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Have got

A Read Andys letter to Jim about his new

school. Then complete the letter with
has got, have got, havent got or hasnt got.

Dear Jim,
Hi! My new
school is very nice.
have got
We 1...........................
a big playground
with benches under
the trees, but we
2........................... a football field. The classrooms
are clean and they 3........................... new desks
but they 4........................... any carpets. The
computer room 5........................... many
computers, but it 6........................... a computer for
every pupil. The school 7........................... a
cafeteria too, but it 8........................... a theatre.
I am lucky because I 9........................... a good
teacher. She is nice. She 10........................... brown
eyes and short brown hair.
Write and tell me about your school.

C Write questions and answer them.

1 you / brothers or sisters

Have you got any brothers or sisters?

Yes, I have. / No, I havent.
2 your friend / new shoes
3 you / an attic in your house
4 your school / a cafeteria
5 a bird / wings
6 you / money in your bag
D Put the words in the correct order.

B Answer the questions. Make the answers

1 Have fish got wings?

No, they havent.

2 Has a snake got legs?
3 Has a cat got a tail?
4 Have you got a new sweater?
5 Have you got a lot of homework?
6 Has your teacher got long hair?

1 got / elephants / ears / have / big / .

Elephants have got big ears.

2 letters / the English alphabet / 26 / got / has / .
3 a / red / got / Mary / has / pen / ?
4 got / havent / I / a brother / .
5 grandfathers / got / two / you / have / ?
6 havent / we / got / a TV / .

To be
A Complete the sentences. Use Im, Youre, Hes, Shes, Its, Were or Theyre.

1 Father is in bed. .......................

5 How are you? ...................... fine, thank you.

2 Look at that dog. ...................... very old.

6 ...................... lucky youve got many friends.

3 My sister and I are at home.

...................... alone.

7 My grandma is ill. ...................... at the doctor.

8 My name is Alex. ...................... 13 years old.

4 My mother and father are not at work.

...................... at the gym.
B Complete the letter with am, is or are.
Dear Mary,
The children in this photo 1...........................
my new friends. They
2........................... in my class. We 3........................... in the
playground. It 4........................... beautiful. It 5........................... big and
it 6........................... clean. Look at the trees and benches. My new
school 7........................... fantastic. I 8........................... so happy!
C Fill in the blanks with am, is or are.

1 ......................
the tree tall?
2 ...................... I famous?

6 It ...................... Saturday. The teachers

...................... not at school today.

3 Sue and Ellen ...................... sisters.

7 The parks in the city ...................... beautiful.

4 My bicycle ...................... blue.

8 I ...................... not in Year 6.

5 ...................... there pictures in the classroom?

D Write the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1 not / the children / in the house / are / .

The children are not in the house.


2 on / your / are / desk / the / books / ?


3 a teacher / I / not / am / .


4 a / dog / Rex / big / is / .


5 at school / now / is / Samantha / ?


E Answer the questions with short answers.

1 Are your eyes blue?


2 Are you and your friends good pupils?


3 Are you from England?


4 Is your room clean?


5 Is your bag big?


To be, have got

A Complete the sentences with am, is or are.

is from America.
1 Jean .......

4 I ....... in the kitchen.

2 Mike and I ....... brothers.

5 The shirt and trousers ....... on the chair.

3 The chair ....... in the living room.

6 ....... you eleven years old?

B Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1 not / The / children / in the house / are

3 a / boy / not / Simon / lazy / is

children are not in the house.
2 in the forest / I / not / am

4 afraid of / are / dogs / not / We



C Complete the questions. Then answer the questions according to the pictures.

Is this London?
1 ......

2 ...... he English?

No, it isnt.

3 ...... this a photo?


4 ...... they sad?



D Complete the sentences with have got or has got.

has got new computers.

1 The school ......................

4 I ...................... a present for you.

2 You and your sister ...................... many CDs.

5 They ...................... a big family.

3 The dog ...................... a little house.

6 You ...................... a good idea.

E Answer the questions about the pictures. Use the words below to help you.


1 Have the children got ballet shoes?



3 Has the boy got a car?

No, they havent.



Theyve got sports shoes.



2 Have the teachers got many boxes?

4 Has the girl got short hair?





To be, have got

A Complete the sentences with am, is or are.

I 1 ......................
10 years old. I
2 ...................... a student at a big school.
My English teacher 3 ...................... here
today. She 4 ...................... a good teacher.
We 5 ...................... not in a maths class
now. We 6 ...................... in an English
lesson. Twenty students 7 ...................... in
the class.
B Write two sentences about each picture.

the chair (new, old)

chair is new.
................... The
chair isnt old.
................... The

her hair (short, long)


the elephants (small, big)


D Write the sentences in the negative. Use

the words in brackets. Use short answers.
1 This salad has got onions in it. (tomatoes)

It hasnt got tomatoes in it.

2 My brother and I have got a dog. (cat)
3 Our school has got old desks. (modern)
4 We have got meat and rice for lunch.
E Write a question for each answer.

you got a computer?

1 Have
No, I havent got a computer.
2 ...................................................................
Yes, there are flowers in our garden.
3 ...................................................................
Yes, weve got a nice English book.
4 ...................................................................
Yes, there is water in the bottle.


the shoes (brown, white)


C Complete the sentences with have got or

has got.

have got a new cat.

1 Andy and Kyle ......................
2 You ...................... a beautiful dress. Is it
3 That man ...................... a big dog.
4 This shop ...................... great toys.
5 The travellers ...................... a map.

F Complete the sentences with am, is, are,

have got, havent got, has got or hasnt got.

Carol: Today 1 ......................
Saturday. We
2 ...................... school today. Lets go to
the beach! 3 ...................... you
...................... a ball?

Yes, I have. What 4 ...................... there

for lunch?

Carol: There 5 ...................... cheese and

tomato sandwiches.

And my mum 6 ...................... some

apples for us. What 7 ......................
there to drink?

Carol: We 8 ...................... orange juice.

Lets go!

Present Simple
A Write the verbs in the correct column.





E Write questions with Do or Does. Then

write short answers.

1 ......................
you watch TV every day?
Yes, I do. / No, I dont.
2 ...................... your parents go to the theatre?





3 ...................... your teacher drink coffee?
4 ...................... doctors work in shops?

B Circle the correct verb.

5 ...................... the school year start in January?


1 Babies cry / cries a lot.

2 I eat / eats ice cream in the summer.
3 Jane study / studies every afternoon.
4 She do / does her homework in the evening.

F Write questions using the Present Simple.

Then answer the questions according to
the pictures.

5 My friend watch / watches television

twice a week.

C Fill in the blanks with the Present Simple

form of the verb in brackets.


1 She ......................
(go) to the beach in


2 We ...................... (bake) biscuits every Friday.

3 My parents ...................... (work) in the garden
on Saturdays.
4 Susie ...................... (try) her best at school all
the time.
D Fill in the blanks with doesnt or dont.

1 Fish ......................
live in houses.
2 The sun ...................... shine at night.
3 A cat ...................... bark.
4 Dad ...................... ride a bike to work.
5 Policemen ...................... catch every criminal.
6 Pupils ...................... always remember

(draw pictures)

(ice cream)

mice / usually / eat / bananas

Do mice usually eat bananas?

No, they dont. They usually eat cheese.
2 Tina / run / to school / every day
3 Sally / often / write / stories
4 the twins / like / chocolate

Present Simple, prepositions of place

A Add -s, -es or -ies to the verbs below to form the Present Simple for he, she or it.


9 go


5 mix


2 watch ......................

6 tie


10 catch ......................

3 study ......................

7 dress ......................

11 enjoy ......................

4 do

8 try

12 lose

1 stop




B Complete the sentences with the Present Simple form of the verb in brackets.

washes (wash) the car once a week.

1 Mum ......................

5 Every year Helen ...................... (go)

2 Children usually ...................... (like) ice cream.

to France.

3 ...................... you ...................... (know) the way

6 He ...................... (not visit) his friends every

to the lake?


4 Bob ...................... (study) French on Saturdays.

C Write each sentence in the negative. Then write an affirmative sentence using the words in
1 You need more spelling practice. (reading)

3 I study on Saturdays. (Sundays)

dont need more spelling practice.

a You

a ...................................................................

need more reading practice.

b You

b ...................................................................

2 My dad reads the newspaper every day. (a book) 4 Mark goes to karate lessons. (piano)
a ...................................................................
a ...................................................................
b ...................................................................

b ...................................................................

D Write questions and answer them about yourself.

1 your grandma / often / visit you / ?

3 your dad / play / the guitar / ?

Does your grandma often visit you?



Yes, she does. / No, she doesnt.



2 you / watch / TV / in the evening / ?

4 your friends / like / computer games / ?





E Write sentences about the pictures. Use the words below and a preposition.

bird / tree

mouse / cats

juice / glass

boy / bed

car / garage

Nat / bike

bird is above the tree.

1 The

4 .......................................................................

2 .......................................................................

5 .......................................................................

3 .......................................................................

6 .......................................................................

Present Simple
A Complete the sentences with the Present Simple form of the verbs in brackets.

washes (wash) his dog once a week.

1 Bob ......................

4 ...................... you ...................... (enjoy) sport?

2 The sun always ...................... (dry) the rain.

5 I ...................... (not do) enough exercise.

3 My brother ...................... (not study) at my


6 My friend ...................... (come) to school

by bus.

B Write each sentence in the negative form. Then write new affirmative sentences using the
words in brackets. Pay attention to the underlined words.
1 We watch the news every night. (a film)

4 I study on Saturdays. (Sundays)

dont watch the news every night.

a We

a ...................................................................

watch a film every night.

b We

b ...................................................................

2 You need more grammar practice. (reading)

5 Mark goes to karate lessons. (piano)

a ...................................................................

a ...................................................................

b ...................................................................

b ...................................................................

3 My teacher reads the newspaper every day.

(a book)

6 My sister plays with our dog. (cat)

a ...................................................................

a ...................................................................

b ...................................................................

b ...................................................................
C Write questions using the words below. Then answer the questions. Make the answers true
for you.
1 your father / play / the guitar / ?

3 your grandma / often / bake cakes / ?

Does your father play the guitar?





2 you / have / breakfast / before school / ?

4 you / like / classical music / ?






D Tick () the chart. Then write six sentences about yourself.

1 make my bed


2 clean my room


3 do my homework


4 wash my clothes


5 cook dinner


6 walk to school


Present Continuous
A Write the -ing form of each verb.
1 meet







2 study







3 drive







4 wash







5 sit








B Complete the sentences with the Present Continuous form of the verb in brackets.

am studying (study) right now.

1 I .........................

5 I ......................... (lie) on my bed right now.

2 The teacher ......................... (write) on the

blackboard at the moment.

6 Today we ......................... (learn) new words

in English.

3 They ......................... (wear) blue T-shirts


7 Billy and his dog ......................... (play) with

the ball in the garden.

4 Sally ......................... (sit) in the room now.

8 Mum ......................... (fix) my bike.

C Write questions. Then answer the questions.


play / piano

eat / apple

Is he playing the piano?



Yes, he is.


play / basketball

ride / bicycles





D Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1 her desk / sitting / teacher / at / the / is / ?

Is the teacher sitting at her desk?

2 TV / they / film / a / watching / are / on / .
3 studying / now / students / are / the / .

4 studying / at the moment / Peter / is / ?

5 letter / Jane / you / are / to / writing / a / ?
6 sleeping / now / boys / arent / the / .

Present Simple / Present Continuous

A Underline the verb in each sentence. Then
circle the correct time expression.

D Fill in the blanks with dont, doesnt,

am not, isnt or arent.

1 Children u sually / at present enjoy films.

1 We ......................
go to the beach in winter.

2 The police officers are talking to the stranger

once a day / at the moment.

2 I ...................... watching TV right now.

3 The gardener comes to our house now /

once a week .

4 Debbie and Paul ...................... eating pizza.

3 Sally ...................... buying fruit today.

5 Dad ...................... work at the weekend.

4 Jack is helping Jill in the evening / right now.

5 Dad washes the car at the moment /
on Saturdays.

E Complete the sentences with the Present

Simple or Present Continuous form of the
verb in brackets.

B Circle the correct answer.

1 We usually ..................................
(have) lunch
at two oclock.

1 We learn / are learning grammar at the

2 Helen is wearing / wears blue jeans and a
T-shirt today.

2 Listen! .................... the phone ....................

3 I .................................. (sit) in the park today.

3 I always stop / am stopping the car at a red


4 .................... people .................... (put) trees

in their houses at Christmas?

4 In summer we are going / go to the beach.

5 My brother always ..................................

(watch) tennis on TV.

5 Tom and I watch / are watching a good film

at the moment.

6 My friend .................................. (not visit) me

every day.

C Fill in the blanks with Do, Does, Am, Is

or Are.

7 The boys .................................. (study) at the

moment so please dont talk to them.

1 ......................
the film star want to be in
a play?

8 Bill .................................. (not play) outside


2 ...................... the twins wearing different


F Answer the questions.

3 ...................... Mum making breakfast?

1 Is your friend helping you with this exercise?

4 ...................... I disturbing you?

5 ...................... monkeys eat a lot of bananas?

2 Do you play football?
3 Are you eating anything right now?
4 Is it raining at the moment?

Present Continuous
A Complete the sentences with the Present Continuous of the verbs in brackets.

are having (have) lunch now.

1 My parents ......................

5 I ...................... (sit) next to him at the moment.

2 Lauren ...................... (learn) French today.

6 My dog ...................... (not sleep) now.

3 The boys ...................... (not swim) today.

7 The class ...................... (write) e-mails now.

4 ...................... you ...................... (study) right


8 ...................... your dad ...................... (work)


B Describe what is happening in the picture with the words below. Use the Present Continuous.









The teacher is helping Sam.

1 ........................................................................


2 ........................................................................
3 ........................................................................
4 ........................................................................


5 ........................................................................



6 ........................................................................

C Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present
Continuous or Present Simple. Pay attention to stative verbs.

are buying (buy) tickets for the concert now. I ......................
1 We ......................
(hope) we have fun!
2 My little brother ...................... (drink) hot cocoa now, but I ...................... (not like) cocoa.
3 My friend ...................... (need) help with her work, so we ...................... (go) to her house now.
4 Jack ...................... (practise) very hard for the race at the moment. He ...................... (want) to win.
5 I ...................... (miss) my friend so I ...................... (write) a letter to him.
D Complete the sentences with the Present Continuous or Present Simple form of the verbs in

1 My mum and dad always ......................
(make) delicious food.
2 Tony always ...................... (finish) school at 4.30.
3 Listen! Lisa ...................... (sing) a beautiful song.
4 My sister ...................... (not play) on the computer in the evening.
5 Today my brother and I ...................... (not go) to school by bus.
6 I cant leave now. We ...................... (have) dinner.
7 ...................... you often ...................... (send) e-mails?
8 That boy rarely ...................... (study).

Present Simple
A Complete the sentences with the Present Simple form of the verbs in brackets.

washes (wash) his dog once a week.

1 Bob ......................

4 ...................... you ...................... (enjoy) sport?

2 The sun always ...................... (dry) the rain.

5 I ...................... (not do) enough exercise.

3 My brother ...................... (not study) at my


6 My friend ...................... (come) to school

by bus.

B Write each sentence in the negative form. Then write new affirmative sentences using the
words in brackets. Pay attention to the underlined words.
1 We watch the news every night. (a film)

4 I study on Saturdays. (Sundays)

dont watch the news every night.

a We

a ...................................................................

watch a film every night.

b We

b ...................................................................

2 You need more grammar practice. (reading)

5 Mark goes to karate lessons. (piano)

a ...................................................................

a ...................................................................

b ...................................................................

b ...................................................................

3 My teacher reads the newspaper every day.

(a book)

6 My sister plays with our dog. (cat)

a ...................................................................

a ...................................................................

b ...................................................................

b ...................................................................
C Write questions using the words below. Then answer the questions. Make the answers true
for you.
1 your father / play / the guitar / ?

3 your grandma / often / bake cakes / ?

Does your father play the guitar?





2 you / have / breakfast / before school / ?

4 you / like / classical music / ?






D Tick () the chart. Then write six sentences about yourself.

1 make my bed


2 clean my room


3 do my homework


4 wash my clothes


5 cook dinner


6 walk to school


Present Continuous, can

A Complete the sentences with the Present Continuous form of the verb in brackets.
1 My sister ...................... (watch) TV right now.

5 Dad ...................... (not wash) his car today.

2 The boys ...................... (not play) tennis today

6 They ...................... (drive) to work right now.

3 I ...................... (write) in my notebook at the

7 Jason ...................... (study) music this year.


8 The children ...................... (not swim) at the

4 The women ...................... (sit) in the park now.


B Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

Is Dad making breakfast this morning?

1 making / breakfast / is / this morning / Dad / ? ................................................................................
2 arent / tonight / costumes / the actors / wearing / . ........................................................................
3 to New York / at the moment / flying / I / am / . ..............................................................................
4 listening to / you / music / are / ? ......................................................................................................
5 a picture / isnt / the artist / now / painting / . ..................................................................................
C Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or Present Continuous form of the verbs in
brackets. Be careful with stative verbs.

is going
1 Tom usually .............................
(ride) his bike to school, but he .............................
(go) by car today.
2 Jane ............................. (not like) tea, but she ............................. (drink) it today because shes ill.
3 Mark and Jill ............................. (try) to improve their French. They ............................. (study)
together every afternoon.
4 My little sister ............................. (not understand) her homework, so my mum .............................
(help) her now.
5 My friend is on holiday now and I ............................. (want) to talk to her.
6 I ............................. (think) he is telling the truth now.
D Write questions with can and the words below. Then answer the questions.

children / read / books /


a ...................................

children read
in the library?
they can.

we / play / tennis / here

we / buy / shoes / here

b ...................................

baby / swim / alone

a ...................................

a ...................................



b ...................................

b ...................................

Past Simple
A Write the Past Simple of each verb in the correct column.















double consonant + -ed


B Complete the sentences with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.

1 My sister .....................
(try) to bake a cake
last Saturday.
2 We ..................... (not order) steak and chips
at the restaurant yesterday.

3 I ..................... (phone) my cousin in Canada

three days ago.
4 The children ..................... (play) on the
computer yesterday.

C Write the questions. Then answer them.

3 your mum / bake / a cake / last weekend

1 you / watch TV / last night

Did you watch TV last night?



Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.


4 you / phone / a friend / an hour ago

2 your friends / play football / yesterday





D Write the Past Simple form of the verbs.

1 take






2 drink






3 ride






E Write questions with the words below. Then answer the questions according to the pictures.
Use the Past Simple.

buy a jeep


ride horses

wear jeans

Rob / buy a small car

Good morning!

speak English

cowboys / drive cars / in the 1880s

Did Rob buy a small car?



No, he didnt. He bought a jeep.



Jenny / wear a skirt / to the party

the teacher / speak Greek / in the lesson





Past Simple
A Complete the paragraph with was, were, wasnt or werent.

Last summer 1 ......................
wonderful. My family and I 2 ...................... on a Greek island and we
3 ...................... very happy. We saw ancient buildings outside the town and they 4 ...................... very
interesting. It 5 ...................... hot and I 6 ...................... on the beach all day. The sea 7 ......................
cold. It was warm and I 8 ...................... happy to swim in the water all day. 9 ...................... you in a
beautiful place last summer, too?
B Complete the sentences with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.

walked (walk) in the rain.

1 Yesterday we ......................
2 Claire ...................... (not go) to the cinema
last week.

3 ...................... it ...................... (rain) last

4 We ...................... (not enjoy) the film last

C Pam had a lot to do yesterday. Look at her list to find out what she did or didnt do. Then
write sentences under the correct headings.

feed the dog

wash my hair

finish my art project

read the newspaper

visit Tim in hospital

go to the gym

practise the piano

send an e-mail to Lisa

tidy my room
write an essay

Things Pam Didnt Do

Things Pam Did

She fed the dog.

1 ......................................................................

She didnt finish her art project.

1 ......................................................................

2 ......................................................................

2 ......................................................................

3 ......................................................................

3 ......................................................................

4 ......................................................................

4 ......................................................................

5 ......................................................................

5 ......................................................................

D Write the questions. Then answer them according to the pictures. Use the Past Simple.


Did Ruth go to a ballet lesson?

1 Ruth / go / to a ballet lesson .............................................................................................................
she didnt. She went to a gymnastics lesson.
No, ......................................................................................................................................................
2 the students / begin / the test / at 11 oclock ...................................................................................
No, ......................................................................................................................................................
3 Paul / write / an e-mail .......................................................................................................................
Yes, .....................................................................................................................................................
4 Susie / buy / a poster / at the market ................................................................................................
No, ......................................................................................................................................................
5 Sara and Gina / talk / on the phone .................................................................................................

Past Simple, There was / There were

A Write the Past Simple form of the verbs below.
1 go


5 do


2 tidy


6 fix


10 put


3 stay


7 stop


11 say


4 eat


8 cry


12 become


9 make


B Complete the sentences with the Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets.

1 I ......................
(be) at home last night. Where ......................
(be) you?
2 Peter ...................... (not go) to the library yesterday. He ...................... (stay) at home.
3 I ...................... (try) to buy some clothes yesterday, but I ...................... (not find) anything I liked.
4 When ...................... the lesson ...................... (start)? It ...................... (begin) five minutes ago.
5 Yesterday, Jane ...................... (not feel) well so she ...................... (call) the doctor.
C Write questions with the pictures below. Use the Past Simple. Then answer the questions.

send / an e-mail


buy / a bike

drink / water

Did Maggie write a postcard last week?

1 Maggie / write you a postcard / last week ........................................................................................
No, she didnt. She sent an e-mail.
2 Alice / laugh / during the film ............................................................................................................
3 Dad / give him money / for his birthday ............................................................................................
4 the dogs / eat food ............................................................................................................................
D Complete the sentences with the correct from of there was or there were.

There was a mouse under the table.

1 ......................

4 ...................... lots of animals on the farm.

2 ...................... fun games at the party?

5 ...................... a fire in the house.

3 ...................... three good films on TV last


6 ...................... video cameras a long time


Past to be, There was / There were

A Fill in the blanks with was or were.

1 Yesterday it ......................
rainy and cool.
2 ...................... the concert good last Sunday?
3 My father and I ...................... at the stadium
for the big game two weeks ago.
4 The children ...................... not at their
grandparents last weekend.

D Ask questions using Was or Were. Then

answer the questions according to the
1 the man / rich / many years ago

Was the man rich many years ago?

No, he wasnt. He was poor.
2 the men / on holiday / in June

5 The weather ...................... hot and I

...................... thirsty.
6 ...................... you at the shops yesterday?

3 Dan / on a boat / last Saturday

B Fill in the blanks with There was,

There were, Was there or Were there.

Were there
1 ..................................
any famous actors in the
2 .................................. a wonderful film on TV
on Monday night.

4 the teacher / angry / yesterday
5 the shops / closed / on Monday afternoon

3 .................................. astronauts on the moon

in 1969.
4 .................................. steak for lunch.

many years ago


5 .................................. any sugar in the bowl?

6 .................................. a nature programme on
TV last night?
C Answer the questions about yourself.


1 Were you at this school a year ago?

(at work)

last Saturday

2 Were you cold last night?
3 Was your room tidy yesterday?

(on a boat)


4 Were you worried about anything yesterday?


5 How old were you in the year 2002?
6 How many pupils were there in your class
last year?



Past Continuous
A Complete the sentences with the Past Continuous of the verbs in brackets.

were sitting (sit) in their

1 The students ..............................
chairs when the teacher came in.

4 ........................ you ........................

(make) a noise at 12 oclock last night?

2 ........................ your mum ........................

(sleep) yesterday at four oclock?

5 The boy took a biscuit while his mother

.............................. (cook).

3 We .............................. (leave) the house

when the phone rang.

6 Mum and Dad .............................. (not shop)

at one oclock.

B Write each sentence in the negative form. Then write new affirmative sentences using the
words in brackets. Pay attention to the underlined words.
1 My brother was reading at nine oclock.
(eight oclock)

3 I was waiting for my friend all morning.

(the postman)

My brother wasnt reading at nine oclock.

a ..........................................................................

a ........................................................................

He was reading at eight oclock.

b ..........................................................................

b ........................................................................

2 Sarah and Danny were studying at

six oclock. (watch TV)

4 The dogs were sleeping in the garden all day.


a ..........................................................................

a ........................................................................

b ..........................................................................

b ........................................................................

C Write questions using the words below. Use the Past Continuous.
1 you / sleep / at 11.00 / last night / ?

Were you sleeping at 11.00 last night?

2 the students / play / during the break / ?

3 your teacher / shout / this morning / ?

4 Sally / shop / all afternoon / ?

D Complete the sentences with the Past Continuous or Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.

was waiting (wait) for the bus

1 He ..............................
when his father ..............................

4 When his mother .............................. (come)

home, the baby .............................. (sleep).

2 The girls .............................. (swim) outside

when it .............................. (start) to get cold.

5 When the phone .............................. (ring),

I .............................. (write) a letter.

3 I .............................. (listen) to the radio

while I .............................. (read).

6 They .............................. (dance) when the

music suddenly ............................ (stop).

E Complete the sentences with when or while.

1 I was watching TV ......................
my parents
were reading the newspaper.

3 Was the dog barking ...................... you

came home?

2 Where were you going ...................... I

saw you in the street yesterday?

4 The fire started ...................... Dad

was cooking dinner.

Past Continuous
A Complete the sentences with was or were.

1 It ......................
raining this morning when
I got up.

4 My parents ...................... sleeping when

the telephone rang.

2 ...................... you watching television at

six oclock last night?

5 The lights went out while we ......................

having supper.

3 ...................... the man standing at the bus

stop when the bus came?

6 I ...................... walking to school when I

saw my friend.

B Complete the sentences with the Past Continuous form of the verb in brackets.
1 I ............................. (watch) TV when my
parents came home.

5 The baby ............................. (not sleep) when

we went to bed.

2 ............................. Tom .............................

(study) for his test yesterday at seven oclock?

6 You ............................. (not ride) your bicycle

when I saw you.

3 The boys ............................. (play) football

when it started to rain.

7 My parents ............................. (leave) the

house when I got home.

4 ............................. the dogs .............................

(bark) at midnight last night?

8 When I phoned my friend, she

............................. (eat) supper.

C Write questions using the Past Continuous.

1 you / walk / in the street / at seven oclock / last night / ?

you walking in the street at seven oclock last night?
2 your father / sleep / at eight oclock / this morning / ?
3 you / listen / to music / in the bedroom / when Mum come in / ?
4 your brother / wait / at the bus stop / ?
5 your friends / swim / at eleven oclock / in the morning / ?
D Complete the text with the Past Continuous form of the verbs below.





not smile

was playing
Yesterday, my neighbour came home early from work. His son (1) .................................
the drums
in the living room and his daughter (2) ................................. to jazz music on the radio. Workers
(3) ................................. the road in front of his house, a dog (4) ................................. in the
garden, and I (5) ................................. the grass. A few minutes later, my neighbour got into his
car. He (6) ................................. . Where are you going? I asked. Back to work, where its
quiet, he said.

Past Simple / Past Continuous

A Circle the correct answer.
1 The sun ...... when I looked out of the
a was shining

b shone

4 They ...... for their friends an hour ago.

a were waiting

5 We ...... the house twice last week.

a cleaned

2 What ...... when you saw him at the dance?

a did he wear

b was he wearing

3 They ...... spaghetti for dinner last night.

a made

b waited
b was cleaning

6 While Sam ...... his homework, I was playing

the guitar.

b were making

a is doing

b was doing

B Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use the Past Simple
or Past Continuous.

1 I .................................
(see) Helen yesterday afternoon.
2 The girls ................................. (play) basketball at 3.00 pm.
3 We ................................. (leave) the party at midnight.
4 Jane ................................. (not do) her homework yesterday.
5 The rain ................................. (stop) five minutes ago.
6 ................................. you ................................. (swim) in the sea at 6.00 am?
7 We ................................. (arrive) at the bus stop too late.
8 How ................................. you ................................. (break) the window?
C Fill in the blanks with the Past Simple or Past Continuous form of the verb in brackets.

was swimming (swim) in the river, I ......................

1 While I ............................
(see) some frogs.
2 Jim ............................ (not pay) attention when he ...................... (drive) his car into a tree.
3 What ...................... you ...................... (do) while she ...................... (sleep)?
4 Everyone ............................ (sleep) when the robbers ...................... (break in).
5 ............................ your friend ...................... (stand) outside when you ...................... (come) home?
6 It ............................ (start) raining while we ............................ (play) tennis.
7 We ............................ (arrive) at the station just as the train ............................ (leave).
8 Im sorry. I ............................ (not listen) while you ............................ (talk).
D Complete the sentences with while or when.

when it began to rain.

1 We were playing basketball ......................
2 ...................... I was doing my homework, the telephone

...................... my father came home last night, we were

making dinner.

4 The dog was barking ...................... we were sleeping.

While you were sleeping,

I was building my new

Comparison of adjectives
A Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets.

bigger than
1 New York is ...................................
(big) Chicago.
2 Ellas hair is ................................... (long) Jessicas hair.
3 An elephant is ................................... (heavy) a lion.
4 My marks in history were ................................... (bad) my marks in maths.
5 I think English is ................................... (important) Latin.
B Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.

the fastest
1 Which is ...................................
(fast) car in
the world?

4 Water is ................................... (healthy)


2 August is usually ................................... (hot)

month of the year. .

5 Spider-Man was ...................................

(good) film I ever saw.

3 What is ................................... (interesting)

tourist attraction in London?

6 The chimpanzees are ...................................

(intelligent) animals in this zoo.

C Complete the sentences with the adjectives in brackets. Use the comparative, superlative or
as as forms.

faster than
1 My bike is ...................................
(fast) my sisters.
2 Poor Tom! He got ................................... (bad) mark in the class in English.
3 The Alps in Switzerland are ................................... (high) the mountains in France.
4 December is usually ................................... (cold) month of the year.
5 Tigers are ................................... (dangerous) as lions.
6 Italy is ................................... (sunny) England!
7 I think maths is not ................................... (difficult) chemistry.
8 Whos ................................... (young) student in the class?
D Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets.

Hammy the hamster is my 1 ......................
(good) friend. Shes very
playful and loves to hide. She is the 2 ...................... (small) and the
3 ...................... (fat) pet you can find. She loves to climb into the
4 ...................... (unusual) places. Shes as 5 ...................... (quiet) as a
People say that cats and dogs are the 6 ...................... (easy) pets to
look after, but I think hamsters are. They are also 7 ...................... (cute) than cats and Im
sure Hammy is as 8 ...................... (intelligent) as my parrot, Polly! Hammy is 9 ......................
(friendly) than a dog and she is the 10 ...................... (special) friend I have got.

Comparison of adjectives, adverbs of manner

A Complete the sentences with the correct comparative form of the adjective in brackets.

stronger than
1 An elephant is ............................................
(strong) a kangaroo.
2 Our teacher is ............................................ (beautiful) that film star.
3 A school is ............................................ (noisy) a hospital.
4 Janes hair is ............................................ (long) yours.
5 Johns work is ............................................ (good) Marys.
6 Yesterday was ............................................ (hot) today.
7 This book is ............................................ (interesting) that one.
8 Athletes are usually ............................................ (famous) scientists.
B Write sentences about the pictures. Use the superlative form of the adjective.

girl is the tallest of the three.

1 the girl / tall / of the three The
2 the pyramid / ancient / of the three ..................................................................................................
3 this athlete / good / athlete in the world ..........................................................................................
4 February / short / month / in the year ................................................................................................
5 the red apple / sweet / apple in the bowl ........................................................................................
C Circle the correct word.
1 I think Albert Einstein was the brilliant / more brilliant / most brilliant scientist in the world.
2 I am a good / better / best swimmer than my brother.
3 Mum is the busy / busier / busiest person in the family.
4 What is the most expensive / more expensive / expensive car in the world?
5 London is rainy / rainier / rainiest than Athens.
6 The book was frightening / more frightening / most frightening than the film.

D Write adverbs for the adjectives.


E Circle the correct word.


1 The dog is eating hungry / hungrily .

1 dangerous


2 Is she drinking the hot coffee slow / slowly?

2 nice


3 Sue is a nice / nicely person.

3 fast


4 Tom plays tennis good / well.

4 happy


5 The music was very loud / loudly.

5 good


6 The old lady spoke soft / softly.

6 quiet


There is / There are, quantifiers

A Look at the picture and complete the text with the correct form of there is or there are.
This is a classroom in my school.
There is
(1) .....................
one desk for the teacher and
(2) ..................... six desks for the pupils.
(3) ..................... a computer for the teacher.
(4) ..................... computers for the pupils.
(5) ..................... a cupboard in the classroom.

B Complete the sentences with the correct form of the nouns in brackets.

flowers (flower) on the table.

1 There are some ......................
2 There arent any ...................... (fish) in the pond.
3 There is a red ...................... (roof) on that house.
4 Are there any ...................... (child) in the park?
5 There is a ...................... (dish) on the shelf.
6 There are some...................... (potato) in these boxes.

C Complete the sentences with some or any and a word from the word box.








any money
1 I cant buy these sweets. I havent got ...................................
2 I want to wash my hair. Is there ................................... ?
3 Im going to the bakery to buy ................................... .
4 I havent got my camera so I cant take ................................... .
5 Everybody was standing because there werent ................................... .
6 Are there ................................... in the radio?
7 I went to Tinas party last night with ................................... .
8 Sorry Im late. I had ................................... with my bike.
D Complete the sentences with many or much.

1 There are ......................
books in the library.

6 We know ...................... people in London.

2 She doesnt like ...................... sugar in her tea.

7 There isnt ...................... chocolate in the

3 How ...................... does the bike cost?

4 The boy has got ...................... toys.
5 There are ...................... apples on the tree.

8 He doesnt have ...................... time.

There was / There were, quantifiers

A Look at the picture and complete the
sentences with There was, There were,
There wasnt or There werent.

C Choose the correct words.

1 Were there many / much students in your
class last year?
2 Are there a lot of / much girls in your class?
3 Do you have much / many fun at school?
4 How many / How much time do you study
every day?
5 How many / How much people are there in
your family?
6 Are there many / much books in your
D Answer the questions in C. Make the
answers true for you.

There werent any people in the bedroom.

1 ..............................
2 .............................. a TV in the bedroom.
3 .............................. a mouse on the chair.
4 .............................. any pens in the boys hand.
5 .............................. a computer on the desk.
6 .............................. some apples in the tree.
7 .............................. two beds in the bedroom.
8 .............................. a tiger on the bed.

B Complete the sentences with many, much,

a or an.

1 There are ......................
books in the library.
2 I havent got ...................... money.
3 How ...................... does the bicycle cost?
4 The boy has got ...................... new toy.
5 There were ...................... monkeys in the
6 We know ...................... people in London.
7 Was there .............................. envelope on
the desk?
8 There wasnt ...................... jam on the







E Look at the underlined mistake in each

sentence. Then write the sentence
1 How much toys has John got?

How many toys has John got?

2 England is an big country.
3 There was a lot of children in the class.
4 There was a apple tree in the garden.
5 How many butter is there in the fridge?
6 There werent much bananas in the kitchen.

Future - will, be going to, Present Continuous

A Complete the sentences with will or wont and the verbs below.






will rain
1 Im sure it ..............................
2 He is ill. He .............................. on the trip.

4 My brother .............................. medicine

one day.

3 Where .............................. the next Olympics

5 Be careful! You .............................. !

.............................. ?

6 I hope it .............................. at Christmas.

B Complete the sentences about what you think is or isnt going to happen. Use the words
under the pictures to help you.

play football

watch TV

go swimming

do his homework

are going to play football.

1 The boys ...............................................................................................................................................
2 They ......................................................................................................................................................
3 The girl ..................................................................................................................................................
4 Ryan ......................................................................................................................................................
C Write sentences with the words below. Use the Present Continuous.
1 our team / play a match / later / .

team is playing a match later.
2 my brother / not take me for a drive / tomorrow / .
3 my parents / not fly / to London / on Tuesday / .
4 your friends / come / to my party / on Friday night / ?
5 Joyce and I / not meet / at the shopping centre / on Saturday / .
6 Lucas / go / to an art class / on Sunday evening / ?

Future be going to, Present Continuous

A Complete the sentences with the correct form of be going to.

are going to wash

1 The dog is dirty. We ..................................................
(wash) him.
2 I .................................................. (visit) my grandparents on Saturday.
3 We .................................................. (eat) at a restaurant tonight. Its my mums birthday.
4 Paul .................................................. (play) basketball later.
5 When .................................................. you .................................................. (study) for the test?
6 My mum .................................................. (not work) this week. Shes on holiday.
7 What .................................................. you ..................................................(do) this afternoon?
B Write sentences with the words below. Use be going to.
1 I / wear / these shoes / to the party

I am going to wear these shoes to the party.

2 He / make / pizza / tomorrow
3 My brothers / not watch / TV / tonight
4 You / study / for your test / this evening
C Look at the pictures of Toms plans for next week and complete the sentences below. Use the
Present Continuous and the words in the box.








invite a friend for lunch

do his homework
go to the library
go to the park
play tennis
help his grandma
see a film

is playing tennis.
1 On Monday, Tom .................................................................................
2 On Tuesday, he ....................................................................................
3 On Wednesday, he ..............................................................................
4 On Thursday, he ..................................................................................
5 On Friday, he .......................................................................................
6 On Saturday, he ...................................................................................
7 On Sunday, he .....................................................................................

be going to, Present Continuous with future meaning

A Fill in the blanks with the correct form of be going to.

am going to buy
I ................................................
(buy) a new watch soon.

You ................................................ (not finish) the painting in a week.

...................... you ...................... (marry) Alice one day?

The snow ................................................ (melt) tomorrow.

...................... the shopkeeper ...................... (close) his shop for the holiday?

You and your team ................................................ (not win) the game.

B Write questions using be going to and the words below. Then answer the questions using
the words in brackets.

it / snow / tomorrow

Is it going to snow tomorrow?


our neighbours / go on holiday

(stay at home)


No, it isnt. Its going to rain.


Mum / make a cake / for my birthday ............................................................................................


I / cry / at the show



C Brian Jones is a space scientist. He is going to have a busy week. Look at the pictures and
complete the paragraph with the Present Continuous form of the verbs below.

am flying to London
On Monday, I (1) ..............................

and two scientists (2) .............................. me.

On Wednesday, I (3) .............................. three classes in


New York. Some reporters (4) .............................. to talk

to me on Thursday. I (5) .............................. an article for

a newspaper on Friday. On Saturday, I


to become astronauts.


(6) .............................. to some young people who want



D Answer the questions about yourself. Write full sentences.


What are you going to eat later today?



What are you doing on Saturday afternoon?


Who is making dinner at your house tonight?

Which class are you going to be in next year?


Future will
A Complete the sentences. Use will and the verbs below.






will be a lawyer!
She ..................

1 Jane is a good student.

2 Its very cold.

It ............................ later.

I ............................ you!

3 Im going to America.

4 There is a party tonight.

You ................................ fun.

5 Dan and Paul have got a test tomorrow.


They ................................ well.

B Lucy is going to go to a new school next year. Write questions. Look at what Lucy thinks
and answer the questions.

she go to school by bus?

1 she / go / to school by bus Will
No, she will go to school by car.
2 she / have / many friends ..................................................................................................................
3 she / have / an old teacher ................................................................................................................
4 she / study English .............................................................................................................................
C Complete the sentences with will or wont and the verbs below.




will eat all my food.

1 I am very hungry. I ......................
2 Jack hates loud music. He ...................... to go to the pop concert.
3 Jane is afraid to fly, so she probably ...................... to England with us.
4 I dont like this. I dont think I ...................... it.

First Conditional
A Match the beginning of each sentence in A to its ending in B.

1 She wont speak to him

...... a

will you ask him to phone me?

2 Youll be tired

...... b

unless you come too.

3 If it stops raining,

1 c

until he says hes sorry.

4 You wont do well in the test

...... d

well sit in the garden.

5 I wont go to the party

...... e

if you stay up late.

6 If you see Dave,

...... f

unless you study all the grammar.

B Complete the sentences with unless or if.

1 ......................
you come early, I will
help you.

4 Ill phone you ...................... there is news

about your dog.

2 The cat will drink the milk ......................

you leave it on the table.

5 Well miss the train ...................... we dont


3 You wont pass the test ...................... you

study harder.

6 She wont do her homework ......................

I help her.

C Complete the sentences with the First Conditional.

will go
1 If he isnt here on time, I ......................
(go) without him.

4 What will happen if the students

...................... (not arrive) on time?

2 Unless the athlete ...................... (practise),

he wont win the competition.

5 I will buy the hamburgers if Susan

...................... (pay) for the drinks.

3 If the children dont hurry, they ......................

(be) late.

6 If you ...................... (not ask) questions,

youll never know the answers.

D Choose the correct answers.

1 If we go / will go by bus, it is / will be cheaper.
2 If I will come / come home early, I will phone / phone you.
3 Unless it rains / will rain, we will go / go out tomorrow.
4 The boys help / will help you if you will ask / ask them.
E Complete the sentences with the First Conditional.

wont eat
1 Jane ..............................
(not eat) lunch if she ..............................
(finish) all that cake.
2 If you .............................. (look after) your dog, it .............................. (be) your best friend.
3 If you .............................. (not want) this magazine, I .............................. (throw) it away.
4 The students .............................. (not get) good marks unless they .............................. (study) hard.
5 Peter .............................. (go) on the trip if he .............................. (have) time.

First Conditional
A Match the beginning of each sentence in A with its end in B.

1 I will phone you

...... a if you make so much noise.

2 If you wash the dishes,

...... b we wont be able to play basketball.

3 You will make Grandma very happy

1 c

4 If it doesnt stop raining,

...... d if you visit her today.

5 John wont be tired

...... e if he goes to bed soon.

6 The baby wont sleep

...... f

if I arrive before you.

I will dry them.

B Circle the correct words.

1 Andrew will water the garden if he
comes / will come home.
2 We will buy our tickets if we will have /
have enough money.
3 We will be late for the show unless you
hurry / will hurry.

4 I will take / take an umbrella if it rains.

5 If it is / will be a nice day tomorrow, we will
go for a bike ride.
6 He wont cross the road unless he will see /
sees the green light.

C Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets. Use the First Conditional.

will give
1 If my aunt comes to visit, she ..........................
(give) us a present.
2 If it doesnt rain, we .......................... (go) to the beach.
3 If it .......................... (snow) tonight, we will make a snowman tomorrow.
4 If you dont try, you .......................... (not succeed).
5 If you .......................... (bring) the sandwiches for the picnic, I will bring the drinks.
6 If he talks too long, his parents .......................... (not let) him use the phone.
7 He will turn on the heater if it .......................... (get) too cold.
8 You wont understand the questions unless you .......................... (read) the book.
D Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the First Conditional.

will visit (visit) my friend George.
1 If we ......................
(go) to London, we ......................
2 If she ...................... (do) well in her exams, my sister ...................... (go) to university.
3 Jenny ...................... (not eat) supper if she ...................... (eat) all that ice cream.
4 My brother ...................... (drive) us to the cinema if we ...................... (ask) him.
5 Uncle Tim ...................... (phone) us if he ...................... (want) to come with us.

Present Perfect
A What has just happened? Look at the pictures. Write sentences using just and the Present
Perfect of the verbs below.
have lunch

fall down

wake up

see a film
4 Emily




Uncle Tom

has just fallen down.




B Complete the sentences with the Present

Perfect of the verbs in brackets.

havent had
We ...................................
(not have) a
holiday this year.

2 ...................... you ...................... (see) the

latest James Bond film yet?
3 We ...................... already ......................
(finish) our homework.
4 I ................................... (not speak) to her
since September.
5 My father ................................... (finish) his
6 ...................... you ...................... (buy) any
new clothes lately?
C Complete the sentences with the words



last night



1 John has lived in London ......................
2 I havent finished my homework ...................... .
3 What time did you go to bed ...................... ?
4 Have you ...................... eaten Chinese food?
5 My parents flew to Paris 10 days ...................... .
6 We have lived in the same house
...................... many years.

D Choose the correct answer.

1 She never read / has never read an English
2 Our team hasnt lost / didnt lose a game
3 Last summer, we were / have been in
4 David found / has found a dog last week.
E Complete the sentences with the Past
Simple or Present Perfect of the verbs in

1 We ...................................
(watch) a great
film last night.
2 I ...................... never ...................... (eat) such
a tasty meal!
3 My family and I ...................................
(move) to a new flat last month.
4 ...................... you ...................... (play) tennis
5 I miss Sophie. I ................................... (not
see) her for five years.
6 I ...................... just ...................... (finish) my

A Complete the sentences with can, cant, could or couldnt.

could run (run) 12 kilometres.

1 When he was young, my grandfather ......................
2 John cant run very fast but he ...................... (jump) high.
3 ...................... you ...................... (finish) your homework last week?
4 The dog hurt its leg and it ...................... (walk).
5 ...................... Tony ...................... (find) his way to the party tonight?
6 Sorry I ...................... (not help) you paint your house yesterday.
B Write sentences using the words below and must or mustnt.
1 ride / your bike / on the grass

mustnt ride your
on the grass.
2 take / your medicine / now ..

4 drive fast / near the school

5 drink / a lot of water / in the summer





3 put / your feet / on the desk

6 bring / animals / into the shop





C Write sentences with should or shouldnt.

1 Its late. (go home now)

should go home now.
2 These sports shoes are expensive. (buy them)
3 You didnt practise for the event. (take part in the competition)
4 Tim doesnt like his job. (get another job)
5 Sally is not well. (go to school today)
6 Its snowing. (wear a coat and boots)

a / an / the, There is / There are

A Complete the sentences with a, an or the.

1 I have ......................
egg for breakfast every morning.
2 Alan has got ...................... cute dog. ...................... dog is brown.
3 Brad Pitt is ...................... actor.
4 I have got ...................... apple. ...................... apple is in my schoolbag.
5 My sister is ...................... dentist.
B Complete. Use Theres, There are, There isnt or There arent.
1 Theres
.................................. a glass on the table.
2 .................................. a baby next to the bed.
3 .................................. a skateboard under the table.
4 .................................. any clothes on the table.
5 .................................. one shoe near the table.
6 .................................. some apples under the bed.
7 .................................. a shirt on the chair.
8 .................................. some books next to the chair.

C Ask and answer questions about the pictures. Use the words below to help you.




Is there
No, there isnt. Theres an elephant in the picture.
1 ......................
a kangaroo in the picture? ..............................................................................................
2 ...................... a bag on the table? .........................................................................................................
3 ...................... any bicycles in the shop? ................................................................................................
4 ...................... a dog in the bag? ............................................................................................................
5 ...................... two basketball players? ..................................................................................................
6 ...................... any computers on the desk? ...........................................................................................

Possessive forms, this / that / these / those

D Complete. Use this, that, these or those.

A Complete the chart.











Wow! Look at ......................
stars up there.





B Fill in the blanks with the correct
possessive adjective.
1 I have got a cute cat.
I love ......................

Is ...................... your book? Yes! Thank you.


2 You are wearing a nice jacket.

Is ...................... jacket warm?
3 Paul has got many friends. He plays tennis
with ...................... friends.
4 Our bird has special food.
Thats ...................... food.

Hey, ...................... is my camera!


5 The children are at ......................

grandparents this weekend.
C Fill in each blank with the correct
possessive pronoun.
1 Youve got a blue umbrella. The blue
umbrella is ......................

Are ...................... your pencils? No, theyre not.

E Write sentences with This is or These are
and the words below.

2 Is this Jacks room? Yes, its ...................... .

1 dog / house

3 We have got a new computer. It is

...................... .

2 children / football

4 This is their dog. Its ...................... .

This is the dogs house.


5 Sue has got a lovely sweater. The sweater

is ...................... .

3 athletes / shoes

6 Thats my present. Its ...................... .

4 our neighbour / flowers

5 Mr Jones / car

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