lhe Cmbudsman.
K"(,'*/ QR7 0//+.$ =%;28#7 - 1he Cfflce of Lhe Cmbudsman shall render an annual
reporL of lLs acLlvlLles and performance Lo Lhe resldenL and Lo Congress Lo be
submlLLed wlLhln LhlrLy (30) days from Lhe sLarL of Lhe regular sesslon of Congress.
K"(,'*/ QS7 G.$"1"2+- 982-%1+#"2/7 - Any person who, acLuaLed by mallce or gross bad
falLh, flles a compleLely unwarranLed or false complalnL agalnsL any governmenL offlclal
or employee shall be sub[ecL Lo a penalLy of one (1) monLh and one (1) day Lo slx (6)
monLhs lmprlsonmenL and a flne noL exceedlng llve Lhousand pesos (3,000.00).
K"(,'*/ Q87 9%/.$#"%- 328 (*-#8+1#"2/7 - Any person who wlllfully obsLrucLs or hlnders
Lhe proper exerclse of Lhe funcLlons of Lhe Cfflce of Lhe Cmbudsman or who wlllfully
mlsleads or aLLempLs Lo mlslead Lhe Cmbudsman, hls uepuLles and Lhe Speclal
rosecuLor ln replylng Lo Lhelr lnqulrles shall be punlshed by a flne of noL exceedlng llve
Lhousand pesos (3,000.00).
K"(,'*/ Q97 B8./>"/C 98"@"$%C%7 - All offlclal mall maLLers and Lelegrams of Lhe
Cmbudsman addressed for dellvery wlLhln Lhe hlllpplnes shall be recelved,
LransmlLLed, and dellvered free of charge: provlded, LhaL such mall maLLers when
addressed Lo prlvaLe persons or nongovernmenL offlces shall noL exceed one hundred
and LwenLy (120) grams. All mall maLLers and Lelegrams senL Lhrough governmenL
Lelegraph faclllLles conLalnlng complalnLs Lo Lhe Cfflce of Lhe Cmbudsman shall be
LransmlLLed free of charge, provlded LhaL Lhe Lelegram shall conLaln noL more Lhan one
hundred flfLy (130) words.
K"(,'*/ Q@7 B"-1.$ 0+#2/2):7 - 1he Cfflce of Lhe Cmbudsman shall en[oy flscal
auLonomy. ApproprlaLlons for Lhe Cfflce of Lhe Cmbudsman may noL be reduced below
Lhe amounL approprlaLed for Lhe prevlous years and, afLer approval, shall be
auLomaLlcally and regularly released.
K"(,'*/ Q?7 0;;82;8".#"2/-7 - 1he approprlaLlon for Lhe Cfflce of Lhe Speclal
rosecuLor ln Lhe currenL Ceneral ApproprlaLlons AcL ls hereby Lransferred Lo Lhe Cfflce
of Lhe Cmbudsman. 1hereafLer, such sums as may be necessary shall be lncluded ln Lhe
annual Ceneral ApproprlaLlons AcL.
K"(,'*/ R:7 ?%;.8.*"$"#: K$.+-%7 - lf any provlslon of Lhls AcL ls held unconsLlLuLlonal,
oLher provlslons noL affecLed Lhereby shall remaln valld and blndlng.
K"(,'*/ R=7 =%;%.$"/C K$.+-%7 - All laws, presldenLlal decrees, leLLers of lnsLrucLlons,
execuLlve orders, rules and regulaLlons lnsofar as Lhey are lnconslsLenL wlLh Lhls AcL, are
hereby repealed or amended as Lhe case may be.
K"(,'*/ RP7 L33%1#"@"#:7 - 1hls AcL shall Lake effecL afLer flfLeen (13) days followlng lLs
publlcaLlon ln Lhe Cfflclal CazeLLe or ln Lhree (3) newspapers of general clrculaLlon ln Lhe
Approved: 6*;"<%"3 =9> =?@?7

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