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Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement Motivation: The first activity before the proper discussion that will introduce the lesson

on Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement Procedure: The teacher will post five sentences in the blackboard. Each sentence has two blanks which is actually the pronoun and its antecedent. The missing words will be posted under the armchair of random students (the students do not know that there are words posted under their armchair) The teacher will ask the students to look under their armchair and get the word that theyll find, if ever there is. The students will be told to post the word to the sentence where it suits or fits, to make the sentence grammatically correct. The teacher will then call random students to share what they have observed in the activity especially in the missing words.

Sentences: 1. A childs learning starts in his/her home. 2. The dog scratches his body. 3. Children nowadays prefer playing than studying their lessons. 4. Allan is very busy working on his thesis paper. 5. The teacher only wants whats best for his/her students.

Drills: These activities can be administered during the proper discussion. The students can answer the drills right after the discussion of every subtopic of the lesson. Activity A: Underline the antecedent once and the pronoun twice, and state if the sentence is correct or wrong in terms of Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement . Ex: Jeffrey wants to be an honor student, thats why she is studying very well. The sentence is wrong, she should be replaced with he

1. Mr. Jose is going on a vacation, so they asked permission from the principal. 2. Tracy wants to win in the contest, so you started to practice as early as now. 3. The students are doing their project while his teacher is not around. 4. People desire to be wealthy in order to get what you want in life. 5. A persons future lies on how they work for it in a just manner.

Activity B: Identify what agreement is violated in each sentence. Ex: The man is waiting for her son. = Gender Agreement 1. An individual should be accountable in your act. 2. The officer submitted her report to the superior. 3. Soldiers are really committed to his duty in the country. 4. Women really look for men who can sustain their needs. 5. The cat is silently eating her food in the kitchen. Activity C: Revise the following sentences by changing the pronoun to agree with its antecedent. Ex: The bird has a wound on her leg. = The bird has a wound on its leg. 1. The boy returned to get her bag. 2. The principal delivered my speech very well. 3. People regret for all the bad deeds he had done. 4. The class president decided to punish some of her members. 5. You can be a good leader if I know how to be a good follower.

Note: In gender agreement, we should use his/her if we are not sure of the gender of the antecedent, or for antecedent who can be a male or female. (Ex: child, nurse, etc.), to avoid being sexist.

Sample Quiz: This will be administered after the whole discussion of PronounAntecedent Agreement 1) What is an antecedent? 2-4) What are the three ways of Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement? 5) This is an agreement which concerns the singular and the plural form. 6) This is an agreement which concerns the masculine and feminine form. 7) This is an agreement which concerns the !st person, 2nd person, and 3rd person. 8-10) Why do we have to follow the rules in Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement?

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