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NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire

Clinical Effectiveness Bulletin for NHS Primary Care in North Staffordshire

Issue No: 79 August 2013

About this Bulletin: It aims to draw attention to some of the key documents and reviews on clinical effectiveness that have been published in the previous month. Where possible, links to the full text documents are included. If the article is in a journal, NHS and Public Health staff in Stoke and North Staffordshire can contact the Health Library for a copy. Link to request form: [Please note - a charge of 2 per request is payable for most copies] If you need further assistance, please contact the Health Library or the NHS Outreach Librarians, details below. The bulletin can be e-mailed to colleagues who may also find it useful. A list of websites checked in the production of this bulletin is on the first page. Please suggest further useful sites. Feedback is always welcomed to inform future issues of the bulletin.

Contact information

Bulletin produced by NHS Outreach Librarians Tel: 01782 679564 or 0300 123 1535 ext/FeatureNet 8429 E-mail:

North Staffs Health Library Tel: 01782 679500 Fax: 01782 679582 E-mail:

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Sources for Clinical Effectiveness Bulletin Please suggest further sites that should be monitored in the production of this bulletin Websites Cochrane Library CRD Centre for Reviews and Dissemination - DARE (Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects) - NHS Economic Evaluation Database Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Database Daily Health Bulletin Department of Health Kings Fund NICE Medicines awareness service Social Care Institute for Excellence Inside Government local government alerts NICE SIGN

NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire Contents in this issue:
Alcohol ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Cancer ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Children and Young People ...................................................................................................... 4 Commissioning ......................................................................................................................... 4 Diabetes.................................................................................................................................... 6 End of Life Care ........................................................................................................................ 6 General Practice ....................................................................................................................... 7 Guidance .................................................................................................................................. 8 Health Reforms ......................................................................................................................... 9 Heart Disease ........................................................................................................................... 9 Infection Control ........................................................................................................................ 9 Mental Health.......................................................................................................................... 10 Older People ........................................................................................................................... 11 Patient Care and Safety .......................................................................................................... 12 Pharmacy and Prescribing ...................................................................................................... 12 Physical Activity ...................................................................................................................... 13 Public Health ........................................................................................................................... 13 Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults ........................................................................ 14 Service Management .............................................................................................................. 14 Social Care ............................................................................................................................. 15 Stroke ..................................................................................................................................... 15 Substance Misuse .................................................................................................................. 15 Vaccination and Immunisation ................................................................................................ 15 Workforce ............................................................................................................................... 16

NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire Alcohol

Alcohol Stocktake Self-assessment Tool Public Health England This tool provides an opportunity to benchmark against evidence-based practice, facilitating the identification of effective practice, any gaps in provision and highlighting possible improvements.

Local Cancer Statistics Website Cancer Research UK The 'Local Cancer Statistics' website can be searched by post-code, constituency, local authority or healthcare area and contains information on cancer incidence, survival and mortality, early diagnosis, screening and smoking statistics for individual areas. Lung Cancer Smart Map Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation This map aims to shows patients how treatment in their area compares against government targets. It includes the latest regional data from a range of measures recorded in the National Lung Cancer Audit and compares local real-world hospital data to the nationally recommended standards of care.
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Children and Young People

How healthy behaviour supports children's wellbeing Public Health England This briefing paper identifies a link between children's screen time and lower levels of wellbeing, showing that: higher levels of TV viewing are having a negative effect on children's wellbeing, including lower self-worth, lower self-esteem and lower levels of self-reported happiness; and children who spend more time on computers, watching TV and playing video games tend to experience higher levels of emotional distress, anxiety and depression. Restart_280813_web.pdf
Items in the End of Life Care and Guidance section may be of interest [back to topics]

Clinical commissioning group outcomes indicator set NICE These fifteen proposed indicators aim to to support better quality healthcare being commissioned by CCGs. They underpin health improvement such as enhancing quality of life for people with long-term conditions and preventing people from dying prematurely. This 4

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menu of indicators will now be considered by NHS England for inclusion in the indicator set for 2014/15. Commissioning services for children and young people with asthma Primary Care Commissioning 'Designing and commissioning services for children and young people with asthma: a good practice guide sets out the 20 points that good asthma services need to include, and highlights what commissioners can do to drive improved asthma care at each part of the care pathway, with examples of good practice at each step. European Cross Border Healthcare NHS England The document sets out the associated roles and responsibilities of NHS England, CCGs and CSUs and summarises the requirements of the EU directive on cross border healthcare, which becomes UK law in October 2013 Fundamental review of allocations policy NHS England NHS England is currently reviewing the local allocation of resources across the full range of its responsibilities, covering both allocations to CCGs and the budgets available for direct commissioning functions in area teams. These resources gather together information on allocation policy in preparation for a series of workshops to discuss current thinking with stakeholders. Procurement development programme The Department of Health 'Better procurement, better value, better care: a procurement development programme for the NHS' sets out details of the NHS Procurement Development Programme, which aims to help the NHS save 1.5 billion by 2015 to 2016. Update for Providers of primary medical services Care Quality Commission The latest update for GPs and Primary medical Services is now available.
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NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire Diabetes

Access to test strips - a postcode lottery? Diabetes UK This report argues that people with diabetes are being denied the chance to monitor their blood glucose levels because vital test strips are being rationed to save money. Prescribing for Diabetes, England 2005-06 to 2012-13 Information Centre for Health and Social Care This report looks at prescribing trends for medicines prescribed in primary care in England for the treatment of diabetes for the period April 2005 to march 2013. Screening for Type 2 Diabetes: a Short Report for the National Screening Committee Waugh et al. When considered against the NSC criteria, the case for screening is less strong than it was in the 2007 review. The main reason is the absence of cardiovascular benefit in the two trials published since the previous review. There is a case for selective screening as part of overall vascular risk assessment. Population screening for T2DM does not meet all of the NSC criteria. UK Survey finds restrictions on access to test strips Diabetes UK A recent survey found that 39% had been refused a prescription of blood glucose test strips or had their prescription restricted and of those 55% had strips restricted within the past year.

End of Life Care

Commissioning childrens palliative care: a guide for Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) Together for Shorter Lives This document describes the population of children who need palliative care; the services and professionals who provide it; and recommendations for the commissioning of childrens palliative care within the context of the five stages of commissioning set out by the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement. s_palliative_care_commissioning_guide_for_CCGs.pdf

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Delivering end of life care in the community Kings Fund The case study- Midhurst Macmillan Community Specialist Palliative Care Service: delivering end-of-life care in the community' is part of a research project to compare five successful UKbased models of care co-ordination. This study looks at the Midhurst Macmillan Service - a community-based, consultant-led, specialist palliative care service in a rural community in the south of England. Divided in dying Compassion in Dying This report highlights the need for better advance care planning at the end of life and the urgent need to put in place workable guidance to replace the Liverpool Care Pathway as soon as possible.

General Practice
Improving General Practice: a call to action NHS England This document aims to stimulate debate in local communities amongst general practice, area teams, CCGs, health and wellbeing boards and other community partners as to how best to develop general practice services. GP Patient Survey Results NHS England The results of this detailed patient survey for 2012/13 are now available to view. Longer Waiting times for GPs Royal College of General Practitioners In the latest survey by the RCGP, more than 80% of respondents said that they lack resources to provide high quality patient care. New QOF Indicators NICE This document outlines the proposed indicators to improve the quality of care provided by GPs. Ten new quality and outcomes framework (QOF) indicators have been proposed in four broad clinical areas. provingCareInGeneralPractice.jsp

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Summary of recommendations for the NICE menu of indicators for the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) NICE This document outlines the proposed indicators to improve the quality of care provided by GPs. Ten proposed new indicators are on this menu, falling under four broad clinical areas. These include four on mental health and behavioural conditions; one of which is the percentage of patients with dementia who have a record of attendance at a memory assessment service enu_and_retirement.pdf
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NICE Clinical Guidelines: Autism: The management and support of children and young people on the autism spectrum (CG170) National Child Measurement Programme Public Health England This guidance supports local authorities to meet their new statutory duty to deliver the NCMP, which measures the height and weight of children in reception and Year 6 annually. It is for implementation in the 2013 to 2014 school year. NICE Quality Standards Headaches in young people and adults (QS42) NICE Quality Standards Psoriasis (QS40) NICE Quality Standards Smoking Cessation Supporting People to stop smoking (QS43) Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network Management of Hepatatis C (Sign 133) 8

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Health Reforms
Health 2020: a European policy framework and strategy for the 21st century World Health Organisation This document outlines the new value- and evidence-based policy framework for the European Region which aims to improve health for all and reduce health inequalities. It identifies four priority areas for policy action and details the strengthened roles of public health services and the health system. NHS Health Check implementation review and action plan Department of Health This review argues that checking 40-74-year-olds blood pressure, cholesterol, weight and lifestyle could identify problems earlier and prevent 650 deaths, 1,600 heart attacks and 4,000 cases of diabetes a year. The ten-point plan is designed to help councils roll them out to 20 per cent of their eligible local population a year 15 million people by 2018/19. ealth_Check_implementation_review_and_action_plan.pdf Personal Health Budgets: challenges for commissioners and policy-makers Nuffield Trust From 2014, personal health budgets will be offered to people in receipt of continuing care. This report looks at what they are, how they will work in practice, and the issues they raise _summary.pdf
Items in the Public Health section may also be of interest. [back to topics]

Heart Disease
Meta-analysis of the association between cigarette smoking and peripheral arterial disease Lu L, Mackay DF and Pell JP This analysis of 55 studies (69,521 current and 54,821 ex-smokers) found substantial evidence of an association between active smoking and peripheral arterial disease.

Infection Control
Community-associated Clostridium Difficile infection and antiobiotics: a meta-analysis. Deshpande A, Pasupuleti V, Thota P et al. This meta analysis found that antibiotic exposure was an important risk factor for the infection, but the risk was different amongst different antibiotic classes. The study concluded that risk was greatest with clindamycin followed by fluoroquinolones and cephalosporins, whereas tetracyclines were not associated with an increased risk. 9

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Items in the Guidance and Public Health sections may be of interest [back to topics]

Mental Health
Building resilient communities Mental Health Foundation This report calls on every council to prioritise mental health within their public health strategy. It brings together the evidence base and peoples experiences about what makes resilient people and communities. It offers practical steps to help teams design wellbeing and resilience services aimed at preventing the development of mental health problems, and to measure their impact. Intermittent drug techniques for schizophrenia Sampson et al. Results of this Cochrane review support the existing evidence that intermittent antipsychotic treatment is not as effective as continuous, maintained antipsychotic therapy in preventing relapse in people with schizophrenia. More research is needed to assess any potential benefits or harm. Making recovery a reality in your community The Centre for Mental Health, Drugscope and Alcohol Concern This briefing on mental health, drug and alcohol services to encourage commissioners to tackle the poorly integrated support received by those with overlapping needs Managing schizophrenia booklet for patients and carers published Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network This booklet aims to make adult patients and their families aware of the treatment and care they should expect to receive when they are experiencing psychosis or when they have been diagnosed with schizophrenia. Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network Mental health of serving and ex-Service personnel The Mental Health Foundation Trust, This document examines the research evidence on the mental health of serving and exService military personnel in the UK. 'The mental health of serving and ex-Service personnel: a review of the evidence and perspectives of key stakeholders' aims to provide a broad and deep perspective on what is known about the mental health of serving and ex-Service personnel, and so identify where further research should be targeted. 10

NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire

NICE Bites: social anxiety disorder North West Medicines Information Services This bulletin covers the assessment and management of social anxiety disorder in children and young people (from school age to 17 years) and adults. The aim of this publication is to provide healthcare professionals with a clear and succinct summary of key prescribing points taken from NICE guidance. Post-legislative scrutiny of the Mental Health Act 2007 The Health Committee This post legislative assessment aims to assess the implementation and operation of the legislation.
Items in the Guidance section may be of interest. [back to topics]

Older People
A growing care gap? The London School of Economics This article makes projections of the supply of intense unpaid care for parents aged 65 and over in England to 2032 and also examines how far this shortfall is likely to be met by other sources of unpaid care or developments in new technology, and the implications of the findings for long-term care policy. An uncertain age: reimagining long term care in the 21st century KPMG This report, commissioned by the Lien Foundation, aims to inform and stimulate the global dialogue on long term elderly care. It includes selected comments and opinions from 46 thought leaders, professionals and practitioners in the aged care sector in selected countries, gained through a series of interviews. Exploring the system-wide costs of falls in older people in Torbay The Kings Fund This paper uses Torbays unique patient-level linked data set to explore the NHS and social care costs of the care pathway for older people in the 12 months before and after being admitted to hospital as a result of a fall.


NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire Patient Care and Safety
A promise to learn a commitment to act: improving the safety of patients in England. Department of Health This review, led by Professor Don Berwick, highlights the main problems affecting patient safety in the NHS and makes recommendations to address them. Co-ordinated care for people with complex chronic conditions: case studies The Kings Fund This project involves an in-depth examination of approaches to care co-ordination undertaken in primary care settings in different parts of the UK. The project is being undertaken with five case study sites who have developed innovative primary care-based approaches to care coordination for people with complex chronic conditions.
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Pharmacy and Prescribing

Community Pharmacy teams and general practice Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee This updated document and the companion document on community pharmacy for GPs and their teams are intended to support the understanding of the respective roles of the two professions. It is hoped that a greater understanding of the roles and day to day activities of the two professions will help enhance local working relationships, to the ultimate benefit of patients. NHS prescription services: the impact of legacy ICT National Audit Office These case studies illustrate how four government bodies, including the Department of Health, are managing the risk of their legacy ICT systems: typically older ICT systems critical for the delivery of public services. Patient Group Directions NICE The guidance: Patient Group Directions (GPG2) provides good practice recommendations for individual people and organisations involved with PGDs, with the aim of ensuring patients receive safe and appropriate care and timely access to medicines, in line with legislation.


NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire

Pharmacy Survey The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) This major survey addresses the day-to-day roles and responsibilities of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians. This information will inform the development of their policies, contribute to a wider understanding of pharmacy and help predict and respond to likely changes. Royal Pharmaceutical Society Issues guidance on use of multi-compartment compliance aids RPS The report, Improving patient outcomes: the better use of MCAs calls for a patient-centred approach to designing care that helps people to best use their medicines. The Vision for NHS Community Pharmacies Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee This narrative is designed to give contractors and pharmacy teams a clear picture of how pharmacy services could be developed in practice by the new NHS commissioners.
Items in the Diabetes and Vaccination and Immunisation sections may be of interest [back to topics]

Physical Activity
Active People Survey Public Health England The latest data from this survey shows that more than half the adult population is doing the recommended amount of physical activity, but more than a quarter are not doing even 30 minutes a week and putting their health at risk. Only a third of boys and a quarter of girls meet the recommendation for at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day and almost 30 per cent of adults are active for less than 30 minutes per week

Public Health
Populations at risk for severe or complicated influenza illness: Systematic review and meta-analysis Mertz D, Hyong-Kim T and Johnston J et al. This review of 234 studies found limited evidence to support risk factors for influenza related complications and that some well accepted risk factors, including pregnancy and ethnicity, could not be confirmed as risks. Salmonella factsheet The World Health Organisation It is estimated that tens of millions of human cases occur worldwide every year and the disease results in more than one hundred thousand deaths. This updated fact sheet covers prevention methods and recommendations for public and travellers, food handlers and 13

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producers of fruits and vegetables. Smart Restart campaign Public Health England A major new Change4Life campaign that aims to help families introduce healthy changes to their school-time routines has been launched. Tuberculosis in the UK: 2013 Report Health Protection Agency The latest annual UK TB report shows that rates have stabilised over the past 7 years, following the increase from 1990 to 2005. However, the incidence remains high compared to most other Western European countries with 8751 cases in 2012 (13.9 per 100,000 population) rt/
Items in the Guidance section may be of interest [back to topics]

Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults

British Medical Association Guidance on Treating Vulnerable Patients BMA The association has produced recommendations to help health professionals in England and Wales treat adults who are being abused and do not want confidential information disclosed, even if it will help protect them from harm.

Service Management
NHS Premises Assurance Model The Department of Health This document is a management tool that provides NHS organisations with a way of measuring how well they run their estate. It supports clinical leaders and Directors of Finance and Estates to make more informed decisions on the development of their estates and facilities. It also provides important information to commissioners for use during the commissioning process and regulators in identifying risks. Routes to recovery Public Health England The new mapping manual called 'Routes to Recovery via the community'. This manual is a user-friendly, client-focused tool, designed for busy community service based key workers, responsible for large case loads of people. It includes elements of effective interventions, such as Motivational Interviewing and cognitive behavioural approaches.
Items in the Workforce sections may also be of interest.


NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire

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Social Care
Online Tool to improve provision of information and advice in social care Think Local Act Personal An alliance of over 30 national social care partners aiming to improve the delivery of personalised community-based support, has launched a set of three tools to help improve the provision of information and advice available. The three components are: an interactive map, a social care jargon buster and a set of principles, helping councils to provide high quality information and advice.
Items in the Workforce section may be of interest

Interactive map to help Stroke Patients launched Stroke Association The Stroke Association has launched an interactive map to help healthcare services support people who have had a stroke away from home

Substance Misuse
The Safer Management of Controlled Drugs Care Quality Commission (CQC) This sixth annual report into the management of controlled drugs covers all schedules of controlled drugs, including narcotics, amphetamines and anabolic steroids. It warns that whilst the arrangements for monitoring controlled drugs have worked well over the past six years, continued vigilance is needed to make sure this good practice continues. The report covers the year ending 31 December 2012.
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Vaccination and Immunisation

MMR Catch-up campaign guidance and audit requirements NHS Employers The document explains how the General Practice Extraction Service (GPES) and the Calculating Quality Reporting System (CQRS) will be used for extraction and payment purposes. ination_and_immunisation/MMRcatchup/Pages/MMRcatchupcampaigninEngland.aspx
Prenatal pertussis vaccination data collection Public Health England 15

NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire

This data collection is vital to monitor the uptake of the programme, to identify areas of low coverage and inform public health actions. To aid data collection from practices and reduce burden on area teams (ATs), a new data entry collection tool is now available on ImmForm for GPs and other vaccinating organisations. Protecting your child against Flu leaflet Primary Care Commissioning This leaflet describes the vaccination programme, the disease and the vaccine. This year, for the first time, healthy children aged 2 and 3 years will be offered the flu vaccine. At the same time, children aged 2 to 10 in certain areas of the country will also be offered the vaccine. Shingles Vaccination Programme

NHS NHS Employers, in agreement with the General Practitioners Committee of the BMA and NHS England have published a set of frequently asked questions (FAQs) for the shingles and shingles catch-up vaccination programmes and also for the childhood seasonal influenza vaccination programme CONTRACT/VACCINATION_AND_IMMUNISATION/SHINGLESVACCINATIONPRO GRAMME/Pages/Shingles.aspx

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Disability Discrimination The Law Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
The disability provisions of the Equality Act are complex and this factsheet has been created to explain those parts relevant to employment rights as they currently stand. Does it pay to care? Under-payment of the national minimum wage in the social care sector Resolution Foundation
This report highlights evidence that of the estimated 2 million care workers in the UK, up to 220,000 may be paid less than the minimum wage. Last year HMRC, which is responsible for enforcing the minimum wage, served notices on 879 employers (in all sectors) advising them of underpayments to staff.

Learning for Life Campaign for Workplace Learning

Social Partnership Forum 16

NHS Library and Information Service North Staffordshire

This follows a request by the Social Partnership Forum to NHS Employers to work with NHS Trade Unions, Department for Health and Skills for Health to create a campaign promoting work place learning. There are various materials to support the campaign including a toolkit, providing information on how NHS organisations can embed, overcome barriers and demonstrate the benefits of work place learning. Management of HIV-infected healthcare workers

Department of Health This report is the outcome of DHEs consultation on the management of HIV-infected healthcare workers and concluded that the guidance on the management of healthcare workers with HIV should be revised. Healthcare workers with HIV will carry out certain surgical and dental procedures if they are on effective treatment, have very low or undetectable levels of HIV in the blood, and are regularly monitored by both their treating and occupational health physicians. The new arrangements are expected to come into effect in 2014.

Recruiting for Values in Social Care: a new toolkit for Employers National Skills Academy for Social Care
A new values based recruitment toolkit for employers in social care has been developed.

Workplace Health and safety standards NHS Staff Council

This revised version of these standards include updated chapters on health and safety management systems to reflect HSEs Plan, Do, Check Act process; lone working and an updated chapter on sharps injuries reflecting the new health and safety (sharps instruments in healthcare) regulations 2013, as well as updated links and signposts to all relevant information


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