CTD Module 1

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Table of Contents

THE COMPREHENSIVE TABLE OF CONTENTS HEADINGS AND HIERARCHY ...................................................... I MODULE 1 ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION ................................................................................................. 1 MODULE 2 SUMMARIES .......................................................................................................................................... 4 MODULE 3 QUALITY ................................................................................................................................................. 5 MODULE 4 NONCLINICAL STUDY REPORTS .................................................................................................... 6 MODULE 5 CLINICAL STUDY REPORTS ............................................................................................................. 9 APPENDIX I MAPPING SECTION .......................................................................................................................14 APPENDIX 2 MODULE 1 SUMMARY OF CHANGES ......................................................................................40 A. B. C. MODULE 1 SUMMARY OF CHANGES (04/02/2012, VERSION 2.2).........................................................40 MODULE 1 SUMMARY OF CHANGES (11/1/2012, VERSION 2.1)...........................................................40 MODULE 1 SUMMARY OF CHANGES (6/1/2012, VERSION 2.0).............................................................41

Version 2.2


The Comprehensive Table of Contents Headings and Hierarchy Module 1 Administrative information
1.1 Forms Form [form-type] 1.2 Cover letters 1.3 Administrative information 1.3.1 Contact/sponsor/applicant information Change of address or corporate name Change in contact/agent Change in sponsor Transfer of obligation Change in ownership of an application or reissuance of license 1.3.2 Field copy certification 1.3.3 Debarment certification 1.3.4 Financial certification and disclosure 1.3.5 Patent and exclusivity Patent information Patent certification Exclusivity claim 1.3.6 Tropical disease priority review voucher 1.4 References 1.4.1 Letter of authorization 1.4.2 Statement of right of reference 1.4.3 List of authorized persons to incorporate by reference 1.4.4 Cross-reference to previously submitted information 1.5 Application status 1.5.1 Withdrawal of an IND 1.5.2 Inactivation request 1.5.3 Reactivation request 1.5.4 Reinstatement request 1.5.5 Withdrawal of an unapproved BLA, NDA, ANDA, or Supplement 1.5 6 Withdrawal of listed drug 1.5.7 Withdrawal of approval of an application or revocation of license 1.6 Meetings 1.6.1 Meeting request 1.6.2 Meeting background materials 1.6.3 Correspondence regarding meetings 1.7 Fast track 1.7.1 Fast track designation request 1.7.2 Fast track designation withdrawal request 1.7.3 Rolling review request 1.7.4 Correspondence regarding fast track/rolling review

Version 2.2

1.8 Special protocol assessment request 1.8.1 Clinical study 1.8.2 Carcinogenicity study 1.8.3 Stability study 1.8.4 Animal efficacy study for approval under the animal rule 1.9 Pediatric administrative information 1.9.1 Request for waiver of pediatric studies 1.9.2 Request for deferral of pediatric studies 1.9.3 Request for pediatric exclusivity determination 1.9.4 Proposed pediatric study request and amendments 1.9.5 Proposal for written agreement (no longer applicable) 1.9.6 Other correspondence regarding pediatric exclusivity or study plans 1.10 Dispute resolution 1.10.1 Request for dispute resolution 1.10.2 Correspondence related to dispute resolution 1.11 Information amendment: Information not covered under modules 2 to 5 1.11.1 Quality information amendment 1.11.2 Nonclinical information amendment 1.11.3 Clinical information amendment 1.11.4 Multiple module information amendment 1.12 Other correspondence 1.12.1 Pre IND correspondence 1.12.2 Request to charge for clinical trial 1.12.3 Request to charge for expanded access 1.12.4 Request for comments and advice 1.12.5 Request for a waiver 1.12.6 Exception from informed consent for emergency research 1.12.7 Public disclosure statement for exception from informed consent for emergency research 1.12.8 Correspondence regarding exception from informed consent for emergency research 1.12.9 Notification of discontinuation of clinical trial 1.12.10 Generic drug enforcement act statement 1.12.11 ANDA basis for submission statement 1.12.12 Comparison of generic drug and reference listed drug 1.12.13 Request for waiver for in vivo studies 1.12.14 Environmental analysis 1.12.15 Request for waiver of in vivo bioavailability studies 1.12.16 Field alert reports 1.12.17 Orphan drug designation 1.13 Annual report 1.13.1 Summary for nonclinical studies 1.13.2 Summary of clinical pharmacology information 1.13.3 Summary of safety information 1.13.4 Summary of labeling changes 1.13.5 Summary of manufacturing changes
Version 2.2

1.13.6 Summary of microbiological changes 1.13.7 Summary of other significant new information 1.13.8 Individual study information 1.13.9 General investigational plan 1.13.10 Foreign marketing 1.13.11 Distribution data 1.13.12 Status of postmarketing study commitments and requirements 1.13.13 Status of other postmarketing studies and requirements 1.13.14 Log of outstanding regulatory business 1.13.15 Development safety update report (DSUR) 1.14 Labeling 1.14.1 Draft labeling Draft carton and container labels Annotated draft labeling text Draft labeling text Label comprehension studies Labeling history 1.14.2 Final labeling Final carton or container labels Final package insert (package inserts, patient information, medication guides) Final labeling text 1.14.3 Listed drug labeling Annotated comparison with listed drug Approved labeling text for listed drug Labeling text for reference listed drug 1.14.4 Investigational drug labeling Investigational brochure Investigational drug labeling 1.14.5 Foreign labeling 1.14.6 Product labeling for 2253 submissions 1.15 Promotional material [promotional-material-audience-type] 1.15.1 Correspondence relating to promotional materials Request for advisory comments on launch materials Request for advisory comments on non-launch materials Presubmission of launch promotional materials for accelerated approval products Presubmission of non-launch promotional materials for accelerated approval products Promotional materials submitted pursuant to section 503B Response to untitled letter or warning letter Response to information request Correspondence accompanying materials previously missing or rejected
Version 2.2 Withdrawal request Submission of annotated references General correspondence 1.15.2 Materials attribute = [promotional-material-doc-type] Material [promotional-material-type, material-id, issuedate] Clean version Annotated version Annotated labeling version Annotated references 1.16 Risk management plan 1.16.1 Risk Management (Non-REMS) 1.16.2 Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) Final REMS Draft REMS REMS Assessment REMS Assessment Methodology REMS Correspondence REMS Modification History 1.17 Postmarketing studies 1.17.1 Correspondence regarding postmarketing commitments 1.17.2 Correspondence regarding postmarketing requirements 1.18 Proprietary names 1.19 Pre-EUA and EUA 1.20 General investigational plan for initial IND

Module 2 Summaries
2.2 Introduction to summary 2.3 Quality overall summary 2.4 Nonclinical overview 2.5 Clinical overview 2.6 Nonclinical written and tabulated summaries 2.6.1 Introduction 2.6.2 Pharmacology written summary 2.6.3 Pharmacology tabulated summary 2.6.4 Pharmacokinetic written summary 2.6.5 Pharmacokinetic tabulated summary 2.6.6 Toxicology written summary 2.6.7 Toxicology tabulated summary 2.7 Clinical summary 2.7.1 Summary of Biopharmaceutic Studies and Associated Analytical Methods 2.7.2 Summary of Clinical Pharmacology studies 2.7.3 Summary of Clinical Efficacy [indication] 2.7.4 Summary of Clinical Safety 2.7.5 References
Version 2.2

IND Mapping Section

Appendix I Mapping Section IND CFR Citation/Source

NUMBER 312.23(a)(1) FDAAA

CTD /*STF Heading/**Attribute(s)



312.52 312.22(d) 312.23(b)

TITLE Cover sheet (Form FDA1571) Certification of compliance: Form FDA 3674 Form FDA 3792: Biosimilar User Fee Cover Sheet Statement of the nature and purpose of the information amendment Change of address or corporate name NOTE: Includes DMF original address or corporate name or change in DMF address or corporate name Change in contact/agent NOTE: Includes DMF original contact/agent or change in DMF contact/agent Change in ownership Transfer of obligations to a contract research organization General principles of the IND submission Written statement of authorization for references (copy of LOA received from DMF holders - submitted by BLA, NDA, or IND applicants)

NUMBER 1.1 1.1


TITLE **Forms form-type=1571 **Forms form-type=3674

**Forms form-type=3792


Cover letters

Change of address or corporate name

Change in contact/agent

1 1 1.4.1

Change in sponsor Transfer of obligation Letter of authorization Statement of right of reference


Version 2.2


IND Mapping Section

CFR Citation/Source
NUMBER 312.23(b) 312.23(a)(3)(ii) 312.38 312.45(a) 312.45(d) TITLE Information previously submitted Withdrawal of an IND Request for Inactive status Request to resume clinical investigation under an inactive IND Reinstatement request Meeting request Meeting background material Correspondence regarding a meeting Fast track designation request Fast track designation withdrawal request Rolling review request Correspondence regarding fast track/rolling review Special protocol assessment request: clinical study Special protocol assessment request: carcinogenicity study Special protocol assessment request: stability study Animal efficacy study for approval under the animal rule Request for waiver of pediatric studies MODULE 1 1 1 1

CTD /*STF Heading/**Attribute(s)

NUMBER 1.4.4 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 TITLE Cross-reference to previously submitted information Withdrawal of an IND Inactivation request Reactivation request

312.47 PDUFA Agreements 312.47 PDUFA Agreements 312.47 PDUFA Agreements FDAMA FDAMA FDAMA FDAMA FDAMA PDUFA Agreements PDUFA Agreements

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1.5.4 1.6.1 1.6.2 1.6.3 1.7.1 1.7.2 1.7.3 1.7.4 1.8.1 1.8.2 1.8.3 1.8.4. 1.9.1

Reinstatement request Meeting request Meeting background materials Correspondence regarding meetings Fast track designation request Fast track designation withdrawal request Rolling review request Correspondence regarding fast track/rolling review Clinical study Carcinogenicity study Stability study Animal efficacy study for approval under the animal rule Request for waiver of pediatric studies

PREA 312.47(b)(1)(iv)
Version 2.2


IND Mapping Section

CFR Citation/Source
NUMBER PREA 312.82 312.47(b)(1)(iv) BPCA PREA BPCA 312.48 312.48 312.31 TITLE Request for deferral of pediatric studies Proposed pediatric study request and amendments Correspondence regarding pediatric exclusivity or PREA requirements Scientific and medical disputes Scientific and medical disputes Information amendment: Chemistry - information not covered under Module 3 Information amendment: Toxicology - information not covered under Module 4 Information amendment: Clinical - information not covered under Module 5 Multiple Information amendment Pre-IND correspondence Charging for investigational drugs under an IND Charging for investigational drugs under an IND Request for comment on information amendment Comment and advice on an IND Waivers (including PSUR waiver) MODULE 1

CTD /*STF Heading/**Attribute(s)

NUMBER 1.9.2 TITLE Request for deferral of pediatric studies

1 1

1.9.4 1.9.6

Proposed pediatric study request and amendments Other correspondence regarding pediatric exclusivity or study plans Request for dispute resolution Correspondence related to dispute resolution Quality information amendment

1 1 1

1.10.1 1.10.2 1.11.1



Nonclinical information amendment



Clinical information amendment

312.31 312.82(a) 312.8(b) 312.8(c) 312.31(b)(3) 312.41 312.10

Version 2.2

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16

1.11.4 1.12.1 1.12.2 1.12.3 1.12.4 1.12.4 1.12.5

Multiple module information amendment Pre-IND correspondence Request to charge for clinical trial Request to charge for expanded access Request for comments and advice Request for comments and advice Request for a waiver

IND Mapping Section

CFR Citation/Source
NUMBER 312.54 312.54 TITLE Exception from informed consent for research Public disclosure exception from informed consent for research IRB disapproval of exception from informed consent for research Report regarding the discontinuation of a clinical investigation Environmental analysis requirements Orphan Drug Annual Report: A list of preclinical studies Annual Report: A brief description of the drugs actions Annual Report: A narrative or tabular summary showing the most frequent and most serious adverse experiences by the body system Annual Report: A summary of all IND safety reports Annual Report: A list of subjects who died Annual Report: A list of subjects who dropped out MODULE 1 1

CTD /*STF Heading/**Attribute(s)

NUMBER 1.12.6 1.12.7 TITLE Exception from informed consent for emergency research Public disclosure statement for exception from informed consent for emergency research Correspondence regarding exception from informed consent for emergency research Notification of discontinuation of clinical trial Environmental analysis Orphan drug designation Summary of nonclinical studies Summary of clinical pharmacology information Summary of safety information





312.23(a)(7)(iv)(e) 316 Subpart C 312.33(b)(6) 312.33(b)(5)

1 1 1 1

1.12.14 1.12.17 1.13.1 1.13.2



312.33(b)(2) 312.33(b)(3) 312.33(b)(4)

1 1 1

1.13.3 1.13.3 1.13.3

Summary of safety information Summary of safety information Summary of safety information

Version 2.2


IND Mapping Section

CFR Citation/Source
NUMBER 312.33(b)(7) TITLE Annual Report: A summary of any significant manufacturing changes Annual Report: A summary of any significant microbiological changes Annual report individual study information Annual Report: A description of the general investigational plan Annual Report: A brief summary of significant foreign marketing developments Annual Report: Log of outstanding business(optional) Development safety update report (DSUR) Draft labeling text Label comprehension studies Investigator brochure Annual Report: Investigators brochure Labeling Foreign labeling Proprietary names Emergency Use Authorization A brief description of the overall plan MODULE 1

CTD /*STF Heading/**Attribute(s)

NUMBER 1.13.5 TITLE Summary of manufacturing changes



Summary of microbiological changes

312.33(a) 312.33(c)

1 1

1.13.8 1.13.9

Individual study information General investigational plan



Foreign marketing



Log of outstanding regulatory business

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 18

1.13.15 1.14.5 1.18 1.19 1.20

Development safety update report (DSUR) Draft labeling text Label comprehension studies Investigator brochure Investigator brochure Investigational drug labeling Foreign labeling Proprietary names Pre-EUA and EUA General investigational plan for initial IND

312.6 312.23(a)(5) 312.33(d) 312.23(a)(7)(iv)(d)

Project BioShield Act of 2004 312.23(a)(3)(iv)

Version 2.2

NDA and BLA Mapping Section

NDA and BLA CFR Citation/Source

NUMBER 314.50(a) 601.2 PDUFA

CTD /*STF Heading/**Attribute(s)


TITLE Application Form FDA 356h User fee cover sheet: Form FDA 3397 Form FDA 3792: Biosimilar User Fee Cover Sheet Annual report transmittal: Form FDA 2252 Transmittal of advertisements and promotional labeling: Form FDA 2253 Transmittal of labels and circulars: Form FDA 2567 Cover letters Change of address or corporate name NOTE: Includes DMF original address or corporate name or change in DMF address or corporate name Change in contact/agent NOTE: Includes DMF original contact/agent or change in DMF contact/agent Transfer of obligations to CRO Change in ownership of an application Field copy certification Debarment certification

NUMBER 1.1 1.1


TITLE **Forms form-type=356h **Forms form-type=3397

**Forms form-type=3392

314.81(b)(2) 314.81(b)(3)(i) 601.12(f)(4) 601.12 (f)

1 1

1.1 1.1

**Forms form-type=2252 **Forms form-type=2253

1 1 1

1.1 1.2

**Forms form-type=2567 Cover letters Change of address or corporate name

Change in contact/agent

314.50(d)(5)(x) 314.72 601.4 314.50(d)(1)(v) GDEA

Version 2.2

1 1 1 1 21 1.3.2 1.3.3

Transfer of obligation Change in ownership of an application or reissuance of license Field copy certification Debarment certification

NDA and BLA Mapping Section

CFR Citation/Source
NUMBER 314.50(k) 601.2(a) 314.50(h) 314.53(e) 314.50(i) 314.52(e) 314.50(j) FDAAA 314.420(d) TITLE Financial certification and disclosure statement (Form FDA 3454 and Form FDA 3455) Patent Information (Form FDA 3542a and Form FDA 3542) Patent certification Claimed exclusivity Tropical disease priority review voucher Incorporating DMF information by reference (authorization from DMF holder) Written statement of authorization for references (copy of LOA received from DMF holders - submitted by BLA, NDA, or IND applicants ) List of authorized persons to incorporate by reference Reference to information previously submitted Withdrawal of an unapproved application Withdrawal of listed drug Withdrawal of approval Withdrawal of approval by the FDA MODULE 1

CTD /*STF Heading/**Attribute(s)

NUMBER 1.3.4 TITLE Financial certification and disclosure

1 1 1 1 1 1.3.6 1.4.1

Patent information Patent certification Exclusivity claim Tropical disease priority review voucher Letter of authorization



Statement of right of reference

314.420(d) 314.50(g)(1) 314.65 314.50 314.150(c) 314.150 601.5

1 1 1 1 1 1

1.4.3 1.4.4 1.5.5 1.5.6 1.5.7 1.5.7

List of authorized persons to incorporate by reference Cross-reference to previously submitted information Withdrawal of an unapproved NDA, ANDA or Supplement Withdrawal of listed drug Withdrawal of approval of an application or revocation of license Withdrawal of approval of an application or revocation of license

Version 2.2


NDA and BLA Mapping Section

CFR Citation/Source
NUMBER 314.102 314.102 314.102 FDAMA FDAMA FDAMA FDAMA PREA 314.55(c) 601.27(c) PREA 314.55(b) 601.27(b) BPCA BPCA PREA BPCA 314.103(c) 314.103(c) 314.60 TITLE Communications: Meetings Communications: Meetings Communications: Meetings Fast track designation request Fast track designation withdrawal request Rolling review request Correspondence regarding fast track/rolling review Request for waiver of pediatric studies Request for deferral of pediatric studies Request for pediatric exclusivity determination/Form FDA 3437 Proposed pediatric study request and amendments Correspondence regarding pediatric exclusivity or PREA requirements Scientific and medical disputes Scientific and medical disputes Amendment to an unapproved application: Chemistry (information not covered under Module 3) MODULE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

CTD /*STF Heading/**Attribute(s)

NUMBER 1.6.1 1.6.2 1.6.3 1.7.1 1.7.2 1.7.3 1.7.4 1.9.1 TITLE Meeting request Meeting background materials Correspondence regarding meetings Fast track designation request Fast track designation withdrawal request Rolling review request Correspondence regarding fast track/rolling review Request for waiver of pediatric studies


Request for deferral of pediatric studies

1 1 1

1.9.3 1.9.4 1.9.6

Request for pediatric exclusivity determination Proposed pediatric study request and amendments Other correspondence regarding pediatric exclusivity or study plans Request for dispute resolution Correspondence related to dispute resolution Quality information amendment

1 1 1

1.10.1 1.10.2 1.11.1

Version 2.2


NDA and BLA Mapping Section

CFR Citation/Source
NUMBER 314.60 TITLE Amendment to an unapproved application: Toxicology (information not covered under Module 4) Amendment to an unapproved application: Clinical (information not covered under Module 5) Multiple information amendment: Request for comment and advice Waivers (including PSUR waiver) Generic drug enforcement act statement Environmental impact Request for waiver of in vivo bioavailability studies Field alert reports Orphan drug Annual Report: Summary Annual Report: Summary Annual Report: Summary Annual Report: Summary Annual Report: Summary Annual Report: Summary MODULE 1

CTD /*STF Heading/**Attribute(s)

NUMBER 1.11.2 TITLE Nonclinical information amendment



Clinical information amendment


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 24

1.11.4 1.12.4 1.12.5 1.12.10 1.12.14 1.12.15 1.12.16 1.12.17 1.13.1 1.13.2 1.13.3 1.13.4 1.13.5 1.13.6

Multiple module information amendment Request for comments and advice Request for a waiver Generic drug enforcement act statement Environmental analysis Request for waiver of in vivo bioavailability studies Field alert reports Orphan drug designation Summary of nonclinical studies Summary of clinical pharmacology information Summary of safety information Summary of labeling changes Summary of manufacturing changes Summary of microbiological changes

314.90 600.90 GDEA 314.50(d)(1)(iii) 601.2 320.22 (a) 314.81(b)(1) 316 Subpart C 314.81(b)(2)(i) 601.12(d) 314.81(b)(2)(i) 601.12(d) 314.81(b)(2)(i) 601.12(d) 314.81(b)(2)(i) 601.12(f)(3) 314.81(b)(2)(i) 601.12(d) 314.81(b)(2)(i)
Version 2.2

NDA and BLA Mapping Section

CFR Citation/Source
NUMBER 601.12(d) 314.81(b)(2)(i) 601.12(d) 314.81(b)(2)(ii) 314.81(b)(2)(vii) 601.70 TITLE Annual Report: Summary Annual Report: Distribution data Annual Report: Status report of clinical and nonclinical toxicology postmarketing study commitments Status report of other (chemistry, manufacturing, controls) postmarketing study commitments Annual Report: Log of outstanding regulatory business Copies of the labeling and all labeling for the drug product Annual Report: Labeling Draft carton and container labels The proposed text of the labeling with annotations Draft labeling text Label comprehension studies Labeling history Final carton or container labels Final package insert (package inserts, patient information, medication guides) MODULE 1 1 1

CTD /*STF Heading/**Attribute(s)

NUMBER 1.13.7 1.13.11 1.13.12 TITLE Summary of other significant new information Distribution data Status of postmarketing study commitments and requirements



Status of other postmarketing studies and requirements

314.81(b)(2)(ix) 314.50(e)(2)(ii) 601.14 314.81(b)(2)(iii) 601.14(f)(3) 314.50 601.14 314.50(c)(2)(i) 314.50(e)(2)(ii) 601.2 601.14

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1.13.14 1.14 1.14

Log of outstanding regulatory business Use appropriate sections Use appropriate sections Draft carton and container labels Annotated draft labeling text Draft labeling text Label comprehension studies Labeling history Final carton or container labels Final package insert (package inserts, patient information, medication guides)

314.50(e)(2)(ii) 601.2 314.50(e)(2)(ii) 601.2; 601.14

Version 2.2


NDA and BLA Mapping Section

CFR Citation/Source
NUMBER 314.50(e)(2)(ii) 601.2; 601.14 314.81(b)(3)(i) 601.12(f)(4) 314.81(b)(3)(i) 601.12(f)(4) 314.550 601.45 202.1(j)(4) 314.640 601.94 202.1 202.1(j)(4) 202.1(j)(4) 314.550 601.45 TITLE Final labeling text Foreign labeling Product labeling for 2253 submissions (if applicable) Regulations related to promotional materials [use appropriate sections] MODULE 1 1 1 1

CTD /*STF Heading/**Attribute(s)

NUMBER 1.14.5 1.14.6 1.15 TITLE Final labeling text Foreign labeling Product labeling for 2253 submissions Promotional material **[promotionalmaterial-audience-type]

314.640 601.94

314.550 601.45

Request for advisory comments on launch materials Request for advisory comments on non-launch materials Presubmission of launch promotional materials for accelerated approval of products for serious or life-threatening illnesses Presubmission of launch promotional materials for products approved when human efficacy studies are not ethical or feasible Presubmission of non-launch promotional materials for accelerated approval of products for serious or life-threatening

1 1 1

Request for advisory comments on launch materials Request for advisory comments on nonlaunch materials Presubmission of launch promotional materials for accelerated approval products

Presubmission of launch promotional materials for accelerated approval products

Presubmission of non-launch promotional materials for accelerated approval products

Version 2.2


NDA and BLA Mapping Section

CFR Citation/Source
NUMBER 314.640 601.94 TITLE illnesses Presubmission of non-launch promotional materials for products approved when human efficacy studies are not ethical or feasible Promotional materials submitted pursuant to section 503B Response to untitled letter or warning letter Response to information request Correspondence accompanying materials previously missing or rejected MODULE 1

CTD /*STF Heading/**Attribute(s)

NUMBER TITLE Presubmission of non-launch promotional materials for accelerated approval products

Section 503B of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act 202.1 202.1 202.1 314.81(b)(3)(i) 601.12(f)(4) 202.1(j)(4) 314.550 601.45 314.640 601.94 202.1 314.81(b)(3)(i) 601.12(f)(4) 202.1(j)(4) 314.550 601.45 314.640 601.94 202.1 202.1(j)(4) 314.550
Version 2.2

Promotional materials submitted pursuant to section 503B Response to untitled letter or warning letter Response to information request Correspondence accompanying materials previously missing or rejected

1 1 1

Withdrawal request

Withdrawal request

Submission of annotated references

Submission of annotated references


NDA and BLA Mapping Section

CFR Citation/Source
NUMBER 601.45 314.640 601.94 202.1 314.81(b)(3)(i) 601.12(f)(4) 202.1(j)(4) 314.550 601.45 314.640 601.94 202.1 314.81(b)(3)(i) 601.12(f)(4) 202.1(j)(4) 314.550 601.45 314.640 601.94 202.1 202.1 314.81(b)(3)(i) 601.12(f)(4) 202.1(j)(4) 314.550 601.45 314.640 601.94 202.1(j)(4) 314.550 601.45
Version 2.2

CTD /*STF Heading/**Attribute(s)



General correspondence Regulations related to promotional materials [use appropriate sections]

1 1 1.15.2

General correspondence Materials ** [promotional-material-doctype]

Regulations related to promotional materials [use appropriate sections]

Material **[promotional-material-type, material-id, issue-date]

Clean version

Clean version

Annotated version

Annotated version


NDA and BLA Mapping Section

CFR Citation/Source
NUMBER 314.640 601.94 202.1 202.1(j)(4) 314.550 601.45 314.640 601.94 202.1 202.1(j)(4) 314.550 601.45 314.640 601.94 202.1 FDAAA 505-1 [355-1] FDAAA FDAAA TITLE MODULE

CTD /*STF Heading/**Attribute(s)


Annotated labeling version

Annotated labeling version

Annotated references

Annotated references

314.50(d)(5)(viii) 314.50(c)(2)(ii) to (ix) 314.50(d)(7) 314.50(d)(1)(i) and (ii) 314.50(e)(2)(i)

Version 2.2

Risk evaluation and mitigation strategies (REMS) Correspondence regarding postmarketing commitments Correspondence regarding postmarketing requirements Proprietary names An integrated summary of the benefits and risks Summaries Pediatric use section Chemistry, manufacturing and controls Analytical methods

1 1 1 1 2 2 2 and 5 3 3 29

1.16 1.17.1 1.17.2 1.18 2.5 As needed As needed As needed As needed

Use the appropriate sections Correspondence regarding postmarketing commitments Correspondence regarding postmarketing requirements Proprietary names Use appropriate sections Use the appropriate sections Use appropriate sections Use the appropriate sections Use appropriate sections

ANDA Mapping Section

ANDA CFR Citation/Source

NUMBER 314.94(a)(1) GDUFA FDAAA TITLE Application Form FDA 356h Form FDA 3794: Generic Drug User Fee Cover Sheet Certification of compliance: Form FDA 3674 Transmittal of labels and circulars: Form FDA 2567 Transmittal of advertisements and promotional labeling: Form FDA 2253 Cover letters Change of address or corporate name NOTE: Includes DMF original address or corporate name or change in DMF address or corporate name Change in contact/agent NOTE: Includes DMF original contact/agent or change in DMF contact/agent Change in ownership of an application Field copy certification Debarment certification MODULE 1 1 1 1 1

CTD /*STF Heading/**Attribute(s)

NUMBER 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 TITLE **Forms form-type=356h **Forms form-type=3794 **Forms form-type=3674 **Forms form-type=2567 **Forms form-type=2253


1 1


Cover letters Change of address or corporate name

Change in contact/agent

314.72 314.50(d)(1)(v) Generic Drug Enforcement Act (GDEA) 314.94(13)

1 1 1 1.3.2 1.3.3

Change in ownership of an application Field copy certification Debarment certification

Financial certification and disclosure (Form FDA 3454 and Form FDA 3455)


Financial certification and disclosure

Version 2.2


ANDA Mapping Section

CFR Citation/Source
NUMBER 314.50(h) 314.53(e) 314.94(12) 314.95 TITLE Patent information (Form FDA 3542a and Form FDA 3542) Patent certification Notice of certification of nonvalidity or noninfringement of patent Incorporating DMF information by reference (authorization from DMF holder) Written statement of authorization for references (copy of LOA received from DMF holders - submitted by BLA, NDA, or IND applicants ) List of authorized persons to incorporate by reference Reference to information previously submitted Withdrawal of an unapproved application Withdrawal of listed drug Request for withdrawal of approval Communications: meetings Communications: meetings Communications: meetings Scientific and medical disputes Scientific and medical disputes Amendment to an unapproved application: Chemistry MODULE 1 1 1

CTD /*STF Heading/**Attribute(s)

NUMBER TITLE Patent information Patent certification Exclusivity claim



Letter of authorization



Statement of right of reference

314.420(d) 314.94(11) 314.65 314.150 314.150(c) 314.102 314.102 314.102 314.103(c) 314.103(c) 314.96
Version 2.2

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 33

1.4.3 1.4.4 1.5.5 1.5.6 1.5.7 1.6.1 1.6.2 1.6.3 1.10.1 1.10.2 1.11.1

List of authorized persons to incorporate by reference Cross-reference to previously submitted information Withdrawal of an unapproved BLA, NDA, ANDA or Supplement Withdrawal of listed drug Withdrawal of approval of an application or revocation of license Meeting request Meeting background materials Correspondence regarding meetings Request for dispute resolution Correspondence related to dispute resolution Quality information amendment

ANDA Mapping Section

CFR Citation/Source
NUMBER TITLE (information not fitting under Module 3) Amendment to an unapproved application: Toxicology (information not covered under Module 4) Amendment to an unapproved application: Clinical (information not fitting under Module 5) Multiple information amendment: Request for comment and advice Generic drug enforcement act statement Basis for abbreviated new drug application submission Conditions for use Active ingredient Route of administration, dosage form, and strength Environmental impact analysis statement (if applicable) Request for waiver of in vivo bioavailability studies Field alert reports Annual Report: Summary Annual Report: Summary Annual Report: Summary MODULE

CTD /*STF Heading/**Attribute(s)




Nonclinical information amendment



Clinical information amendment


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 34

1.11.4 1.12.4 1.12.10 1.12.11 1.12.11 1.12.12 1.12.12 1.12.14 1.12.15 1.12.16 1.13.1 1.13.2 1.13.3

Multiple module information amendment Request for comments and advice Generic drug enforcement act statement ANDA basis for submission statement ANDA basis for submission statement Comparison of generic drug and reference listed drug Comparison of generic drug and reference listed drug Environmental analysis Request for waiver of in-vivo bioavailability studies Field alert reports Summary of nonclinical studies Summary of clinical pharmacology information Summary of safety information

GDEA 314.94(a)(3) 314.94(a)(4) 314.94(a)(5) 314.94(a)(6) 25.15(d) 320.22 (a) 314.81(b)(i)(ii) 314.81(b)(2)(i) 314.81(b)(2)(i) 314.81(b)(2)(i)
Version 2.2

ANDA Mapping Section

CFR Citation/Source
NUMBER 314.81(b)(2)(i) 314.81(b)(2)(i) 314.81(b)(2)(i) 314.81(b)(2)(i) 314.81(b)(2)(ii) 314.81(b)(2)(vii) TITLE Annual Report: Summary Annual Report: Summary Annual Report: Summary Annual Report: Summary Annual Report: Distribution data Annual Report: Status report of clinical and nonclinical toxicology postmarketing study commitments Status report of other (chemistry, manufacturing, controls) postmarketing study commitments Annual Report: Log of outstanding regulatory business Copies of proposed labeling [Use appropriate sections] Draft carton and container labels The proposed text of the labeling with annotations Draft labeling text Final carton or container labels Final package insert (package inserts, patient information, medication guides) Final labeling text Statement of proposed labeling Comparison of approved and proposed labeling Listed drug labeling MODULE 1 1 1 1 1 1

CTD /*STF Heading/**Attribute(s)

NUMBER 1.13.4 1.13.5 1.13.6 1.13.7 1.13.11 1.13.12 TITLE Summary of labeling changes Summary of manufacturing changes Summary of microbiological changes Summary of other significant new information Distribution data Status of postmarketing study commitments and requirements



Status of other postmarketing studies and requirements

314.81(b)(2)(ix) 314.94(a)(8)(ii) 314. 94(a)(8)(ii) 314.50(c)(2)(i) 314.94(a)(8)(ii) 314.94(a)(8)(ii) 314.94(a)(8)(ii)

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1.13.14 1.14.1

Log of outstanding regulatory business Draft labeling Draft carton and container labels Annotated draft labeling text Draft labeling text Final carton or container labels Final package insert (package inserts, patient information, medication guides) Final labeling text Annotated comparison with listed drug Annotated comparison with listed drug Approved labeling text for listed drug

314.94(a)(8)(ii) 314.94(a)(8)(iii) 314.94(a)(8)(iv) 314.94(a)(8)(i)

Version 2.2

1 1 1 1 35

ANDA Mapping Section

CFR Citation/Source
NUMBER 314.94(a)(8)(i) 314.81(b)(3)(i) 202.1 314.81(b)(3)(i) 202.1(j)(4) 314.550 314.640 202.1 202.1(j)(4) 202.1 202.1(j)(4) 202.1 314.550 202.1 314.640 TITLE Labeling text for reference listed drug Product labeling for 2253 submissions (if applicable) Regulations related to promotional materials [use appropriate sections] MODULE 1 1 1

CTD /*STF Heading/**Attribute(s)

NUMBER 1.14.6 1.15 TITLE Labeling text for reference listed drug Product labeling for 2253 submissions Promotional material **[attribute = promotional-material-audience-type]

202.1 314.550 314.640

Request for advisory comments on launch materials Request for advisory comments on non-launch materials Presubmission of launch promotional materials for accelerated approval products Presubmission of launch promotional materials for products approved when human efficacy studies are not ethical or feasible Presubmission of non-launch promotional materials for accelerated approval products Presubmission of non-launch promotional materials for products approved when human efficacy studies are not ethical or feasible

1 1 1

Request for advisory comments on launch materials Request for advisory comments on nonlaunch materials Presubmission of launch promotional materials for accelerated approval products Presubmission of launch promotional materials for accelerated approval products

Presubmission of non-launch promotional materials for accelerated approval products Presubmission of non-launch promotional materials for accelerated approval products

Version 2.2


ANDA Mapping Section

CFR Citation/Source
NUMBER 202.1 Section 503B of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act 202.1 202.1 202.1 314.81(b)(3)(i) 202.1(j)(4) 314.550 314.640 202.1 314.81(b)(3)(i) 202.1(j)(4) 314.550 314.640 202.1 202.1(j)(4) 314.550 314.640 202.1 202.1 314.81(b)(3)(i) 202.1(j)(4) 314.550 314.640 202.1 314.81(b)(3)(i) 202.1(j)(4) 314.550
Version 2.2

CTD /*STF Heading/**Attribute(s)

MODULE 1 NUMBER TITLE Promotional materials submitted pursuant to section 503B

TITLE Promotional materials submitted pursuant to section 503B

Response to untitled letter or warning letter Response to information request Correspondence accompanying materials previously missing or rejected

1 1 1

Response to untitled letter or warning letter Response to information request Correspondence accompanying materials previously missing or rejected

Withdrawal request

Withdrawal request

Submission of annotated references

Submission of annotated references

General correspondence Regulations related to submission of promotional materials [use appropriate sections] Regulations related to promotional materials [use appropriate sections]

1 1 1.15.2

General correspondence Materials **[attribute = promotionalmaterial-doc-type]

Material **[attributes =promotionalmaterial-type, material-id, issue-date]


ANDA Mapping Section

CFR Citation/Source
NUMBER 314.640 202.1 314.81(b)(3)(i) 202.1(j)(4) 314.550 314.640 202.1 202.1(j)(4) 314.550 314.640 202.1 202.1(j)(4) 314.550 314.640 202.1 202.1(j)(4) 314.550 314.640 FDAAA 505-1 [355-1] FDAAA FDAAA 314.420(a) 314.96 314.94(9) 314.94(a)(7) 314.96
Version 2.2

CTD /*STF Heading/**Attribute(s)


TITLE Clean version

Annotated version

Annotated version

Annotated labeling version

Annotated labeling version

Annotated references

Annotated references

Risk evaluation and mitigation strategies (REMS) Correspondence regarding postmarketing commitments Correspondence regarding postmarketing requirements Drug master files Amendment to an unapproved application: Chemistry Chemistry, manufacturing, and control Bioequivalence Amendment to an unapproved

1 1 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 3 3 5 5 38

1.16 1.17.1 1.17.2 As needed As needed As needed 5.3 As needed

Use the appropriate sections Correspondence regarding postmarketing commitments Correspondence regarding postmarketing requirements Use appropriate sections Use appropriate sections Use appropriate sections Use appropriate sections Use appropriate sections

C. Module 1 Summary of Changes (6/1/2012, version 2.0) Module Section


Old Title
Forms and form type e.g. 1.1.1 Application form: FDA form 1571 1.1.2 Application form: FDA form 356h 1.1.3 User fee cover sheet: FDA form 3397 1.1.4 Annual report transmittal: FDA form 2252 1.1.5 Advertisements and promotional labeling transmittal: FDA form 2253 1.1.6 Transmittal of Labels and Circulars: FDA form 2567 Change in ownership of an application Exclusivity request N/A Cross reference to other applications Withdrawal request Withdrawal of an unapproved NDA Request for withdrawal of application approval N/A N/A Proposal for written agreement Safety information amendment Efficacy information amendment N/A Request to charge Notification of charging under treatment IND 41

New Title
Forms Form ** [attribute = form-type] 1.3.6 1.4.4 1.5.1 1.5.5 1.5.7 1.7.4 1.8.4. 1.9.5 1.11.2 1.11.3 1.11.4 1.12.2 1.12.3
Version 2.2

Change in ownership of an application or reissuance of license Exclusivity claim Tropical disease priority review voucher Cross-reference to previously submitted information Withdrawal of an IND Withdrawal of an unapproved BLA, NDA, ANDA, or supplement Withdrawal of approval of an application or revocation of license Correspondence regarding fast track/rolling review Animal efficacy study for approval under the animal rule No longer applicable Nonclinical information amendment Clinical information amendment Multiple module information amendment Request to charge for clinical trial Request to charge for expanded access

Module Section
1.12.6 1.12.7 1.12.8 1.12.11 1.12.17 1.13.12 1.13.13 1.13.15 1.14.6 1.15 1.15.1 1.15.2
Version 2.2

Old Title
Exception from informed consent for research Public disclosure statement for exception from informed consent for research Correspondence regarding exception from informed consent for research Basis for submission statement N/A Status of postmarketing study commitments Status of other postmarketing studies N/A N/A Promotional material N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 42

New Title
Exception from informed consent for emergency research Public disclosure statement for exception from informed consent for emergency research Correspondence regarding exception from informed consent for emergency research ANDA basis for submission statement Orphan drug designation Status of postmarketing study commitments and requirements Status of other postmarketing studies and requirements Development safety update report (DSUR) Product labeling for 2253 submissions Promotional material <attribute = [promotional-materialaudience-type]> Correspondence relating to promotional materials Request for advisory comments on launch materials Request for advisory comments on non-launch materials Presubmission of launch promotional materials for accelerated approval products Presubmission of non-launch promotional materials for accelerated approval products Promotional materials submitted pursuant to section 503B Response to untitled letter or warning letter Response to information request Correspondence accompanying materials previously missing or rejected Withdrawal request Submission of annotated references General correspondence Materials <attribute = [promotional-material-doc-type]>

Module Section 1.16 1.17 1.17.1 1.17.2 1.18 1.19 1.20

Old Title
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Risk management plans N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

New Title
Material <attribute = [promotional-material-type]> Clean version Annotated version Annotated labeling version Annotated references Risk evaluation and mitigation strategies (REMS) Postmarketing studies Correspondence regarding postmarketing commitments Correspondence regarding postmarketing requirements Proprietary names Pre-EUA and EUA General investigational plan for initial IND

Version 2.2


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